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DarkSpyro: The Character Catastrophie (AVATAR MISSHAP SPIN-OFF) [CLOSED]
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#551 Posted: 01:09:18 14/04/2016
ooc: yea but lets face it. i was getting nowere in the group and logically speaking I would have done it anyways but fear not for I have a solution. it's called perfect symmetry! (not really but here it is.)

As i remain hidden in shadows. i easily locate them and keep my distance. i did perfer to be a solitary one after all and i felt that in that group or any group for that matter i didn't have any friends. so i was alone again but "at least i still have you my shadow." i wisper to myself.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#552 Posted: 01:16:27 14/04/2016 | Topic Creator
((Shade, please respect other's requests in the RP, ONLY ONE PERSON WAS TO FOLLOW))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#553 Posted: 01:21:10 14/04/2016
"You're fine. I'm sure it's not your fault that everyone tried to attack you," Storm comforted Austin. "I think I used to have a paper with all sorts of natural remedies on it." She closed her eyes as she tried to remember the paper. "Lemon helps with colds, something from the stinging nettle heals stinging nettle pains, some sort of elm sap curing sore throats…nope, nothing."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#554 Posted: 01:22:42 14/04/2016
ooc: technically he's to far way for him to be with them. since he's practically just going his own way he just happens to be in a half mile radius of them. he could care less by now so if something happens he'll leave to see if it's something to do. i just put fallowing because i didn't want to go into a long winded explenation. besides he's exploring smilie
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#555 Posted: 01:27:03 14/04/2016 | Topic Creator
((Ok, as long as he doesn't run into them))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#556 Posted: 01:32:32 14/04/2016
i'll gladly try to avoid that. at least until ether you or shadow say otherwise that is.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#557 Posted: 16:52:01 14/04/2016
((I wouldn't have requested ONE for no reason. I didn't prepare for any change or whatsoever.))

I had lost track of time a long time ago. I didn't even know for how long I had been here already. It felt as if the time didn't even move. If time even existed here... I tried to disregard my anger as I felt myself heating up with it, the unfairness, no, it just wasn't right.

I gasped, I could feel my ears twitching slightly as they picked up someone's voice. Trying to rub away my tears, I turned my head into the general direction of where the noise had came from. "It's that shy girl again." I said quietly. "Why would she follow me?", I wasn't sure whether or not I should run, I wasn't in for talking at all. But this girl, why would it follow? Something told me that this wasn't just a girl, again my ears twitched. Wait did she just say that she may got something that belonged to me? I got up as I rubbed the little wetness from my eyes, slowly observing the fast approaching person.

It was only then that I realized she was holding my weapon, or stick or whatever it is called... And for some strange reason, it brought a smile onto my face, and it gave me this strange - yet relaxing feeling. Silently, I awaited her rival.
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#558 Posted: 17:37:34 14/04/2016
The room was dark. Only the ticking of nails could be heard on the ground. Every movement I made caused the rattling of chains to echo around the room.

"I'm happy you came, BlackWing..." I heard a voice say before the lights flicked on. I squeezed my eyes to fight the sudden light.

"I didn't come here by myself!" I could hear myself shout in anger.

"Yes yes. I don't really care by what means you came here..." A black scaled dragon, with silver leathered wings spoke. His crimson eyes pierced through my soul like an arrow.

"Let me go!" I heard myself scream in aggravation.

The dragon begun to laugh with a high pitched tone, before it raced a single claw through my upper left arm, causing a cut to be clearly visible. He then walked over to a small box, and opened it.
My eyes widened at the contents of the box.

"I'm dark52... remember?" The dragon spoke. "-and you were foolish enough to stay." He held up a red object. It was small, but its glow was strong enough to make me gawk in terror. With a strong amount of violence, he pushed the red object into the fresh cut dark52 made, no, he pushed a Red Chain part into me, then sealed the wound using his purple dragon breath, leaving an unusual, large, thunderbolt shaped scar. He performed a similar act on my right upper arm. Then once more on the upper half of my chest.

