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The Fate Of The Brave (Private) [CLOSED]
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#1 Posted: 01:01:02 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
After the years following the War of Revea, a war which shattered the land and divided up into four main capitals: Erizah, Grendil, Manat, and Orria, the kings have suddenly gone berserk with power and each was demanding to start a war between each capital. This quickly escalated into a full scale war, resulting in a second world-wide war. Each king wanted to collect of all the Heaven Shards to gain access to Eternia, a promised land. False profits arose to try and spread the word about Eternia, telling citizens to join the fight and help their country so they would too gain access to Eternia. Nobody was quite sure about Eternia except for rumors about it. People who questions the profits or the king were instantly executed. Later on, the kings each demanded the citizens sacrifice their children and give up their gold. Sacrifices were almost daily and they claimed a sacrifice would bring them one step closer to Eternia, the reason being, Eternian gods and goddesses would protect the sacrificed child until their parents died so they could be with them again in the promised land. Many deaths were resulted, at this time, birth rates were very lose, death rates high, due to the sacrifices made to "help" the war. People lost everything they owned and eventually fled the land or committed suicide. Out of those who fought, they were promised riches and fulfillment, many to which were killed almost instantaneously in the war. Legend has it, four warriors of the Brave Stone will arise, each from a kingdom and come together to fight the war, and repatriate each country back to its original glory, and also destroy the false profits and their Eternian "god", Adam, to once again bring peace back to the land before global extinction would occur between each race.

I am the GM
No Godmodding
Large posts, (+5 lines)
Have small backstories as characters will gradually develop over the story
Romance (PG-13)
Have Fun
There are 4 Main heroes, but supporting characters come.

There are four races that correspond with each capital.
Erizah - Humans ~ Basic, well-rounded characters.
Grendil - Roegadyn ~ Larger, more primal beings. Suited for more Physical classes.
Manat - Elvaan ~ Races who rely on quick speed and fast attacking. Pretty well-rounded as well.
Orria - Mithra ~ Feline-like race who have good speed and access to magical arts.

Each hero will have access to one of the eight jobs available, and will be granted a class change later on. Each job has special skills. During the story you may obtain Asterisks to change jobs. You can switch jobs once you obtain Asterisks and change back to your original. There is a penalty when changing jobs. You are bound to the new job for a short amount of time until you adjust to it. This will always happen even if you change back and forth between two jobs. There is no penalty for changing jobs back to your original. Class Changes gain extra abilities and can use abilities of previous classes. To class change, you must obtain a special item and level up to level 15. Upon class change, your level resets to 1.

Archer > Bard - Warriors who strike from afar to safely deal damage.
Abilities - Archer
-Venom Arrow ~ Inflict Poison elemental damage
-Magic Arrow ~ Inflict Magic damage
-Immolation Shot ~ Inflict Fire elemental damage
-Blood Shot ~ Inflict Non Elemental damage and drain HP
-Whirl Shot ~ Inflict Wind elemental damage

Abilities - Bard
-Mages Ballad ~ Restore Magic power
-Vigor Cantata ~ Restore Physical power
-War Paean ~ Increase Physical/Magic power
-Battle Voice ~ Enhance all Song effects
-Arrow Rain ~ Inflict Non Elemental damage in a wide radius
-Ultima Arrow ~ Inflict Almighty Elemental damage in a wide radius

Gladiator > Paladin - Warriors who fight on the front-lines and help protect allies.
-Rampage ~ Damage
-Riot Blade ~ Damage in a wide radius
-Smite ~ Damage with shield
-Swift Strike ~ Damage multiple times

-Sentinel ~ Increase defense for entire party
-Holy Shield ~ Increase defense and Smite damage
-Heavenly Fist ~ Light elemental damage in a wide radius
-Vengeance ~ Damage equal to damage received

Lancer > Dragoon - Warriors who prefer to fight in the air over land.
-Blade Thrust ~ Damage
-Feint ~ Dark elemental damage
-Lifesiphon ~ Damage and drain HP
-Dive Thrust ~ Damage

-Jump ~ Damage
-Spineshatter ~ Damage + Stun
-Dragon Breath Jump ~ Fire elemental damage in a wide radius

Marauder > Warrior - Warriors who try to quickly dispatch enemies using brute force.
-Mighty Swing ~ Damage in a wide radius
-Bloodbath ~ Damage + Drain HP
-Berserk ~ Increase Damage
-Maim ~ Damage + Low % of Instant Death

-Steel Cyclone ~ Wind elemental damage
-Primal Instinct ~ Increase Damage and HP drain %
-Feral Rage ~ Almighty damage

Pugilist > Monk - Warriors who use fists as their weapons to deal damage.
-Earth Shatter ~ Earth elemental damage
-Snap Punch ~ Damage multiple times
-Haymaker ~ Damage
-Howling Fist ~ Damage in a wide radius

