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Skylanders: Short Tales: Short #13 Has Been Posted! [POLL] New Fan Fiction? [CLOSED]
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#1 Posted: 02:22:39 04/11/2013 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

The Skylanders: Short Tales are about Skylanders going through amazing (Not really.) adventures with many unique shorts that will make you want to read more! Please give me feedback! Here are my Shorts:

Can I Have Mustard With That?
Trigger's Buddy
Therapist Slam-Bam
Cracked Shell
Le Motorcycle Ride
Chief Conference
L.R. Swag
Multi-Trigger (Pt. 1)
Multi-Trigger (Pt. 2)
The Ice Dance
To Babysit Mockingbirds
Edited 21 times - Last edited at 01:18:21 13/12/2013 by Swap Force Fan
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#2 Posted: 02:59:53 05/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #01
Can I Have Mustard With That?

Hot Head
Hot Dog
Molten Hot Dog

At Booth

smilie Hey, I'm hungry, do you serve anything?
smilie Why, yes, we serve hot dogs.
smilie Oh, that's good. Well, can I have a hot dog, with a bun, please.
smilie Any toppings on that?
smilie Yes, mustard and ketchup, please.
smilie Okay, coming up! *One minute later* Okay, finished!
smilie Thanks, I'm starving! *Gets ready to eat*
smilie NO!!!
smilie *Stops* What?
smilie Eating that makes you regurgitate! Lava! *Barfs* Come with me!

Behind Booth

smilie *Whispering* See?!
smilie *Whispering* Okay pups, you know what to do!
smilie *Throws up on a hot dog*
smilie *Throws up on a hot dog*
smilie Eww! *Throws hot dog*
smilie *Looks*
smilie Run! *Runs*

At Booth

smilie I see now.
smilie Yeah.
smilie Hey, can I have another Hot Dog?! *Barfs repeatedly*
smilie Well, that explains a lot.

The End
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 02:49:55 06/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#3 Posted: 03:21:51 05/11/2013
Good one!
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#4 Posted: 13:15:54 05/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #02
Trigger's Buddy

Trigger Happy
Wind Up


smilie What?!
smilie HEY!!!
smilie *Whispers to self* So annoying... *Talking to Trigger Happy* A lot of people say you are annoying. I'm going to get you a friend.
smilie YAY!!!
smilie SHUT UP!!! Be Patient!!!
smilie Okay. *Sits down*
smilie *20 minutes later* Okay, done! I introduce to you, Wind Up!
smilie Hello!
smilie WOO!!! *Tackles Wind Up*
smilie Now you two go have fun!


smilie So, what should we do?
smilie What is that flying disk thing?
smilie FRISBEE! *Catches*
smilie Hey, that's ours!
smilie Can we play with it for just a minute?
smilie *Sigh* Okay, but make it quick.
smilie WEE!!! *Throws Frisbee*
smilie *Catches in mouth* *Frisbee breaks*
smilie Man you guys are sick! *Walks away*
smilie Jerks! *Walks away*
smilie Huh. Oh! A stick! I'll dig it, and you have to find it!
smilie Okay.
smilie *2 hours later* Done, now you have to dig underground and find! YOU NEVER WILL, OF COURSE!!!
smilie *Digs for 5 seconds* Done! Found it! And this chunk of gold!
smilie That chunk of gold is no good! *Slaps out of his hand* Do you want to play chase?
smilie Sure, but please wind me up, first.
smilie Okay! *Winds up* Okay, you have to get me first! Ready! Set! GO!!! *Runs*
smilie *Runs very fast* *Tackles Trigger Happy*
smilie OW!!! Dangit! Come with me!


smilie Sprocket, this piece of junk is no good.
smilie He's no-but-*Sigh* Nevermind, just go home. *Grabs Wind Up*
smilie OKEE DOKEE!!! *Walking away* DO DO DO DEE DO DUH DO DEE DO, DO!!!