I screamed, not in pain, but in realization I was doomed to be cursed...-


"AAAGH! GET OFF ME DARK!" I shouted in pure terror, but then the noise stopped, leaving me gaping for air instead. I felt warm, sweaty. I was shaking. NEVER did I wanted to see THAT again.

"I-I...It's...a-alr-righ...J-j-juuust a dream... yeeeaahhhahaha... Just, a, dream..." I spoke to myself in panic. I wanted to get up, but then it shot back to me; my leg. I looked down at my leg, and saw a bird picking on my leg. I hissed, making it flee in surprise.

"Uung... stupid birds. Now this isn't a cut, but a flesh wound." I hissed in pure anger. I slowly got up, and clumsily hopped towards the door. I opened it, and went inside. I made my way towards a bed that stood a bit in the corner, and pulled along a first aid kit that laid on a nearby dresser.

The familiar click of the kit opening gave a weak feeling of relief. Knowing I now was able to apply the elixir I had made myself and then bandage the wound. I slowly took out the bottle, opened its lit and applied the slimy substance onto the wound, once I had done so, I wrapped a bandage around the wound. Throughout this process, I winced, gasped and yelped in pain multiple times. I examined the place carefully afterwards. Seeing it seemed to be protected and ready to go into the healing process, I went to the other side of this room.

Oddly enough, the inside of this room wasn't blue like the tree was on the outside. the furniture in this room wasn't blue either. I passed a desk with a few quills on them, the dresser and a chair. Other than that, not really much, other then a mech-like object stuffed in the far corner. I grabbed it, and attached it to my left leg. It looked like I was no half made of metal, yet this machine simply served as a support, forcing me to walk on the metal leg, rather than my actual leg, allowing for it to recover. Once I had it sealed and secured, I went back outside and began re-gathering the tools and items I had dropped before. I tossed it all in a single box. "Not in the mood for sorting today." I mumbled, looking down at my legs. "Ungh, fine, only you then." I said, letting a small smile appear on my legs as I grab the cat plush and lay it down on the pillow that rested on the bed. I then slip into the bed myself.

I looked at the door, which was wide open, allowing anyone to come in. There were no predators around here, only birds, so it wouldn't hurt leaving the door open. I pull the blanket over my body, yet making sure it wouldn't touch the wounded leg. I then take out a watch from out of my pockets, and put it around my wrist. I lay the arm with the watch atop of the blanket as it emitted a dim light.

"So... they're using the tracker, I see." I said, smiling a little. "I'll leave this open to see for them if they arrive, so they know it's me. If they're close, it should respond..." I said quietly before closing my eyes. "I need rest... I desperately need rest... No... I need help... but how... how will they"

I became numb, falling into a much-deserved rest.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:45:04 14/04/2016 by BlackWing116
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#559 Posted: 19:44:36 14/04/2016
"It doesn't matter, in a survival situation an injured person is a burden. I just hope we can find Blackwing before I get hurt again by trying to be useful" I said with a frown as we walked
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#560 Posted: 19:54:00 14/04/2016 | Topic Creator
((The character I got turned into is a guy, but it's ok, because even in the anime most mistake him for a girl smilie))

As I approached, I looked down at the fire type pokemon and handed them the tree branch, a signature item for the Braixen species. "..I don't know how you managed to launch it, but it almost hit me in the face..." I muttered, "But anyways, I kinda knew it was yours, not many tree branches around here are scorched as little as this. It's either they're not scorched at all or someone used it for fire wood," I said, trying to joke a little but it really didn't work.

"I-I'm sorry if Ragnarock scared you a bit back there, he's not going to hurt you, I-I promise, or at least I'll try to make him not hurt you...He's just really mean sometimes.." I then added. "So....The whole user turned avatar thing, I'm starting to remember it, I almost remember my own username...I think they were right when they called me Prex, but that's all I can remember from it,"
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#561 Posted: 20:35:16 14/04/2016
ooc: in fact in the manga Chrona is a girl yet in the anime Chrona is a girl.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#562 Posted: 20:37:44 14/04/2016
Quote: ShadeTheDragon
ooc: in fact in the manga Chrona is a girl yet in the anime Chrona is a girl.

Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:41:54 14/04/2016 by ShadowStorm
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#563 Posted: 20:40:11 14/04/2016 | Topic Creator
((I'm going by Anime Chrona, and Chrona's called a he in the anime, I havent read the manga.

So in this RP Chrona's a he smilie

They changed the character's gender when they made the anime.))
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:43:47 14/04/2016 by prextail202
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#564 Posted: 21:11:37 14/04/2016
As I listened, I started to realize who this person was for real. I felt seriously stupid, thinking that he was a girl… You’re dumb you know… I was happy that he was able to retrieve my – well, weapon after my futile attempt on flying. I at least know that it works, just had to get it under control… She- or rather he, seemed seriously anxious, as if there was something odd going on inside his head. Focus dumbass! I remembered her – god… HIM, talking about this… Other guy? I cannot remember, it all felt so unclear to me. As if it, as, I don’t know. It felt wrong. But that wasn’t anything new. It almost, sounds as if he lost his memory…

“I…” I paused, “P-prex? As in, Prextail?” Was this an actual DarkSpyro user? Oh god… That, oh no…
As I tried to answer, I sheepishly put my weapon back into the middle of my tail, at least to keep it save. I should’ve read this BulbaPedia crap… After fiddling with my tail, I glanced back at the other person. “So… Is it true then? Are you Prextail?” I wasn’t sure if I was even making sense or not, as he was giving me this strange yet unreadable expression. I just had to try, I had to at least try to get as much information as possible. Currently, this person was the only one that I could reme-… “Wait…” My voice suddenly lowering in volume, as I somewhat started to understand the situation, as far as it goes at least. “This… Are you? Am I?” My head started hurting again, a throbbing aching feeling stung me as if it were a shot through my brain. I gritted my teeth, trying to push back the pain. “Uhg, my head…” I felt getting numb all over again, my vision started to swim. “Oh.. please…” I bagged, as I lost my balance, crashing hard onto the ground… “Please help me…”
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9522
#565 Posted: 21:23:48 14/04/2016
"Hey!" I barked, snapping my- er -"fingers" at Austin. "Quit talking like that! You might feel like you're useless here, but you're doing more than you think." To be perfectly frank, I would've given up a long time ago if it wasn't for Austin. He was a motivator for me. He's my best friend. And the thought of what might happen to him out here was the only thing keeping me going. I was quick to explain all this to him in a kind but firm tone. "It bums me out hearing you talk like that, so just cut it out."

After a while, the device hung around my furry neck had begun to start beeping like mad, and I looked up to see quite the unusual sight. It was a tree, but not just any tree. This tree bore leaves as blue as the Caribbean Sea, and it had been renovated into a sort of house as well, with a door and windows installed and everything. It looked like something plucked right from the pages of a storybook. This must be the place. I invited myself in and made myself at home. Hopefully BlackWing won't mind.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#566 Posted: 22:56:14 14/04/2016
"Sorry Sky" I said as I followed him inside. I looked around and saw what looked like Blackwing in a bed. The blue glow from her watch let me see that she was asleep. "Guys, be quiet, she's resting" I said before letting out a slight yawn. "Speaking of resting... I'm tired... Maybe she won't mind if I curl up under her bed" I said before going under the bed to sleep
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#567 Posted: 23:12:29 14/04/2016
((Yes Austin, that is totally not creepy at all... smilie))
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#568 Posted: 23:34:16 14/04/2016
I silently opened my eyes, disturbed by the sudden noises of scuffles and some creep hiding under my bed. I groaned, and got up. My eyes were blurry, and I couldn't see anywhere near clear. I carefully move my injured leg, and slowly feel if the mechanical leg was still attached, which it was. I carefully set it down, but not on the ground...

