

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Village Light
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#451 Posted: 14:18:21 10/12/2016
"I would never be as rude as to never return," Halvard denoted before moving outside.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#452 Posted: 16:57:02 10/12/2016
Mason continued with the sword, daydreaming about the large sum of money he was going to get for fixing such a poorly treated sword. He was expecting that large customer to have the money needed for his services, since that indeed wasn't going to come cheap.

As Tyrus polished the shields, he occasionally looked at the window behind him to see what the orc was doing. He was using a cape, probably to hide his real identity, but Tyrus saw his tusks when he entered the shop, and that's what gave him away. Before he could receive another scold from his father, he continued polishing the shields, trying not to think of the customer and instead thinking about his mother and all that happened last night...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#453 Posted: 22:24:33 10/12/2016
Halvard remained fairly close to the shop, breathing in the fresh air deeply and observing the nearby surroundings. He occasionally moved about, but never wandered too far from the store front. His eyes scanned people as they walked by, taking silent observations and finding peace that the many people walking by were abiding by the common rules. He exhaled, satisfied.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#454 Posted: 23:25:02 10/12/2016
As he polished the shield, Tyrus thoughts drifted between the Orc and last night. So many strange things have been happening lately, but he made his main priority finding his mother. Soon, his train of thoughts was abruptly interrupted by a towel thrown at his face.

"Boy! You're dozing off! Come on! Don't distract yourself! There's a lot of work to be done today!" Mason yelled, with Tyrus not reacting at all. His father was strangely benevolent that morning with such an early customer, and the fact that he left him sleeping for a while longer, but now, he was slowly returning to his rough, mean self.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ash Emerald Sparx Gems: 3001
#455 Posted: 20:19:10 19/12/2016
Foxxe woke with a groan and blinked open her eyes, she sat low in a wooden chair with her feet crossed in front of her fireplace and the fire which was now just slightly warm by her unlaced boots. She sat up straight in the chair and yawned before stretching her arms up high above her with a sigh. She thought back to that stormy night and the man she had invited into her home from out of the storm. They had talked idly and shared food and warmth by the fire until she eventually dozed off in her comfortable state and he quietly left. She laced her boots and stood, keeping her feet planted forward she twisted from side to side to pop her back. She smiled at the familiar cracking noises her back made and she walked over to her work table to retrieve her hair brush as she let her hair down from its long, but loose, braid. She glanced around to find all of her things where she left them, seeing nothing was taken she brushed her hair out and let it fall wavy and long down hat back to just above her hips. she found her belt with hatchet and pouch laid over the back of the chair she had woken up in; she put the belt on and grabbed her bow and arrows from beside the door and slung them both over her shoulder as she walked out the door. She whistled for Steele as she continued on her way to town.

Kora woke up in back pew where she was slumped to the side, she straightened and looked around as she lifted her hood up back where it should be. She had decided to spend the night there as the storm didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon, but as she listened she no longer heard the sounds of rain or thunder. She wasnt wet but her clothes did feel a little stiff, she stretched and looked to see if anyone else was still around her.
Gotta have that wall of words man~
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#456 Posted: 20:38:28 19/12/2016 | Topic Creator
@everyone outside in town: Town is fairly quiet this morning. It is damp from last night's rain, but the sky is fairly clear. However, quiet days do not last long. Not even in Hamlet. The town crier begins to shout the daily news along with an interesting proposition. "Able men wanted! The king demands a group find the black dragon seen flying around the city yesterday morning! 500 gold will be rewarded to those who find the wyrm!"
A small crowd gathers around the crier and begins to murmur. Some at the chance at adventure, others at the sizable reward.

@Kora: The temple is fairly empty when Kora wakes up. There are priests saying their morning prayers, children are attending to their daily chores. Kora does spot Areleth kneeling before the alter deep within whatever prayer she is giving. She is not wearing her armor and is instead in a plain white robe with the symbol of Anathia, the goddess of light, on it's back.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#457 Posted: 21:11:45 19/12/2016
"500 gold!? Whooh, what I could do with that kind of dough!" Mason exclaimed, thinking of the many wonderful things he could do with such a large sum. He didn't mind though, since he knew that with a dragon's head on the line, it meant that many knights were going to try, and no doubt they were going to come to him to have the finest weapons and shields, so he was going to make money nonetheless.

Tyrus had other plans though, since that was the best excuse available for him to leave that dump.
"Um... dad, could I try? You have always said that I must do near impossible tasks to become a man." Tyrus said meekly, feeling the need to ask for permission. Mason guffawed for almost an entire minute, to the point where he nearly suffocated, and finally answered.

"Oh boy, thanks for making my day, but you're talking nonsense. I said near impossible tasks, not suicidal missions. That dragon would reduce you to bones faster than a frog catching a fly. Your place is here boy. You'll become a man soon enough... but not that way." Mason said, as he prepared to leave to get more wood for the fire.