The End
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:48:41 06/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
MagicFizz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3728
#5 Posted: 13:56:53 05/11/2013
Nice. Poor Trigs smilie
My life is complete.
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#6 Posted: 14:25:02 05/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks! I know.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:36:43 05/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#7 Posted: 14:39:19 05/11/2013
Pretty neat!
THGold Yellow Sparx Gems: 1642
#8 Posted: 14:42:59 05/11/2013
But... Triggs loves gold....
I'm gone. I visit sometimes.
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#9 Posted: 15:37:09 05/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #03

Star Strike
Pop Fizz
Ghost Roaster
Eye Brawl
Grim Creeper
Fright Rider


smilie OMG! Okay, so, are all of the candles lit?
smilie Yes, I can't wait to see Chop Chop's Sexy Armor!
smilie Me neither!
smilie & smilie EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
smilie Okay, okay, let's start the spell! We need to hold hands and close our eyes!
smilie Okay! *Follows instructions*
smilie Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie *Eating toast* Mmm, this toaster is a roaster!
smilie No!
smilie What's that?!
smilie I have risen, oh hey, honey!
smilie That, is my ex-husband, Ghost Roaster...
smilie I don't think we were supposed to arisen you...
smilie Oh...okay. See you honey! *Dissapears*
smilie See you, cheater. Let's try again. Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie Mmm, this toast is a brawl for the eye!
smilie Dangit!
smilie What do you want?
smilie We didn't mean to call you, sir.
smilie Then I must go back by order. *Dissapears*
smilie Is this ever going to work?!
smilie Yes. Pop Fizz, go upstairs!
smilie Okay, geez. *Leaves*
smilie Let's try again. Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie *Watching TV* *Yells* Ha ha, what a creeper!
smilie Darn.
smilie *Dark voice* Yes?
smilie Sorry, you're not needed.
smilie *Disappears*
smilie You know what? I'm going there myself to see him. *Grabs pistol*
smilie Uhh, is that a good idea?
smilie Oh, it's fine, I'm sure I'll be back in a little bit. *Shoots self*


smilie Whoa, I'm here! Hey sir!
smilie Hello.
smilie Where's Chop Chop?
smilie Oh, Chop Chop, my best pal! He's not dead yet though, he's still in Skylands.
smilie Darn. Can I get back to Skylands?
smilie Uh...No.
smilie Uh oh.
The End
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:01:19 05/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#10 Posted: 15:40:13 05/11/2013

Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#11 Posted: 15:42:25 05/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Thank you!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#12 Posted: 15:44:47 05/11/2013
I love Star Strike...........
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#13 Posted: 15:51:00 05/11/2013 | Topic Creator
I see!
84skylanderdude Platinum Sparx Gems: 5540
#14 Posted: 22:33:20 05/11/2013
“No one knows what the outcome will be. So, as much as you can, choose whatever you'll regret the least.” - Levi Ackerman
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#15 Posted: 00:41:33 06/11/2013
Quote: Swap Force Fan
Short #03

Star Strike
Pop Fizz
Ghost Roaster
Eye Brawl
Grim Creeper
Fright Rider


smilie OMG! Okay, so, are all of the candles lit?
smilie Yes, I can't wait to see Chop Chop's Sexy Armor!
smilie Me neither!
smilie & smilie EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
smilie Okay, okay, let's start the spell! We need to hold hands and close our eyes!
smilie Okay! *Follows instructions*
smilie Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie *Eating toast* Mmm, this toaster is a roaster!
smilie No!
smilie What's that?!
smilie I have risen, oh hey, honey!
smilie That, is my ex-husband, Ghost Roaster...
smilie I don't think we were supposed to arisen you...
smilie Oh...okay. See you honey! *Dissapears*
smilie See you, cheater. Let's try again. Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie Mmm, this toast is a brawl for the eye!
smilie Dangit!
smilie What do you want?
smilie We didn't mean to call you, sir.
smilie Then I must go back by order. *Dissapears*
smilie Is this ever going to work?!
smilie Yes. Pop Fizz, go upstairs!
smilie Okay, geez. *Leaves*
smilie Let's try again. Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie *Watching TV* *Yells* Ha ha, what a creeper!
smilie Darn.
smilie *Dark voice* Yes?
smilie Sorry, you're not needed.
:gm: *Disappears*
smilie You know what? I'm going there myself to see him. *Grabs pistol*
smilie Uhh, is that a good idea?
smilie Oh, it's fine, I'm sure I'll be back in a little bit. *Shoots self*


smilie Whoa, I'm here! Hey sir!
smilie Hello.
smilie Where's Chop Chop?
smilie Oh, Chop Chop, my best pal! He's not dead yet though, he's still in Skylands.
smilie Darn. Can I get back to Skylands?
smilie Uh...No.
smilie Uh oh.
The End

I LOVE smilie LOL
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#16 Posted: 01:31:21 06/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#17 Posted: 02:47:54 06/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #04
Therapist Slam-Bam

