

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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High School vs. Aliens (Private)
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#451 Posted: 04:50:13 29/03/2014
OOC: The GM will come and decide if she deems it acceptable. Until then, just kick back and relax. smilie

Mort didn't think much on Zurgon's extroverted nature; it didn't bother him nearly as much as it did Syndral. He hoped that she could learn to cope with it soon; they had to get up close and personal to discover any weaknesses.

As if he read his thoughts, Shane asked a question regarding Diane. "Well, no. We're acquaintances... friends, really," he replied, stiffening slightly.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:47:12 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#452 Posted: 04:57:42 29/03/2014
"Oh...I see." Zurgon kicked his legs up onto the seats below him and leaned back, he was far more laid back than any of the other students in the class, a lot of them seemed tense and nervous. "Cuz, I thought you were in love with her or something, Ooh! A Nickel!" Zurgon could change subjects faster than anyone could, he bent over and picked up the shiny coin, he was fascinated by Earth's currency system, on Zurgon's home planet they used cards which were scanned and currency was transferred.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#453 Posted: 05:14:38 29/03/2014
Mort observed Shane's relaxed nature, which he found intriguing. He looked like he didn't have a care in the world, as opposed to the other students, who seemed awfully insecure. He wondered if their behavior had anything to do with their teacher. Gym teachers tended to be strict and fearsome, according to his Earth studies. Although, there was the occasional exception.

At Shane's remark, Mort groaned audibly. "Oh, of course, just because a guy's friends with a girl, they obviously must be in love with them, right? It only makes perfect sense!" he said sarcastically, his tone defensive. He sat up from his slouching position. "Seriously, why does everyone think that? It's not like I follow her around all the time like a duck! I'm not always around her, I don't always want to be around her! I don't go looking for her every second of the day!"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:56:42 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#454 Posted: 05:19:57 29/03/2014
Zurgon laughed a bit, noticing how flustered he had made Mort. Love was something big on his planet, there would be mating rituals every two months where those who had come of age would circle up and chose a mate, it was quite odd and Zurgon always disproved of it as he thought love couldn't be easily acquire, but earned through many hardships. "It sounds like you've got a thing for her, Y'know what they say about attraction, attraction is the opposite....attracting....opposites of magnets...I forgot." Zurgon himself had never been in love and didn't know what it felt like, so he was interested in the subject matter.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#455 Posted: 05:31:32 29/03/2014
"I do not have a thing for her. This has been established already." Beneath his disguise, his hairs were prickling and his skin was burning, indicating that he was flushing from embarrassment. He could only pray that Syndral wasn't hearing them at the moment, and hearing this ridiculous conversation. If she was anywhere near them, she would definitely notice that the heat signature of his skin had vastly increased.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:59:21 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#456 Posted: 05:37:16 29/03/2014
Normally, Syndral would have quite plainly heard all of the conversation. However, she hadn't been paying any attention to her surroundings at the moment. She was sick and tired of humans and their social customs. She needed a break from all the interactions she was being forced into. She also refused to allow her own mind to nag at her like it was. Morph did not need her now. He was doing nothing that she needed to be watchful of. So Syndral attempted to fully immerse herself into her novel, paying attention to only the words on the page and what they were saying. The world around her went completely ignored, even Mort's reaction to Shane's question.