Tyrus however, had other plans. Like his dad, he was very stubborn, so now that Mason left, that was his opportunity. He escaped the shop through the window, and went to the castle for the recruit.
"Hey sir. I volunteer to find this dragon." he said with a gruff voice, wanting to demonstrate he was tougher than he looked...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#458 Posted: 21:12:02 19/12/2016
Halvard had been relaxing in the sun, his muscles eased. He had stopped his pacing for a while, stood still in front of the shop, staring at seemingly nothing. However, the silence was broken as a town crier raced past, howling about the latest news. The orc was drawn back to attention by these cries, his head turning towards the crying as the noise passed him by. He barely caught the news, a dragon-sighting. He kept his gaze on a nearby crowd, interested, but did not move near it.

That opportunity won't disappear quickly. There was absolutely no reason to charge blindly into such an encounter. Besides, it was be dishonourable to wander far from the shop, even if only for a minute. Instead he stayed put, eyes focused on the crowd, listening to see if any further important information was uttered.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#459 Posted: 21:36:52 19/12/2016
As Mason found wood from the edge of the forest, which was relatively near his shop, all while keeping an eye on the giant stranger. His sword really needed some mayor fixing, which is why he now needed more wood. Due to his focus on the Orc, he never noticed his son leaving...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ash Emerald Sparx Gems: 3001
#460 Posted: 22:21:04 19/12/2016
Foxxe had just come into town with Steele by her side when she heard the announcement of five hundred gold for a dragon to be slain. She shook her head with a sigh, so many poor money hungry fools were going to die. There was no way they could get anywhere close to the dragon. She made her way past the blacksmith, her mind idly drifting to Tyrus for a moment as she went by. She considered stopping by but saw no reason as nothing of hers needed repair or to be sharpened, she took care of her own weapons.

Kora stood and fidgeted with her clothes for a moment as she considered thanking Areleth for the towel and bringing her in from the storm. instead she turned and quietly left the building. She squinted her eyes at the bright sun for a moment before her eyes adjusted and she walked down the road in search of food. She raised her head at the criers voice, "A dragon huh?" She cracked her knuckles, that was a lot of gold..
Gotta have that wall of words man~
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#461 Posted: 00:07:28 20/12/2016 | Topic Creator
The guardsman looked down at Tyrus before commenting, "Aren't you a little young to be dragon hunting?" After a long pause he sighs and points towards the town crier. "Talk to the crier for information, kid. My job isn't to supervise every glory seeker who wants to go get themselves hurt or worse."
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#462 Posted: 00:14:33 20/12/2016
Tyrus went to a guard precisely because he wanted to avoid the crier, since he was too loud for his ears. He was given no choice though, so he went to do just that, giving a final glare to the guard for supposedly insulting his age.

The town crier was just a few steps away, so he went immediately to business since his father was going to notice his absence sooner or later.
"Hey mister. I'm here for the dragon hunting. What must I do?" Tyrus asked, using the same gruff voice he used with the guard, even though it couldn't hide his approximate age.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#463 Posted: 01:49:57 20/12/2016
Drake went with Foxxe wanting to get some exersize in. Myla the hellhound walked by his side as he hobbled around. when he heard the news he felt outraged but kept a fairly calm demeanor but others could tell he was upset. his family fought with dragons and swor to protect them for generations. now he hears news of a bounty on a dragon's head is most upsetting. he was going after the dragon, but not to fight it, but to talk with it and hope for an understanding that could end peacefully.
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#464 Posted: 17:49:05 21/12/2016 | Topic Creator
The town crier looks down at Tyrus before announcing in a loud voice. "The receive the kings reward you must venture forth and seek out where the black dragon is located. You must then be the first to return with proof that you have located the beast and know its whereabouts!" The crier then reaches into his pouch and produces a flier with the information he had just given and the amount of the reward listed on it.
"So the king would have us find this beast, but not slay it? How queer." Said A tall pale woman with black hair that reached her waist. Her eyes are an unnaturally vivid green with crescent shaped tattoos around them. She is dressed in a traveler's cloak which conceals the rest of her outfit. She is not someone from Hamlet, that much is obvious from further examination.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#465 Posted: 17:55:14 21/12/2016
Tyrus looked at the woman, but just for a brief moment since he was more interested on what the crier said.
"So, you just need the location?" he asked, almost asking what the king was planning to do with the dragon once he was found, but that was none of his business. And he didn't care anyway. He just wanted an excuse to leave Hamlet and begin his journey.

"Well, I'm a tracker. I can locate stones and animals, so finding a dragon will be too easy. Just tell me what I have to do and what will I need." Tyrus said with pride, hoping the crier would be more faster before his father noticed he was missing.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#466 Posted: 18:14:20 21/12/2016 | Topic Creator
"Simply find this dragon and bring proof. As for what you will need, I believe that is up to you and your expertise." The town crier explained. "The reward will be awarded to the group who provides the information first."
The woman let out a hum and then held her hand out to the crier. "Give me a flier. I'll find this dragon by sundown." She said with a smirk.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#467 Posted: 18:27:53 21/12/2016
Tyrus proceeded to do the same. He grabbed the flier and prepared to leave, ready for the adventure. However, he wasn't planning to find the dragon. He didn't have a death wish. That was simply his leverage. While he believed he could find the dragon if he wanted to, he didn't want to. He wasn't even interested in the reward, since he knew his father was going to take it anyway. Using the confusion from the crowd, Tyrus proceeded to leave the crowd, not even noticing if the strange woman was nearby or not.

