
Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer

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Unglitchable level???? [CLOSED]
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#1 Posted: 18:56:38 07/03/2008 | Topic Creator
I'm just curious to know whether or not there's a certain level in this game that, as far as we know, has no glitches in it.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Spyrogon Emerald Sparx Gems: 4280
#2 Posted: 19:00:27 07/03/2008
Autumn Plains?
I have such an uncreative username.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#3 Posted: 19:41:35 07/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Well, actually, if you do the invincibility glitch in Magma Cone, and then jump into the first pool of water, then you'd be stuck forever underneath that water. I think this is a glitch, but I'm not sure.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Spyrogon Emerald Sparx Gems: 4280
#4 Posted: 20:03:56 07/03/2008
Crystal Glacier?
I have such an uncreative username.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#5 Posted: 20:40:40 07/03/2008 | Topic Creator
At the end where there's the snowball, you can go onto the ledge and double-jump forward and land on a small flat-part in the mountain. You can then jump on top of any of the buildings in this area. You can also get inside of the building with the bone gate without triggering the snowball scene.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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arathyne Blue Sparx Gems: 607
#6 Posted: 23:06:56 07/03/2008
Breeze Harbour?
Cynder FTW! smilie
Spyrogon Emerald Sparx Gems: 4280
#7 Posted: 07:44:04 08/03/2008
Breeze Harbor has a swimming glitch.
I have such an uncreative username.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#8 Posted: 12:52:41 08/03/2008
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#9 Posted: 14:44:10 08/03/2008
^You are able to skip some puzzles and get to Juliet early.Hmm.....Shady Oasis doesn't have any glitches that I know about.Other people may know some,but.....
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
Spyrogon Emerald Sparx Gems: 4280
#10 Posted: 15:39:36 08/03/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Well, actually, if you do the invincibility glitch in Magma Cone, and then jump into the first pool of water, then you'd be stuck forever underneath that water. I think this is a glitch, but I'm not sure.

Waaiit. What inviciblity glitch?
I have such an uncreative username.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#11 Posted: 21:08:40 08/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Ross

On some versions of this game, there is a glitch where the people who made the level of Zephyr entered the wrong number of enemies in Zephyr. (The enemy counter will say 30/29 enemies killed once every enemy in the area is killed.)
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#12 Posted: 21:23:56 08/03/2008 | Topic Creator
To do this glitch, you'll need to get up on the edge of the surrounding area. This can be done in a few areas with the Double-Jump cheat. Now, once up here, head along the boundary area toward the elevator room. Instead of going into that room, Double-Jump onto the little edge on this building. Then Double-Jump again to get up on top of the roof. Now, once you are here, turn around in the direction of the volcano. Double-Jump and Glide all the way toward the volcano. (Note: You may fall when going through this area, but if you're persistant, you'll eventually get through the wall without falling.) Now, whilst gliding, head over to the little lava patch on top of the volcano. (You'll need to hover to get there.) Now, once you land here, the cut-scene sequence closing the lid on the volcano will be triggered. But while it's doing this, Spyro will be constantly getting burned by the lava. Eventually, Spyro will die, but the cut-scene will end as well. You will evidently re-spawn next to the guy who gives you the talisman, without Sparx. And there you go. Simply leave the level now, and explore Avalor in glitch-mode. (Note: After doing this glitch, the water effects won't work in any of the levels, and Sparx will not come back.)
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#13 Posted: 17:14:32 09/03/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Quote: Ross

On some versions of this game, there is a glitch where the people who made the level of Zephyr entered the wrong number of enemies in Zephyr. (The enemy counter will say 30/29 enemies killed once every enemy in the area is killed.)

Ah. Yes, I forgot that little hiccup. I get that smilie. Other hiccups are in levels like Fireworks Factory (YotD) like the 601/600 Gems one and I guess the two gems atop a tower one too.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#14 Posted: 01:30:34 10/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Mewnaphy
^You are able to skip some puzzles and get to Juliet early.Hmm.....Shady Oasis doesn't have any glitches that I know about.Other people may know some,but.....

Well, a very common glitch that happens when playing the game is that the music completely gets messed up and sometimes turns off on it's own. This can only happen, though, if the game has some scratches on it, or you've glitched it a lot.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#15 Posted: 17:24:23 10/03/2008
Ah, yes. I sometimes get that. It's really uncomfortable. Shows you why it needs good music, LOL.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#16 Posted: 15:06:27 12/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Well, besides the music glitch that can occur in any level of the game, I think that Shady Oasis is the only level (as far as I know of) that doesn't have any glitches in it.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Pyro girl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1752
#17 Posted: 12:32:45 13/03/2008
What about Fracture Hills? Is there any glitches there?
Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke ~Vegeta
Live Long and Prosper ~ Mr. Spock
I'm stupid, I'm Stupid ~ Starscream
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#18 Posted: 15:07:45 13/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Yup. You can get inside of the building without hitting the door down, you can use the Super-Charge to get up on the ledge closest to the point where you need to go (although you need to time your jump right), you can walk on a few of the boundary-walls surrounding the level, and you can get inside of the building (temple) while the rock face is still up.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#19 Posted: 22:05:12 13/03/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Well, besides the music glitch that can occur in any level of the game, I think that Shady Oasis is the only level (as far as I know of) that doesn't have any glitches in it.