-Chakra ~ Restore HP
-Dragon Kick ~ Damage
-Rainy Fist ~ Damage multiple times

Scholar > Arcanist - Magicians who use forgotten arts of magic to attack and learn about foes.
-Ruin ~ Magic elemental damage
-Bio ~ Poison elemental damage
-Aether ~ Increase magic power
-Bio II ~ Poison, wide radius
-Ruin II ~ Magic, wide radius
-Ruse ~ Increase agility
-Study ~ Reveal enemy HP/Weakness/Immunity

-Ruin III ~ Magic, wide radius
-Bio III ~ Poison, wide radius
-Scathe ~ Almighty damage, wide radius
-Shadowflare ~ Dark damage, wide radius

Conjurer > White Mage - Magicians who prefer to stay in the back and provide healing and boosts to the party.
-Stone ~ Earth elemental damage
-Cure ~ Heal
-Water ~ Water elemental damage
-Protect ~ Increase defense
-Raise ~ Revive ally
-Esuna ~ Remove status
-Stone II ~ Earth, wide radius
-Cure II ~ Heal, wide radius
-Water II ~ Water, wide radius
-Cure III ~ Heal, wide radius

White Mage
-Regen ~ Constantly recover HP
-Stone III ~ Earth, wide radius
-Water III ~ Water, wide radius
-Cure IV ~ Heal, wide radius
-Protect II ~ Increase Physical/Magical defense
-Stone IV ~ Earth, wide radius
-Water IV ~ Water, wide radius
-Holy ~ Light elemental damage, wide radius

Thaumaturge > Black Mage - Magicians who specialize in magic to deal damage to enemies.
-Fire ~ Fire elemental damage
-Blizzard ~ Ice elemental damage
-Thunder ~ Electric elemental damage
-Sleep ~ Inflict sleep
-Fire II ~ Fire, wide radius
-Blizzard II ~ Ice, wide radius
-Thunder II ~ Electric, wide radius
-Double Cast ~ Cast two spells consecutively
-Fire III ~ Fire, wide radius
-Blizzard III ~ Ice, wide radius
-Thunder III ~ Electric, wide radius

Black Mage
-Tetra Shield ~ Grant Immunity to Fire,Ice,Electric,Magic damage.
-Fire IV ~ Fire, wide radius
-Blizzard IV ~ Ice, wide radius
-Thunder IV ~ Electric, wide radius
-Tri-Cast ~ Cast three spells consecutively
-Mana Shield ~ Convert Magic power into defense
-Flare ~ Fire/Light elemental damage, wide radius
-Quadra Magic ~ Cast four spells consecutively

Character Sheets

Name: Aerah
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Mithra
Capital: Orria
Job: Archer
Weapon: Bow
Backstory: Aerah was a young girl when she first learned archery from her father who was a well known Archer throughout Orria. One day, when the king decided to draft her father, she was traumatized and she nearly died when she found out her father perished on the battlefield, but she was given his bow as a gift from the soldier who told them the news. Aerah then decided to follow in his footsteps and strived to be the best Mithran archer.
Appearance: [User Posted Image] (Credit)
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 03:51:46 04/01/2014 by Crescent Wing
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#2 Posted: 01:33:18 23/12/2013
Name: Marazia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Elvaan
Capital: Manat
Job: Marauder
Weapon: A sword made of silver, with it's blade traced in gold
Backstory: Marazia has lived alone for most of her life. Her parents had died when she was 10, leaving her to fend for herself. She is self-taught when it comes to sword skills. She has always hated to see wars among the capitols, since they have cause her much childhood trauma. She will do whatever she can to help stop it.
Appearance:[User Posted Image](credit)
~ Nami One-Trick ~
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#3 Posted: 01:46:04 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Great, accepted.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#4 Posted: 10:22:04 23/12/2013
Name: Colton
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Elvaan
Capital: Manat
Job: Warrior (does having a natural blacksmith skill count as a job, or can he just have it?(kinda the basis of Colon(a multi useful character(was originally a pony, but I can change his appearance, but not his personality)))
Weapon: A duel sided blade with a deep blue hilt and orange laced handle. The blade has a rather un-noticeable gap along the horizontal seams, they are a part of a blade extending mechanism he added while making it. At the press of a button on the hilt itself, the spring loaded extensions flick out and lock on each other making the 2 foot blade now 4 feet.
Back story: a bright kind spirit at heart, a mind full of wonder and creativity, and an act for a mouth full of words. He grew up with his brother before the great war started, and aspired to be great at something, who would have thought it would be holding a conversation. Never the less, he is skilled with his self molded sword, and tends to keep it with him wherever he goes. Since the war started, he and his brother were forced into battle, only recently surviving one dispute, he and his brother await their next orders, ready for this all to end.
Appearance: Rather tall and well built being handy with metals in a workshop. Likes to were a long tail dress coat of a dark blue, with green trim to match. His blue pants with green lining as well, stretch down over his light boots. His hair, of a dark green with equal stripes of dark blue, is naturally thick and leans back with some hanging down front sometimes over his right eye. His irises are a deep purple, and a back and white striped strap for his sword.

