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Jail Break [CLOSED]
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#1 Posted: 01:47:24 10/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Well,this story was originally going to be a book,but I'm focusing on my other ideas,so it gets posted here!I'll post soon,just let me sort out the final details!
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#2 Posted: 02:43:10 10/06/2010
Okay. I'll be waiting.

And you better not close this or I will find you and destroy you. smilie
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#3 Posted: 03:01:53 10/06/2010
cool! and yes, no closing it. i cried when you murdered serial killer story
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#4 Posted: 10:40:49 10/06/2010
Agreed with the people above! smilie
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#5 Posted: 11:54:16 10/06/2010 | Topic Creator
I won't close this one.xDI'm very dedicated to this story.xD
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#6 Posted: 12:51:33 10/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Okay,Part 1!

My name is Johnny.Don't ask for a last name,'cause I ain't tellin'.It's better this way,I promise.My whole life I've been a criminal,living on the streets,trusting no one but my best friends,Eddy and Maria.Eddy and I lost touch for reasons I don't wanna get into,you'll see soon enough.Maria and I date now,but I've recently been arrested and am being transported to a maximum security building.I don't know where she is,just hope she's safe.I've escaped from prison before,but this would be a little harder.But this would be the craziest jail break I've ever been through.

Johnny sat the whole way at the back of the bus with several guards watching over him.He couldn't see out the windows,they were covered.
This must be the real deal,He thought.
"Anyone got a juicebox?"Johnny asked,looking at the guards."No one?How about Poptarts?"
One of the guards tried to hold back laughter,but couldn't."Ah!Someone who appreciates my comedic works!"
The guard next to the laughing guard smacked his head."Stop it Bob!"
"Sorry Bill..."
Bob turned to Johnny and glared at him."Look,no funny business,got it pal?I want this to be an easy job so I can get back to my family."
Johnny saluted him as best he could with his hands in handcuffs."Aye cap'n!"That got a good bit of laughs.

When the bus finally stopped,a bag was put over Johnny's head until they stepped inside the building.It wasn't very pretty,just a long hallway with several doors leading to solitary confinement cells.Johnny was about to make some smart comment when he saw the last person he expected to see.
His old friend patted him on the shoulder."Good to see ya,John!I see you've chosen to stay on the wrong side of the law."
Johnny and Eddy had grown up on the streets together,they spent so much time together you've thought they were brothers...That is if Eddy and Johnny were of the same race.Eddy was black,Johnny white.Eddy's family lived on the white side of town and none of those snobby white kids liked him.Except Johnny.Johnny had always been kind to Eddy,both Johnny and Johnny's friend Maria.The three grew up as trouble makers.
That was until Eddy got into some trouble with the law.Rather than going to jail,he was inlisted to train to be a cop,a lifestyle he grew to like.He hadn't seen Johnny up close and personal since he became a law enforcer.But,he read a lot of Johnny's files and heard a lot about his new crimes.
It came to be when Johnny was sentanced to be brought to the maximum security prison,Eddy was put on duty there to make sure Johnny stayed out of trouble.
Johnny shook his head and laughed at Eddy."Nice suit,man.How ya been?"
Eddy crossed his arms and replied,"A lot better than you it seems.Sorry,we'll talk later."
He signaled the guards to take him away to his new cell.Bob and Bill escorted Johnny through one of the doors to his solitary confinement.There was another long hallway that lead to the cell,so it took a while.
About halfway through however,noises were heard back outside in the entrance hall.Bob sent Bill to check it out,and Bill never came back.The noises were getting louder,and there was screaming.It sounded as if there was something growling and snarling...
Bob left Johnny to go check it out.But not before Johnny pickpocketed some keys off him.He took his handcuffs off and said to himself,"Time to bust out."
He would've walked out to the hall,but blood suddenly splatter out the door's window,and the sounds of Bill dieing could be heard.
lBobessed Yellow Sparx Gems: 1832
#7 Posted: 18:31:22 10/06/2010
didnt think id like it but it surpirsed me and i keep reading
and trust me if i dont like a story at first i dont keep reading
its awesome keep it up
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#8 Posted: 20:48:11 10/06/2010
Pretty good.
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#9 Posted: 22:17:10 10/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Being very cautious,Johnny slowly stepped out in the hall.It was slick with gore,dead bodies everywhere.Johnny knelt down and picked up one of the guard's shotguns."He won't be needing this..."
Then he caught his first glimpse.He heard it snarling first,so he looked up.What Johnny saw haunted him the rest of his life.
Some sort of creature,white in color,humanoid,but crawling on all fours was running at him.It's eyes were pure black,it's teeth yellow,and covered in blood.
Johnny's first reaction:"Oh ****!****,****,****,****!"Then he ran.
He made a dash down the hall,looking back every few seconds.There were more of the things,all running at him.
"What kind of screwed up security is this?!"
He reched the door at the end of the hallway.It was locked.
"Why?!WHY ME?!"
He turned to face the creatures with his shotgun,but the door opened and Eddy pulled him in.

