Quote: GoldenfireChapter 28
Cherry, Reno, and Deli stopped in front of the slightly off lamp. "Okay, we're here, now what's what?" Cherry asked Deli. Deli 'hmmmm'd for a moment, then examined the amazingly clean, dry wall.
"Didja know that this small stone right here is sandstone, while the rest of it is a dark limestone, and that the sandstone is light to blend in and just look discollored, even though a smart mind would piece together the fact that nothing in this place is discollored, and that the sandstone block together with the slightly off lamp, raher easily, so that if you pressed the sandstone block just so, like this, an pulled down, right, and up on the lamp like this, then let go of the sandsone like so, that the hidden door would pop out and slide overm justifying the slight scuff marks on the ground, like this?" She said, and then stepped back from the wall after her explanation. A click sounded, and a slight, sliiiight grating sound echoed through the tunnel as said hidden door popped out, exactly as Deli had said it would.
"You're a genius, Deli!" Reno said, grinning. Deli beamed.
"I know I am." She said, smiling at Reno, who smiled back, a tad suggestively, and Deli turned away, blushing violently.
Cherry whacked them both on the head. "Hellooo! Focus! Deli's a genius, we know, thanks again, Del, and let's get going!" She snapped, but Deli grabbed her wrist, pulling her back before she coul step inside.
"Hold on." she said, snatching one of Cherry's needle daggers out of her hair, and tossing it into th hidden tunnel. As it hit the floor, a huge pit opened up, seemingly out of nowhere, and the dagger fell down it. They did not hear it hit the bottom, but that might just mean that... It didn't bear thinking about.
"Wow. Thanks Deli." Cherry said, glad she hadn't walked to her doom.
"No problem. Fix your hair and come on." Deli said, and Cherry pulled one of the needle daggers from where they were strapped under her skirt, and repinned her hair.
"Let's do this. Only trap, Deli?"
"Yep. Who'd need another one, right?"
"Point taken. Wonder why we weren' told about it?"
"Wasn't known of?"
"Meh, don't believe THAT for a second. Let's go."
And with that, Cherry dashed off, easily leapig over the ten foot opening in the floor, and landing on solid ground. Deli and Reno followed, landing just as easily. Then they all dashed down the hallway, Deli in lea thi time, because of her observantness. She was most valuable at the moment, really, BECAUSE she noticed everything. The hallway was better lit, with many more lamps, all lit and blazing brightly after the initial pit area, which had been until except for the dim light from outside. Now, they were running silently through the well lit hallway, wondering just what they'd find at the other end...
(Okay, recap, and no more of the offtopicness!!!)
Chapter 29
The three ran out into right light, and imediately covered their eyes as yet more bright light was aimed at them in the form of powerful spotlights.
"Ah!!" Deli cried, shielding her face.
"Okay.... bright..." Reno muttered, eyes squinched shut. Cherry stood with one hand blocking the brightness, silent, unmoving, listening.
"Well well well. What do we have here, eh? A catch of three little mice, mm?" A voice called, feminine, dangeruos, and acidic. "And how did those mice end up in our tunnels, mm?" The voice asked.
"We found the passage, of course." Cherry answered. "Or, actually... Deli found it." She said, and there was a murmur around the room. The murmur echoed. It was a BIG room, lots of people. Whispers circulated.
"...Dark Streaks..."
"...Redhead must be...."
"Ya think?"
"That's Reno......"
"... tatoos..."
"...needle daggers..."
"QUIEEEEET!!!" The first voice shouted. Silence fell immediately. "Alright then. If you really ARE the Dark Streaks, then, dear Cherry, Deli, Reno, you'll have absolutely no problem with what will happen next. Achas, GO!!!" The voice shouted, and the sound of knives whizzing through the air filled the room.
The three sprang into action, Cherry jumping straight up, Reno vaulting her into the air then tumbling out of the way, rolling into a ball and rolling out of the spotlights. Deli simply took a step to the right, and then bent back.
Daggers whizzed into the spots they'd all been standing.
Not a singe one of them had a scratch on the.
Cherry landed, pulling a dagger delicately out of the sandstone floor. "Well then... Do you doubt us now?" She asked, and turned to face the direction the voice had come from. Her eyes were closed. Deli turned as well. So were hers. eno sat up, rubbing his head, blinked briefly, and sighed. His eyes had been closed as well, though.
"..." Silence. Then the spotlights flipped off, and the three opened their eyes again. "Well. That was exceptional." The female voice said, lone clapping coming from a platform high up. A woman wearing a tight dress similar to Cherry's, but a blood red, with her whole outfit themed red, leapt from the balcony. She dropped at least four stories, and landed easily, silent. "I suppose you are Cherry..." She muttered, green eyes flashing as she wakled up to the silent leader of the Dark Streaks. "...Or should I say Chakaze...?" She whispered, eyes narrowing knowingly, but not badly. Almost in a friendly manner. She got no reaction at all.
An arrow whizzed out of the shadows, and Cherry cought it an inch away from her temple. "Excuse me, that was rather impolite. I shall return this to you anyway." She snapped, and spun, wrist snapping, the arrow shooting back the way it had come. There was a gurgle, and a man with the arrow embeded in his neck fell into the light.
Total silence.