Name: Clayton
Age: 23
Gender: male
Race: Human
Job: Archer
Weapon: a a tightly strung gilded elvaan bow, with an attached shielded sight, made for firing into the sun. With an amazing 150 pound pull, this bow packs a mean punch... Uh arrow. As a last resort, he side arms his own sword fashioned by his brother, Colton, just before the war.
Back Story: He is human dues to their parents relationship. It was a recessive gene from their father's side. Their grandfather was human, had fallen for an elvaan girl while working on the construction team for a new house. Clayton never wanted fighting or wars, he only wanted to pursue his dream of sharing his ideas of art to the world. His main focus was sculpting, but he later realized he must master some type of weapon, and chose the much safer route. He covers his brother in fights from high or vantage points on the battlefield.
Appearance: light weight tunic of a light green color, a non-human set of red eyes, and some long jeans with a mid-blue, thin material, cloth. His, not as bright, green hair flows smoothly and rather short compared to Colton's.

I will most likely come up with characters of other races, but not til later.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#5 Posted: 13:47:44 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yes he can be blacksmith. Colton starts as a Marauder then moves up to Warrior. and Accepted.. We will start soon. If Torok doesn't join then we can start.

Gee I noticed out of 8 jobs, only 2 are used haha. Maybe we should add a few others. 2 Marauders and 2 Archers O.O
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:48:41 23/12/2013 by Crescent Wing
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#6 Posted: 15:50:51 23/12/2013
Oovc: Since they are all Manat, am I still one of the main heroes?

Name: Roget
Age: 21
Gender: MAle
Race: Human
Capitol: Erizah
Job: Thautamurge
Weapon: A red quarterstaff, imbued with his mothers soul
Backstory: Son of one of the most powerful dark mages in Erizah, he was gifted in the art very early on. His mother was one of the few people who stood against Eternia believers and was executed, though she did not struggle against her captors. ROget watched her head struck off then burned, and in the head's ashes he found his prized quarterstaff.
Appearance:[User Posted Image]
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:11:24 28/12/2013 by assassinelf
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#7 Posted: 16:25:50 23/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yep, and his job is Thamuaturge, Black Mage is the class change. Its supposed to be read like this : Class 1 > (Class change) Class 2 accepted.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#8 Posted: 18:20:36 23/12/2013
Ooc: Oh, I understand it now. I'm a thautamurge then.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#9 Posted: 19:08:58 28/12/2013
OOC: Bumperdoodlydo! This must live, it's a great role-play!
~ Nami One-Trick ~
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#10 Posted: 19:10:43 28/12/2013
OOC: She's right ya know!!!
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#11 Posted: 08:09:40 30/12/2013
OOC: Agreed with those above. Should we go on or PM the others again?
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#12 Posted: 08:16:33 30/12/2013
oOC: I don't know why Cw isn't posting. I've pm'd her tons of times.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#13 Posted: 15:58:46 30/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Sorry everyone, I have been super busy lately, but I am good to go now. So let's start. Also Assassin, Its Thaumaturge. Just thought I would clarify. smilie Alrighty, I am also going to change it so you can change jobs during free time. For example.

Aerah obtained a Conjurer Asterisk. Aerah can switch between Conjurer and Archer jobs. Aerah Class changed into Bard. She can access Conjurer and Bard now. If you need more explaining I will do so and add this to post 1 and 2. You will obtain asterisks at random points but at the beginning you only have your starter class. Also, please post a picture of your character wearing clothes of the class they change. Once you change jobs, you have a short time period where you can't change back until the phase is over.

Chapter I - Where It All Begins

Aerah was sitting her home watching as the daily worship of Adam was taking place by the cultists. "This is outrageous. Adam isn't our true god. How can people be so blind. Are they doing out of fear? Whatever it may be, it needs to stop." She said. "I can't take them all down all by myself. I need help, but everyone is too scared." She said. Aerah then grabbed her father's bow and ran out the backdoor. "Where to go? Manat?" She wondered. After deciding to head to Manat she ran towards the capital of Manat. It was a long trek there and she would have to be careful and not be caught by cultists or soldiers. It would take at minimum of a day to get there, but she was prepared to do so.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#14 Posted: 20:00:35 30/12/2013
Roget was walking through the streets of Erizah and wondering about his staff. How did it get there? WHy was it in his mothers ashes? Well, he knew that elvaan were some of the most powerful magic-users, so he decided to try and travel there in the sneaky sort of way. It would take him a day or two to get there though....
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#15 Posted: 00:37:35 31/12/2013
Colton sat upon the roof of his own store, his blacksmith workshop. Clayton was inside looking through the weaponry on the first floor. They were all shiny and well kept in their protective cases. Colton was proud of most of his works, and his best works are kept together on their own wall. Being fond of the ranged types, he looked over the arrows. Being an elvaan and a genuinely skilled metal molder, they were all very stylish and yet very aerodynamic. The arrows were made with thinner parts, but with slightly heavier edges as to save space and also keep effectiveness. The quivers were made of a lighter metal, not really made to take hits, but strong enough to be bumped around(dropping, filling, roles).