At least, everything had gone ignored, except for Mort's rise in temperature. The increased heat signature shined like a beacon to the reptile, getting her attention whether she wanted to give it or not. Being a reptilian race, she couldn't help but hone in and be drawn by extreme sources of heat. So a rise like that would not be ignored. She immediately looked up to find the source, and honed in on Mort. She blinked in confusion. Why has his body temperature gone up all of a sudden? Did something happen to him? Was he alright? Syndral was curious, and admittedly a bit concerned. This didn't seem natural, and she couldn't make sense of it. She wondered if she should check up on him.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 03:03:36 02/05/2016 by Cynder09
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#457 Posted: 18:19:29 29/03/2014
OOC: Aha, so we're playing the blissfully ignorant (to an extent) scenario, I see. smilie
As a side note, I've noticed that Nathan and P3 have been rather stuck over the past few days. May I recommend that those two could meet each other in the gym so they don't get left behind?
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#458 Posted: 18:32:22 29/03/2014
ooc: Kind of. x3 But I mean, even if Syndral had heard everything, she still would be confused and wouldn't understand the situation. Her race isn't one to socialize or express emotion. They can feel the full range of human emotions, but it's believed that they don't, since they don't make their feelings known. Her race as a whole also doesn't understand emotions and they don't know how to make sense of them. So they typically avoid the subject of emotions, since they aren't logical, and they don't like things that aren't logical. x3
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#459 Posted: 19:31:15 29/03/2014
OOC: Ah, I see. Her race is uncomfortable regarding such things. For Morph's race (which I still haven't named yet), mentioning love casually would be like mentioning reproduction in a kindergarten class. It's incredibly sacred, and saying something like what Zurgon had said would almost always result in the reaction Mort gave. Or dead pan silence. It's considered so private, that the males aren't given any upfront sex education unless they've been chosen by a female.
As for Morph, I'll let the readers predict whether he's telling the truth or not about his feelings. smilie
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#460 Posted: 19:44:06 29/03/2014
ooc: I see. Yeah, that's different from the Zvarranik, Syndral's race. Mentioning love to them would be like trying to explain emotions to a robot. You probably will get deadpan silence, along with a confused look of 'what the heck are you talking about?' Since emotions aren't logical and can't be explained by science, her kind is VERY uncomfortable about it, and have a tendency to act like emotions don't exist. They can still feel them, they just keep them private, because the lack of understanding makes them very uncomfortable. They don't like not knowing or understanding something, so they either study it until they do, or avoid it. Since you can't really study emotions, they avoid them, or at least pretend they don't have them.
Based on what I've read so far, I'd say Morph likes Syndral. x3
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:44:55 29/03/2014 by Cynder09
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#461 Posted: 19:46:58 29/03/2014
//For Zurgon's race, love is a big deal, but they treat it as an everyday activity, they don't realize that love shouldn't be arranged, and that's a huge reason for Zurgon being so different and wanting to get away, and break from the norm of his planet and its customs. He never knew what love felt like but he always was very curious, it's one of his hugest fascinations with Earth, that they have the ability to choose their own mates. And I think a little part of him really wants that at some point.//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#462 Posted: 20:09:29 29/03/2014
OOC: @Cynder09: Ignoring a subject seems kind of backwards for such a science-based species, even if it is unnerving and confusing. But that's what makes the Zvarraniks so interesting. I love how Syndral is so subtle about her emotions yet you can still feel the dislike emanating from her. She's so quiet, yet so strong.

We'll have to just wait and see to find out what's going on in that little bugger's head. smilie

@Lunarz: I share Zurgon's opinions on such matters. Love is all a matter of getting to know someone, I think. I'm not totally sure, 'cause I've also never really experienced that kind of love. smilie
I like how carefree he is, even while on a dangerous mission where he could be captured and brutally dissected (by humans and Order spies alike). Earth is a new experience for him that seems to fit his personal cultural preferences.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#463 Posted: 20:20:31 29/03/2014
ooc: Well, the thing is, they don't know how to make sense of emotions. They can dissect as many creatures as they like, but they're not really going to find tangible proof of emotions, their origins, reasoning behind it, anything. It doesn't make sense to them, and it makes them too uncomfortable, so they rather not deal with it. But you're exactly right. Despite their lack of understanding, they still feel emotions, and it's still pretty clear when they feel them, even if they won't state it plainly.

