

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders in Canada [CLOSED]
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#501 Posted: 12:17:37 19/03/2012 has legendary trigger happy in stock
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#502 Posted: 14:36:06 19/03/2012
^cool good find!

So do you fellow Canadians think tomorrow will be the big day.....more Skylanders???

My toys r Us said to call back tomorrow??? Interesting...could be just saying that too???

Northern Ontario
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#503 Posted: 15:32:40 19/03/2012
I think I will swing by the local TRU during my lunch break and after work each day this week... see what I can find. Something tells me they'll see something show up this week.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#504 Posted: 18:57:03 19/03/2012
Hopefully they get some in! smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#505 Posted: 20:40:36 19/03/2012
at the moment is seems like it will come the 21st
Green Bean Machine
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#506 Posted: 20:52:48 19/03/2012
Just got Blue Bash in Calgary!!
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#507 Posted: 21:36:58 19/03/2012
The ebgames I usuually go to got a small shipment in last friday and the manager said he was very surprise because acti has told them they shouldnt expect anything for about a month. Today at tru i asked them about the 21st because of the states thing. They said they have been told not to expect anything new until begining of april.
jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#508 Posted: 23:15:03 19/03/2012
i live in calgary (canada) and I noticed toys R us is a good place to look. my friend found a BLUE bash there.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#509 Posted: 00:12:45 20/03/2012
they had the blue bash at my tru but not when i was there i know this because of the price tags blue bash but it was 10.99 that is more than usual
Green Bean Machine
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#510 Posted: 21:18:52 20/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Toys r us in whoitby and pickering got like 25 singles and 10 triple packs today but no blue bash or wave 4's just wave 3's but i did end up grabbing another cynder so it wasnt a total waste of a trip. Do tru get more then one shippment a week does anyone know? My tru have not recieved any blue bash's according to the manager that i talk to at tru But they seem to be in ontario tru stores hope i see some soon. Are Blue Bash's gonna be makeing it to all the tru's or just some?
Gold_guardian Gold Sparx Gems: 2370
#511 Posted: 21:44:21 20/03/2012
Called the local toys r us in Oakville Ontario. They said they aren't doing the 21st event smilie
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#512 Posted: 22:36:02 20/03/2012
my store had blue bash tags but now the have triple packs but no items when i went strange
Green Bean Machine
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#513 Posted: 13:38:49 21/03/2012
The last time I have seen any Skylanders at my local TRU is when Legendary Trigger Happy was released. I walk in looking for Cynder and friends and see a useless (to me) wall overflowing with Trigger Happy. There must have been 40-50 of them.

I was considering going to TRU at opening today to see what they have, if anything, but I suspect the wall is still empty.
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#514 Posted: 14:35:16 21/03/2012
was at tru when they opened this morning and they had a handfull of old singles and about 5 triple packs, all older stuff wave 1-3
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#515 Posted: 15:08:38 21/03/2012
I went to TRU 30 minutes after they opened and there was no one there, but a bunch of Skylanders on the shelf. It was all wave 3. Two of each single and four of each triple pack. I bought the two Cynders and left the others. I saw a couple moms with kids come in after me, so I hope they get something they want.

