

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders in Canada [CLOSED]
Brutungo Blue Sparx Gems: 548
#451 Posted: 13:06:20 07/03/2012
LOL I put it here because it was about me not seeing any in a while. However I added the fact that I was done with the franchise, then felt I needed to justify why. kinda over shadowed the main point but didnt wanting to have a discussion about me quiting or anything. Definetly not trying to convince any one else to quit either just saying my reasons. So doesnt really need a new topic to discuss it.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#452 Posted: 15:19:52 07/03/2012
^ o.k. I get was just curious...this thread or topic is for Canadians helping Canadians to find Skylanders and when waves hit the north!
I see where you are coming from now!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#453 Posted: 17:06:13 07/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Still nothing in my area. No figures at all have come in for quite awhile now i hope that means they will be getting enough to stock the shelves. LOL But that's wishful thinking huh.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#454 Posted: 17:36:27 07/03/2012
Nothing Here for about 2 weeks now....since legendary Trigger Happy!
Northern Ontario.

Let's hope for a big wave soon!!!!!!!!!!!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#455 Posted: 18:34:25 07/03/2012 | Topic Creator
I know this is WAY off topic but since there have been no new skylnaders here so my mind has been able to actually think of something other then skylanders LOL.
it's very intresting i think. But i was wondering how many languages there are in the world so i looked it up" There are an estimated 6,700 recognized languages in the world. Most of them are spoken by fewer than 1,000 people."

Pretty cool huh! that's ALOT of languages.
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#456 Posted: 22:22:07 07/03/2012
Yeah thats Alot!!!
I know how to speak some french and some very little spanish abd of course english.
WILL Make my dad go tomorrow in the morning to TRU!!
Lets hop theirs Dragons Peak and smilie!!!
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#457 Posted: 22:54:25 07/03/2012
i am trying to find wave 4 soon before i got to the usa and 3packs cost 5 dollars more
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#458 Posted: 22:56:48 07/03/2012
Yeah same Im going to Mexico soon amd trying to get everybody before the day i go.
The three pack of legendaries is 26.99 and three packs are i think 24.99
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#459 Posted: 23:01:48 07/03/2012
strange trying to find skylanders before the march break
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#460 Posted: 02:32:17 09/03/2012
Nothing at TRU smilie
Whats up woth activision????
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#461 Posted: 21:34:24 09/03/2012
i have not seeen anything in a while since i got slam bam about 3 weeks ago
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#462 Posted: 22:32:15 09/03/2012
The last time i bought Skylander was about Feb 21st And i bought smilie and smilie at future shop
ever since then Nothing nothing at all.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#463 Posted: 01:06:26 10/03/2012
this is very weird what is all with the no skylanders for such a long time what is activision
Green Bean Machine
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#464 Posted: 04:10:07 10/03/2012
It is like that everywhere ....empty!!!!
We will probably see more around March 21st too or a few days later!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Mex Red Sparx Gems: 39
#465 Posted: 20:01:44 11/03/2012
There are like 5 single figure packs in EBGames webiste.
Go go go!

March 11, 4pm

March 12, 1pm all sold out
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 16:47:11 12/03/2012 by Mex
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#466 Posted: 02:01:06 12/03/2012
I went to stores in USA but there is nothing here ether nothing till the 21st hmmm
Green Bean Machine
Flamethrower Green Sparx Gems: 469
#467 Posted: 02:52:34 14/03/2012
Has anyone else seen This " come back march 21st" sign in TRU in Canada ? I have checked the ones around me and havent seen it ,also asked the manager and he has no clue as well and it was an honest "no clue "when I asked him about it
Ones we own |smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie|
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#468 Posted: 03:22:18 14/03/2012
No signs that ive.seen
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#469 Posted: 03:59:23 14/03/2012
Still nothing in Northern Ontario either March 13th....I have not seen that sign, I have just been calling!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
dman08 Blue Sparx Gems: 569
#470 Posted: 16:15:06 14/03/2012
No sign in Calgary either. I asked and the associate mentioned next week but he said "Friday" not Wednesday. hmmm... I am still going/phoning on Wednesday. It has been 3 weeks since TRU has had anything!!
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#471 Posted: 21:38:43 14/03/2012
Eb Games in beacon hill has Voodood. Or did but i just called.
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#472 Posted: 12:31:48 15/03/2012
the usa has about just as many skylanders as canada so i will not find anything probably till i return home
Green Bean Machine
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#473 Posted: 13:12:54 15/03/2012
Huh weird.
My Dads going to go to TRU today!!
Grandlethal Green Sparx Gems: 174
#474 Posted: 19:26:46 15/03/2012
I'm starting to regret not buying everything as they became available... been checking with the local places in Calgary now almost daily for the past month with nothing showing up. We were lucky and the WalMart near us got a small shipment and we managed to pick up Double Trouble and Flame Slinger (they apparently had whirlwind and some other one, but there weren't any left when we got there). The wall at TRU has been bare since early in the new year... I relly hope that they re-release some of the other waves so that people can pick up the ones they missed. With Giants being released later in the year, they will need to re-stock everything so new buyers can get in on the fun.
Owned: All except - smilie and smilie
SkyDaddy Blue Sparx Gems: 692
#475 Posted: 20:36:59 15/03/2012
Quote: Grandlethal
I'm starting to regret not buying everything as they became available... been checking with the local places in Calgary now almost daily for the past month with nothing showing up. We were lucky and the WalMart near us got a small shipment and we managed to pick up Double Trouble and Flame Slinger (they apparently had whirlwind and some other one, but there weren't any left when we got there). The wall at TRU has been bare since early in the new year... I relly hope that they re-release some of the other waves so that people can pick up the ones they missed. With Giants being released later in the year, they will need to re-stock everything so new buyers can get in on the fun.