Yeah, love shouldn't be arranged. It isn't something you can force. It should happen naturally. One should be able to choose their own mate or spouse.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#464 Posted: 20:30:44 29/03/2014
OOC: When I first thought of Syndral, I assumed that her seemingly emotionless actions were just her being herself. Now I see that is was her upbringing, and she feels the need to suppress feelings because of it.
What I'm curious about is how the Zvarraniks respond to love. You've hinted that the young were raised by robots, but what of the parents? Do they mate for life, or do they just try to keep the population from decreasing?
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#465 Posted: 20:41:32 29/03/2014
ooc: Yeah, Syndral has to be reserved, or her kind will think she's a freak or something. Either one conforms to the ways of their kind, or they're just better off leaving the planet.
I was wondering if someone would ask that. I was going to explain that eventually anyway. Because love is hard for them to comprehend, and work is so important in their culture, relationships are often formed through work partners. The more two Zvarraniks are able to get along and work well together, the better their chances of becoming mates. They have to have a mutual understanding of each other's work and trust each other to aid them with projects. They do typically only see mating itself as something important for reproduction, but that's not to say that they aren't loyal when they do actually find a partner they can work well with. Work partners will not only work together, but live together. Since they're so sensitive and private about their work, it's highly unlikely that they leave and get a new partner. So they generally stay together for the remainder of their lives, even if they don't understand love, and generally aren't very affectionate. They don't know how to explain it, but they know they have a connection, and they won't leave a partner once they think they have that.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#466 Posted: 20:47:45 29/03/2014
//I've been wondering is Syndral accepted to go on this mission because she is a loyal worker and obedient, or she secretly wanted to get away, it seems obvious that the former is true, but it's cool to think of different possibilities. And one thing I love about these kinds of Rp's is the character development, we know that Syndral will open up a bit more at some point, we know that Elim will have to adapt to Earth's customs and oddities, we know that Zurgon will become even more fascinated in things and eventually start to expand his horizons as he explores the world, stuff like that, because it's boring when characters are the same all the time.//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#467 Posted: 21:20:20 29/03/2014
ooc: Yeah, character development is always good. I don't want to reveal too much about Syndral's history and life back on her home planet right off the bat, since that won't be as much fun, but things will be explained in time. I do want her to open up more eventually and like grow as a person, but of course it will be gradual, and it won't be that easy to get through to her.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:20:50 29/03/2014 by Cynder09
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#468 Posted: 21:22:50 29/03/2014
OOC: Exactly my thoughts, Lunarz (concerning character development; I never really considered the possibility of Syndral's wanting to get away, so give yourself a pat on the back for coming up with that before I did smilie JK). Morph probably will end up seeing a beauty in the human race and realize that they aren't as evil as the Order made them sound like, and perhaps rediscovering himself in the process. Or maybe something less cliched, dunno.

And we all know that Syndral will eventually see how simply wonderful Zurgon is and will want him so badly, and Morph will be insanely jealous and betrayed and will want to kill him! (JK again)
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#469 Posted: 21:37:17 29/03/2014
ooc: I'm tempted to reveal Syndral's history and give reasons why she would possibly want to leave her planet, but I'll keep that a secret for now. x3 Despite whether or not she would actually want to leave, she may eventually come to find that going to Earth wasn't such a bad thing. x3

Yeah, sure, whatever. smilie
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#470 Posted: 21:45:17 29/03/2014
//C'mon, you know she wants Zurgon, they're going to reproduce so hard smilie//

Zurgon merely leaned back once again, shrugging his shoulders after he had done so. "Whatever you say, buddy." Zurgon had always enjoyed joking around with people, but he honestly thought that Mort might have a thing for Diane, he didn't know why, he wasn't sure how anyone could care for such a cut-off, and solitary person, but perhaps he just wasn't seeing her for what she really was, he wished he could. All the while that he and Mort were conversing, the teacher had been speaking, he found that he didn't want to waste him time telling the students to be silent as this was the first day and he was just going to let them chill out.