I just said that in post #9!smilie
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#20 Posted: 00:39:02 17/03/2008 | Topic Creator
I know. Just was referencing your find to everyone else about any unglitchable level in this game, that's all.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Dragonfriend243 Green Sparx Gems: 111
#21 Posted: 23:14:57 21/03/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
I'm just curious to know whether or not there's a certain level in this game that, as far as we know, has no glitches in it.

My game isn't glitchy at all it is perfect.
Welcome to DarkSpyro!smilie PURPLE!
smilieIt is time to unleash the true dragon within you! smilie POW! katara45 and SpyroGamer2008 i love cynder
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#22 Posted: 20:27:18 23/03/2008 | Topic Creator
What do you mean, "Dragonfriend243"???? There have been several discoveries of glitches in the game, "Dragonfriend243". Youtube has loads of videos of glitches in this game.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#23 Posted: 15:12:41 16/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Okay, sorry about the Double-Post guys, but I've got some important news for all of you. Turns out there is a glitch-like bug in Shady Oasis. Okay, so first go to the part of the level where you have to free the 8 brothers from the rock-like stuff. Now, instead of breaking all of the brothers out, immediately Double-Jump up into the little hole-like area they come out with. (You may have to get a little bit close to the hole in order to do this since the brothers in the rock sink really fast in the green-like lava.) Now, when one of the brothers sinks and "dies" in the lava, the screen all around the hole will somehow disappear for a fraction of a second, making you temporarily able to see outside of this level. But you have to look quick because after this happens, you immediately get sent back to the start of the challenge, and the glitch will undo itself.

Note: In less anyone other than me has found this glitch before, this glitch is one that I should get credit for. If you have found this glitch before me, please give me a note and I shall immediately change the credit of the finding of this glitch to you.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 470
#24 Posted: 22:17:15 29/05/2008
here is actually a pretty good cheat:
invincibility without losing the ability to swim
Pause during a game and press Square, Circle (x4), X, Square, Circle, L1

Pause during a game and press L1, L2, R2, R2, L1, R1

super flame:
Pause during a game and press X, X, X, X, Circle, Circle, Square, Left

super freeze:
Pause during a game and press L1, L2, R1 x4, Triangle

level select:
Pause during a game and press Square, Square, Circle, Square, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Up, Right, Down
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 470
#25 Posted: 17:41:26 30/05/2008
srry about the double-post, but i havent tried these on gateway to glimmer, only riptos rage, so dont be mad if they dont work
okami12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2205
#26 Posted: 15:56:47 14/12/2008
Quote: IamCynder
here is actually a pretty good cheat:
invincibility without losing the ability to swim
Pause during a game and press Square, Circle (x4), X, Square, Circle, L1

Pause during a game and press L1, L2, R2, R2, L1, R1

super flame:
Pause during a game and press X, X, X, X, Circle, Circle, Square, Left

super freeze:
Pause during a game and press L1, L2, R1 x4, Triangle

level select:
Pause during a game and press Square, Square, Circle, Square, Left, Right, Left, Right, Circle, Up, Right, Down

COOl cheats i am going to see if they work on gtg
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#27 Posted: 16:11:08 14/12/2008
ok i think i might try it! i hope it works on ripto's rage!
This old place has changed too much
claw Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#28 Posted: 10:49:34 26/04/2009
maybe hurricos?
No signature for you!
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13085
#29 Posted: 16:35:43 27/04/2009
Quote: claw
maybe hurricos?

Hurricos has that glitch where you step on the windmill switches and you'll eventually leap into the air and you can glide anywhere.
Flamentah Yellow Sparx Gems: 1364
#30 Posted: 01:30:33 28/04/2009
Skelos Badlands?
Artists create the Beauty Musicians create the Melody Dancers create Grace so what do you create?
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#31 Posted: 22:20:14 30/04/2009 | Topic Creator
There's recently been glitches found where you can get to the opposite end of the Dino challenge area by Double Jumping, gliding, and hovering toward the platform triggering the start of the challenge. However, you would die while doing this. Then, if done right, you'd respawn right in front of the bridge. But the bridge is still up! (Oh and also, if you jump on top of the ledge of the enclosed area where you collected that 25 Gem, you can get to points outside of the level.)
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Flamentah Yellow Sparx Gems: 1364
#32 Posted: 03:00:55 06/05/2009
Well, that's pretty cool. I can't really think of others though
Artists create the Beauty Musicians create the Melody Dancers create Grace so what do you create?
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#33 Posted: 07:11:41 08/05/2009
What about the speedway levels?
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#34 Posted: 21:06:11 10/05/2009 | Topic Creator
Hmm...well, if you look at my Glitch Guide page, you'll see that for the first Speedway, anyways, there are some glitches in there. I think there are some glitches in the one Speedway you have to pay to get into (Autumn Plains). There's a glitch in which you can get on the roof (although it's very hard to do). Next, the one in Winter Tundra I know has one. And there's the lava trick you can do in them. But other than that, I'm not sure about the second speedway in Autumn Plains. I think there's a bug where you can get underneath the levels without using the lava trick. But besides that, I'm not really sure.