Back at the blacksmith shop, Mason returned with the wood. He then saw that his son wasn't there, but since he didn't think his son would run away, he thought another thing.
"Why that lazy boy! He must be in his room with his nose stuck on that silly wizard book again." Mason exclaimed, knowing how fond his son was of magic. He was going to give him quite the mean scold for leaving his post, but only after he was done with that complicated sword...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#468 Posted: 22:59:08 21/12/2016
Halvard shifted his attention, noting the blacksmith moving back into the shop with a pile of wood. Unfortunately, the Orc had not noticed the young boy running off, though he had hardly taken a moment to note who Tyrus was in the first place. He had spared not more than a mere glance. Halvard continued to observe the crowds, gathering up tidbits of the conversations. The dragon was to be found, not slain? Interesting. What could be the reason for that?
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#469 Posted: 23:44:06 21/12/2016
Tyrus moved into the forest, first purchasing a map, then a knife just in case he needed to defend himself from wild animals or thugs. He has left his sword at home, but there was no way he was going to turn back to get it and face his father. He knew the forest well, though now that there was a dragon out there, he was going to be very nervous. He knew quite a bit about dragons thanks to the wizard book his father mentioned earlier, so he thought he knew how to track them. But wherever the dragon was, Tyrus was going to head the other way.

Mason continued fixing the Orc's sword, being more concerned on how much he was going to charge for his services than what was his son doing at the moment, so he continued with his work, doing calculations in his mind...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#470 Posted: 21:38:08 26/12/2016 | Topic Creator
The forest is more alive than it was the previous night. Birdsong has returned along with other sound of woodland creatures.
As for what Tyrus would know about dragons:
Dragons are large creatures that vary in size and mannerism depending on the type of dragon. As for black dragons, they are solitary creatures. Like most dragons, they spend they're lives collecting and adding to a horde. This horde is typically gold, jewels, and other valuables. However, some black dragons forgo the life of hording altogether.
Dragons are cold blooded and seek out areas that are cool and damp as well as areas that provide plenty of warmth to maintain they're body temperature. Areas like caves and mountains are often homes to dragons, however whether this is environmental or preferential is unknown.

To Tyrus's knowledge there are the mountains to the north of town and a set of caves to the west.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#471 Posted: 23:16:13 26/12/2016
With Tyrus's knowledge in dragons and a map to guide him, he headed to Everlyn, the only information he had to where his mother could be. That was it. There was no turning back now. The soil was soggy due to the torrential downpour from yesterday, so it was quite difficult to walk. According to the map, Everlyn was somewhere at the northwest, so he had to pass through the caves, where the dragon could possibly be. That was a risk he was willing to take if it meant encountering his mother, not to mention that he believed that his chances of finding the dragon were slim, since he wasn't looking for it. And if he did find a clue to it's whereabouts, he was simply going to change direction a little bit to avoid an encounter. That was the moment of truth. Tyrus was leaving everything behind, including his beloved collection, all to pursue a lifetime goal...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:26:27 27/12/2016 by Felines
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#472 Posted: 00:22:20 27/12/2016 | Topic Creator
ooc: Yo Felines, you could have asked where Everlyn was my dude. Because I realize that my world setting is huge and kinda hard to keep up with location and all that jazz I made a map. The red dot is Hamlet.
[User Posted Image]
By the by I did this map really quickly. There's no rivers or mountains or forests or anything so If you need to know whats where ask.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#473 Posted: 00:29:13 27/12/2016
OOC: I'm very sorry man. I shouldn't have made assumptions like that. I edited the last post. Thanks for the map. That will give me plenty to work on smilie

While Tyrus was getting very far away, Mason was almost done with the orc's sword.
"That beast better be here soon. His sword is almost ready." Mason said between teeth, that sword having given him so much trouble that he was sick of it already. That work was going to cause his particular customer quite a pretty penny. If only he could've been a better father, he would know that something was very wrong...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:29:56 27/12/2016 by Felines
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#474 Posted: 00:35:56 27/12/2016
Halvard finally lost interest in the crowd as it began to disperse. People were branching off in numerous directions and he assumed at least a couple of them were already trotting off to seek the dragon itself. He stretched his limbs while releasing a vivid groan. He paused for a few, weighing the funds he had brought along. He had brought quite a bit, always overcompensated for trips like these. Finally, he turned on his heel and began back towards the store, throwing casual glances to the sky as he progressed.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#475 Posted: 00:49:06 27/12/2016
Mason looked at his customer entering the door, and gave him a forced smile.
"Here you are sir. Good as new." Mason exclaimed, showing the Orc his new, improved sword. It almost looked like a different weapon entirely, and it's appearance was almost like it was recently purchased. Mason may be a grouche when it came to fixing complicated weapons like that, but they were good motivators, and it made him do the best job he could.

