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Knight-Mare [CLOSED]
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#1 Posted: 11:04:02 02/01/2014 | Topic Creator
(Apologies if it's not my best work, I've not done this in a while.)

Virtual reality technology, it’s been a dream of gamers since the beginning of the era of video games. It is currently the year 2042, no real advancements have been made in the way of the environment or any other major world issue. However virtual reality has been utilized in video games for many years, however by far the most raved about game came out nearly a decade previously called “Knight-Mare”

Knight-Mare, is a medieval based massive multiplayer online role playing game, it involves magic, swords, kings, and quests. Although it certainly isn’t the first or only game of this type, “Knight-Mare” is certainly the most difficult to master. The fact that only six players have ever reached the maximum level and none of them are any of the game’s developers proves this. Even though some users claim to have figured out how to play it, once they encounter a type of enemy that doesn’t play to their strengths. This weakness can only be countered by teamwork, which some players have done well, and others have struggled to figure out how to work with others.

Another thing that adds to the difficulty of this game is that if your character dies, that's it, you'll have to start all over again with a new character. No respawn, no running to gather your equipment, you can loose months, even years of grinding, leveling up, collecting money and gear, all in the blink of an eye.

In Knight-Mare, as with almost every other video game of this type, you gain power through skill points in certain areas. You attain these skill points by leveling up and completing particularly difficult quests. When someone first starts playing, they are given 175 skill points to use amongst their skills. At each additional level, they are awarded 5 extra skill points, with the level cap being 100.

During character creation, players are prompted to pick their character’s Race, and their Class, Certain Races and Classes give bonuses to different skills.

Available Races:
Human: +5 In Acrobatics, Speech, Stealth, Blade and Enchanting
Orc: +10 In Blade, and Brawling, +5 In Endurance
Elf: +10 in Archery, and Fletching, +5 in Enchanting
Dwarf: +15 in Armor, +10 in Forge
Halfling: +15 in Stealth, +5 in Lockpick, and Acrobatics
Half-Dragon: +15 to Armor, +10 to Magic

Available Classes:
Warrior: +10 in Blade, and Brawling
Druid: +10 in Alchemy, and Magic
Ranger: +10 in Archery, and Stealth
Paladin: +10 in Armor, and Endurance
Wizard: +10 in Magic, and Enchanting
Monk: +10 in Brawling, and Acrobatics

Character Template: (Note: This template is for your character in Night-Mare)
Level: (Maximum of 20 to start with please)
Reputation: (Is your character a 'world' renown hero, defending the poor? A renown theif who always slips away? A powerful mage? Our are you a nobody right now?)
Equipment: (Include the armor your character is wearing, if any)

Skill points
1. No God-Modding, Auto-Hitting, Infinite Dodging, or overpowered characters.
2. No one liners please
3. Please try not to use Pictures for character appearances.
4. I am GM, therefore please do not argue about a point or ruling I have made.
5. If you join, please try to stay active.
6. No Script Writing
7. Only one character per person.
8. Enjoy yourself, This roleplay is meant to entertain those who join, I am simply your humble guide.

(My character will be up soon)
King of RP's
Edited 5 times - Last edited at 03:45:35 03/01/2014 by luigimario3939
Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#2 Posted: 18:47:46 02/01/2014
I have to ask. Inspired by SAO?
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#3 Posted: 19:45:57 02/01/2014 | Topic Creator
SAO? I'm not even sure what that is to be perfectly honest with you smilie. So I guess you could say no.

EDIT: After a quick Google search it certainly looks that way doesn't it? But as I said before, no this wasn't intended to be based off of it smilie
King of RP's
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:49:09 02/01/2014 by luigimario3939
Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#4 Posted: 20:40:50 02/01/2014
Ah. I thought it was. Well I will join when I can come up with a great idea.
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#5 Posted: 04:26:07 03/01/2014
Name: Nizla
Level: 10
Gender: female
Race: half-dragon
Class: wizard
Appearance: I know you said that you didn't want us to use pictures, but I'm better at drawing then out writing out my thoughts. Sorry. ^_^"
Reputation: Not really well known to a lot of people, and hasn't joined up with any guild. Nizla, to the few people that do know her, is known as a relatively lax player that enjoys exploring and experimenting with the game's magic.
Equipment: Heavy Armor, likely par to one or two levels below her character level. She'd likely also have a dagger, lest something occur that would prevent her from using magic.
Other:Nizla tends to be a solo player, and doesn't really seem to have any other friends she meets up with in game. It's not that she's not willing to work with others ;however.