Clayton, after filling his mind of all the items, joined his brother on the roof. Seeing the ships overhead, "Never wanted to be apart of any of this," He stood close to the edge looking into the air.

Colton was smiling rather than the depressing hatred expressed on Clayton's face, "But we are, and we are still here," he stood up, gripping his sword's hilt, "And we," he placed his free hand on Clayton's shoulder, "Are a team. As a team, we accomplish more than any other."

Clayton brushed Colton's hand away, "Yes, but we are a team for the wrong reasons."

Colton grabbed both of Clayton's shoulder to make him face him, "Like it or not, we are still alive because of what we fight for. We cannot just stop fighting," he pulled back, "You know what they do to those who do not support the capital's cause."

"I want to fight," Clayton turned, "But not for those who force us to."
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#16 Posted: 00:49:48 31/12/2013
Roget was still walking towards Manat, and thinking of the war. So many innocent dieing because they want to say innocent, and many people dieing on the field, this was worse than any beast. It as a monster that was only in the mind of kings, and killed much more people than any of the beasts from the wilds.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#17 Posted: 00:50:13 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Aerah was running as fast as she could through the forest and encountered a group of thieves getting ready for an assault.
"What are you doing!?" She stated. "Seems like you're up to no good huh?" She said as she saw empty sacks and barrels.

"Go away before that pretty face of yours gets a complete make over." One thief snorted. "Well, it can't get any uglier than it already is!" He laughed along with the other thieves.

(Aerah battling the thieves)

"You got something against me? Well I am not going to stand here and take this from you three." She said with passion in her eyes. "Now get ready to be destroyed by one fierce Mithran warrior!" She said and readied an arrow. She pulled the string back and was aiming for a shot. She fired the arrow getting a direct hit to the one thief's arm, disabling him from wielding his dagger. "Now who is laughing now?" Aerah taunted and readied another arrow. "Not so fast!" She shouted and fired an arrow to the fleeing thief's foot causing him to fall down to the ground.

The third thief ran around behind a tree and jumped from above, Aerah reacted swiftly and moved away to avoid being hit and fired an arrow at his foot to keep him pinned to the ground. She was low on arrows, she had to think of a plan and fast.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#18 Posted: 00:58:49 31/12/2013
All of a sudden, the third theif took ice damage, for Roget had been watching this for a while. "Those are quite some fighting skills you've got their," he stated as he walked out of cover, "Don't shoot, I'm friendly, unless your a bandit taunting someone in the woods. Especially someone as B.A as you are"
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#19 Posted: 01:09:36 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
As Aerah turned around she saw Roget. "Well, thank you." She said. "I was running out of arrows and wasn't sure what to do. Thankfully you came." She said. The rest of the thieves got out and left all of the bags they had stolen. "Good riddance!" She said and grabbed her arrows she used in the battle. "I appreciate your help." She said. Aerah walked over and picked up the arrows and placed them in her quiver and put the bow around her shoulder like she did when she carried it. "So who are you?" She asked. "I am Aerah. As you can i am Mithran."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#20 Posted: 01:13:08 31/12/2013
"I am Roget, son of a very powerful black mage. This staff came from her... I'm not sure, but it's from her ashes." he stated as he looked at the theives run. He decided to freeze one, because he didn't like thieves in general"
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#21 Posted: 01:28:35 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Assassinelf, I am gonna have to ask you to post a little more as it is a rule to have detailed posts. I know you only have one character you have to try and figure it out. I usually describe the scene to help.

"I think they've suffered enough." Aerah said. "I think they learned their lesson but you never know. I don't blame you for trying to do that." She then looked at the staff. "So, you are a Thaumaturge huh? Wow, seems impressive." Aerah viewed the staff closely, admiring the detailed craftsmanship.