"you're a very odd person, Morty, can I call ya Morty? I can tell we're going to get along just fine." He hopped up out of the leaning position and sat up straight. "I just have a feeling about these sorts of things."
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:54:39 29/03/2014 by Lunarz
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#471 Posted: 21:50:03 29/03/2014
ooc: Actually, the Zvarraniks have the ability to reproduce asexually, if they want to, so Syndral doesn't have to be with anyone ever. So ha! She doesn't need Morph or Zurgon! smilie
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#472 Posted: 21:55:05 29/03/2014
//Doesn't need isn't the same as doesn't want smilie//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#473 Posted: 22:27:20 29/03/2014
OOC: @Cynder09: Same with me and Morph. I've developed his back story quite a bit, but I won't give it away 'till later. But I'll say this much: it explains a lot about his behavior now.
@Lunarz: *epic face/palm* What alien monster have I created...

Mort huffed a bit, still shaken by Zurgon's simple remark. "Yeah, Shane. You're OK. 'Morty's' OK," he only replied, not really caring what the human boy called him or not at the moment. He stole a reserved glance at Diane, who was sitting in the far corner (no surprise there), and immediately looked away when he realized that she was watching him. Did she hear their awkward exchange about her? He was sure that she did.

Mort proceeded to mask his face with his hand, groaning with irritation. He couldn't really blame the human for his thought process; it was a hormonal thing, after all. But why would he even be attracted to her? They weren't even the same species! Well, the human couldn't know that, either. But still.

He subtly peered over his hand and turned to look at her. He would admit to having a kind of admiration for her, but not... that...
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 13:43:58 07/05/2016 by Waaksian
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#474 Posted: 22:39:01 29/03/2014
Ooc: @everybodyisn't it obvious? Syndral must have a crush on Rachel. *crickets chirp* what?
@Waaksian Ikr! Experimental sapient are amazing.

P3 sat on the risers, awaiting further instructions. She had heard the whole conversation, as she was sitting behind Shane and Mort. "Hey, Shane! I think This conversation is worth joining. So, Mort. Opinion on Love. Please and thank you."
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#475 Posted: 22:39:04 29/03/2014
//Omg, I'm LOLing so hard right now.//

Zurgon had been surprised how fast the day was going now, at first it seemed like the day would never end, but knowing that he now had friends on this alien planet made him feel much better, he didn't miss his home planet one bit, his race, the Zarl, were so boring and scientific, but here on Earth he could be much more simplistic, it was great.

Shane had glanced over to see that Mort was staring at Syndral. "Your pupils are dilating." He was joking of course, or was he? He didn't really know how to tell if one's pupils were dilated, as his planets inhabitants rarely had iris' and pupils, Zurgon's true form didn't have such eyes, he had solid black eyes with a hint of red and purple in the middle, half and half coloration.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:16:59 18/02/2016 by Lunarz
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#476 Posted: 22:44:39 29/03/2014
Syndral had noticed Mort look at her, and took note of his expression and body language. He didn't seem troubled or panicked. He didn't seem nervous, or looking to Mari to save him from an awkward situation, or a mistake. From her current observations, Morph didn't seem to be in any dire need of her assistance.

Still, his rise in temperature puzzled her. She couldn't figure out why that would have happened. He hadn't performed any strenuous activity that would warrant a rise in temperature. He didn't appear to be in any sort of danger. And as far as she could tell, he hadn't completely blown their cover. There seemed to be nothing wrong.

She sighed and simply went back to reading her novel. Syndral decided to glance up occasionally and keep an ear out for any sign of trouble. Perhaps Mort only had another close call, like earlier with the handshake, and the rise in temperature had something to do with that. She wasn't sure, but decided to pay close attention anyway, just to make sure he didn't screw up the mission.

ooc: To a Zvarranik, it's the same thing. If they don't need it, then they typically want nothing to do with it.
Ah, I see. I could make a guess about Mort's past, but I'll wait and see what actually happens.
Lol, if Syndral had a crush on Rachel, then her horns would be glowing white, even though you probably wouldn't see that through her hair. Horns glowing white is the same as a human blush, which happens when a Zvarranik is embarrassed or when they like someone. It's rare, but it happens.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 23:30:33 01/03/2019 by Cynder09
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#477 Posted: 23:04:59 29/03/2014
OOC: *sees assassinelf's OOC post* Ehhh... OK, that's enough teasing on Syndral's part, guys. It's Morph's time to be put on the spot.