I still need Empire of Ice, which I haven't seen nor have heard being delivered to any of my local stores.
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#516 Posted: 16:04:56 21/03/2012 | Topic Creator
As funny as it sounds i got my EOI at walmart in Ontario Canada of all places and it was the only thing they got in bedises some starter packs. Mind you this was 2 months ago now. But i still can't believe i got it at walmart. Ihad never before or since seen anything there so i don't know how i got it LOL
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#517 Posted: 17:11:55 21/03/2012
I spoke with a girl at TRU in Calgary and she said that they aren't expecting to get the shipment until the 23rd, and that the lsat shipment she got was sold out in 3 hours. Thankfully the wife is on Mat leave right now lol... she can go hang out on shipment day and snatch up anything we are missing that is in the shipment. Going ot have her call today and make sure they aren't getting anything... as it doesn't appear anyone has the same information about when things are coming in.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#518 Posted: 17:57:58 21/03/2012
The only restock of Skylanders I have seen at my Walmart since Christmas is a display full of Pirate Seas. Nothing else. I live within 2 minute walking time of the store, so I check often.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#519 Posted: 20:26:21 21/03/2012
future shop had smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie nothing at tru and smilie smilie smilie smiliebut no wave 4 this is so annoying Canadians NEVER get any thing new first this always happens
Green Bean Machine
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:27:28 21/03/2012 by zook it up
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#520 Posted: 21:09:30 21/03/2012
Where do you live Zook? I'm tempted to go huntin after work today in Calgary, but everywhere I have been has had empty shelves for at least the last month and a half.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#521 Posted: 21:10:49 21/03/2012
Canada got Legendary Trigger Happy first, so your claim is incorrect.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#522 Posted: 23:32:26 21/03/2012
never found smilie but that is the only exception i and grandlethal i live in Ontario
Green Bean Machine
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#523 Posted: 01:18:39 22/03/2012
Not totally^ true .........Blue Bash showed up here first too!
We are only usually a few days behind the States anyways, would not be surprised if we do not see something in the next few days?

Only old figures in stock March 21st Northern Ontario.
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:19:26 22/03/2012 by JAP28
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#524 Posted: 03:20:49 22/03/2012
Quote: GameMaster78
Someone should hook me up. Starting to think helping others here was a bad idea, since I never get help. smilie

Boo freaking hoo
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#525 Posted: 04:54:45 22/03/2012
I plan on being at my local TRU at 11am in hopes of something good.

I have already told my six-year-old daughter that new Skylanders are coming that day. She doesn't know that I have Cynder and Double Trouble hidden in my room. If TRU lets us down that day, I can break those out for us to use. I was trying to save them until I got a bunch of new figures. Replaying the game when you only have one or two new figures isn't the same as having a few new ones.
Sakura Mazaki Green Sparx Gems: 468
#526 Posted: 12:17:06 22/03/2012 has the 3 pack with whirlwind, double trouble, drill sergant
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#527 Posted: 12:29:48 22/03/2012
Quote: Sakura Mazaki has the 3 pack with whirlwind, double trouble, drill sergant

Yah I just saw that this morning! Good find for people that need those characters!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#528 Posted: 17:04:20 22/03/2012
I heard some sad news... Dragon's Peak for Canada won't be released until next Friday (March 30th)! smilie Something to do with the flyer next week. They thought it would be this Friday but it has now been pushed back!!
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#529 Posted: 18:00:43 22/03/2012
lol, I went to look at the TRU website and everything except the game shows as sold out already. The only one I need in there is Whirlwind, but I am almost willing to pay the $19.99 for one new character.

My wife called the TRU in CrossIron and they aren't getting anything until the 30th apparently. I guess that is to go with the flyer. Really hoping that the girl at the Sunridge location was right about a shipment tomorrow though. My wife will be there when the doors open... Funny that I started doing this for my 9 year old daughter and now I am more caught up in it than she is smilie
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#530 Posted: 18:19:20 22/03/2012
I just checked the online flyer for my area March 23 - 29th and the only thing in there is that the console versions of the starter packs are on sale for $20 off regular price. Nothing about new characters or more characters for the 30th.
Collection List and image
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#531 Posted: 18:41:33 22/03/2012
Just as a heads up, it appears that EBGames/Gamestop has gotten a shipment of older in today in the Calgary area. Each store seems to have different stuff, but I managed to convince the wife to go shopping around, so she is off and running to find stock (Sounds like she already has an empire of Ice on hold lol). The only supply I know for sure is Sunridge mall (work a minute away from it) and they have Drobot, Stump Smash, Bash and Sonic Boom (picked up Drobot as it was one that I missed just before Christmas).

Happy hunting smilie
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#532 Posted: 18:53:16 22/03/2012
Marlborough Mall & Deerfoot Mall in Calgary - EB Games got some "older" characters in this morning. Still going to TRU in the morning... I have been doing it for the last 3 months why stop now! lol
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#533 Posted: 19:00:02 22/03/2012
yup, she just picked up Whirlwind and Empire of Ice. Checking a few other locations that are close. I'd love to get Cynder, Zap, and Dinorang.

