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spyro becoms evil?!? [CLOSED]
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#1 Posted: 15:03:53 19/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Spyro122 Fodder
#2 Posted: 15:08:12 19/03/2008
me and her get married!?!
no comit
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#3 Posted: 18:24:36 19/03/2008
Huh???? What do you mean "Spyro122"????

Side Note: It'd be cool if you could access Spyro's Dark Powers from The Legend Of Spyro: The Darkest Hour again and use it whenever you want.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
Last edited at 22:02:25 20/03/2008 by SpyroGamer2008
Sails_the_fox Fodder
#4 Posted: 18:52:52 19/03/2008
spyro dosen't go evil. he's a good guy!
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#5 Posted: 19:19:25 19/03/2008
I agree with you, "Sails_the_fox". In The Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal Night, he gets taken over by the Dark Master (since he landed right in the spot where the moons eclipsed over each other), and temporarily gained Dark-like powers. But he wasn't really that evil-ish. He just couldn't control the power at all. The Dark Master was making Spyro seem evil.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#6 Posted: 19:26:40 19/03/2008
Maybe he becomes evil and the next Dark master o_o

Just a theory smilie
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#7 Posted: 20:50:53 19/03/2008
Yeah, what SG2008 said was true. Spyro becomes evil in TEN when

Gaul's sceptre drops and reaks and the two moons make an eclipse and makes Spyro turn evil...
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
sapphire Emerald Sparx Gems: 4822
#8 Posted: 22:57:23 19/03/2008
no! i doubt that! not to be rude but i doubt that its even true! so no offense! sorry if i yelled!
Trust your instincts. ~Caithe
Dragonfriend243 Green Sparx Gems: 111
#9 Posted: 23:10:08 19/03/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Huh???? What do you mean "Spyro122"????

Side Note: It'd be cool if you could access Spyro's Dark Powers from The Legend Of Spyro: The Eternal Night again and use it whenever you want.

You can.smilie
Welcome to DarkSpyro!smilie PURPLE!
smilieIt is time to unleash the true dragon within you! smilie POW! katara45 and SpyroGamer2008 i love cynder
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#10 Posted: 23:13:58 19/03/2008
Uh, so, what the hell are you talking about? This area is for the third game, not second game.
Sails_the_fox Fodder
#11 Posted: 00:20:22 20/03/2008
i think thats the ***ING FIRST TIME SOMEONE HAS AGREED WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#12 Posted: 00:31:11 20/03/2008
Quote: sapphire
no! i doubt that! not to be rude but i doubt that its even true! so no offense! sorry if i yelled!

Well, you don't have to believe me, but it's true. smilie You must not have played TEN yet...T_T
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#13 Posted: 22:02:01 20/03/2008
Sorry. I meant the next upcoming game in the series. I was distracted by something when I typed that. Sorry for the inconveinence....
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#14 Posted: 14:14:19 21/03/2008 | Topic Creator
i agree with you dude so just chill
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#15 Posted: 04:01:25 22/03/2008
Quote: Sails_the_fox
i think thats the ***ING FIRST TIME SOMEONE HAS AGREED WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#16 Posted: 13:51:07 24/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Sails_the_fox
i think thats the ***ING FIRST TIME SOMEONE HAS AGREED WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude I swear to god I agree with you
just drink some coolade and chill
Igot yo back homy
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2961
#17 Posted: 20:36:33 24/03/2008
you know on the GBA when he becomes dark he could not get hurt right it would be cool if you could be like that and i agree with you and HAVE THAT BLUE AND PURPLE BREATH FROM ETERNAL NIGHT AND NEW BEGINING RIGHT?? ... dont you like those breath i love smilie and smilie
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#18 Posted: 14:58:28 25/03/2008 | Topic Creator
I am not like the others I wont hastle you about dobble posting
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#19 Posted: 19:21:14 26/03/2008
Double Post Alert!!!!! Double Post Alert!!!!!
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
sapphire Emerald Sparx Gems: 4822
#20 Posted: 01:51:09 27/03/2008
Trust your instincts. ~Caithe
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#21 Posted: 12:07:24 27/03/2008 | Topic Creator

what does that evean mean!!!

sounds funny

leav spyro black alone, everyone doubble posts every once and a while
its natureal for beginers

I gotch ya back man
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#22 Posted: 12:33:18 27/03/2008
In case you missed it, Spyro did turn evil. Remember in TEN? The whole "out of control, homicidal dark power" thing? Yeah. That was evil Spyro. And I'm certain we'll see him again.
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#23 Posted: 14:27:47 27/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Dude ...... I forgot what I was going to say

..........................oh yea

I heard from a reliable sorce that spyro turns completly white when he kills the dark master

ok this is what I heard
Spyro confronts DM
he is nerly killed
than the DM goes after cynder
spyro like does this yell thing and he turns white!!!!!!
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#24 Posted: 00:31:47 28/03/2008
Pfft. I highly doubt that. We know nothing about this game beyond the title and the systems it will be released for. That's just more fan speculation and wishful thinking.
Dragonfriend243 Green Sparx Gems: 111
#25 Posted: 00:58:17 28/03/2008
Quote: Dragon Rider 99

Here's proof:

But it is a spoiler for TEN.
Welcome to DarkSpyro!smilie PURPLE!
smilieIt is time to unleash the true dragon within you! smilie POW! katara45 and SpyroGamer2008 i love cynder
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#26 Posted: 12:00:45 28/03/2008 | Topic Creator
sorry I cant go to youtube

secondly ITs not fan speculations
I know a guy thats working on the games grafics
and he told me that thats an Idea ther contimplating
but there still descusing

go to the chatter form than look for filenas or somthing like that and reead the posts!
King Red Sparx Gems: 96
#27 Posted: 14:23:40 28/03/2008
sure.......whatever ill do it
When I am alone for a long time I start seeing crazy ****
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#28 Posted: 14:29:43 28/03/2008 | Topic Creator
thank you King

dude try to be nicer
King Red Sparx Gems: 96
#29 Posted: 14:30:37 28/03/2008
Have you forgoten
I am a women
When I am alone for a long time I start seeing crazy ****
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#30 Posted: 14:32:02 28/03/2008 | Topic Creator
my bad

im having that problam alot

how old are you?
King Red Sparx Gems: 96
#31 Posted: 14:32:57 28/03/2008
I am 24
why how old are you?
When I am alone for a long time I start seeing crazy ****
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#32 Posted: 14:34:31 28/03/2008 | Topic Creator
your not supose to put your real age!
thats why I saed I was 16!
King Red Sparx Gems: 96
#33 Posted: 14:35:45 28/03/2008
Well how old are you
When I am alone for a long time I start seeing crazy ****
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#34 Posted: 14:36:59 28/03/2008 | Topic Creator
but I still love the spyro games
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#35 Posted: 16:12:04 28/03/2008

i will not see spoiler...i will not see spoiler...I WILL NOT SEE SPOILER!!!

stupid me.why did you have to say it was a spoiler?!?
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#36 Posted: 16:40:43 28/03/2008
Quote: Dragon Rider 99

what does that evean mean!!!

sounds funny

leav spyro black alone, everyone doubble posts every once and a while
its natureal for beginers

I gotch ya back man

LOL=Laugh Out Loud

Side Note: ROTFL=Rolls On The Floor Laughing (Another thing people use to laugh at stuff.)
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#37 Posted: 18:48:55 28/03/2008
Dragonfriend243 Green Sparx Gems: 111
#38 Posted: 23:38:02 28/03/2008
Quote: Tango

i will not see spoiler...i will not see spoiler...I WILL NOT SEE SPOILER!!!

stupid me.why did you have to say it was a spoiler?!?

Here you go this dosen't have a spoiler!!!ENJOY!!!smilie
Welcome to DarkSpyro!smilie PURPLE!
smilieIt is time to unleash the true dragon within you! smilie POW! katara45 and SpyroGamer2008 i love cynder
Black Minx Yellow Sparx Gems: 1226
#39 Posted: 00:03:09 29/03/2008
Would everyone just calm down.
You just gotta love the old and new games!
sapphire Emerald Sparx Gems: 4822
#40 Posted: 02:13:10 09/04/2008
do you think he turns white?
Trust your instincts. ~Caithe
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#41 Posted: 02:37:35 09/04/2008
Quote: Dragon Rider 99
sorry I cant go to youtube

secondly ITs not fan speculations
I know a guy thats working on the games grafics
and he told me that thats an Idea ther contimplating
but there still descusing

go to the chatter form than look for filenas or somthing like that and reead the posts!

Very likely! [/sarcasm]
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#42 Posted: 12:16:08 10/04/2008
Sapphire: Nope. He turned black with reddish-orange horns/belly scales, dark pink wings with dark swirly patterns on them, and his eyes were empty and white. Or he was just purple with white eyes. It all depends on which scene you want to count as the official one (the in-game cut scenes, or the FMV sequence).
dark_fury912 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3836
#43 Posted: 01:43:55 12/04/2008
I don't think spyro will become evil in this game.smilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#44 Posted: 03:13:05 12/04/2008
Since he was touched by darkness in TEN, I won't be surprised when he has to confront the evil within himself.
sapphire Emerald Sparx Gems: 4822
#45 Posted: 04:21:50 12/04/2008
i was talking about TDH! smilie
Trust your instincts. ~Caithe
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#46 Posted: 04:43:04 12/04/2008
Quote: Razz
Sapphire: Nope. He turned black with reddish-orange horns/belly scales, dark pink wings with dark swirly patterns on them, and his eyes were empty and white. Or he was just purple with white eyes. It all depends on which scene you want to count as the official one (the in-game cut scenes, or the FMV sequence).

Actually, you can faintly see his pupils.. although, in the REAL 3D cut scene where he returns to the main floor where Sparx and Cynder is, you can't get a good look at him since he's in the beam.. =_=
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#47 Posted: 05:21:52 12/04/2008
He might go dark again when he gets really angry, like in Jak 2.
You kicked who in the what now?
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#48 Posted: 14:41:59 17/04/2008 | Topic Creator
if it where me I would make the pupals .... slits, like on a lizard
and turn them red
but thats just me
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#49 Posted: 15:34:57 17/04/2008
sik guy lolz thats kinda wot ide dosmilie
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#50 Posted: 21:21:59 17/04/2008
There's a huge discrepancy between the in-game cut scenes and the FMVs in the LoS series. In-game, Dark Spyro is how I described him (except, apparently, he does at least have gray irises; I could never see them). In the FMV, he's simply a darker purple than his usual self and his eyes really are blank. Personally, I like that version of Dark Spyro more because it's rather untraditional. Evil doesn't usually have light erupting all around it. smilie
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