"Johnny!You okay?"Eddy gasped.
Johnny looked upfrom where he was leaning over."Am I okay?AM I OKAY?!What the h*ll are those things?!"
The creatures could be heard on the other side of the door,trying to get in."Beats me,"Eddy replied,"but they aren't friendly."
Johnny shook his head."Thanks for the update,Sherlock."
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#10 Posted: 23:41:54 10/06/2010

Please continue!smilie
I'm batman!! Shh...
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#11 Posted: 02:33:18 11/06/2010
Whoa... smilie
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8537
#12 Posted: 02:41:53 11/06/2010
Thats epic dude, soundes like it could be a video game. smilie .
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#13 Posted: 22:28:30 11/06/2010 | Topic Creator
The two friends journeyed away from the door,towards the sound of fighting.It was coming from the main cell block.
"It doesn't sound like more creatures..."Eddy observed.
Johnny shook his head."Nah,there must be a jail break in progress."No sooner had he said this when he heard more snarling ahead."And there's the cleanup crew!"
They ran ahead,only to find more dead bodies and gore.The stench was terrible and Eddy promptly threw up in a trash can."God..."
Prisioners and guards alike were dead,but the creatures had left.Johnny scavenged the body until he heard whispering.One of the cells was still closed."Uh...Eddy?Who's cell is that."
Eddy looked up and frowned."That's the Rodriguez siblings.Um....Rico and Sarah."
Johnny looked in and saw the two.Rico was obviously the older,being at least 25,while Sarah was 20.He opened their cell and they rushed out,Rico swearing in spanish.
Sarah looked distraught and blurted,"What the h*** were those things,Eddy?!"
Eddy shrugged."Wish I could say."
"They look like the undead!"Rico chimed in.
"No,not the undead,"Johnny said,watching one of the TV the guards would watch,"something went wrong back in the city.This has to be a botched experiment."
Rico made a cross movement over his chest."Nay,this is the undead,bro!"
Johnny laughed."Listen,"bro."Stop being so superstitious.Obviously,these things aren't zomb-"
Suddenly there was a loud screeching and crawling in the vents.
"What say we leave?"Eddy asked,handing the sibling shotguns."There's an emergency exit over there,"he pointed towards big doors,"it'll lead us out."
They,went to leave,but suddenly the entire building went on lockdown.Heavy,metal doors covered all exits out.
"Eddy,"Johnny grabbed him,"please tell there's a way to shut this off here."
Eddy shook his head."Lowest floor.Pretty long travel."
Johnny groaned."It's always deeper inside..."

This ends the first part of this story,"Solitary Confinement."Next time I post,it'll be "We need a better medical building."

Note:Kudos to anyone who knows where I got Rico Rodriguez.xD
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#14 Posted: 00:42:34 12/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Part 2: We need a better medical building.