"So you said this came from the Black Mage's ashes? Was that Black Mage your mother?" She asked. "Sorry, that was a bit impulsive, you don't have to answer if it hurts." Biting her lip she looked down, feeling a bit guilty on asking about the mysterious mage's past. "Although, I must say, this staff is very nice. Did she originally wield the weapon and you found it or was it made from the ashes? Sorry about that again." She apologized. Looking up, Aerah noticed it was clouding up, it was going to rain soon.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#22 Posted: 01:34:52 31/12/2013
Roget affirmed Aerah's suspicions with a quiet yes, as he chiseled his mothers face into the ice with a small, pointed rock. Her eyes, the same color as his, they were so beautiful. He missed her so much. "S-so do you want to travel to Manat with me? I"'m trying to find out how this staff appeared in the ashes of... my... the mage." He stated as he stared at the icy face of his mother.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#23 Posted: 01:39:40 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
"She is very pretty." Aerah smiled. Then Aerah nodded. "Yes. I was traveling to Manat actually, but look." She stated and pointed at the gray skies. "It is going to rain, we should probably seek shelter from the rain because those clouds look vicious and Manat is still far away from how I remember. Maybe you can tell me more about yourself, if you don't mind me asking." She said and the duo began to search for a shack or tunnel nearby to hide from the rain. First they checked the bags the thieves left behind and found nothing but bread and cheese. Luckily they only robbed food and nothing major. "I wonder who this was stolen from." Aerah asked and took it. "Maybe we can find the owner. If nobody accepts it, I suppose we can share it." Rain droplets began to fall as Aerah tied the bag to her belt. "We should hurry."
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#24 Posted: 01:43:06 31/12/2013
Roget ran around with Aerah, trying to find a place to stay, when finally he saw a cave, "Aerah! Look! Its a cave!" he stated, as he noticed strange lights coming from the walls of the cave as they ran towards it. "Fireflies!" he stated in awe as he saw what the lights really were, "Their so beautiful. SO, do you think we could stay here?"
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#25 Posted: 01:50:44 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
(Aerah and Roget's meet as a possible result of fate)

Aerah looked at the size of the cavern. "It looks safe for now." Outside the rain began to pour down harder and harder. "Let's just hope the cave doesn't flood. With the way the surrounding terrain looks, it probably won't but with a storm like this, there is no telling what might happen." She said. Aerah got up and examined the fireflies. "So, Roget... Tell me about yourself will you? I am curious to get to know you." She sat down and began trying to start a fire with some flint rocks that she took from home along with a few twigs that were near the entrance. She successfully started a fire and sat near it and put her arms around her knees and wrapped one hand around her wrist.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#26 Posted: 01:55:34 31/12/2013
"Well as you know, I am a human, with two human parents, because that's heredity for you, both of my parents were magic users, one white, one black, and I of course, lived with my mother. She taught me everything I know as a black mage. I love penguins, and ice is my favorite element, hence my using it to save your life.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#27 Posted: 02:02:01 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
Aerah looked at Roget. "I've never met a human before, but I like you. You seem nothing like what those people who call themselves saints or profits tell us what you are. I never believed them for a second though. I also don't believe in Adam. There is one god and Adam is certainly not him. I like penguins too, but they normally don't live where I live. A neighbor had a pet penguin and I always played with it when I was younger. The thing is still alive today and I miss him. I must thank you again for saving me." She chuckled and looked outside, the rain showed no signs of letting up. "So what are you traveling to Manat for?" She asked.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#28 Posted: 02:07:20 31/12/2013
"I mentioned it before. I want to learn how the staff got there, and I was taught by a very unbiased teacher that elvaan from Manat were great magicians. He was promptly executed for thinking so, and I think it's terrible that they do things like that." stated Roget as he watched the fireflies drift about, like stars. "Hey, if we sleep in here, least it'll seem like we're sleeping under the stars without the annoyance of getting rained on..."
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
Avatar by CG
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#29 Posted: 08:25:51 31/12/2013
Marazia sat in a tree nearby her capitol. She sighed as she watched everyone gather around for their daily worship. "Imbeciles" She muttered to herself. She shook her head as she unsheathed her sword, staring at the intricately placed gold in her sword. Her blade was still sharp, despite having being used very frequently. Marazia looked to the forest behind her, taking in all of her surroundings. She saw a few animals scattered around, all happily frolicking amongst themselves. "Sometimes I wish to have a simple life like you animals" she mumbled. Marazia returned her focus to her capitol.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#30 Posted: 09:51:20 31/12/2013
Colton's smile still stood strong, "Come, let us speak elsewhere, the city seems to upset you too much," he put an arm over Clayton's shoulder, "Lets go out and stretch our legs. We are not to report in for another day now."

Clayton, finally, smiles softly in reply, "Could use a good walk, get out of the labor stench air of these walls every once in a while," Clayton walked down back inside with Colton just behind him. Colton stopped and smiled big again, he pointed to the ceiling and went to pushing his brother out the door. Once he got Clayton outside, he locked up his shop and appeared up high on the roof. This night was considered the third floor seeing as it was just above his living quarters on the second floor of his shop. Looking down to his brother who was gazing up at him, he backed up out of site for a second. Colton was suddenly back in view, but was on his way down from the high ledge. Landing with a mild thud, he looked up from his crouched landing position. Clayton shook his head, "You just had to be the Elvaan child huh," Clayton rubbed Colton's head roughly.