Side Note: As of now, I think we can all agree that there are two levels in this game which have minor bugs in them. However, there's still yet to be a level which is ruled "unglitchable". (But, it's probably due to the Double Jump cheat which allows you to have more potential to glitch the levels). Still, if you have any other levels which you think may be "unglitchable", or may have minor bugs in them, please continue to post them.

Results So Far:
"Unglitchable" Levels:

None (so far).

"Minor Bug" Levels:
1.) Shady Oasis (Due to the gamer's ability to not allow Spyro much access to the upper most portions of the level.)
2.) Metro Speedway (Besides the lava trick and getting underneath the speedway without it, this level is pretty much designed without much to glitch.)
3.) Cloud Temples (Since there's not much else you can do besides getting behind doors in this level without having to open them.)
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:34:07 29/09/2009 by SpyroGamer2008
artiste_violet Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11056
#35 Posted: 22:08:35 10/05/2009
What about Robotica Farms? I haven't seen any glitches in that level...
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#36 Posted: 03:10:54 14/05/2009 | Topic Creator
Well, Robotica Farms has a glitch in which you can get behind the boundary wall that surrounds the area. Here's a link to a video in which you can see the glitch where you can get beyond Robotica Farms. Just remember that I did not in any way create this video, and that the creation of this video belongs to the person who has truthfully created it.

Side Note: The method this user uses to get up onto the mound at the beginning can also be done using the Double Jump. (Just in case you want to do the glitch yourself, artiste_violet.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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im blowhard Blue Sparx Gems: 541
#37 Posted: 22:58:06 16/07/2009
cloud temples ???
Texas gal + Gary Oak=smilie Going Bye Bye

titan1290 Red Sparx Gems: 67
#38 Posted: 00:49:38 02/08/2009
If you don't look for the glitches you don't get them smilie i completed all 3 spyro's games 100 percent including the skill points and got none smilie.
Well im sure there are plenty of glitches in Summer forest and Skelos Badlands.
I forgot the level but it's in the summer forest reminds me of thunder.
does that level have glitches? One of the last levels in summer forest.
Long live Doga and Unei smilie final fantasy 3 ds ftw !
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#39 Posted: 02:32:51 29/09/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: im blowhard
cloud temples ???

There's a glitch in that level in which you can get behind the doorways without having to blow them up. But, that seems like more of a "Minor Bug" level than a "Heavy Glitch Filled Level".
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Crashfan25 Ripto Gems: 496
#40 Posted: 14:16:25 12/10/2009
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#41 Posted: 22:51:14 15/10/2009
glimmer - skip walls ,fly off level , kill lizards without aimming , skip climbing latters ,skip Money bags

Every level has glitches
and i know pryttey much every glitch and that is why i am Spyro glitcher
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#42 Posted: 06:13:03 24/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Well, the speedways are pretty tame for having bugs/glitches. And also, Shady Oasis also is hard to find glitches in as well.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#43 Posted: 21:18:55 25/10/2009
skip walls , charge the baby dude
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#44 Posted: 03:19:13 26/10/2009 | Topic Creator
Quote: spyro glitcher
skip walls , charge the baby dude

Hmm, could you include some methods to how to do these glitches? I, being a fellow person who enjoys glitches and is currently writing a Glitch Guide for this game, would really like to know how to do these. I don't think I've heard of some of these glitches before, but will be eager to read and to perform them when I get the free time.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#45 Posted: 22:01:06 27/10/2009
spyro gamer 2008 sure

and in my guest book i have a list of summer forest glitches (all self exployted )
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4464
#46 Posted: 10:41:35 30/10/2009
Breeze Harbour?

Breeze harbour has swimming in air glitch when you dive onto the first step in the pool
claw Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#47 Posted: 12:07:22 14/04/2010
mystic marsh?aquaria towers?canyon speedway?scorch?
No signature for you!
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#48 Posted: 22:24:05 14/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: claw
mystic marsh?aquaria towers?canyon speedway?scorch?

Mystic Marsh=Swimming Glitch
Aquaria Towers=Swimming Glitch
Canyon Speedway=Getting Outside Of The Level Glitch
Scorch=Getting On Top Of The Level Glitch

However, you did make a good point on Canyon Speedway. It seems the speedways have much less bugs/glitches associated with them (especially Canyon Speedway).
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#49 Posted: 10:54:00 15/04/2010
Dragon Shores?
Sheep Gold Sparx Gems: 2009
#50 Posted: 11:57:48 15/04/2010
There are some glitches in Dragon Shores
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