"Hmm...?" I groaned quietly before looking down. I could see a figure below me, and quite literally plucked it off the ground. I then rubbed my eyes to see who or what it was, but my eyes wouldn't give in on the fact I was awake yet again.

"Who are you?" I groaned in tiredness, my eyes half focused on the being who, without my realization, was Austin. "Who do you think you are creeping under my bed?" I asked, sleepiness clearly noticble in my voice. In fact, I want too tired, and I quickly lost grip of Austin, dropping him on the ground like a bag of potatoes. Groaning, I slipped back into bed, making sure my damaged leg was exposed while still pulling the blankets over my body. "Hmmg...." I groaned once more. "Whoever you are I highly suggest you not touching th-...zzz..." I was able to blurt out before falling back asleep.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:37:30 14/04/2016 by BlackWing116
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#569 Posted: 00:38:57 15/04/2016
((I'd just like to check and make sure where I am. I think I'm with Austin and Foxtail, but others could think differently.))
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#570 Posted: 00:51:59 15/04/2016
((Not sure. I think you were following Dam in silence))
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9522
#571 Posted: 01:07:34 15/04/2016
Quote: StormDragon21
((I'd just like to check and make sure where I am. I think I'm with Austin and Foxtail, but others could think differently.))

[Yeah, I was under the impression you were with Austin and I.]
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#572 Posted: 01:10:15 15/04/2016
"Sorry Blackwing" I said "I was tired" I looked at her leg "You too? I know! Tomorrow I can help you since we both have injured legs"

((Prex, did you get my pm?))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:48:45 15/04/2016 by EyeBrawler2014
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#573 Posted: 01:33:19 15/04/2016

"Ookay..? Storm asked. "I've seen dragons twice my size and dead people who come back to life. I've seen humans with wings and heard voices in my head. I'm a dragon. But a blue palm tree is a bit too much to understand." She knocked on the bark of the tree with her front paws. "Anyone home? Other than the fox and the kid?"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#574 Posted: 01:40:59 15/04/2016
((Darmed prexy i need you. smilie you guys are doing a great job keep it up))
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
prextail202 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4039
#575 Posted: 02:43:17 15/04/2016 | Topic Creator
I didnt get much time to respond to the user's sudden reaction at who I REALLY was until they started to look a bit dizzy. My eyes widened with a little fear as I quickly tried to grab them so they wouldn't fall down, but I didnt catch Braixen in time, and tried to help them up. I don't know how to deal with this! "O-Oh no!" I said, starting to panic a little, "S-Stay in there! I-I don't know what I'll do if you faint!" I said, "I-I-Uhhh..." I tried to think of a way to help out but I really had no ideas. I didn't know what to do.

If only there was a safe place I could get my fluffy friend to, and fast.
di ****n molto or whatever I guess
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#576 Posted: 12:46:22 15/04/2016
"SHUT UP!" I suddenly bellowed on top of my longs.

CLANK! The sound of metal colliding with the wooden floor echoed through the room, then a small gawk coming from my mouth.

I had jumped out of my bed in irritation and rage. I was woken up yet again, again and I wasn't happy, I was FAR from happy.

"Can't you all see I'm trying to fight insomnia here!?" I said, gritting my teeth and glaring at the three users.

"I'm suffering from depression, a curse, and ALOT of stress! I have a injured leg that tries to heal itself with the assist of a mechanical leg and I'm NOT in for any, more, trouble!"

With every word I spoke, tiredness attacked my body, and before I knew it, I almost fell back asleep, my figure collapsing on the floor. The blankets that once were on me now had wrapped itself around me by the many movements I had made. "Y-you can talk... just... keep it quiet..." I pleaded with a whisper.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:03:12 15/04/2016 by BlackWing116
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#577 Posted: 18:56:38 15/04/2016
"Sorry..." I whispered "Hold on" I said softly as I went and looked for a spit to sleep too
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
ShadowStorm Yellow Sparx Gems: 1461
#578 Posted: 19:45:40 16/04/2016
An aching/throbbing pain lurched through my head, trying to hurt me. What could this pain be, that would cause such a distress? I needed to relax. Someone’s trying to call my name, I could hear it. I could feel it. Curse you, wake up! Something didn’t add up. This couldn’t be right. You emotional idiot, stop your worries and get yourself together! So much anger, so much confusion, all of this is just too Much!!!