Pop Thorn
Stink Bomb
Stealth Elf
Wind Up
Grilla Drilla

Therapy Room

smilie Okay, time for another boring day at the office. You may come in!
smilie *Sits in chair* Okay, so I've been having some issues with my puffing lately-
smilie Allergic reaction?
smilie No, it's that I have trouble inhaling, and-
smilie What am I supposed to do, give you lung surgery?! Get out!
smilie But, okay. *Leaves*
smilie Next!!!
smilie *Sits in chair* Good afternoon, sir, how is-
smilie Yeah, get to the problem!
smilie Oh, well I've been having some bowel problems lately, what should I do?
smilie ...Quit eating. Next!
smilie But-
smilie NEXT!!!
smilie *Frowns angrily* *Disappears*
smilie *Sits in chair* Hello, I've had some-
smilie Hello.
smilie ...I've had some issues with being "Silent But Deadly" lately, everyone can hear me, well, you know...passing gas...Do I look fat?
smilie You're as thin as a toothpick. Next!
smilie *Sobbing* JERK! *Leaves*
smilie *Sits in chair* Hi. So, recently, my old friend, Trigger Happy, gave me back to my original owner. I feel so abandoned. What should I do?
smilie Do a drive by on him.
smilie Don't you think that's a little cruel?
smilie No. Next!!!
smilie *Leaves*
smilie *Sits in chair* Sir, I've got a big problem.
smilie Yeah, me too, so hurry up!
smilie Sorry. Someone stole my drill, and drilling is my life. what should I do?
smilie I don't know, I'm not a police officer! Next!
smilie Uhh...thanks. *Leaves*
smilie Oh, I guess that's it. Wait, I just realized something, since when have I been a therapist?
The End
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#18 Posted: 06:55:02 06/11/2013
spellenjunk Green Sparx Gems: 392
#19 Posted: 09:52:47 06/11/2013
man youre shorts are awesome i wan't more!
~N~ ninja clan!! no one will break my record of 224 posts in a row!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#20 Posted: 09:59:53 06/11/2013
I can't wait for 10!
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#21 Posted: 21:56:39 06/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Yeah, thanks for reminding me, NINJAsk11, everyone, every 10 shorts there will be a special 2-part short.

Also, you may request shorts!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:57:33 06/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#22 Posted: 04:17:17 07/11/2013
Quote: Swap Force Fan
Short #03

Star Strike
Pop Fizz
Ghost Roaster
Eye Brawl
Grim Creeper
Fright Rider


smilie OMG! Okay, so, are all of the candles lit?
smilie Yes, I can't wait to see Chop Chop's Sexy Armor!
smilie Me neither!
smilie & smilie EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
smilie Okay, okay, let's start the spell! We need to hold hands and close our eyes!
smilie Okay! *Follows instructions*
smilie Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie *Eating toast* Mmm, this toaster is a roaster!
smilie No!
smilie What's that?!
smilie I have risen, oh hey, honey!
smilie That, is my ex-husband, Ghost Roaster...
smilie I don't think we were supposed to arisen you...
smilie Oh...okay. See you honey! *Dissapears*
smilie See you, cheater. Let's try again. Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie Mmm, this toast is a brawl for the eye!
smilie Dangit!
smilie What do you want?
smilie We didn't mean to call you, sir.
smilie Then I must go back by order. *Dissapears*
smilie Is this ever going to work?!
smilie Yes. Pop Fizz, go upstairs!
smilie Okay, geez. *Leaves*
smilie Let's try again. Spirit, oh spirit, show us you, please arise from the underworld, Sir-
smilie *Watching TV* *Yells* Ha ha, what a creeper!
smilie Darn.
:gm: *Dark voice* Yes?
smilie Sorry, you're not needed.
:gm: *Disappears*
smilie You know what? I'm going there myself to see him. *Grabs pistol*
smilie Uhh, is that a good idea?
smilie Oh, it's fine, I'm sure I'll be back in a little bit. *Shoots self*


smilie Whoa, I'm here! Hey sir!
smilie Hello.
smilie Where's Chop Chop?
smilie Oh, Chop Chop, my best pal! He's not dead yet though, he's still in Skylands.
smilie Darn. Can I get back to Skylands?
smilie Uh...No.
smilie Uh oh.
The End

Best. Pop Fizz was funny. smilie

Keep it up! ^,^b Happy to have another new(I'm assuming) author here! smilie
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#23 Posted: 21:25:59 07/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks, Sky Airglow, and oh, I'm going to make a new short sometime today!
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#24 Posted: 01:12:12 08/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #05
Cracked Shell