"This was quite the piece of work. I had to use extra materials to make it of this quality. This job won't come cheap mind you." Mason explained in his chivalrous tone, but if the Orc didn't have the money that he needed to a work like that, he didn't intend to give him the sword.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#476 Posted: 20:16:46 27/12/2016
Halvard noted the heavy emphasis on the price, and he be quite honest, he had been expecting that. He smiled back at the blacksmith, almost as if he were self-aware what a challenging and lengthy job it had been. He overlooked the blade itself, keeping his hands to himself as he observed from a small distance. He could hardly tell it was even the same blade he had entered with. It was changed, exquisite, and he found himself charmed inside to know that even an old sword like that could be reborn from the ashes.

"I am quite impressed. I can see I made a good choice in choosing to come to you," Halvard said with a calm hum behind his voice. "I had a feeling this job would be one I would pay a hefty sum for, and I came prepared for this very notion." He procured a small sack, tossing it upon the table. Though it appeared unimpressive, the coins contained inside were of a higher value. He hoped these high-valued coins were be enough, but did have a back-up.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#477 Posted: 20:19:23 27/12/2016
((OOC: I was considering making a second character, as I often enjoy maintaining two characters. Would it be possible to have a sort of thief character? Like, I'd be fully aware this character would be disliked and scorned by most, but I would be fine with that. And I would be realistic with his/her activities. I wouldn't constantly host large-scale heists or expect him/her to get away with everything he/she tries to do.))
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#478 Posted: 20:40:58 27/12/2016
OOC: Consult NightBlade about that. And you could've put that post on the same as the story. Two post of the same users is a little off.

Quote: Shadow-Cipher
Halvard noted the heavy emphasis on the price, and he be quite honest, he had been expecting that. He smiled back at the blacksmith, almost as if he were self-aware what a challenging and lengthy job it had been. He overlooked the blade itself, keeping his hands to himself as he observed from a small distance. He could hardly tell it was even the same blade he had entered with. It was changed, exquisite, and he found himself charmed inside to know that even an old sword like that could be reborn from the ashes.

"I am quite impressed. I can see I made a good choice in choosing to come to you," Halvard said with a calm hum behind his voice. "I had a feeling this job would be one I would pay a hefty sum for, and I came prepared for this very notion." He procured a small sack, tossing it upon the table. Though it appeared unimpressive, the coins contained inside were of a higher value. He hoped these high-valued coins were be enough, but did have a back-up.

"Foreign money perhaps?" Mason said as he examined the coins. They looked like gold mixed with something else. Perhaps silver? It was his son the one who was good at identifying metals, which reminded him that he still had to scold him. But in the meantime, all he cared about was his payment. He could tell there were about thirty coins.

"Well, I'm not a fan of this strange money, but I can still find some use to it. I would've charged about forty gold coins, but if this is all you got, then I'm afraid I have to take it all. That sword was in terrible condition. A little more and it looked like it would have disintegrated." Mason explained, still unable to comprehend how somebody would treat their weapon so badly. But his customer was an Orc, which had the fame of being rough and violent, so he imagined that must've been the explanation.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#479 Posted: 21:10:43 27/12/2016 | Topic Creator
ooc: Making another character would be cool. Go for it man.

It's going to be a long journey to Everlyn. Tyrus will either have to travel through the Caedalyn Forest, a dangerous woods filled with strange fey creatures and spirits, or the Underworld's surface territory, the underworld being a vast nation of people who dwell below the surface of Eariloth. Passing through the forest would certainly be the faster route, but taking the road through the Underworld territory would be safer. But before that Tyrus, having chosen to make his way through the cave system, will have to brave the dark and damp caverns.
The caves are dark and cool. Near the entrance there is a burnt out campfire. Someone must have stopped here recently. They may be inside the cave, or they may have ventured in other directions. There are no claw marks or scales, but it is not entirely impossible for the dragon to be nesting in the cave.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
ash Emerald Sparx Gems: 3001
#480 Posted: 21:20:07 27/12/2016
"What do you think of this dragon hunt?" Foxxe asked Drake as she crossed her arms over her chest, having watched a few people walk away with fliers and grins. She thought it all silly but was curious as to why it was an observe only mission.