"Hey, not my fault I was born cool," Colton stood up as Clayton started walking away.

"And it's not my fault that I am the older sibling," Clayton replied with a slight grin.

Colton watched him go for a second, "Hey," he started after his brother, "at least I... I..." he paused again, "I was the favorite," he cried.

"Oh In your dreams," Clayton rested his arms behind his head, "We both know our parents could choose such a dunce to be their favorite."

"What does that even mean!?" Colton demanded(little playful scene here).
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#31 Posted: 14:02:38 31/12/2013
OOC: Ah, the part I always get stuck at whn I don't join roleplays right before they start. Also, the part that I always take a long time making up. Where should I make my character start at? smilie
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#32 Posted: 18:11:11 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: Well let's see, you could start off in Erizah, the human capital. The scene is where th false profits are doing their daily worship to Adam and the city is on the brink of martial law and war is going on.

Aerah smiled at Roget. "I see. It is true that elvaan magic is pretty superior to ours." She said, looking at the fireflies, flying around the cavern, giving it a more "homey" feeling to it. "I could never use magic, to be honest with you." Aerah laughed, "I'll just stick with my archery skills." Her eyes began to grow heavy, "Gosh, it is getting pretty late... I suppose Manat can wait a night." She then undid a pack and folded out a mat she carried with her to sleep on. "You're right, we don't have to worry about getting rained on." Aerah closed her eyes and began to drift to sleep, the fireflies seeming to put a sleeping spell on her, which was okay.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#33 Posted: 18:16:37 31/12/2013
OOC: Could I start off watching Roget and Aerah? And then making a noise that blows his cover?
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#34 Posted: 18:33:15 31/12/2013 | Topic Creator
OOC: I suppose you could make it where your character was interested in Roget and he seemed a bit suspicious wandering into Elf territory and make him follow him and see when he meets Aerah, and could you post your character sheet here so other players can see what your character is, well who I should say. Just edit your first post with it if you would be so kind.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#35 Posted: 18:33:24 31/12/2013
Ooc: I dunno aboutblowing his cover, my characters about to rest to.....

Roget walked to the other side of the strangely litten cave, so as o not seem awkward and accidentaly sleep by her, and laid down. Je looked around, and glanced outside. Nothin to see out there so he gazed up at the fireflies. Reminded him of a spell he once heard about. Kinda of like, lights that force your brain to become sleepy.
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#36 Posted: 18:44:12 31/12/2013
OOC: Here you go

Name: Ryo
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Capital: Erizah
Job: Conjures<White Mage
Weapon: Has a staff and a sword, but mostly uses the staff for magical purposes
Backstory: He is a very kind boy that has been helping people heal since he was 6. His parents refused to let him venture out, but he ignored them to go and find his lost sister.
Appearance: He has very light blue hair (almost white), and wears an outfit tat looks really similar to Index's from A certain Magical Index, He also has mint green eyes. He is slim and is about Five feet and seven inches.

Ryo was up in a tree as he sighed. "I wonder what there is to do...." he thought as he adjusted his sash and looked around. He saw a boy and perked up at the site. This was the border of the elf and human capitals. What was he doing? He then got a closer look by climbing down a few branches. Ryo was shocked when he saw this male figure cross and decided to investigate. He climbed down the tree and with all the stealth skill he had (which was not much at all), followed him silently. He then saw him start a conversation with an elf an hid behind a nearby bush. As the conversation went on, he listened to every word they said to each other closer and closer.

OOC: Is this good length? smilie
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:57:22 31/12/2013 by Bakura
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#37 Posted: 01:37:59 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
OOC: Perfect. Also, I need a minimum of 4 sentences. Failure will not fare well for you! I despise one-liners to no end and can't stand to post them or see them posted.