Mort swung back to Shane, to the girl who just butted in, and back to the boy. "Oh my gosh, would you guys just lay off already?!" He was becoming increasingly more flustered and frustrated by the scenario. "For the last time, I do not like her that way! Honestly, what is it with you teenagers! You all assume that everyone has to have the hots for someone! It's really stupid!"
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 03:17:03 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#478 Posted: 23:11:28 29/03/2014
"I was just joking around, friends do that." At least he thought they did, he didn't have any previous friends, so his frame of reference was quite limited, he didn't even hang out with his family that much when he was on his home planet. "I'll stop bugging you about Diane, I think you've had enough." with that, Zurgon placed a hand on Mort's shoulder. "Don't let things get to ya, tell ya what, if I'm ever in love with anyone, you're allowed to make fun of me all you want." He didn't know if that would ever happen, it was an odd phenomenon, and he doubted anyone would love him back anyways.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#479 Posted: 23:24:45 29/03/2014
"Yes, please! Stop the madness." He tensed up when Shane rested a hand on his shoulder, but he allowed it. The touch was warranted, and wasn't so forceful like with that science teacher. He rolled his eyes at his last comment. "No, it's fine."

Morph though back to the rest of his day, all the events, up to now. Has it really only been half of the first school day? So much had happened, and it felt like so much time has passed. And all that... emotion.
Ugh, what a day. And it's not even halfway over.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:20:26 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#480 Posted: 23:51:15 29/03/2014
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I meant what's your opinion on love itself. I barely know you, let alone think you like Diane." P3 stated. But while she said this, she made a mantel note of his saying, "you teenagers." A teenager, it seems, wouldn't say that.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#481 Posted: 23:59:41 29/03/2014
"Oh, you mean, about the concept? Um... it... sucks? I guess?" He didn't really have an answer. Love seemed to work differently for the two species, one having half the population being potential mates, the other only having one percent.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:23:30 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#482 Posted: 01:01:57 30/03/2014
Zurgon had heard the gym teacher say that today was just going to be a day where the students could play with the equipment and fool around, so he quickly jumped out of his seat. "Well! Enough about love, let's play some exercises!" he obviously had no idea what he was talking about. He then looked to the other students who hadn't even budged, they would much rather sit and do nothing. "Oh...Okay." He sat back down. "hey! Mort, we should hang out after school, maybe we could get some..." He tried to remember an Earth food. "Strawberries, or something."
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#483 Posted: 01:51:20 30/03/2014 | Topic Creator
((OOC: I apologize for my absence! D: I had much to do! SO MUCH!!! smilie
And your character's accepted, Eevee. :3))

Upon entering the gymnasium, Rachel had stood about awkwardly for a few moments. Looking between Shane and Diane, the former was immersed in his conversation with Mort, and the latter had her nose stuffed in a book. Not wanting to disturb either one of them, she had kept to herself, sinking into the depths of her mind again. She tended to do this when left alone or with nothing to do. If there was nothing that required her undivided attention, she often escaped from the physical world and to that of her own thoughts. At the moment, she wasn’t really thinking about anything, just staring at a skid mark on the floor. She crouched down near the blacked mark on the floor, which had no doubt been caused by the rubber scraping off of someone’s shoe like tires’ skid marks on the road. Rubbing at it vigorously, it slowly disappeared from the floor’s surface.

A satisfied smile spreading across her face, Rachel rose to her full height again and looked about the rafters. She spotted Shane again, who was still conversing with Mort, and Diane, who still had her nose in the book but didn’t seem as separated from the rest of the world as before. Walking up to her, she quietly sat down next to her. She didn’t try to strike up any conversation, she just sat there and enjoyed the other’s presence.
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#484 Posted: 01:58:37 30/03/2014
Ryo noticed the conversation as well and decided to join in.