I could feel my ears twitching again, along with my hands. There’s hope… I have to believe in it. There is hope… Like my mom used to tell me; “Don’t let yourself down my child, there’s always hope to guide you on your journey.” I shouldn’t blame her, if not any. No, I can only blame the one who’s responsible for this, this… Transformation? Kidnapping? Game? That I wasn’t dreaming had been clear already. This aching feeling in my head was far too real to deny. This was all happening, for whatever reason.

"Don’t faint on me!"

Gosh darned, don’t you do this to him! I tried to shake my head, wishing that my mind would shut up for a change. I could feel my legs again, as if the world was pulling me back, back from dreamland. Even though I wasn’t dreaming, I did wish it was all but just a dream.

I could hear myself making inquisitive noises, all just to assure that I was still breathing, I fought with the urge to just lay back down, to just forget about this. They hadn’t noticed me stirring. I know I should wake up, he knew, but there was precious little point. My entire head still hurt, a dull ache, now, but that wasn’t why I wanted to ignore the call and let sleep take me. When I sleep, I dream, and that, none can take away from me. No walls could steal away the freedom that came with sleep.

Time, yes time lost meaning. Again I awoken to a noise. The person kneeled next to me, trying to wake me. I had barely entertained the thought of going back to sleep before it was gone. When my eyes fluttered open again, it was day. Nothing strange, as time didn’t matter anymore. I could make out the different colours again. It felt good, strange – yet good. I wanted to cry, cry for just the sake of crying. But my mouth was so dry. Fearing that my voice would sound rather hoarse than normal. And it wasn’t anywhere near normal already.

As my sight started to visually adjust itself, it was my physical form to do the rest. I was awake, but I couldn’t seem to control my body just yet. As if it was still trying to boot itself. Another urge to scream in distress and insanity quickly died down, before it could have the better of me. What was wrong with me? This wasn’t normal, and nothing, I just know nothing wasn’t normal at all. I had to believe, I had to hope.

“I…” I shimmered weekly, trying to remain as calm as possible. “I believe in hope...” Such an odd thing to say, but I wanted to say it. I wanted to continue, and so I did. Slowly, finding my own balance again, I released myself from whatever little was holding me. Getting back on my feet, I continued, “I… I’m sorry for this… I am overreacting.” A wave of shame and dejection washed over me, no denial to it. I was a weakling. I turned away, facing the opposite direction before continuing.

