Quote: mantezQuote: t7ggajust get on and release the freakin' things.
so bored with the game (my sons have only played it for about 30 minutes in the last month) i just want to tick off the last figures and get it over with.
there is so little replay value once the game has finished
So why collect the figures if you are done with the game.
That's the thing. To have a truly complete game, you need all of the figures to SEE everything each game has to offer. Things would have been much better for Giants, had they released a new Adventure Pack every month until the month they see fit to release the last of the characters. That allows owners of Skylanders to at least turn on their game once a month to experience something new.
I just feel like I was leaked on by Activision or TFB. I'm sure other fans do.
For my loyalty to this franchise - and others loyalty - the gratitude extended to me and others is the notion that Ninjini will be available to a very, very, very, select few IN JUST FOUR DAYS, in one city, of one state, at one store. In other words, TFB is thanking the scalpers for helping this franchise be all it is now, because they were the ones who made them what they are now. *rolls eyes*
I thought TFB was sending out enough to meet demand, in order to curb scalping, but they just gaunrenteed scalpers some huge money. Not only that, but fools are going to be stupid enough to pay for it, and what do you have? You have a cause and effect, where all scalpers will list Ninjini if bought earlier than others, as super hard to find and command more money, which then leads to scalpers heavily scalping her. So, with this announcement alone, they broke their word. They aren't meeting demand with Ninjini, thus their statement of being able to keep up with demand, wasn't spoken with a true tongue - in my opinion.
I don't know anymore... I honestly don't. It's bad enough I have to worry that TFB is going to pull some move, like make one or more of the ingame variants (ie Gnarly etc) only available at a convention, which means I can only own one, and pay out the rear for it.
I bought 4 of EVERY character so far. That means I literally bought 4 freakin' Wii's, just so my kids and myself could have 4 Gnarly Tree Rex figures. I did so in good faith that I would have access to all 8 ingame variants, through stores in my area, so I could get 4 of each one.
Now I have to worry if Ninjini, any other Lightcores, and the remaining Series 2, are going to be the next Wham Shell.
This is starting to become a huge cluster you know what.
It just makes me mad that I am paying to complete the collection of a game that took me 4 days to beat twice (Hard and Nightmare). They will follow up with game 3, where instead of giving us new and fresh, they will give us ten million of the same figures. We can expect -
- Series 2 of some of the remaining Series 1 Skylanders and Newlanders from Giants
- Series 3 of some of the Series 2 figures
- Lightcores of previous Skylanders and Newlanders from game 3
- GPS Skylanders of some of the figures from SSA, Giants, and game 3
- Laser light Skylanders of some of the figures from SSA, Giants, and game 3
- Series 2 Giants
- Possible new Giants (which will make the story not worth the spit because it wouldn't make sense to the story of Giants)
- Legendary Series 2 figures
- Series 2 Dark Spyro
- Series 2 Adventure Packs and Magical Items
O.V.E.R.K.I.L.L! There comes a time when quantity can ruin quality. If TFB ever indeed goes this far, it's like they never cared about more than money to begin with. HEADS UP, FOLKS! YOU CAN'T DIE WITH YOUR MONEY! Why not leave a legacy of good, instead of a legacy of ruin, just to fix up your yachts a few times then die without your materials (ie money, fancy boats and houses).
Okay, I'm in rage mode now. This is all getting silly, and I have a script to finish. Not the one I've been writing, as I finished that. But, Nickelodeon is accepting from first time writers, so I am writing a TMNT script to send to them (based on their rules).
This is pathetic, though. Paul mentioned in an interview with Andy at FGTV, that they wanted to get the figures out much faster this time. I had Wham Shell, by the end of the first week of April. It looks like they're at least stretching this out to late March. I could see it going even further, if they decide to release the ingame variants at stores, but not release all 4 before the end of March.
The wait was SOMEWHAT easier, due to the fact there were two Adventure Packs that came out in January and March.
Instead of TFB focusing on making ten thousand variations of figures, because they want to be like Furbies and retire molds, they could focus on giving more than 16 Newlanders per game, making their games longer, and giving us a new Adventure Pack every month, for as long as they drag out the release of figures for each game. I gave an excellent method on Neogaf. Release 6 Adventure Packs per year, in October (1), December (2), February (3), April (4), June (5), and August (6), then the next game would release two months later. Rinse and repeat. This allows people to maximize their money per game, as they at least get to stretch one game out to nearly a year for the money they spend. Not 4 days (or 1 week with the first game).
Releasing Adventure Packs also builds more lore for Skylands, while also allowing a main story to be told.
My loyalty doesn't mean spit to them. We all have huge collections than the scalpers do. Yet, our appreciation is waved Ninjini's - the last Skylander we need to have all NEW Skylanders - in our faces, while being told TFB: "You can always pay our good buddies, the scalpers, for one on Ebay. We owe them everything."
You know what's even more sad, and I expect people here to be chicken you know whats about it. I bet some people who frequent this site will get one from that line and throw it up on Ebay. Again, you can't die with your money. I'd rather die with a clean - honorable - conscience, than a soul that cared about the root of all evil.