Bumble Blast
Slobber Tooth
Dune Bug
Tree Rex


smilie Isn't class so boring?
smilie I know, all of the assignments and projects, it's so-hush, hush! *Whispering* Here comes Bubble Boy!
smilie *Giggles*
smilie Oh, hey guys! How have you done on that trigonometry project?
smilie *Gigges* Just fine. Hey, look what's down there!
smilie *Looks down* What?
smilie *Pushes off* Bwahahaha! Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall!
smilie *Laughs along* See you later, Bubble Boy!
smilie Ow...I think I cracked my shell...
smilie Did you say you cracked your shell?
smilie Um, yes, but, uh-
smilie Then you need Shell Cream!
smilie Shell Cream?
smilie Yes, Shell Cream! Shell Cream is a new product in stores that is like glue!
smilie It's simple! Just open the cap, get out some of the cream, and scrub it on your shell to make it look just like new!
smilie And more than 60% of all Skylanders with shells recommend Shell Cream!
smilie But there's only 3 of us with shells-
smilie This is an amazing product that you can get now for only $299.99!
smilie And we'll include another bottle of Shell Cream for only $100 extra!
smilie So that's only $399.99! Plus shipping and handling.
smilie Man, what a rip off! I'll get Doctor Slam-Bam to fix my shell! *Walks away*
smilie ...Dude, I told you not to just approach him like that!
smilie Well, it was your idea to make the product anyway!
smilie *Sigh* Well, now this is pointless. Who else would buy this?
smilie *Looks around* Hey, does that work on wood, too?
smilie Uh....yes! Have it now for $399.99! We have a bottle with us.
smilie Deal! *Takes bottle* I can't wait to try this!
smilie *Whispering* Are you really sure this works on wood?
smilie Yeah, I think so!
smilie Ahh! Ahh! What is happening to me?!
smilie What the...
smilie I feel...different. Hey, why is my skin a different color?!
smilie Uhh....
smilie Why you little!
smilie Run! *Runs*
smilie *Runs*
smilie Get back here! *Chases*
The End
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:14:02 08/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
Sky Airglow Yellow Sparx Gems: 1136
#25 Posted: 02:22:25 08/11/2013
That was good!! smilie There's a decent amount of dialogue, which gives it some substance, but you do it in a way that doesn't distract from the humor.

A funny read, nice work!! ^~^b
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#26 Posted: 04:48:39 08/11/2013
Quote: Swap Force Fan
Short #04
Therapist Slam-Bam

Pop Thorn
Stink Bomb
Stealth Elf
Wind Up
Grilla Drilla

Therapy Room

smilie Okay, time for another boring day at the office. You may come in!
smilie *Sits in chair* Okay, so I've been having some issues with my puffing lately-
smilie Allergic reaction?
smilie No, it's that I have trouble inhaling, and-
smilie What am I supposed to do, give you lung surgery?! Get out!
smilie But, okay. *Leaves*
smilie Next!!!
smilie *Sits in chair* Good afternoon, sir, how is-
smilie Yeah, get to the problem!
smilie Oh, well I've been having some bowel problems lately, what should I do?
smilie ...Quit eating. Next!
smilie But-
smilie NEXT!!!
smilie *Frowns angrily* *Disappears*
smilie *Sits in chair* Hello, I've had some-
smilie Hello.
smilie ...I've had some issues with being "Silent But Deadly" lately, everyone can hear me, well, you know...passing gas...Do I look fat?
smilie You're as thin as a toothpick. Next!
smilie *Sobbing* JERK! *Leaves*
smilie *Sits in chair* Hi. So, recently, my old friend, Trigger Happy, gave me back to my original owner. I feel so abandoned. What should I do?
smilie Do a drive by on him.
smilie Don't you think that's a little cruel?
smilie No. Next!!!
smilie *Leaves*
smilie *Sits in chair* Sir, I've got a big problem.
smilie Yeah, me too, so hurry up!
smilie Sorry. Someone stole my drill, and drilling is my life. what should I do?
smilie I don't know, I'm not a police officer! Next!
smilie Uhh...thanks. *Leaves*
smilie Oh, I guess that's it. Wait, I just realized something, since when have I been a therapist?
The End

YAY SLAMBAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
spellenjunk Green Sparx Gems: 392
#27 Posted: 07:03:38 08/11/2013
lol nice short
~N~ ninja clan!! no one will break my record of 224 posts in a row!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#28 Posted: 07:09:16 08/11/2013
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#29 Posted: 12:31:44 11/11/2013
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#30 Posted: 01:10:14 12/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #06
Le Motorcycle Ride