None of the group was happy to heading deeper into the jail.They hadn't seen anymore monsters though.That would soon change.
The prison was set up with several buildings connected to each other with reinforced halls.The medical building was asking for help,so Johnny made the decision to go there.
"Johnny,are you sure it's a good idea to go towards the monsters?"Rico asked nervously.
"No,"Johnny replied,"but people need help.We can provide that."
Sarah leaned towards Rico and whispered,"The guys a criminal,but yet he wants to be hero.Ironic,wouldn't you say?"
Eddy,who was close by,chuckled."Big J's always trying to help."

Upon arriving at the medical building,there was a big sign that said,"We make you feel better!"
"Funny,"Johnny mumbled,"I don't feel better."
The stench hit them first,alerting them to the dead bodies.
Rico held his nose."Some medical building....More dead here than healed people."
Eddy shushed the group as he spoke into the radio."Is there anyone here?This is officer Eddy,is there anyone alive in medical?"

"My god,Eddy!It's officer Calvin!There's some sort of creature here!Looks like a giant snake!"

"A snake?No humanoid like creatures?"

"No,thank god!Why?"

"We encounter some creatures like that.God,if there's different types of 'em,we're screwed!"

"No kiddin'.Where are you?Will you be able to provide back-Wait!What was that....Oh god it's coming back!HOLY ****!THERE'S MORE OF THEM!GOD,NO!AHHHH!!"


No response.Johnny looked catiously into a room."This is bad.Really bad."
"You're tellin' me!"Eddy snapped."Calvin was one of my best officers.Look,I'm gonna set up shop here and try to contact the other buildings.Rico and Sarah can help me.You go and see if there's anyone else out there."
"How come I get the crappy job?!"
"Because you're better with a shotgun.Keep in touch."Eddy said as he handed him a radio.
"Oh yeah,I'll be sure to report back from the stomach of a zombie snake!"
Rico yelped."I thought you said they ain't zombies,bro!"
Johnny glared at him."Shut it!"He then stalked off,deeper into the medical building.
lBobessed Yellow Sparx Gems: 1832
#15 Posted: 01:01:47 12/06/2010
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#16 Posted: 01:33:10 12/06/2010
So...Here I am posting my thoughts of this story, because I "signed" some legal crap thinggie Eragon made me sign.

My thoughs on the story as you asked, my good friend:

Well, all I really got to say is this is great story so far and cant wait for more! So far, I'd say this is better then your Serial Killer story, and Infectoin story put tohether, and for that I clap for you. It may only be the start but you've already gotten me hooked on it, waiting for more. And for me, it takes alot for me to get really hooked onto a story. So I ask of you, too please continue you lazy bum, of a freind! smilie smilie

Lol, you wanted my thoughts? Well there ya go! Also beofre you ask, no I wasnt being sacastic. I really like the story and want you to continue! smilie
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#17 Posted: 01:34:16 12/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Well,being the cruel b*stard I am,you must wait.xDMUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!xD
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#18 Posted: 19:20:46 13/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Johnny was disgusted by the amount of gore and dead bodies there was.Eddy contacted him to check up.

"Johnny,find anyone?"

"No.Any luck with the other buildings?"

"A little....A lot of static though,something's up at the other buildings to.Whatever these things are,there's a lot of 'em."

Johnny peeked inside one of the rooms,seeing more dead bodies."The death count on my end here is ridiculous."

"I'd think so.Man,I don't feel safe here at all."

"Hey,stop your whining.I'm the one exploring here.There's a lot strange noises.It's really creepy."

"You think Maria will be sad if you die?"

"Nah,"Johnny chuckled,"she'd be p***ed.She really wants me to ask her to marry me.She knows I'm gonna do it,I'm just making her wait.If I die without asking her she'll-Hold on a sec...."He'd seen movement and called out."Hello?OH ****!"A creature grabbed him,trying to eat him,but Johnny shot it with his shotgun.

"Johnny,you okay?!"

"No,I am not OKAY!Try having a zombie thingy try to eat your a** and tell me if you're okay!"
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#19 Posted: 19:26:56 13/06/2010
....Lol smilie Please continue!smilie
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#20 Posted: 01:25:24 14/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Despite almost being killed,Johnny continued on his way.He eventually found the bodies of Calvin and some other men.
"Eddy,looks like your boys got dogged."