Keep in mind that most of the characters will appear with newer models (poses or molds) in the sequel. So if you have a hard time getting the figures from the first game then you can opt to get the newer models instead. I really like this idea and it does make the older models more collectible. Think of it as a 1st edition and 2nd edition type of thing.
-- -- Check out my site and get a chance to win Lightning Rod , Ignitor and other single character packs!
cherrycayden Red Sparx Gems: 36
#476 Posted: 00:30:28 16/03/2012
Just got Blue Bash at TRU today
SkyDaddy Blue Sparx Gems: 692
#477 Posted: 00:33:28 16/03/2012
Quote: cherrycayden
Just got Blue Bash at TRU today

You Serious?
-- -- Check out my site and get a chance to win Lightning Rod , Ignitor and other single character packs!
SkyDaddy Blue Sparx Gems: 692
#478 Posted: 01:04:03 16/03/2012
Wow! *drops mouth*

-- -- Check out my site and get a chance to win Lightning Rod , Ignitor and other single character packs!
cherrycayden Red Sparx Gems: 36
#479 Posted: 01:04:22 16/03/2012
Quote: SkyDaddy
Quote: cherrycayden
Just got Blue Bash at TRU today

You Serious?

I had to let my son finish playing with it before taking a picture.
SkyDaddy Blue Sparx Gems: 692
#480 Posted: 01:11:27 16/03/2012
Did everyone started calling TRU all of a sudden? LOL
-- -- Check out my site and get a chance to win Lightning Rod , Ignitor and other single character packs!
tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#481 Posted: 01:14:32 16/03/2012
They're closed now over here in Ontario... smilie
Collection List and image
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#482 Posted: 01:21:08 16/03/2012
CherryCayden where??? Put down where you are from!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
cherrycayden Red Sparx Gems: 36
#483 Posted: 01:34:16 16/03/2012
I got it in Ontario
tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#484 Posted: 01:52:56 16/03/2012
What city?
Collection List and image
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#485 Posted: 01:57:02 16/03/2012
Wow, I am in Northern Ontario....should have called Toys R Us today! Well maybe go out early morning and check!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#486 Posted: 02:50:52 16/03/2012
Quote: cherrycayden
Quote: SkyDaddy
Quote: cherrycayden
Just got Blue Bash at TRU today

You Serious?

I had to let my son finish playing with it before taking a picture.

Are those Gogos in the back?
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#487 Posted: 03:05:01 16/03/2012
Starting to show up on e-bay now too......looks like Blue Bash is here!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
cherrycayden Red Sparx Gems: 36
#488 Posted: 04:18:21 16/03/2012
Quote: Mr-McChicken22
Quote: cherrycayden
Quote: SkyDaddy

You Serious?

I had to let my son finish playing with it before taking a picture.

Are those Gogos in the back?

LOL yes they are smilie
tiker Blue Sparx Gems: 568
#489 Posted: 14:25:01 16/03/2012
I just got 2 Blue B's!!

Toys R Us in Mississauga ON - Winston Churchill / 401 area.

10 left on the shelves after I got my two...

I know what my son and I are doing tonight! smilie

(They also had a couple 3 packs on the shelves - stump shash / stealth elf pack and the whirlwind / drobot pack)

Here's a quick picture! smilie
Collection List and image
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:35:02 16/03/2012 by tiker
Mr-McChicken22 Blue Sparx Gems: 629
#490 Posted: 14:40:32 16/03/2012
^Sweet. Are there any finds In westren Canada yet?
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#491 Posted: 15:12:24 16/03/2012
Someone should hook me up. Starting to think helping others here was a bad idea, since I never get help. smilie

emo /wrists.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#492 Posted: 15:48:31 16/03/2012 | Topic Creator
HAve you helped out Canadians Yet gamemaster?
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#493 Posted: 15:51:15 16/03/2012
I think they are just starting to show up in Canada not full blown like Legendary trigger Happy was.
My stores have nothing!
Northern Ontario.
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#494 Posted: 15:55:47 16/03/2012
Why, yes, Joseph, I have.

I help these people who post here -

Wolfnine: Cynder
Keljonezie: Gold Drill Sergeant and Flameslinger triple packs (trade but still)

I think there was one more, but I may have deleted that PM, so I can't remember who they are.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#495 Posted: 21:03:37 16/03/2012
this is so weird nothing and i mean NOTHING here in the usa i hope to get back home and i thought the usa was full of skylanders but that is not true in fact it seems canada might be better off then the usa so if you have any plans of coming here for skylanders do not
Green Bean Machine
Sunburn55 Blue Sparx Gems: 926
#496 Posted: 00:10:22 18/03/2012
I might check for Skylanders if I go to E3
keljonezie Green Sparx Gems: 453
#497 Posted: 02:20:13 19/03/2012
I've been away! Hope I didn't miss out on Blue Bash.

And yes, I had a successful trade with GameMaster.
Gold_guardian Gold Sparx Gems: 2370
#498 Posted: 03:25:03 19/03/2012
Has anyone heard anything about the March 21st event taking place in Canada?
LegendSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 233
#499 Posted: 06:58:47 19/03/2012
i have asked multiple toy r us' about the 21st... they dont know anything!! they just tell me canada is month's behind the state's!
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2241
#500 Posted: 11:50:30 19/03/2012
the stats have no skylanders i just got back from there and they had nothing and my local toysrus had the blue bash but was not there when i was
Green Bean Machine
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