Kora had made her way up to take one of the fliers then quickly retreated back. She checked her bag on her belt hidden under her cloak, she was low on food. she made her way to buy meat and bread for the trip. Seeing as there wouldn't be a need to face the beast, she thought she would make quick work of this job and aquire easy money.
Gotta have that wall of words man~
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#481 Posted: 21:24:38 27/12/2016
Quote: NightBlade
It's going to be a long journey to Everlyn. Tyrus will either have to travel through the Caedalyn Forest, a dangerous woods filled with strange fey creatures and spirits, or the Underworld's surface territory, the underworld being a vast nation of people who dwell below the surface of Eariloth. Passing through the forest would certainly be the faster route, but taking the road through the Underworld territory would be safer. But before that Tyrus, having chosen to make his way through the cave system, will have to brave the dark and damp caverns.
The caves are dark and cool. Near the entrance there is a burnt out campfire. Someone must have stopped here recently. They may be inside the cave, or they may have ventured in other directions. There are no claw marks or scales, but it is not entirely impossible for the dragon to be nesting in the cave.

Tyrus was now wandering into unknown territory. He has always ventured around the woods of Hamlet looking for the minerals for his father's shops, and even though he knew how to survive wild animals and merciless terrains like swamps and caverns, this was the first time he went that far. He was tempted to turn back, but he already made the move, so he wasn't going to give up. When he reached the caves, he was quite upset. He thought he could surround the caves and avoid them, when he realized he actually had to go inside to be on the other side of the valley. The fact that there was an abandoned campfire didn't help his nerves either. It looked incredibly creepy.
"Come on Tyrus. Focus. You can do this... please dragon... be somewhere else..." Tyrus said nervously to himself as he lit a small lantern he always carried with him, following the map and entering the cave, shivering. He only took a few steps when his stomach started rumbling. Tyrus only had a small loaf of bread for breakfast and was now hungry. Due to the rush of leaving his father, he planned poorly. But he was in there now, so he was going to wait to reach the other side to see what he could find...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:25:02 27/12/2016 by Felines
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#482 Posted: 22:20:02 27/12/2016
((OOC: Oops. Didn't think about that. Sorry. And thank you, NightBlade. I'll post that once I'm done building it))

Halvard bowed his head politely. "If all of it is what you wish to take, then by all means, go ahead. I was prepared for such a thing," he began, speaking in a continued low and calm tone. He often tried to speak quietly as not to come off as gruff or hostile. He didn't want people to think him aggressive just because he was an Orc. "You certainly deserve to be paid well for this job." He paused. "I am by no means attempting to suger-coat this conversation. I have been through a number of terrible blacksmiths, novices claiming they can do more than they are capable of, minimal effort to shorten the length. I admire someone who puts pride into their work."

His money accepted, Halvard slowly reached for the sword itself, pausing as he placed a hand on it before drawing it closer to him. He was quite elated to have his sword back and with such effort and work put into it too. He could tell that Mason took his job very seriously; it showed in his work.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#483 Posted: 22:31:23 27/12/2016
Mason was a very proud man, and putting the coins away, he couldn't help but smile at his customer's compliment and the incredible job he did with that sword.
"Of course. My craftwork is the best of the kingdom. Look at your sword! People will think you just recently purchased that." Mason exclaimed, showing his pride. Modesty wasn't in him, but with a talent such as his, it was hard to have any to begin with.

"However, I must warn you, if you ever treat that sword badly again, you will need a genuine miracle to get it fixed next time. Even with all my talent, I almost couldn't make it." Mason warned, though not because he didn't think he could do it. It was only because he didn't want another challenging job like that ever again.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#484 Posted: 23:03:19 27/12/2016
Halvard noted quickly how well recieved his compliment was, and it made him feel blissful inside, to think that he had managed to make this man's day a little bit better. He felt it was appropriate to pay respects to services rendered to you and items sold to you, and that when someone did a job well done, they deserved to know, to be told that it was noticed.

"I am glad to chose to come here," began the Orc. "I might believe in miracles, but even I wouldn't gamble on one. I would rather not have to strain someone's abilities too far. Challenges are exciting to succeed at, but certainly tiring afterwards. Again, thank you."
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#485 Posted: 23:14:31 27/12/2016
Mason nodded, though even after all that talk, he wondered why an Orc needed a sword in the first place. Nevertheless, that was none of his business, and finally satisfied for the job and extra kind today, Mason went to his shop's door and held it open.
"Alright sir, if that is all, you can leave my establishment now. I need to close the shop for a little while to reprimand a certain child." Mason said gruffly, hoping closing his shop for a few minutes didn't deprived him of potential customers. He was so angry at Tyrus for leaving his post without a notice and without even finishing his jobs with the shields. Mason thought it was all because the boy wanted to avoid the question of what they were both doing last night, and why did they were suddenly in the woods as if it was magic.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#486 Posted: 23:50:47 27/12/2016
Halvard immediately noted the mention of a child and it clicked to him. He didn't need to hear an explanation. He could put information together and understand that there was a family matter to attend to. "I will leave you to tend to that matter. It is not my place to interfere with that," Halvard said bluntly. He bowed his head. "Farewell." Reclaiming his sword fully, he made his way from the shop. He knew speaking further or asking questions was not his place. This was clearly a personal matter and long as it did not extend into the field of law-breaking, he knew it was not his place to interfere.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#487 Posted: 00:07:21 28/12/2016
With all said and done, at the end of the day, Halvard was just another customer for Mason, and after he had politely left his place, Mason locked the door tightly and went to search for his son.