Hot Head
Prism Break
Rattle Shake
Chop Chop

Smolderdash's Home

smilie So, how was the date, babe?
smilie It was amazing, how did you afford to go to that 5-Star restaurant?
smilie job! My job.
smilie But, you don't have a job.
smilie Wh- what are you talking about, babe?
smilie *Sigh* Nevermind. I should get inside.
smilie Smoldy, what took you so long?!
smilie I'm sorry, daddy, I guess we just got carried away.
smilie Yeah, because of this punk! *Points at Fryno*
smilie But-
smilie Stay away from my little girl, until you become a proper man! Let's go Smoldy!
smilie Yes, daddy. *Waves goodbye*
smilie *Slams door shut*
smilie Stupid, stupid! Why do I get so carried away! *Sigh* *Drives away*

Train Station

smilie *Stops motorcycle* Dude, let's go!
smilie Finally, you're here! *Jumps on* So how much dope are we getting today?
smilie *Whispering* Hush! We're not getting dope today, we are getting swag, I mean money.
smilie *Whispering* Oh, where?!
smilie The Ol' Country Bank. Let's grab all we can. Some for us, and I need some so I can give it to Smolderdash, so her dad will trust me again. Okay, let's go, rock head! *Drives*
smilie Who are you calling rock head?

Ol' Country Bank

smilie *Whispering* Okay, be very quiet.
smilie *Whispering* I'm a giant rock, how can I be quiet?
smilie I don't know, sneak!
smilie How am I supposed to sneak?!
smilie *Appears in scene* What are you boys doing?
smilie Uhh, just getting a loan! Yep!
smilie Yeah, well, this bank was closed 12 years ago, we just store money here.
smilie Uhhh...
smilie What do we do?!
smilie I'll tell you what to do. Hey, do you kids like snakes? *Pulls out snake gun*
smilie Let's get out of here! *Runs*
smilie Ahh! Don't hurt me, don't hurt me, don't hurt me! *Runs*
smilie *Puts away gun* Heh heh, kids, so clueless.
smilie *Appears* *Sticks sword to Rattle Shake's neck* Yeah, clueless.
smilie *Shocked* Uhhh, would you like a loan?
The End
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#31 Posted: 01:37:16 15/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #07
Chief Conference

Dune Bug
Double Trouble


smilie So I see you're all here today. Dune Bug!
smilie I'm here!
smilie And-who are you?
smilie I'm Zook. I'm a new Chief. Chief of the jungle?
smilie There's no-wait, are you a troll in disguise?
smilie No, but I think he is. *Points*
smilie OOGA BOOGA!
smilie No he's just, well, *Cough* insane.
smilie We all know that.
smilie I knew it before-
smilie BOOGA?! @#$! YOOGA!
smilie Now Double Trouble, you know we don't speak like that!
smilie I hate you all?
smilie YESGA!
smilie Where is this going?
smilie Let's all just calm down, and-
smilie Hey, I bet one of us is a troll. *Giggles*
smilie *Giggles*
smilie Now that's nonsense, none us are trolls.
smilie I BET SOGA!
smilie Heh heh, that would be funny.
smilie I know, TROLOLOLOLO!
smilie Psh, very funny, Zook.
smilie Really?! Where?!
smilie Yo momma!
smilie *Facepalm*
smilie *Milk squirts out of nose* Bwahahahaha!
smilie What?! You haven't even been drinking milk!
smilie Guys-
smilie Hey, that's pretty catchy!
smilie&smilie&smilie ♫BOOGA! BOOGA BOOHOOHOOOOOO!!!♫
smilie That's it , I've had enough! *Rips off costume*
smilie Yep! That's right! I'm not Voodood, I'm a troll! TROLOLOLOLO!!! *Runs off*
smilie .....Awkward.
The End
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:39:54 15/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#32 Posted: 02:14:23 17/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #08
L.R. Swag

Lightning Rod
Bumble Blast

Living Room

smilie *To self* Okay Whirlwind, you can do this. *Stops* Hey Dad!
smilie Yes?
smilie Dad, I've been thinking, and I think you're kind of...*Sigh* Lame.
smilie What? But I'm all kinds of fun and games!
smilie You've been left in the past, you act like you're from the 70's or something.
smilie What do you want me to do about it?
smilie Use the internet.
smilie Enter what?
smilie Oh, boy.