Skill points
Acrobatics: 15
Alchemy: 0
Archery: 0
Armor: 60
Blade: 20
Brawling: 0
Enchanting: 30
Endurance: 20
Speech: 35
Magic: 65
Stealth: 5
Lockpick: 15
Forge: 0
Fletching: 0
I look forward to playing with you. ^_^
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#6 Posted: 04:49:19 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Accepted, and don't worry about the appearance thing, I just prefer writing
King of RP's
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#7 Posted: 05:45:44 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Name: Xenoko
Level: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin

Appearance: Being a Dwarf, he is rather short, standing only five feet tall, although he has quite a burly build. Typical to a Dwarf he has a long braded beard which is black in color, matching his jet black hair. He typically has a serious demeanor about him and rarely cracks a smile. Although he’s not an unpleasant person he can be quite a stick in the mud sometimes. He typically wears heavy and durable armor which he proudly sports out in public along with his two shining blades named “Chaos” and “Order” which he keeps strapped to his belt at almost all times.

Reputation: He is known quite well through making armor and weapons for many different guilds across the land. It doesn’t matter to him, as long as they can pay for what he makes, he’ll make it. The time that proved this was when he single handedly crafted all the weapons for the dark guild known as the Babylon Rogues. An unfortunate outcome from him providing them these weapons was a war between several different guilds which resulted in countless casualties. Xenoko has never spoke of this incident again, and although people suspected he had been behind the Rogues newfound strength, it was never confirmed. People now both respect and resent him in equal measure by those who'd come to hear of his new (Unwanted) fame. He'd never intended for the weapons he created to be used for war.

Equipment: He usually wears his Adamantine armor when he’s out and about, usually carrying with him a pair of shining swords, the metal of which he’s kept a secret since he crafted them. Also on his person is typically just a small bag of gold which he keeps tied to his belt. Other than that he typically tries to travel light.

Other: Since the incident with the Babylon Rogues, he’s tried to stay clear of guild activities altogether, although on occasion, he can be convinced to work for them again, if the price is right.

Skill points
Acrobatics: 0
Alchemy: 0
Archery: 0
Armor: 85
Brawling: 0
Enchanting: 0
Endurance: 10
Speech: 0
Magic: 0
Stealth: 0
Lockpick: 0
Forge: 100
Fletching: 0
King of RP's
Felyne Green Sparx Gems: 169
#8 Posted: 08:19:20 03/01/2014
Hello Ladies, Gents, Moogles, and Gobblers, how are you fine folks today? minds if i join you, just for a day(or forever)?
^ im terribly sorry...i had a moment...^
Name: Kryogen FrostHeart
Level: 12
Gender: Male
Race: half-dragon(ice) (+15 armor, +10 magic)
Class: warrior(+10 blade, +10 brawling)
Appearance: FrostHeart stands roughly 6' tall with fair, pale skin. His eyes are a solid silver with two narrow vertical slits for pupils. his messy(good messy) hair is pitch black with a blue streak on his left side and drops to about the shoulder. from the waist down FrostHeart is more dragon than man, with 3 jointed dragon legs(white scales), and a tail that is about 4 feet long(white scales). generally he covers his lower body with dark fluffy leggings, without shoes. his upper body is covered with a white cloak(blue trim, hood-less)
Reputation: other than his icy stare said to put ice dragons on edge, none
Equipment: carries three daggers at his waist(left side access) a straight blade, a throwing blade, and a curved dueling blade. can also morph his arms to dragon claws.
Other: he will rarely fight anything seriously, using his knives to toy with them. when he does get serious(when he/another player is at risk) he forms an ice katana and will go ham n' cheese with the ice magics.

Skill points (only put the ones he has points in, for simplicity)
Acrobatics: 47
Armor: 15
Brawling: 10
Endurance: 47
Magic(ice): 57
Stealth: 47