Anyone have a list of the ones still not released (exluding this wave 4). Just wondering if Camo, Whamshell and Warnado are out already and I just have never seen them.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
Gaiaknight Blue Sparx Gems: 792
#534 Posted: 19:20:07 22/03/2012
camo, warnado, and wham-shell are yet to be released
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#535 Posted: 20:11:57 22/03/2012
my future shop only has :er: but nothing at tru but eb games had smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie and the smilie smilie smilie three pack
Green Bean Machine
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:12:13 22/03/2012 by zook it up
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#536 Posted: 20:46:39 22/03/2012
i ordered the three pack from TRU this morning but the status is back ordered now. Should I even bother to keep it or just cancel?

Flamethrower Green Sparx Gems: 469
#537 Posted: 00:05:46 23/03/2012
Quote: gbone
i ordered the three pack from TRU this morning but the status is back ordered now. Should I even bother to keep it or just cancel?

if your order went through you will be fine
Ones we own |smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#538 Posted: 00:46:28 23/03/2012
yea I'm just thinking how long will I have to wait for them to restock but your right I might as well just wait it out.

Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#539 Posted: 00:58:39 23/03/2012
My local EBgames has yet to see a single Empire of Ice according to two different full-time employees. There have been plenty of older figures though.
Zing Blue Sparx Gems: 616
#540 Posted: 15:00:02 23/03/2012
I checked TRU today. Nothing.
Futureshop had six individual figures.
EBGames had just received two boxes of figures. Both had the exact same figures. Wave 3.

I did buy a few of the hard to find ones, like Bash and Sonic Boom, with the intent to trade here, but I see that trading is forbidden on the forums for some odd reason.
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#541 Posted: 15:45:06 23/03/2012
TRU in Calgary (Sunridge) did get a shipment, but it was just Wave 3 stuff. Managed to get Cynder at least... just need Dino and Zap and I am caught up until I can find wave 4 here.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#542 Posted: 17:05:31 23/03/2012
Nothing still in Northern Ontario!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#543 Posted: 17:43:48 23/03/2012
I got to the ebgames in the train yards shopping area in ottawa ontario just before there shipment of singles. They had nine 3packs from this mornings shipment, 3 of the double trouble pack, 3 of the stump smash pack, and dont remember the 3rd but it was a wave 1. The singles they got where drobot, whirlwind, sonic boom, eruptor, bash, stump smash. I got one of the bash.

Trus at st laurent mall had nothing but starters, and the best buy down the road had nothing but starters also.
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#544 Posted: 18:12:16 23/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Same here my toys r us got some more wave 3 in but nothing else. :-( Hopefully next week.
gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#545 Posted: 18:40:34 23/03/2012
Just picked up empire of ice at a wal-mart in Toronto. I saw a scalper pick up the only other one and two of the pirate seas pack. that only left two pirate seas packs and nothing else. I also went to ebgames and they said they sold out yesterday.

gbone Green Sparx Gems: 205
#546 Posted: 18:48:30 23/03/2012 has triple packs back in stock:

Wrecking Ball/Stealth Elf/Sonic Boom

Drobot/Flameslinger/Stump Smash

Whirlwind/Double Trouble/Drill Sergeant

Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#547 Posted: 19:05:30 23/03/2012
really wish they had the Dino/Hex/Zap 3-pack smilie
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
shaun59 Red Sparx Gems: 81
#548 Posted: 23:15:23 23/03/2012
Saw multiple stump smash, drobot, flamslinger 3 packs at EB Games Halifax Shopping Center, plus a handful of single. Plus one Pirate Ship pack. Hoping to find a Death Peak pack at TRU Sunday. Fingers crossed.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#549 Posted: 23:17:13 23/03/2012
whats death peak?
Green Bean Machine
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#550 Posted: 23:25:25 23/03/2012
^death Peak that sounds better!!!!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
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