It's clear that there has been a lot of negativity about this game, with some people going on about how Cynder has changed for the worse, how the guardians look older and have creepy fixed smiles, and a number of plotholes... yes, these are problems.
But let's always look on the bright side of life. So here's a topic to discuss the things in this game you thought were good, whether you are a fan or hater of it, without mentioning anything you don't like.
Just talk about any little bits you liked in it. Could be a few seconds of a cutscene, to a whole level.
Firstly, the music: beautiful, and it went really well with the scenery and levels. The second Burned Lands soundtrack is definately my favourite music in the whole of LOS series.
Scenery: If you go to a high point in Avalar from where you can see the distant mountains, it looks lovely. There are loads of places in the game like this. And places like the forest part of Twilgiht Falls are really pretty too, particularly with the music playing at the same time.
Random flying dragon warriors in Warfang: I had to mention those awesome, unusual guys. I love their concept art in the gallery.
Mason: He appears for a few seconds and vanishes. You have to use those few seconds to conjure up an image of what he's like: He seems obediant, responding to Ignitus immediately. Perhaps, as Ignitus already knows his name, he helped the guardians in the past, or over the three years between TEN and DotD. He would have to be trustworthy for the guardians to ask for his help. He has a good knowledge of unusual items, and can probably detect if they are dangerous or evil. He seems like a good member of the army.