EDIT: because im -<(insert insult here)>-, and forgot the hair -.-
EDIT 2: because i got shot by the dm and needed to redo character T.T
the coin was gonna be so much cooler: then limitations kicked in T.T
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 10:15:17 07/01/2014 by Felyne
Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#9 Posted: 14:23:12 03/01/2014
Name: Nita
Level: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Appearance: Nita is quite tall at 5"7 and she has long black hair that goes a little ways past her shoulders and has orange tips. Her eyes are a mysterious amber and her personality is usually merciless (thanks to her past), and she is very serious about her task in the world. Whoever she goes, Nita always carries with her a mysterious atmosphere that makes everyone shiver.
Reputation: Nita is a well known thief and bounty hunter as well as a tamer. Her slyness and cunning skill is why she is treasured and asked to do many tasks, sometimes even assassination. You'll usually never see her coming, and she's a loner who works alone except for with her partner Akando.
Equipment: Nita doesn't usually like armor because it slows her down, but she wears light, but strong armor for her tasks that is made up of a long black and silver cloak, her two needle sharp daggers that she calls the Soul Weavers and that we're hand crafted, and her black tennis shoes.
Other: Nita has a partner named Akando which makes her known as a tamer. Akando is a dark gray/black wolf with quite a few battle scars, and saber tooth fangs to go with his sharp canines and other teeth. Akando and Nita fight like a tag team and work well too, getting the task done together, and right.

Skill points
Archery: 45
Armor: 20
Blade: 30
Brawling: 30
Enchanting: 5
Endurance: 25
Speed: 50
Stealth: 60
Fletching: 10

(I must have done the adding wrong or something.)
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:28:07 04/01/2014 by Inuyashafan39
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#10 Posted: 17:03:08 03/01/2014
Name: Muta

Level: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Orc

Class: Warrior

Appearance: She is about seven feet tall and heavily muscular, with jade green skin and yellow eyes, like you would expect from any orc. She has long, jet black hair that goes down to her waist, with a messy appearance that makes it seem like it's never looked after. She wears tough leather armor that covers her body, with metal plates over her chest, upper arms and shoulders, and her thighs.

Reputation: She is somewhat well-known for being a skilled fighter. She is considered to be a neutral solo player. She's never seen teaming up with anyone, and she's never been part of a guild. Most people don't think to ask for whatever reason. She mostly just keeps to herself and looks out for herself. She does what she wants when she wants to do it, and doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks about it. Although she doesn't normally hang out with other players, she has good days where she'll help innocents, and bad days where she does what she needs to in order to survive in the game.

Equipment: She has strong leather armor and metal plates that match her level. Her weapon is a five-foot-long giant battleaxe with blades at each end of the handle. She also carries a small satchel attached to her belt that holds a bit of gold.

Other: Although in no particular hurry, she hopes to beat the game someday.

Skill points:
Acrobatics: 5
Armor: 50
Blade: 100
Brawling: 100
Endurance: 50
Stealth: 5
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:06:53 03/01/2014 by Cynder09
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#11 Posted: 02:14:28 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Felyne and Inuyasha, sorry guys but 1 class only smilie

Also Inuyasha, at your current level you should have 275 Skill points total

Cynder Accepted
King of RP's
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#12 Posted: 03:09:39 04/01/2014
Ooc: Is the original 175 with class and racial boosts?

Name: Tella
Level: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Class: Druid
Appearance: Is exactly 6 feet tall, and has 4 foot long purple hair. Is deeply tanned, to the point to where she has dark brown skin, and has multiple light-toned tattoos on it. Is also quite quick, so as to where she can escape most enemies that get to close, thius having thickly muscled legs.
Reputation: Known for rarely buying food from anywhere but her hunting skills, she has gained a reputation for avoiding towns unless in desperate need of assistance, and is never afraid to team up with someone.
Equipment: A quarterstaff with a notch on it for every level up, splintmail that covers her chest, leather pants, and leather boots. A bow for no-magic situations
Other: Has long since given up on society, and is never afraid to voice that opinion.

Skill Points
Magic: 90 (10 druid+80 leveling)
Fletching: 10 (10 Elf)
Archery: 50 (10 elf+40 leveling)
ALchemy: 50 (10 elf+40 leveling)
Acrobatics: 40 (40 leveling)
Speech: 45 (45 leveling
Total: 295
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#13 Posted: 03:12:58 04/01/2014
Quote: luigimario3939
Felyne and Inuyasha, sorry guys but 1 class only smilie

Also Inuyasha, at your current level you should have 275 Skill points total

Cynder Accepted

Gah I can't add I need help. I'll fix that class thing.
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#14 Posted: 03:21:53 04/01/2014
Inayusha, you have 50 points in there. You need to add 225
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#15 Posted: 03:29:49 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
@Assasin: No, the base 175 points are just that, a base for new players to allocate where they would like