Whirlwind's Room (4 days later)

smilie Okay, so, what is the square route of 27?
smilie Ummm...
smilie Well...
smilie Isn't it-
smilie *Busts in* Yo, sup, how you doin' punks?
smilie What?
smilie Dad?
smilie Yo what you want? Oh sorry, is my swag in da way?
smilie What the heck is your dad doing?
smilie I don't know, and I don't want to.
smilie Yo, I talkin' from what I was taught for the past few days, bro.
smilie What website did you go on?!
smilie Swag, tella! It's!
smilie Should we leave?
smilie No! No! Dad, you go!
smilie Whoa, whoa, not cool bro!
smilie Do what she said!
smilie You wanna go?
smilie Bring it.
smilie *Shoots lightning* What you want now bro!
smilie Owww, my arm! Don't hurt me! *Runs*
smilie&smilie Uh oh! *Runs*
smilie ...Dad, look what you did, you ran away my friends!
smilie Yo, chill!
smilie Get out!
smilie *At doorway* Ah, come on, bro! We can listen to rap and hip hop togetha! What you say?
smilie *Frowns* *Slams door*
The End
warbot100 Green Sparx Gems: 302
#33 Posted: 06:57:21 17/11/2013
lol this is great humor and is really enjoyable to read
need varients and pokemon Y and a 3ds
Fairys beat dragons
not in the real world
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#34 Posted: 07:42:07 17/11/2013
haha, lolz!
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#35 Posted: 15:27:12 17/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Thanks, guys!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#36 Posted: 15:27:52 17/11/2013
You're doing great so far!
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#37 Posted: 15:31:08 17/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Thank you, I will probably make the first part of the 10th short today, and the next tomorrow, is that okay, babe?
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#38 Posted: 15:32:23 17/11/2013
you're at the 8th

so 9th and 10th are about to come up
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#39 Posted: 20:31:33 17/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #09
Multi-Trigger (Pt. 1)

Fire Kraken
Trigger Happy 1
Trigger Happy 2
Trigger Happy 3


smilie You are probably wondering why I gathered y'all here today.
smilie Yes, why the heck do you want me to do you a favor?
smilie We're going to clone Triggs, and I need assistance.
smilie You want assistance from a girl with no hands?
smilie Just please help me with this experiment, okay?
smilie ...Fine.
smilie I suppose.
smilie Okay, Triggs, get in the machine!
smilie *Jumps in* NOW WHAT?! HAHA!
smilie I'll set the amount of clones to two. Fire Kraken, you pull the lever. Flashwing, you make sure Triggs stays in the machine!
smilie I'll try.
smilie *Holding lever* When do I pull it?
smilie We're all set! Now!
smilie *Pulls lever*
smilie CHACHACHA!!! OW!!! *Falls*
smilie *30 seconds later* Done! Fire Kraken, open the cages!
smilie *Opens 1st Cage*
smilie THAT HURT! HA!
smilie *Opens 2nd Cage*
smilie Oh, hello, everyone. How are you doing today?
smilie What the?...
smilie ...Okay. *Opens 3rd Cage*
smilie Now that I am free, I shall go take over Skylands. MUHAHAHA! *Runs away*
smilie ...Did I mention that they will have different personalities?
smilie I wish you did! Come on! Did you hear him?!
smilie He won't get far. *Explosion*
smilie Did you hear that?! It came from outside!
smilie *Runs in* Sprocket, did you see that?! A guy who looks like Triggs just destroyed the town office!
smilie That doesn't sound well, I'll go talk to him. *Walks out* *Explosion*
smilie ...And he just killed the other one.
smilie OH NO!!!
smilie We're going to need an army! Time to make super clones! Everyone, get in the machine! Except you, Triggs.
smilie Aww.
smilie&smilie&smilie *Goes in machine*
smilie Alright, ready! *Pulls lever*
To Be Continued
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#40 Posted: 21:16:38 17/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Short #10
Multi-Trigger (Pt. 2)

Flashwing 1
Flashwing 2
Fire Kraken 1
Fire Kraken 2
Stealth Elf 1
Stealth Elf 2
Trigger Happy 1
Trigger Happy 2


smilie Y'all should be done now. *Opens first two cages*
smilie Whew. Whoa!
smilie I am ready for my duty.
smilie Looks like it worked. *Opens other two cages*
smilie That was quick, but painful. Whoa, is that really me?
smilie *War cry* LET'S BATTLE!
smilie Heh heh. *Opens last two cages*
smilie Who's my clone-wow!
smilie Ready for my opponent.
smilie COOL!
smilie Let's go. Triggs, Fire Karken, Flashwing, you guys stay here.
smilie But-
smilie Stay here!