"Hello, sweets...and others..." he said in a dark tone as he glared at Zurgon and Mort.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#485 Posted: 01:59:04 30/03/2014
Syndral glanced up, hearing the teacher say that they could play with the equipment. She also noticed that no one seemed interested in doing so. She gazed down at the gym floor, looking at all the different things that were out. She wondered what their purpose was, what the humans used them for. They obviously were for exercise, but what kind exactly? How did the humans make use of these items?

Once the questions began to bag in her mind, she started to grow curious. Without anyone to show her how these items were used, she would have to experiment with them herself. Syndral didn't really feel comfortable doing that out in the open, but it didn't appear as though anyone else would notice or even care. They certainly showed no signs of interrupting her experiment.

Somewhat eager to see what these items were for, Syndral put away her book, and began the climb down to the gym floor. She ignored the rest of the room as she headed over to a rack of basketballs. She had never even seen one before. Now I wonder what this is. It obviously is a spherical object, that likely excels at rolling, but it appears to serve no other purpose at first glance.

Syndral then picked up the basketball, feeling it's odd texture and studying it further. It's texture suggests it is suitable for bouncing, but I don't know why. What is the purpose of this object? What do humans use it for? Syndral batted the ball down to the floor, and with ease, it bounced right back up to her. She caught it and stared at it for a moment. Hmm. Interesting. This requires further observation. I wonder what else I should do with this.

Syndral took notice of the basketball hoops around the gym, and wondered what use they could possibly have. Perhaps something was supposed to be caught in them? No, they had a hole at the bottom. The net couldn't possible catch anything. Perhaps something was supposed to go through it? But what on Earth for? What would be the point of that? Human customs sure were strange.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#486 Posted: 02:19:30 30/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Rachel stayed where she was when Syndral left, not sure if the other would very much like the notion of her tagging along. So she simply watched as Diane studied the basketballs. An amused smile blossomed on her face. From what the girl had told her, she wouldn't be surprised if Syndral didn't even know what a basketball was. It seemed like an absurd thought, that anyone would not know what a basketball was, but when it concerned Diane, it didn't seem so absurd. The girl had made it clear that wherever she came from didn't really embrace activities that were outside of academics. Knowing this, she supposed that it was indeed possible that the girl had never seen a basketball.

She tilted her head at the thought. Syndral must have come from a remote island, she hypothesized. One without internet for her to get a glimpse of the outside world; one where she could focus solely on her work. It seemed so heavenly yet so horrible at the same time. Heavenly, in that no one would bother her. Horribly, in that, well, Rachel simply needed her internet. She chuckled, amused with this little idea she'd fashioned.
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#487 Posted: 02:25:16 30/03/2014
Ryo picked up a basketball and dribbled it a bit, shooting a perfect shot as he smirked.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#488 Posted: 02:34:04 30/03/2014
Syndral stood there for a moment studying the basketball, trying to figure out what the hell this thing's purpose was. All she had figured was that it was a sphere that could roll and bounce. So, she bounced it. Bounce. Catch. Bounce. Catch. Bounce. Catch. Pause. Stare in confusion.

What does this thing DO? It HAS to serve some other purpose besides bouncing it and catching it repeatedly. I supposed the action could be considered mildly amusing on a primitive level, if one was bored and idle enough to allow themselves to actually be amused by it. Is that what I am now? Bored and idle enough to allow myself to be amused? Am I really that unsatisfied with my novel at the moment, that I would try to make sense of such a primitive Earth custom? Hmm. Maybe. Though I suppose I could blame my scientific and curious mind for forcing me into this situation. Yes, that's it. That's a good reason. So what does this thing DO?!

Syndral was puzzled. She glanced back up at the basketball hoop and had a thought. Hmm. A ball that serves no purpose on it's own, and a suspended net that obviously nothing on it' own. I wonder..... Do they perhaps go together? But why? What purpose would that serve? I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try it. I currently have nothing better to do. I suppose this spherical object would fit through the rim, but then it would just fall through, and what would be the point of that? I suppose there is only one way to find out.