Assasin you and Inuyasha are accepted. Although Inuyasha may put the rest of his skill points into his skills.
King of RP's
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#16 Posted: 04:05:34 04/01/2014
So I can add some, with the total being 295+ bonuses 45?
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#17 Posted: 04:18:04 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
No, you have the proper amount of points for your current level already
King of RP's
Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#18 Posted: 04:24:25 04/01/2014
Not to be rude or anything, but luigimario3939, I'm a 'she' not a 'he'
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#19 Posted: 04:29:13 04/01/2014
Ok! I won't modify it or anything. Please explain how one fletches?
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#20 Posted: 04:54:00 04/01/2014
OOC: Aww, Assassinelf you took the Druid, how dare you... Also, shouldn't everyone just start at Level 1 so everyone is on the same level of experience? It seems a little more balanced if everyone would be level 1. Also, what is a Halfling?

Name: Kane
Level: 1
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Dragon
Class: Druid
Appearance: Through the use of effective armour and garbs, he has completely hidden all traces of being a dragon. Feels odd being a Draconic Druid, and is scared of dwarven people. Wears a forest green/lime green garb and green plate mail over his chest and shoulders. Can only wear lighter armours, with brown boots and a belt where he keeps vials of potions and items to be mixed with alchemy and wears leather gauntlets.
Reputation: Doesn't have a reputation other than people believing he is a human
Equipment: Flail. Green garb.
Other: Carries a few alchemy tools. Can purify small ponds of water. Can pass through vines and thickets and not take as much damage, if not any damage.

Skill points (20 to Magic/10 Alchemy/15 Armour)
Acrobatics: 10
Alchemy: 40
Archery: 5
Armor: 35
Blade: 0
Brawling: 0
Enchanting: 0
Endurance: 20
Speech: 5
Magic: 75
Stealth: 15
Lockpick: 5
Forge: 10
Fletching: 0

These include the bonus race/guild stats. Also, is it okay, that I make my character hide his identity?
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:00:41 04/01/2014 by Crescent Wing
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#21 Posted: 05:02:46 04/01/2014
Ooc: A halfling is another word for a hobbit
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#22 Posted: 05:16:18 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Ok, in order

@Inuyasha: smilie you can be as rude as you want in this circumstance, I'm sorry, it's just a little hard to tell on the internet you know?

@Assasinelf: Basically it's the creation of arrows. Start with a long peice of wood carved into the length of arrow desired, then you pu the tail feathers on to keep it stable and then tie on an arrowhead smilie basically how it's done.

@Crecent: Answer 1: I wanted to give players the option of beginning at a higher level, up to a certain point, in an attempt to re-create the feeling of a real MMORPG. Also I'm trying to give more creative freedom to players, allowing them to choose their starting level was the first step smilie. Answer 2: Think Hobbit without the hairy feet. Roughly 2-3 feet tall, that sort of thing. Answer 3: You may choose for your character to hide his identity if you please, though I WOULD like you to elaborate on why in PM form if you please.

Anything I missed? smilie
King of RP's
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:18:32 04/01/2014 by luigimario3939
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#23 Posted: 05:23:41 04/01/2014
I think you got it all. I honestly think you did a really good job on this
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#24 Posted: 05:25:29 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
smilie thank you very much took me a while to come up with the idea.
King of RP's
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#25 Posted: 05:32:51 04/01/2014
I wish I was this good at designing rps.... I love to write, and am good at writing stories, but terrible at writing summaries for rps.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#26 Posted: 05:49:39 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Crecent and Inuyasha are both Accepted.
King of RP's
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#27 Posted: 05:55:11 04/01/2014
Awesome cuz' I'm friends with cw
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#28 Posted: 06:02:19 04/01/2014
We going to start?
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#29 Posted: 06:14:00 04/01/2014
Are we?
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#30 Posted: 06:25:03 04/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Not quite yet, sorry guys just a little bit longer before we can start
King of RP's
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#31 Posted: 19:05:55 04/01/2014
Ok that's good too
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#32 Posted: 04:40:22 05/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Accepted, Welcome Shorty
King of RP's
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#33 Posted: 06:51:19 05/01/2014 | Topic Creator
(Commence RP)

"Welcome back player" A cool female voice came from the speakers surrounding Xenoko, who was currently in the process of logging onto Knight-Mare. "Beginning Retinal scan now." The voice continued. Xenoko sighed and opened his eyes as wide as he could, moments later the voice spoke once again "Thank you Xenoko... Logging in..." This was how players logged into Knight-Mare you see. Instead of simple number and letter passwords, the system used the Retina in the eye as a password in itself. This prevented any kind of Hijacking or Hacking of accounts. Xenoko prepared himself for what came next. It was perhaps the most, if only, awful thing in Knight-Mare. For a moment his eyes went black, the world around him began to fade away as he completed logging in. A moment later he felt the terrible sensation of falling. This was known to cause severe nausea for unprepared players as his virtual body plummeted. Looking down, Xenoko finally saw the ground which came rushing up to meet him, however, just before impact, he slowed tremendously and touched down with the grace of a dove.

