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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Forum Games > Pet of above user; do you... ACCEPT, PERSUADE, OBEY, REFUSE, ESCAPE, or KILL?
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Pet of above user; do you... ACCEPT, PERSUADE, OBEY, REFUSE, ESCAPE, or KILL? [CLOSED]
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
#1 Posted: 04:26:50 23/08/2013 | Topic Creator
You wake-up and find yourself in a cage. Not only have you become your avatar, but the above user/avatar has made you their pet. smilie What do you do?

  • Bond with them and become the companion of your captor. [ACCEPT]
  • Bond with them and convince your captor to release you.... [PERSUADE]
  • Obey and merely exist; nether trusting nor agitating........... [OBEY]
  • Refuse to break and force your captor to release you........... [REFUSE]
  • Attempt an escape and make a run for it............................... [ESCAPE]
  • Attempt an escape and kill your captor.................................. [KILL]
  • ---
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    Edited 4 times - Last edited at 00:00:20 04/09/2013 by redwes
    darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7596
    #2 Posted: 04:43:08 23/08/2013
    NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
    #3 Posted: 06:43:36 23/08/2013
    redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
    #4 Posted: 12:23:42 23/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    EDIT: [obey]
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:43:19 23/08/2013 by redwes
    NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
    #5 Posted: 12:31:19 23/08/2013
    Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12555
    #6 Posted: 15:48:25 23/08/2013
    Refuse, escape and kill. K.A.R.R. does that, it's his thing.
    NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
    #7 Posted: 15:50:37 23/08/2013
    darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7596
    #8 Posted: 17:01:36 23/08/2013
    NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
    #9 Posted: 17:13:38 23/08/2013
    Quote: darkwolf

    same here
    somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9117
    #10 Posted: 17:26:08 23/08/2013
    BrutalBash101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1769
    #11 Posted: 17:57:59 23/08/2013
    CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
    #12 Posted: 18:04:00 23/08/2013
    Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
    #13 Posted: 18:29:59 23/08/2013
    NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
    #14 Posted: 18:36:16 23/08/2013
    weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
    #15 Posted: 22:29:12 23/08/2013
    EDIT: Accept
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:37:02 23/08/2013 by weebbby
    redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
    #16 Posted: 22:31:55 23/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    EDIT: [Persuade]
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:44:29 23/08/2013 by redwes
    redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
    #17 Posted: 22:35:58 23/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    Ash Starkindle Gold Sparx Gems: 2625
    #18 Posted: 22:36:46 23/08/2013
    weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
    #19 Posted: 22:39:35 23/08/2013
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #20 Posted: 23:04:07 23/08/2013
    darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7596
    #21 Posted: 23:08:24 23/08/2013
    redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
    #22 Posted: 23:15:47 23/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
    #23 Posted: 23:38:40 23/08/2013

    (Look up Pinkamena or Cupcakes mlp. {Warning, gore and Grimdark.})
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #24 Posted: 23:41:48 23/08/2013

    I don't want trouble...
    Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:42:07 23/08/2013 by HotDogAndZap
    redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
    #25 Posted: 23:46:02 23/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
    #26 Posted: 02:06:56 24/08/2013
    [KILL] >:3
    Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
    Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
    #27 Posted: 02:08:31 24/08/2013
    Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
    #28 Posted: 02:15:14 24/08/2013
    kill toatly [KILL]
    Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
    Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
    #29 Posted: 02:29:57 24/08/2013
    Quote: Eevee88
    kill toatly [KILL]

    darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7596
    #30 Posted: 02:38:34 24/08/2013
    Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
    #31 Posted: 02:40:10 24/08/2013
    [KILL] my answer for everything smilie
    Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
    Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
    #32 Posted: 02:41:34 24/08/2013
    Quote: darkwolf

    *continues to cry*
    Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
    #33 Posted: 02:43:48 24/08/2013
    kill my answer for everything
    Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
    Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
    #34 Posted: 02:45:14 24/08/2013
    i shall first accept you, make you trust me. then i shall kill you in your sleep so you wont even know when you life comes to an end *evil laugh*
    Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12555
    #35 Posted: 04:34:23 24/08/2013
    Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
    #36 Posted: 04:37:59 24/08/2013
    kill of course
    Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
    Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12555
    #37 Posted: 04:42:47 24/08/2013
    ^ How's that even possible?

    amazingSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2729
    #38 Posted: 04:53:22 24/08/2013
    Remember the old days when you could just slap omni-gel on everything?
    HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
    #39 Posted: 04:59:02 24/08/2013
    Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
    #40 Posted: 05:00:40 24/08/2013
    Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
    redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
    #41 Posted: 06:02:26 24/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    I would have accepted, but you have forced my hand. I shall REFUSE.
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
    #42 Posted: 06:10:17 24/08/2013
    Quote: redwes
    I would have accepted, but you have forced my hand. I shall REFUSE.

    Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
    #43 Posted: 06:17:25 24/08/2013
    Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
    NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
    #44 Posted: 06:21:00 24/08/2013
    Quote: Eevee88

    Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12555
    #45 Posted: 07:37:23 24/08/2013
    Refuse and kill.
    redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 9169
    #46 Posted: 07:40:33 24/08/2013 | Topic Creator
    Obey out of fear... smilie It's better than getting ran over.
    <[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
    icedragon333 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6076
    #47 Posted: 07:55:05 24/08/2013
    [REFUSE] Then [KILL]

    (Look up Pinkamena or Cupcakes mlp. {Warning, gore and Grimdark.})

    La~le~da! I don't much variation in my posts here!
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