Syndral then walked over to the hoop, carrying the basketball. She stopped at a decent distance, standing in a straight line in front of the net. She studied it for a moment, calculating distance in her mind, and the necessary amount of force and speed required to cause the ball to go through. This really only took a moment, and then she was ready to test her theory. Of course, what she didn't know was how to actually throw the ball.

So she threw the ball at the net, the way any average person would, if they knew nothing about the game. Oddly enough, her calculations were accurate enough to warrant her to succeed in this task, along with the correct amount of force for the poorly way she threw the ball. She stared at it as it went through the net and gradually bounced to a still position on the floor. Hmm. Well, that was..... An interesting waste of time.....
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#489 Posted: 02:42:24 30/03/2014
P3 stated, "Well, I'm gonna do stuff with the equipment." P3 then walked to the gym floor. She grabbed a ball, and shot a basket from the basketball stand. "Hey Diane, wanna scrimage?" Allison asked.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#490 Posted: 03:24:56 30/03/2014
Syndral turned and gave Allison a puzzled look. Scrimmage? With a spherical object? Why? Whatever for? And how? I don't understand this activity at all. "Uh, no, thank you, I guess." She muttered awkwardly. Syndral then went to retrieve the basketball she had been using. She sighed and took a moment to look up into the rafters. She then spotted Rachel. Upon spotting her, her mouth had curved slightly into a small smile. She had a chance to talk to her now, but at the same time, this activity with the balls and baskets puzzled her. She was curious, and wanted answers. Syndral just didn't like it when she didn't understand something. She was determined to figure this exercise out.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:35:46 30/03/2014 by Cynder09
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#491 Posted: 03:26:10 30/03/2014
"Uh, sure, Shane," he replied. Strawberries? Were they some sort of tubular vegetation?

Mort watched the others go down to play with the Earth equipment. He stayed put, like many of his classmates were doing. They were chatting, reading, and looking at their smartphones, while he was observing and taking note of the many interactions that were being made. He glanced between the students playing below to the ones on the bleachers with him, doing nothing. He figured that it would be best to participate and learn of these human games.

Heaving himself to his feet and clambering down the gray stairs, he followed the others down to the middle of the gymnasium. It felt overwhelming, with all the zigzaging humans and their bouncy spheres that served some purpose of amusement. Naturally, he picked Diane out from the crowd. She was observing an orange and black ball with curiosity. When Allison came to her, apparently wanting to play as well, he considered joining them. However, he wasn't sure if Syndral would have been more comfortable dealing with one person, or having an extra person she knew to help.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:30:53 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#492 Posted: 03:44:05 30/03/2014
The teacher had walked out the room to do something. Shane had decided to get off of the bleachers look at the equipment that they had, he had found basketballs, and tennis rackets, and footballs, even bowling pins, he wasn't sure what a lot of it was, but he found every ever so interesting and fun looking, however after observing the items he came to the conclusion he needed another lifeform to play with these items, so he decided to ignore them and find something else, only a few students were playing other than Diane and P3, and they were the Jocks, they were playing basketball and roughing around with eachother.

"Hello, friends! My name is Shane, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, perhaps we can toss that spherical ball around and converse about our interests?" The Jocks merely looked at one another, and then picked him up by the collar of his shirt, pinning him against the wall. "Is this a game?" He asked, confused, it was then that one of the Jocks took a swing at his stomach, knocking the air of him.

"What a loser!" The boy was at least six feet tall and very buff, he had short blonde hair and a muscle shirt with a basketball team logo on the front, his shirt displayed his large pecks. The Jocks were taking turns throwing the basketball at him as he was small and defenseless. "Guys, I don't like this game!"
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#493 Posted: 03:53:05 30/03/2014
Ryo looked at the jocks and walked over to them, smirking at the one who beat up Zurgon 's progress.