After looking around for a moment or two, he realized where he'd spawned at. He was in the middle of the town square of one of the main cities in Knight-Mare known as White Crest. Being a port city, the NPC's and players who chose to make White Crest their home were some of the wealthiest in all of the entirety of the game. This is why Xenoko had chosen to make it his base of operation. The people here were some of the few who could actually afford the higher level weapons and armor that he created. He smiled as he looked around, it was about mid-day in their virtual world, the streets were bustling with eager shoppers ready to spend their hard earned gold, and excited vendors ready to sell their hard crafted wares. Xenoko grinned and walked over to the stand which he had bought to sell his own wares at. It couldn't have been better placed. Right in the center of the town square. He smiled pleasantly as he laid out several swords and hung some armor on the wall to show them off. Just another day in the life of the Dwarven Forger
King of RP's
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#34 Posted: 07:17:25 05/01/2014
Tellah's user went through her computer games, which were listed from least favorite to favorite. Team fortress 2, Pokemon Tower Defense, League of Legends, and finally, everyone's favorite Virtual Reality, Knight-Mare. After 5 minutes, she had logged in and gone through the sequence she had come to call, "Cross-Realm Transportation". As she touched the ground, she reached for her bow, and looked around. She didn't see any game, just a few bushes, one of which contained very poisonous Nightlock. Eeeew. She then collected small berries she knew were safe to eat.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#35 Posted: 15:41:45 05/01/2014
The girl stared at her computer, and she placed in her boot disc into the drive. Her computer was older than her brothers, and certainly older than the computer anyone she knew had. But to her it was her own little project. "Come on, Baby, just boot Knight-Mare." She said to her pc as she began the log in process. The world seemed to shrink away as the girl became Nizla, and this person could smile. Wind swept through Nizla's hair, she felt her stomach drop, and her eyes opened to see the world appearing and rushing towards her. For most people this was horrible, but to her it was an adrenaline rush. She let loose a cheer as she descended, laughing out loud as she slowed and landed.
She checked her surroundings, being just outside of town. If she recalled correctly the last time she had logged in she was busy grinding to gain xp so the that she could enter a dungeon. Her eyes flashed momentarily to her xp meter, and she sighed. "Crap, I guess I didn't finish after all." She muttered,brushing her hair back. "I didn't sell anything either... Man, what was I thinking?!" Turning heel, Nizla proceed into town to clear the clutter from her inventory.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#36 Posted: 17:36:39 05/01/2014
Muta had just logged into Knight-Mare and was now being dropped into the game. No matter how many times she went through the process or how much she prepared herself for it, she still felt dizzy and a little nausea after the fall. As she landed gently, she paused for a moment and held her head.

"Man, I am never gonna get used to that..." She muttered. That was one thing she hated about the game, but it was too much fun to give up. Once she felt she had recovered, she looked around to check her surroundings. Muta found herself standing in a hotel room of one of the cities. She couldn't remember which one at the moment, and frankly didn't really care.

"Oh, this must have been my save point for the night. Figures. This place looks cheap enough. Oh well, time to get going. I'd like to gain some more levels before I challenge a new dungeon." And with that, Muta headed out of the hotel room and made her way out of the building.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#37 Posted: 18:09:42 05/01/2014
Tellah looked around, and realized something impossible had happened, she didn't recognize the stretch of forest she was in! So she instinctively turned around and retraced her steps. Landmarks here and there, like a bush with strange berries that vaguely resembled hands. Creeped her out, she kept on imagining the hands coming to life, but after a while, she had found her way to her starting point, and the Creep-Berry bush, which is what she called it (she had a knack for naming things), was far out of sight.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#38 Posted: 00:48:05 06/01/2014
The fifteen year old switched on the gear she used to log into Knight-Mare. She went through the login progress as usual and was finally transported in.
"Great to be back!" She cheered, stretching. She looked around at the moonlit fields and slapped her forehead. "Oh god, I slept here again, didn't I? Well it's always been homely. Let's get moving Akando! I'm ready for training!" She says happily as the saber tooth wolf ran to her side with a bark.
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#39 Posted: 01:43:56 06/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Xenoko smiled at passers by, although nobody seemed to be in the buying mood, at least not for the quality items he had to sell. He frowned, his prices might have been high, but without a doubt every credit that people paid him was worth it. He frowned and then collected up his items.