Time seemed to flow by while the two fateful people were sleeping. The rain appeared to be letting up just as the moon was peeking its face to the surface of the ground. A nearby pond which was created by the downpour beautifully reflected the moons pearl light onto the water. Aerah awoke to see the dim light of the fire slowly going out. A few moments later it finally died out, leaving a plume of smoke which she waved away with her mat. She rolled up the mat and put it back on her pack. She was starting to get hungry and noticed the bag of food that the thieves had stolen. "It goes against my better sense of judgement," she said and looked away from it. "I can't do that, knowing it belonged to someone else. I suppose I can try and find something, I think I packed a loaf of bread or something with me." She mumbled and reached into her small bag and pulled out the bread and noticed Roget waking up. "Hey, would you like some food?" Aerah asked, ripping off half of the loaf and handing to Roget.
(Aerah and Roget's time in the cave)
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#38 Posted: 02:27:24 01/01/2014
"Of course, food is always welcome to my stomach," stated a hungry Roget, "So, how is life at Orria? I've heard stories about there. People that have faith in the other races admire your skills in Archery and assassination. People that hate other races say you are savages that kill eaachother over bread. I think that's more like human society, honestly. They killed my mother becuse she didn't pay money to a cause she didn't believe in. They killed a man on the streets because he didn't have any money to give."
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#39 Posted: 02:40:51 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Aerah happily handed Roget his half of the bread. "Well, it USED to be pleasant. Fields of green and lush farms. We were a quiet race. We really didn't practice assassination, more archery and swordplay, but most of us were farmers or merchants at least our town was. Then one day, the king went crazy and all that Adam stuff and profits started to appear more and more." She stated and ate some of her bread and swallowed. "I miss the old Orria. Before all of this crazy nonsense. People were executed in our town for not believing in Adam. I wonder how my mother is, she does all she can to stay alive, despite it going against everything she believes in. I told her I will help make things right and she hugged me and told me to go for it." Aerah smiled. "My mother is a great person. I lost my father in the war, but this bow I wield is his. He was a great man, admired by many in Orria. I miss him dearly and I am sure you miss your mother, right?" After eating another bite she decided to ask the questions. "So, what's it like in the human capital? Erizah correct?" She asked.

(Aerah describing her old homeland and parents to Roget)
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#40 Posted: 03:06:37 01/01/2014
"Yes, Erizah. As I already describes, it's a hard life, but it wasn't that way originally, for the first 7 years of my life, it was a good place to live. Constant feasts and festivals, always a friendly face around. Then the king went totally insane. He started worshipping Adam, the old cook, and profits popped up out of nowhere. Only a year before my mother made a erm... stand persay." Roget stated as he gazed at the pearlescent puddle. "My mother, before the king wnet kooky, she always made a moon pie on days of the full moon."
Rickinelf: I ship it
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Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#41 Posted: 06:16:11 01/01/2014
Ryo fell asleep in the tree while watching and woke up almost as soon as they woke up. He kept observing their every move and leaned in while Aerah spoke. He leaned in too close and fell out of the branch, making a thud and letting out a quiet yelp. He cussed in his thoughts, but did not say them out loud as he healed himself with his magic. There were only a few cuts and bruises,so it was an easy task for him. He crossed his fingers that he was not heard or seen and got worried that he would get hurt by these two eople that he barely knew, or didn't even know at all.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#42 Posted: 08:25:57 01/01/2014
Roget quickly grabbed his staff and jumped out. "Helo? Who are you!?" He asked into the night, but he couldn't spot the source of the noise. He looked in a bush, and brandished his staff. "I'm a skilled dark mage, and if you don't show yourself I'll just freze all over the place." he stated, whilst preparing for multiple blizzaga's.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#43 Posted: 14:49:02 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Aerah heard the noise as well. She aided in Roget in the night and it was pitch black. "Perhaps your Fire spell could help illuminate the area." Pulling an arrow out she looked to see a girl in white. "Who are you?" She asked.

"Heheheheh." The girl laughed. "I am Charlotte, the world's greatest White Mage!" She introduced. "But you seemed to wander into elvaan territory. I am no elf, but I am still curious, do you have a mission to fulfill like I do?"

Aerah held the bow and was ready to fire the arrow at any moment. "No, we are just traveling. Why do you care so much?"

"Well then, if you aren't going for any particular reason besides traveling, I guess I can spare your life, but... I would feel so much better knowing you two are neutralized." Charlotte laughed.

(Boss Fight : Charlotte)
Aerah fired her arrow and hit Charlotte in the arm to try and paralyze her but she must not have it the right spot. "Damn, my aim was a bit off, this darkness isn't helping." Aerah then rolled over to a bush and quickly arose and fired an arrow as fast as she could, pulling off a hit to Charlotte's upper arm.

"You are such a pest!" She called out, and swirled her hands in the air, "Cure III!" She chanted and healed herself. She swirled her hands around again and a bluish watery aura appeared, "Alright, I don't think cats like water so try this on for size, Water II!" The spells fired at Aerah, dealing some decent damage for such a powerful spell.

"Don't worry, I am fine." Aerah reassured and shot another arrow, missing Charlotte narrowly.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#44 Posted: 15:43:46 01/01/2014
Ryo then sighed and looked up at them, walking up to them and showing himself. He didn't want to get hurt or cause any harm, so he just acted like nothing happened. He adjusted his outfit and laughed ever so slightly.