"TYRUS!" Mason yelled at the top of his lungs as he entered the door to his house, very sure that his boy was going to come out of wherever he was. When there was no reply, he entered Tyrus's room. He searched the whole house afterwards, but there was no sign of the adventurous teenager. Clear that he wasn't in the house, Mason believed he was at the forest, collecting more trinkets. The big man was furious, and didn't intend to wait for Tyrus, so leaving his house, he went to the castle to ask the guards if they had seen him head to the forest recently. Was Tyrus really that determined to avoid the question. Or was be being lazy? Mason wanted to know...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
ShadeTheDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#488 Posted: 00:08:21 28/12/2016
Quote: ash
"What do you think of this dragon hunt?" Foxxe asked Drake as she crossed her arms over her chest, having watched a few people walk away with fliers and grins. She thought it all silly but was curious as to why it was an observe only mission.

Drake said "I find it infuriating. I may not remember much but I know that my family fought to protect dragons for generations. odds are that when word on were this dragon is gets out people will be trying to kill it left and right, I for one don't like the idea of some fool actually getting lucky. I'm thinking of going to worn this dragon and help it if I can."
I am the Ultimate Dragon
first rp I've created is accepting so please do join it's called Worlds Unite! The pelage is reborn (dead space rp) open
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#489 Posted: 00:31:34 28/12/2016 | Topic Creator
@Kora: The town has a variety of stalls in the market place. Sure enough there is on that will sell her some food. This stall is worked by a chubby redheaded merchant who talks very flamboyantly.

@Tyrus: The cave's passages twist and wind in complete darkness. They vary in height and width. Some of the winding corridors are so small that the only way to pass through them is to crawl. After nearly half an hour of traversing the caves Tyrus comes across a large open room. This room has a high ceiling that has a large circlar opening to the outside. It is too high to climb up to without climbing equipment. It does continue on the other side. However what is in the center of the room is what is most important to note.
A large black rock that appears to be the single largest onyx Tyrus has ever seen sits in the center of the room. It is about three times to size of a war horse and glistens in the sunlight from the hole in the ceiling.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#490 Posted: 00:52:11 28/12/2016
Tyrus's eyes drifted between the exit beyond his reach and the super large onyx in the room. There was obviously someone living there, but who? It couldn't be the dragon. Tyrus didn't believe they could be capable of creating such a complex room. Maybe the people who owned the campfire from outside? it looked deserted, so Tyrus helped himself. While he gave occasional at the stone, he tried to find something that he could use to climb.
"Ugh, why couldn't I pack mountaineer equipment!?" he complained as his stomach rumbled again, realizing just how poor his plan was...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#491 Posted: 01:08:27 28/12/2016
(OOC: Finished. I tried not to make her too overpowered with the magic since she isn't a wizard. Hope what I gave her was alright)

Name: Loramae Olwalyn

Age: 20

Appearance: Loramae is a fairly small being, standing only at 5'1" in height and weighing a quaint 97lbs. She is a pale-skinned being, with a frail frame clearly built for speed and agility rather then brute force or enduring hits. She has slim, almost cat-like eyes which are a vibrant amber in colour. Like an elf, her ears are tall and pointed and for her, they are usually pointed at a slightly downwards angle. Her hair is fairly short in length, and is crafted of numerous thin stands. Her hair does not usually go past the chin, although there are two groups in the back which drape over her shoulder.

Her outfit is entirely composed of the colour black, an obvious personal preference she holds. There is not a spit of colour to be seen anywhere on the attire, the entire wardrobe grafted exclusively of a couple different shades of black. The attire fits her finely. Her pants run down the entire length of her legs, slotted into her tall boots. Her shirt covers the entirety of her torso - nothing on show for anyone to see - and the sleeves reach down to the bracers strapped around her wrists. She commonly wears a hooded cloak of the darkest pitch black. The hood can be lowered without the cloak falling off as it wraps around her neck, though she usually wears the hood as well. She wears two thin belts around her waist, two on her right light, and one on her left leg. The belt upon her left leg holds a dagger around the back.

Race: Half-Elf

Class: Rouge

Lifestyle: Bandit

History: She did not grow up poor, though neither was she rich. She simply nestled peacefully into the middle of society where daily life could be realistically afforded, but trivial trinkets were seldom purchased. And for her, it was a boring, but quiet existence. She spent many days alone, wandering the city streets and quietly observing the people. While she did indeed have a school to attend, she often avoided classes like a plague, an act she was rarely caught in by her mother - her father being an ever absent figure in her life due to work he never fully explained to his family. She grew to very well know the streets of her city, the places every path lead, the hidden nooks and crannies, and the paths of many people who almost followed a stagnant pattern.