“Ever since Cupcake and I weren’t able to spend as much time together as we should, it felt wrong and incorrect.” Cupcake… A nickname I gave my girlfriend more than a year ago… It felt normal to say.
I sighed, turning back to face the other person. “I miss her. It has made me upset, and sometimes even depressed. Now me stuck here. Will I ever see her again?” I wanted to cry again, but this time not for the sake of it, but out of sadness. “I…” I continued, in a soft and calm tone, “I gave her something not too long ago… It was a TY-Plush cat… Its name was Tabitha… It was to celebrate our year and a half anniversary…” I sat down, not planning on going anywhere anytime soon. “I wish to be able to tell her that I’m sorry… Sorry for acting so mean and rude… I just miss her.” I looked up, trying to rub away my tears. “And I know I shouldn’t be so harsh on myself. But this is probably just my punishment for doing so.” I took in a deep breath before letting it out again, and only then, I realized that I had to get out of here. And not just ‘get out of here’ but to get out of HERE. “We need help…” I tried to put as much hope into my voice as possible. “We need hope, and a lot of it if we want to get out of this, virtual reality world. Can you help me? “ Pleading eyes, determined on breaking free of this world.
Discord: ShaOriDow#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#579 Posted: 14:12:43 17/04/2016
I silently sat up again, staring at the three users present in the room. I gave them a awkward smile before climbing back onto the bed. "I-I'm sorry... I just realy didn't had a great time walking home..." I said before gesturing towards my left leg, which now just lazely hang there. "I guess I'm lucky for having this... metal... thing... but..eegh..." I grumbled before looking down. "There's too much going on. You guys suddenly come in, this curse, this, this whole thing..."
I laid down again. "I guess I'm happy I'm not alone..." I said before closing my eyes yet again.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#580 Posted: 16:54:19 17/04/2016
"Its ok buddy, I injured my leg too" I said "I hope I can help you relax tomorrow"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#581 Posted: 17:37:28 17/04/2016
I rolled over, facing Eyebrawler, but fell out of bed, straight on my left leg. I jerked up from the pain. "Uck... I-I'm fine..." I said, getting up. I checked if my leg was alright, and smiled to see now damage. I was too tired to climb back in bed, though. "Ehe... this is somewhat weird, but can somebody help me back up?"
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#582 Posted: 18:03:00 17/04/2016
"Let me try" I said as I limped over. I tried to help you up. "Is there a way I can keep you from falling out of bed again?"
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#583 Posted: 18:08:54 17/04/2016
"Haha." I laughed. "I'm just not focussed." I sat stragith up and looked at Eyebrawler with a smile. "I apologize for my rather rude appearance before. Here, let me make that up." I said, standing up. I clumsily began to walk out of the room. "Wait there, don't touch anything tech like!" I called before walking out of view.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#584 Posted: 18:38:22 17/04/2016
"Ok buddy" I said, I hoped that she was going to be ok
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#585 Posted: 20:16:37 17/04/2016
Silently, I walked over to a small bulding attached to the tree. without a word, I went inside of it and grabbed a box, then walked back out. On the way back, I felt a strong pain in my left leg. I gritted my teath. "Even with this leg... The pain is worse then it should've.." I put the box down, and tried to soften the pain, but something didn't add up. I picked the box back up, and hastely walked inside, trying to ignore the pain. Once inside, I put the box on a table and openend it. trying to bite the pain in my leg away, I spoke. "J-just take what's in the box... You guys are hungry, after all..." I said before sitting back on the bed. I took the leg off, and grabbed a small wrench. I began to tighten it's screws, hoping that would help.

After tweaking with it, I put it back on, and stood up to test it out. "Good, adding that piece of metal worked... for now..." I grumbled, now looking at not only the leg, but a round piece of metal surrounding my whole lower leg.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#586 Posted: 22:56:12 17/04/2016
I walked over to the box. "What is it?" I asked
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#587 Posted: 00:04:32 18/04/2016
"Food." I mumbled. "Eat what you can. I'm going for a experimental walk." I said before walking out once again.

I needed to get used to this metal addition on my body. Best way to do that was go for a walk. Knowing Skyhunter, Eyebralwer and Stormdragon, they'll find themselves able to navigate in the room. It's a pretty small room anyways...

as I walked through the thick abyss of trees, I began to notice people a bit further away. With much trouble, I attempt to come closer. I saw the Braixen, and Prex. Seeing both converse together, I decided for once it wasn't a good idea to confront them or come closer. However, I saw shade further in the distance as well. Gritting my teath, I made a cut, and went for a different direction, hoping no one saw me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:23:53 19/04/2016 by BlackWing116
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#588 Posted: 00:49:28 18/04/2016
"So, admittedly I am a bit hungry..." Storm said. "Think we should take it back to the others?" She walked over to the box and grabbed an apple.

C'mon, can't you enjoy a delicacy by yourself? T'sara teased.

"Quiet!" Storm hissed. "Uhhh...oops. Sorry. You guys can be as loud as you want. It's a bit hard to explain, but I wasn't directing it to you."