He put all of his wares back inside a small building that stood behind the stand where he had chosen to set up shop. It was a warehouse of sorts, a player owned it and choose to turn it into a storage space for vendors. Xenoko locked his wares up behind a set of thick iron bars and then proceeded out of the building. He brought with him several dozen ingots of that strange unidentifiable material of which his twin blades were forged. He brought these ingots up toward the palace of White Crest. Not just any forge had the ability to craft this particular material, he required a special forge. It lay outside the palace and anyone who was skilled enough was free to use it. So without pause, Xenoko began to craft. First, a half dozen daggers, then a pair of war axes, and finally, one enormous greatsword.

So powerful were the hits against the mighty steel that the reverberation and echo of Xenoko's work could be heard throughout the city. It wasn't his fault though, such force was needed to bend this particular material to the shape he desired. He wasn't sure why he felt the need to craft these particular items. It wasn't like just anyone could wield them. Or purchase them for that matter, a single ingot of this material cost roughly 1,000,000 Credits, a particularly hefty price for anyone given that 10 credits will feed a man and his family for a week. Never the less, he continued his work, and one by one, the items he desired took shape.
King of RP's
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#40 Posted: 01:54:38 06/01/2014
Tellah was walking through the forest, contemplating a major problem. She wanted somebody to upgrade her bow, but alll the best blacksmiths lived in towns. Not only did she dislike towns, most townsfolk disliked her. But in her bows current state, a high-leveled Chimaera might be capable of taking her out. So, she did the sensible thing. She went into the nearest town, which was a twn of wealth knoqwn as White Crest. She had heard of a blacksmith, ans she thought their may be some kind of bendy metal that might be used for her bow.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9878
#41 Posted: 02:16:51 06/01/2014
Muta soon made her way out of the town she had been staying in. She had already sold the items in her inventory from her last training session and had a decent sum of gold to show for it. Now she was heading into the forest to gain some more exp. Maybe after enough grinding she could not only gain some levels, but earn enough gold to upgrade her gear.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#42 Posted: 02:32:55 06/01/2014
Nita looked around the fields as she walked, her black hood up. She wanted to find a blacksmith who could upgrade her two daggers, Soul Weavers.
"I have a lot of money, I can pay well." She mutters as she walks. Akando suddenly barks, and she looks up.
A small little moon puppy lies injured in the fields. Nita runs to it, examining the gashes.
"This isn't good. Akando, take a look around." She growls as she pulls medication out of her bag to tend to the dog.
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#43 Posted: 03:57:36 06/01/2014
Nizla strolled through town, humming and gazing at the stalls as she passed through town square. A elven enchanter, typical. Alchemist, bleh. Dwarven blacksmith, la- "That dagger is amazing!" She shouted suddenly, at the both in less than a second. Her face lit up when she saw it, "That is so cool! I wonder how much it..." She trailed off as she turned her gaze to the price. Her jaw then dropped, as her last word came out at a tone of sheer disappointment. "...costs." She sighed, and took a step away from the stall. "I couldn't afford that if I sold my soul to this game... "
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#44 Posted: 05:51:10 06/01/2014 | Topic Creator
(OOC: Is Nizla talking to Xenoko?
King of RP's
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#45 Posted: 13:25:10 06/01/2014
OOC: I am gone for one day and this RP takes off. It has gone awhile so I might just drop out.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#46 Posted: 14:12:06 06/01/2014
Quote: Crescent Wing
OOC: I am gone for one day and this RP takes off. It has gone awhile so I might just drop out.

I know how you feel. You can go a bit of a skim throughout the posts, and then post yourself. I sorta did that.
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
luigimario3939 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1297
#47 Posted: 16:08:07 06/01/2014 | Topic Creator
(OOC: There's only been 12 posts total since we started, it's not that much if you still wanna catch up)
King of RP's
NightBlade Platinum Sparx Gems: 6019
#48 Posted: 19:01:09 06/01/2014
ooc: Yea, She is.
The Eater of Worlds has awoken!
"Muttering curse words under her breasts..." - Jamie
Galaxies and Stardust. More Art Than Stars.
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