smilie Hey, you!
Evil Triggs: *Destroys building* What do you want?
smilie Quit this madness!
Evil Triggs: Or what? Skylands is mine!
smilie No it's not! Stop, or else!
Evil Triggs: Or else what? *Destroys building*
smilie Flashwing, go!
smilie *Charges*
Evil Triggs: Psh, what is she going to-
smilie *Shoots giant prism*
Evil Triggs: *Dodges* Whatever.
smilie Fire Kraken, go!
Super F.K. *Charges* *Makes giant Chinese Dragon*
Evil Triggs: *Destroys dragon with rocket* ...Okay?
smilie Dangit! Stealth Elf, go!
smilie *Sprints toward Trigger Happy 3*
Evil Triggs: What is she going to do, a backflip? Wait, where did she go?
smilie *Sneaks behind* *Stabs*
Evil Triggs: OW!!! *Weak voice* This isn't over.
smilie Actually, it is. Fire Kraken, Flashwing, go!
Super F.K. *Makes giant dragon*
smilie *Shoots giant prism*
Evil Triggs: Oh no! *Runs* *Gets hit* Ahh, ahhhh! What's happening to me! *Explodes*
smilie Yes! It's over! Guys! Guys?
smilie *Disappearing* Our duty is over. Thanks, Sprocket.
smilie&Super F.K.&smilie *Disappear*
smilie Huh. *Walks away*


smilie You're back! So what happened, and where are the others!
smilie They disappeared, and the evil Triggs disappeared.
smilie Woo! Victory!
smilie *Puts head down*
smilie What's wrong?
smilie Well...I'm disappointed that my experiment was a huge failure.
smilie It wasn't a failure, it may have went wrong, but it also made heroes.
smilie *Smiles* Thanks, Triggs, you're a good friend.
smilie Yeah, friend...
The End
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:23:01 17/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#41 Posted: 09:08:41 18/11/2013
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#42 Posted: 01:46:30 20/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Guys, there's a new update! Here are the details added:

  • There will now be longer shorts, with a new trick I figured out.
  • There will now be much funnier shorts (by my opinion).
  • I'm now doing holiday shorts!
  • The shorts should be very detailed and interest-catching.
  • And much more!

Thanks, guys!

-Swap Force Fan
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#43 Posted: 02:56:12 20/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Now Introducing:

Short #11!
The Ice Dance

Freeze Blade
Roller Brawl

The Entrance

smilie: Okay, guys, we're in!
smilie: It's so big. Who ever knew an ice rink could be so large and crowded?
smilie: Me, I come here every Friday! *Smiles*
smilie: Guys, well...
smilie: What is it, Cam?
smilie: *Cough* Well...*Sigh* Here it goes, I don't know how to ice skate.
[User Posted Image]: You don't know how to skate? Well, it's simple, I'll explain when we get there.
smilie: Oh, okay.
smilie: Where are the skates?
smilie: They should be over near the rink, they have many sizes.
smilie: Good, I have tiny feet. *Smiles*

Outside the Ice Rink

smilie: See, they're right over here.
smilie: Let's see, women's, size 7...
[User Posted Image]: *Gasp* Is that Chop Chop?! Whoa! Hey guys, do you mind if I go hang with him?
smilie: *Laugh* Sure, go ahead.
[User Posted Image]: Thank you so much! *Leaves*
smilie: *Sigh* Girls...
smilie: What do you mean by that?
smilie: Oh, nothing...
smilie: Guys, let's go, before y'all get to fighting.
smilie: Oh, we'll only do that in the battle arena.

The Ice Rink

smilie: Okay, come on in, guys.
smilie: *Enters* Whoa, whoa! *Trips*
smilie: *Catches* Okay, Camo, you come in.
smilie: I don't know how to skate!
smilie: It's simple, just stand straight, and then move your legs, left, right, left, right, like that.
smilie: *Enters* Oh, I see! *Skates*
smilie: *Skates* I still can't get the hang of this, can I hold your hand?
smilie: *Blushes* Oh, um, sure! *Grabs hand*
smilie: Oh, I see how it is, y'all have fun, I'll go skate with Sunburn.
smilie: It's weird how he manages to not melt the ice.
smilie: I don't know, I guess he just cools himself down. *Skates away*
smilie: Hmm. So...
smilie: was wondering...
smilie: Yes?
smilie: Would you like to come over later and study with me?
smilie: Sure, that would be great. *Puts hand around Chill's waist*
smilie: *Blushes* *Smiles*


smilie: That was pretty fun!
smilie: I agree.
smilie: I know, isn't it great? Whoa, Roller Brawl, what happened?!
[User Posted Image]: Guys are jerks. Chop Chop thought I was trying to hurt him since I had my hands out, and then he scratched my cheek!
smilie: Ouch. Well, I sort of have a date with someone later.
[User Posted Image]: Way to go girl, who is it?
smilie: Oh, no one you know. *Winks to Freeze Blade*
[User Posted Image]: *Winks to Chill*
That's All For Now!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:37:15 20/11/2013 by Swap Force Fan
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#44 Posted: 02:57:28 22/11/2013
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#45 Posted: 22:35:46 23/11/2013 | Topic Creator
Now Introducing:

Short #12
To Babysit Mockingbirds

Gill Grunt
Stealth Elf

Ninjini's Home

smilie: *Knocks on door*
smilie: *Opens door* Oh, you're here!
smilie: You called me and said you needed something?
smilie: Oh, yes, I need you to take care of these kids for me. Flameslinger and I are going on a date.
smilie: But...
smilie: Thanks so much! Ninjini will be back at 8:00 P.M. See you! *Drives away*
smilie: *Talking to himself* It's alright, the kids couldn't be that bad.
[User Posted Image]: Are you taking care of us, sir?
smilie: *Gets on knee* I believe I am, sweetie pie.
[User Posted Image]: Well, Barkley and Terrabite are acting crazy, they're in the kitchen.
smilie: Alright, let's go see what they're doing.
[User Posted Image]: Can you hold my hand?
smilie: Okay. *Grabs Minijini's hand*
[User Posted Image]: There they are.
smilie: Roar!!!
smilie: Yayayayaya! *Tackles Terrabite*
smilie: Hey, hey, hey, y'all calm down!
smilie: *Stops* Yes, sir.
smilie: Make me! *Runs away*
smilie: Where are you going?!
smilie: Where I want! *Runs outside*
[User Posted Image]: Uh oh!
smilie: We have to follow him!
smilie: No we don't, he'll come back.
[User Posted Image]: He's done this before, he didn't come back.
smilie: Trust me, he will.
[User Posted Image]: Whatever you say.
smilie: *15 minutes later* Okay, so maybe he isn't. Let's go find him.


[User Posted Image]: He's around here somewhere.
[User Posted Image]: Yeah, he always comes here and digs around.
smilie: Oh yeah, me too, I come here and dig the girls.
[User Posted Image]: Bleh, we didn't mean it like that!
smilie: Oh...
[User Posted Image]: Go check around the light poles, he loves to dig there.
smilie: *20 minutes later* I checked every single light pole in the park, he's not there.
[User Posted Image]: Well...swing set! *Jumps on swing* Come on, Minijini!
[User Posted Image]: No, I'm too scared that I'll get hurt. Can you hold me?
smilie: *Sigh* Fine. *Picks up Minijini* Barkley, you stay right there, I'm going to look around.
[User Posted Image]: Okay.
smilie: *Walks away* Okay, where would he be?
[User Posted Image]: He could be anywhere, he loves to dig.
smilie: Alright, let's check everywhere, we don't want to miss a single spot.
[User Posted Image]: *30 minutes later* It's getting dark, we should go back to Barkley.
smilie: *Walks to swing set* Barkley, have you seen him?
[User Posted Image]: Nope. Hey, there's mommy! *Points to Ninjini*
smilie: What are you doing with my children?!
smilie: Forget that, where did you find him?
smilie: He was sitting there at home, alone!
smilie: *Laughs* Gotcha.
smilie: *Slaps Gill Grunt* You should be ashamed!
smilie: But...
[User Posted Image]: He was doing a favor for our babysitter!
smilie: What, kidnapping my children?! *Slaps Gill Grunt*
smilie: Please stop that.
smilie: *Slaps Gill Grunt* Don't tell me what to do!
smilie: I didn't!
smilie: *Slaps Gill Grunt*
smilie: Here, let me do the honors. *Pulls on water jet-pack* *Flies away*
Well That Ended!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#46 Posted: 07:44:59 24/11/2013
Poor smilie......
SkylanderBeatle Green Sparx Gems: 434
#47 Posted: 20:55:27 24/11/2013
Love these shorts!
Some people say it's important to grow up and mature a little bit..................... I don't really get those people.
Troll Slug Ripto Gems: 2054
#48 Posted: 03:00:44 27/11/2013
Kewl beanz!
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#49 Posted: 01:33:44 03/12/2013 | Topic Creator
I'll make another short when we get to 55 posts.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#50 Posted: 01:55:54 03/12/2013
Like these!
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