"Nice job, boy " he said as he chuckled, kicking Zurgon in the leg.
Wylrin Emerald Sparx Gems: 3784
#494 Posted: 03:53:43 30/03/2014 | Topic Creator
Rachel had pretty much vanished back into the depths of her mind, until she heard a commotion across the gym. Looking up, she saw Shane being attacked by a few larger students. Well, the term anyone else would have used was 'bullied', but Rachel felt that was a very watered-down way of putting it. The boy was being attacked.

A mixture of disgust and panic surged through her. Disgust, obviously, at just how.. infuriating and just plain stupid these teens were behaving. Panic, in two things: One, in that she was worried about Shane's safety, and two, in that there was nothing she could do about it. Rachel was a very gentle and kind person at heart, and even if she wasn't, that wouldn't deter the attackers in any way. Biting her lip nervously, she did the only thing she knew to do: Run like heck and find a teacher.

Rising from her seat and taking off out the door, Rachel thought, That gym teacher's an idiot for leaving this bunch of monkeys alone!
"A real intelligence agent has no ego, no conscience, no remorse. Only a sense of professionalism."
- Elim Garak, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
derpyhooves Platinum Sparx Gems: 5724
#495 Posted: 03:55:19 30/03/2014
((Lol I got ninja'd smilie))
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#496 Posted: 03:55:31 30/03/2014
Mort recognized the sound of the Shane's voice, but it seemed off. Distressed. Honing in on the source, he found the poor child pinned to the wall by a much larger, stronger human. A group had surrounded him, and they were pelting him with the spheres as if it were some kind of game.
The HELL?? Seriously? On the first day?

Livid, he marched right up to the gang of juvenile thugs, a deep scowl creasing his forehead. "Hey, ***holes!" he yelled. "Pick on someone your own size!" He was dwarfed in comparison to the Jocks, and they were considerably more muscular and intimidating than him, but he didn't care. He would not tolerate such animalistic behavior in an academic, safety orientated facility, regardless of how humans were.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:06:45 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#497 Posted: 03:57:02 30/03/2014
Syndral turned, seeing as Shane was getting himself beat up. Her eyes widened in shock, and then narrowed with a death glare. She gripped her ball tightly. Then she suddenly threw the ball at one of the boys to either get his attention or knock him out. "Hey! Ganging up on a single opponent is rude and unfair!" She hissed.

ooc: Just letting you guys know, there's a reason why this is angering her, but I don't want to reveal that just yet.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3343
#498 Posted: 04:16:46 30/03/2014
One of the Jocks scowled back at Mort, pushed him down as the others laughed, they knew he could do nothing about it so they ignored him, if he tried anything they'd just beat him up too, but when Syndral hit one of them straight on in the head, they got angry, dropping Zurgon in the process, his hands over his throat, gasping for air. "I hate gym..." His voice was whiny and terrified.

The largest Jock had approached Syndral and was grinning at her, he thought she looked weak and couldn't do a thing about it. "And what in the hell are you going to do about it?" He asked with a hint of cockiness in his voice, not so much a hint actually, as a large amount.

Shane had run over to Mort who had been pushed by the Jocks, he helped him get up. "Are you alright, Mort?" He tried to form a smile so that Mort felt safer. "Thanks..." He then turned his attention to Syndral who was being confronted by the large boys. "What do we do?"
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#499 Posted: 04:20:57 30/03/2014
Syndral glared and hissed at the jock. "I assure you that you would prefer not to find out. So for your own safety, I recommend you cease your primitive behavior at once." She said with all seriousness. Her hands balled into fists. She was ready to teach them a lesson.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:34:38 07/06/2016 by Cynder09
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#500 Posted: 04:33:37 30/03/2014
Mort hadn't expected any less from the Jocks as they pushed him to the ground. Actually, he was expecting them to punch his face into oblivion. He was about to jump back on his feet, preparing for a fight, when Shane offered his hand. Again, not thinking about how his own disguise could give him away, he took it, allowing Shane to help him up. "Yeah, I'm fine. No problem," he said with an edge in his tone.

He turned back to the jocks. "Are you people serious?! We're still in school, you dumb***es! You're not going to get away with this!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:39:34 02/05/2016 by Waaksian
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