"H-hello" He said, nearly in a whisper "I am so very sorry for causing you any fear or suspiscion" he added as he rubbed the back of his head. While he did this, he started to shiver ever so slightly from his own fear as he heard something. He looked around, but potted nothing. Ryo then decided to ignore the noise he heard, deciding that it was just his imagination.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#45 Posted: 16:06:44 01/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Aerah saw another person appear and she aimed an arrow for him. "So, you have an ally do you Charlotte?" She asked, readying an arrow at Ryo. "What are you doing here, an accomplice of Charlotte?"

"This twit doesn't belong to me, please, don't degrade me into bringing in someone like him." She taunted and focused magical power into a globe and fired it at Ryo."

"So, he isn't on my side or your side, so I suppose we leave him out of this!" She said, "Roget, I need your help!"
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#46 Posted: 16:19:48 01/01/2014
Ryo then dodged her attack and gasped slightly. He then growled at her, a bit angry at what she just dd. He did not even know her! Why was she just attacking him when she didn't even have the slightest clue who he was? Was she protecting the others? Probably, but he calmed down and looked at Charlotte.

"I think that was rather rude" He muttered as his expression changed. "I think you should have at least gave me a chance before you try to kill me!" he said as he heard another noise. He whipped his head back at the location he heard it, but yet again saw and sensed nothing. He then looked down, frowning slightly.

Why am I the only one hearing this? Are the others just ignoring it too, or is it just my fear bending my senses? he asked himself.

Nope, you are the only one that can hear, or even see me a voice said back And I must warn you, this is quite real

Ryo's eyes narrowed as he asked it what it meant, but it didn't answer back.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#47 Posted: 20:27:57 01/01/2014
Roget quickly casted Ice onto the white mage's feet, to try and slow her down, but this only worked on one fooot. He then looked at Ryo, "Are you going to attack the woman that just shot a ball of magic at you?" He the looked back at the woman, "SO, hows life been? Do you have kids?" he asked the woman as he cast more spells at the hostile mage.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Bakura Green Sparx Gems: 380
#48 Posted: 21:06:16 01/01/2014
The mage kept trying to escape, but failed. For some odd reason, on top of that, Ryo couldn't move at all. He kept trying, but he felt as if he was locked up in a thousand chains.

You will never escape my grasp! You are mine! the voice said, returning as it then laughed. Ryo still kept trying to move, but failed until a moment a relief struck over him and he could move again. He then tried to attack, but his magic still did not work.

Who the hell are you? And what do you want with me? he thought, waiting for a response. t was like this vice was trying to control him. Or maybe even worse, possess him. It was only a matter of time when Ryo will discover this mysterious voice, a spirit a that. And this spirit wanted something out of him.
"With a new hand comes a whole new perspective."
Crescent Wing Blue Sparx Gems: 949
#49 Posted: 02:36:06 03/01/2014 | Topic Creator
Aerah took a moment to notice the Conjurer who was constantly struggling. "Are you okay?" She asked as she fired an arrow at Charlotte who retaliated with Stone II on Roget which knocked him down. "Roget, are you are okay?" Aerah asked and threw him a vial of blue liquid. "Drink it, it'll help reduce the pain." She said and helped Roget to his feet while Charlotte took the time to use Cure III and heal herself.

"Now sweetie, I am greatly touched that you help your friends, but..." She smirked and cast Water II on Aerah and Roget, hitting them both to the ground. Aerah struggled a bit to get up but managed to recover and grabbed two arrows.
"Let's see if I can make this!" She said, and focused the arrows and fired both, she failed the shot causing the second arrow to flop down but the second arrow managed to hit Charlotte in the foot, immobilizing her.

"Agghh, the pain!" She said and tried to heal herself with Cure III but didn't help. "You win, please, get this arrow out now!" She cried.

Aerah walked over. "I will, but I hear about you again causing trouble, you'll pay!" She then ripped the arrow out of Charlotte's foot and she let out a piercing scream and struggled to get up and handed over a small gem. "Take this then as a token of my silence. It's a Conjurer Asterisk." She said and limped away.

The group obtained the Conjurer Asterisk. The party can switch to Conjurer job now. Penalty is one battle before changing back.

Aerah pulled her arrows out of the ground and placed them back in her quiver. "Are you okay?" She asked Roget and the Conjurer who was acting a bit strange.
Known as HeavenlyHeroGamer on Youtube.
Cynderluv8801 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3305
#50 Posted: 02:47:30 03/01/2014
Marazia thought she heard some people behind her. She quickly jumped out of her tree to investigate. She carried her unsheathed sword at her side as she walked towards where she heard voices. She peered her head out from behind a tree, looking for where she heard the voices. She saw a few people, and lightly gasped. "Who are they..." She whispered as she hid behind a tree, holding her sword in front of her. She tried to listen to the voices, to see if they were friends or foes.
~ Nami One-Trick ~
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