One day, when she was fourteen, she witnessed a robbery in the middle of town. A man likely several years older than her - possibly 18-19 - attempted to steal from a wealthy citizen making their way through town. She noted him far ahead of time, watching like a curious cat to see what would happen. The man was spotted, but still managed to snatch an object and make off with it. He fled near her and guards were soon to be in pursuit. Something inside her caused her to act, and she leaped from her perch, startling the man as she landed in front of him. She raised a hand when he procured a weapon. She bluntly told him that if he wanted to keep his gain, to follow her. She lead the man through a back alley and into a quiet hiding place, where the guards finally lost him. There the man asked why she had helped a thief, as it was clear she was not one. She thought about it. Then told him, "I don't know. I guess it just wanted to do something a little more exciting."

Exciting was the key word. With the many years she spent completely bored, she noted that it was fun to feel the adrenaline of stealing. For a year, she would rarely partake. She would snatch small objects, things of low value none would miss. She went undetected. That was, until she was sixteen. Wanting a little more fun, she opted for a slightly higher scale action. So, she attempted to steal a small golden ring from a jewelry stall, and fled directly into a local guard. She was arrested and jailed for the act, but found she was not disheartened. Instead, she felt encouraged to try a larger robbery again, as if getting in trouble wasn't an issue. So she hosted an escape, and fled the town. Now she ventures the roads, mugging travelers, and spends long periods in randomly selected towns, learning the build of the city, and quietly stealing items in a variety of ways, which include pickpocketing, ripping them off of stalls, and on special occasions, breaking into houses or stores. She will often chose to leave if people begin to question her, but otherwise sticks around and acts friendly. Then, she's on the road again, once more robbing the travelers and moving to a new town in hopes that she won't get caught there either. For her, it's a game to see how long she can go without getting caught.

Other: She has minor magical powers, mostly non-offensive, which can be used for a variety of purposes which includes detecting nearby life, levitating light objects, procuring small orbs of light, slight transparency of her body, healing minor wounds, and small projectiles that cause minor pain. However, she cannot cast spells often and uses them sparingly as such. She had great night-vision, being able to see well in dark environments. She can lockpick, though even she has her limits on which locks.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#492 Posted: 02:04:09 28/12/2016 | Topic Creator
ooc: I'll let you have it as long as you keep it so that she can only use them sparingly. If it gets to be a problem I'll let you know.

As Tyrus looks around the cavern he does not find anything that he could use to climb out of the hole in the ceiling. Just the rock with eyes. The passage way continuing on the other side might work though. Rock with eyes? Rock with eyes! Two large green eyes have opened up and are staring back at Tyrus. The rock then begins to unfurl and unfold as a huge black scaled creature emerges from it's hiding spot. It's tail semi wraps around to half block the passage way behind Tyrus. It huffs smoke out it's nostrils before it speaks in a rumbling voice, "I don't know. Why couldn't you pack mountaineering equipment?"
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#493 Posted: 02:26:02 28/12/2016
Tyrus didn't move from his spot. He just stared blankly at the dragon. No wonder the stone was so darn big. Tyrus felt ashamed that he confused a dragon of all creatures with a stone when he should've known better, but then again, that was the first time he had seen a dragon. Whatever deity is out there, it must really hate me.. Tyrus said in his mind, hating being in that predicament. Why did the dragon just had to be there, where he had to pass, of all places it could've been? And a talking dragon? He knew dragons were intelligent, but having the ability to speak? That was just too much. Trying not to seem afraid, Tyrus replied...

"Well... ugh... I... I left home in a hurry... so... I... I... I forgot to pack... mountaineer equipment." Tyrus said, stammering terribly. He didn't know if the dragon meant him harm, but he believed that if a creature was intelligent enough to be able to speak the human language, then there was a chance to reason with it if that seemed to be the case...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#494 Posted: 02:38:31 28/12/2016
((Trust me, I self-imposed limitations upon myself when coming up with that idea just to keep her from going overpowered))

It had been a long while since Loramae had last left a town. The streets she had chosen to wander were fairly quiet, not a soul having passed by yet. She rarely considered where she was going when she journeyed out into the streets, simply gathered basic supplies and traveled near the road until a sight or location of interest popped up - or possibly another person if that was the case. She wondered as she continued down the road if she would see anything soon, a person or carriage trotting down the street or possibly a town rising from the horizon. She took a moment to scan the environment, listen and look.


Halvard took into the middle of town now, sidling into the crowds of people and keeping tabs on his surroundings. He almost hoped nothing would happen, that he could just enjoy the fresh air, possibly speak with some nice people, and be able to drop by the local tavern for a drink later. His job was fairly dull without any action going on, but that had it's perks. He could sit back, inhale the fresh air, and enjoy life for what it was.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#495 Posted: 02:46:33 28/12/2016 | Topic Creator
@Tyrus: The dragon stares at Tyrus for a moment before letting out a rumbling huff of smoke. "Why would a child like yourself leave home in such a hurry. Running away are we? Don't lie..." It speaks loudly before dropping it's voice down to what may have supposed to be a whisper. "We dragons can smell lies." It adjusts how it sits, propping it's head on it's arm and shifting it's wings to be more widespread. "Come now hatchling. I smell a story about you and I am inclined to hear it."