You're blowing our cover. Stop it.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#589 Posted: 01:18:38 18/04/2016
I took an apple as well "I hope she will be ok, she's one my best friends. I thought she was dead" I said
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9522
#590 Posted: 01:33:50 18/04/2016
I curiously cocked my head when Storm suddenly hissed for someone to "Be Quiet!" Who's she talking to? She said it wasn't directed toward us, but with BlackWing going out, who could she be referring to? Come to think of it, I seemed to recall her saying something about "hearing voices", but I didn't give it much thought. Like I said, something like that was almost never a good thing, especially in a place like this. But at the moment, I was too hungry to dwell on it, so I helped myself to some fried chicken from the box.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#591 Posted: 02:30:16 18/04/2016
I notice Blackwing approaching them and said to myself "well hello their." I hop down from the tree I'm in and decide to take the long way around to say hello (long way being to walk in an unnessisary arch away from shadow and prex)
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#592 Posted: 16:51:59 18/04/2016
Um hi, are you still accepting? I've been looking at this for a while now and I'd like to join. Though, I just want to be sure you're still accepting.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#593 Posted: 16:16:24 21/04/2016
[[I'll try getting prex on for ya, Starlight. I've not seen her saying anywhere it's closed or unjoinable, so I think IMO you're fine to join in.]]

I looked behiend myself, seeing Shade trying to go into a archbow towards me. I grit my teeth once again. I wasn't meant to be spotted, nor followed. With my hurt leg, there was no way I'd be able to climb a tree, but I was stubborn enough to do it anyways. I began to climb into a tree, holding on tight with my hands. I sit on the first suitable branch [ossible, and watch Shade come closer.
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#594 Posted: 16:52:00 21/04/2016
Alright, thank you. I guess I'll go ahead an post my character:

Name: Has a real name but goes by Starlight
Gender: Female

Character 1: Chrome Cynder (main) http://vignette2.wikia.nocooki...=20120502180742
Character 2: Starlight Shine (Just my avatar)
Character 3: Alternate Spyro http://vignette3.wikia.nocooki...=20160207210904
Character 4: Midnight
Character 5: Flashwing http://vignette1.wikia.nocooki...=20121117065259
Character 6: Chrome Spyro http://vignette1.wikia.nocooki...=20110503065816

Personality: Nice and sometimes a bit overly nice. A little shy when meeting someone new. Hardheaded sometimes and somewhat determined.
BlackWing116 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1480
#595 Posted: 16:54:53 21/04/2016
[[Lol, that's alot of dragons xD. I'll try to contact prex once more]]
Starlight_Shine Yellow Sparx Gems: 1100
#596 Posted: 17:00:26 21/04/2016
What can I say? I'm a dragaboo. ^^; Thank you anyway for the help, Blackwing.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#597 Posted: 17:29:22 01/05/2016
ooc: guys you still here?
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#598 Posted: 18:02:06 01/05/2016
My 6 Characters:

Falco: [User Posted Image]

Freddy Fazbear: [User Posted Image]

Toy Bonnie: [User Posted Image]

Spry: [User Posted Image]

Adventure Nightmare Fredbear: [User Posted Image]

Adventure Mangle/Funtime Foxy: [User Posted Image]
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:02:34 01/05/2016 by Pokemon2
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758
#599 Posted: 18:38:25 01/05/2016
((I don't know what's going on either.))

"Well, I guess I hope that your best friend will be fine," Storm comforted. "If you don't mind, I'm taking this to the others. I'm sure they'd be happy to have some." She clutched the box between her front paws and flew out of the room.

That was how she imagined it would play out. In all actuality, Storm half-leapt, half-flew threw most of the room, and she forgot about the door. She was small enough to fit through the door with her wings folded, but her outstretched wings were caught on the wall and she fell. She scrambled back up, but the contents of the box were spilled.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#600 Posted: 09:54:07 03/05/2016
I limped over as fast as I could "Are you ok?" I asked as I helped Storm up
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
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