@Loramae: Most people in the middle of town have started to scatter from the town crier. Many make their way to the market stalls. Others off to their jobs. It is fairly quiet as far as morning go. Maybe too quiet. But it left those with coin in their pockets unaware of those who would lighten their load.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:50:29 28/12/2016 by NightBlade
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#496 Posted: 02:58:07 28/12/2016
OOC: Hey NightBlade. Before I forget, you can put that map in the first page for future users smilie

Passing through the crowds was the almost equally large figure of Mason, who had quite a lot of trouble going through that anthill of people. When he finally reached the castle entrance, he spoke to the first guard that was nearest of him.
"Excuse me sir. My son Tyrus. You know him, right? Small, skinny boy about this size. Dark brown hair. Did you see him go into the forest by any chance?" Mason asked politely with with obvious tension. The guards usually gave many rounds around town, and the edge of the forest was no exception. Somebody must've seen him...

Quote: NightBlade
@Tyrus: The dragon stares at Tyrus for a moment before letting out a rumbling huff of smoke. "Why would a child like yourself leave home in such a hurry. Running away are we? Don't lie..." It speaks loudly before dropping it's voice down to what may have supposed to be a whisper. "We dragons can smell lies." It adjusts how it sits, propping it's head on it's arm and shifting it's wings to be more widespread. "Come now hatchling. I smell a story about you and I am inclined to hear it."

Tyrus was quite confused, and wondered why a large, majestic dragon like that would be interested in the personal life of a simple boy like him. He noticed how the dragon was blocking his escape, so he knew he had no choice but to succumb to the dragon's demands. He waited for his lips to stop trembling so that he wouldn't stammer when he spoke.
"Well, it's the truth! You... you can call it running away if you want... I suppose that's what's happening. I'm leaving my father so I can live with my mother. She was last seen on Everlyn, so you see, I had no choice but to pass through here." Tyrus explained, stammering less that time, though still clearly nervous. He believed that the dragon either loved to hear stories or it was angry at him for trespassing. Whatever the case, Tyrus prayed he could get out of that one alive.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:01:12 28/12/2016 by Felines
Shadow-Cipher Yellow Sparx Gems: 1229
#497 Posted: 03:06:45 28/12/2016
Finally roads of nothing give way to the buildings of a town, and Loramae's ears lift a little as she notes the first center of activity in a while. She exhaled clearly before approaching the town slowly. Currently, her hood was drawn, and she pulled it a little further into place as she began to make her first steps into the town. It seems a peaceful enough little hamlet, people meandering about their lives. She paused as she examined the town from the entrance, but moved after a minute of resting in place. She could feel a light breeze dancing across her skin, a rather gentle coolness to the surrounding air. It became quickly clear nobody around was particularly on edge - they weren't looking out for anything or anyone of suspicion at least. She began to move towards a clear town center, figuring it would be a good point to scan the town fully and possibly develop the feeling that she was nobody to be concerned about. Her eyes scanned people moving by as she went, observing them and learning what she could in the time she watched.
An eNeMeE approaches, dark as night, cold as space, and with a heart filled with evil. His displeasure for my joke at his expense is immeasurable.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#498 Posted: 03:44:23 28/12/2016 | Topic Creator
The dragon lets out a hum, smoke rising from it's nostrils. It shakes it's head slowly and drums the claws on it's free hand against the stone floor of the cave. "Why would you leave your father, hatchling? Does he not love you?" It asks. It watches Tyrus intently for a while before it lets out a noise of realization. "Oh, goodness me! We haven't had introductions! Where are my manners... I am Xanathgrona'n... In the human tongue my name is Thorn... What is your name, hatchling?"
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#499 Posted: 03:53:11 28/12/2016
Tyrus wasn't sure if he was liking being there, but how many got the chance to speak with a real dragon?
"I'm... Tyrus." the teenager answered nervously, before proceeding to answer his former question.
"And dad... well... I think he only sees me as a tool to make money." Tyrus said sadly, having asked himself that question many times. He wanted to believe his dad loved him in his own, rough way, but given how he treated him, he was doubting it very much.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#500 Posted: 19:13:01 28/12/2016 | Topic Creator
@Mason: The guardsman thinks for a moment before he answers. "Yea, saw the kid a while ago. Asked about the bounty on the dragon. I sent him to the crier." He answered. pointing his armored hand in the general direction of the crier.

@Tyrus: The dragon lets out a disgruntled noise as it furrows it's brows. "Well, Tyrus, I am saddened that you believe your father does not love you. A hatchling should always be the first thing on a parent's mind..." The dragon laments. It shifts it's position once again, relaxing it's wings and propping itself up on one arm as it lay watching Tyrus. "I, too, was last seen in Everlyn. I call the fair land of magic my home. Me and my companion traveled here on business, but I grow weary of this place. Pray tell, Tyrus, what was your mother doing in Everlyn?"
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
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