"D**n!Well,how far are you in?"

"About halfway through the building.I'm gonna go on,kay?"He turned his radio off before he got an answer.

Johnny decided he was an absolute idiot.Eddy only wanted Calvin found,but Johnny's conscious said to go on.He regretted it now,seeing as how he was hearing hissing,and slithering could be heard in the vantilation shaft.
That's when it happened.
The zombie snake came out of a nearby shaft and was speeding towards him.The thing was huge,and could've easily swallowed Johnny whole.
Johnny jumped out of the creature's way,then shot at him.No use,it's scales were too hard.

"Johnny,I need an update."

"Eddy,I hope you know a good exterminator!"
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#21 Posted: 00:46:01 15/06/2010
Just passing by....

(In other words, im posting because I know you dont like to post back to back)

EDIT: In other other words, me like, pwease continue
I'm batman!! Shh...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:53:44 15/06/2010 by Cynder 19000
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#22 Posted: 23:55:53 15/06/2010
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#23 Posted: 01:04:12 16/06/2010 | Topic Creator
"Johnny,you dumba**!"He screamed at himself as the snake cornered him.
The thing was approaching faster,preparing to eat him.He had one chance,he had one way out!He had....To stop reading what I'm typing and run like he**!
Good,he took my advice.Johnny made a fantastic leap over the snake and made a break for the transport carrier nearby.It lead to the next building,the Asylum building for the more insane.
He reached the carrier and was about to calm down,but the snake was poking it's head in.Then the doors slammed shut.Blood spewed everywehre as the snakes decapitated head wiggled around for the last time."Who's the b*tch noooowwwww?!"Johnny laughed.That's when he heard the flapping sound of wings.

NEXT PART:"Am I crazy,or is this the nuthouse?"
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#24 Posted: 01:13:55 16/06/2010
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#25 Posted: 01:14:34 16/06/2010 | Topic Creator
I apologize for the idiotic names.xD
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#26 Posted: 04:17:07 16/06/2010
i like it!
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#27 Posted: 11:12:02 16/06/2010
Lol! smilie Love it!
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#28 Posted: 12:45:22 16/06/2010 | Topic Creator
Looking over the edge,he saw that it was a long drop down.The entire room was large,with only this tiny transport to take him to the Asylum.He could see what was making the flapping noise:giant bat like creatures.Paranoia insued.
"When I get home,I'm gonna sit in the corner and cry.I'm just gonna cry until all these bad memories go away...And then I'm gonna kill Eddy."
Finally,the transport stopped at the entrance to the Asylum.He entered cautiously,looking everywhere for something dangerous.But something dangerous saw him first.I know,I'm just as surprised as you!
The bat came swooping down and grabbed him,pulling him high into the air.He twisted around to see it's face,which he instantly regretted.
The thing's face was all scrunched up,with giant eyes and ears,and long fangs coming from it's mouth.
"Talk about a face only a mother could love..."Johnny said.The bat then dropped him.
The fall was a big one,but Johnny had a plan to survive!Okay,he was just gonna scream until he hit the ground,but that's a better idea than what I have in my mind.
His landing was soft,however.He was grateful,and then he saw that he landed on a pile of dead bodies.He puked several times before regaining his composure.Eddy radioed him.

"Johnny,what's goin' on?"

"Dude,I'm in the Asylum now.There are bats here,frikin' bats!!!"

"Just calm down,Johnny.Look,there are some doctors locked up in the main holding area there.Find them,and take them to the transport to get back to medical."

"You want me to go deeper inside this nuthouse,just to find some doctors.ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?"

"Well,you're the one in the Asylum."
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#29 Posted: 00:21:36 18/06/2010
....Lol smilie MORE!
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#30 Posted: 00:32:15 18/06/2010 | Topic Creator
"Eddy,there's a freaking bridge in this building,"Johnny exclaimed,"and there's a very long drop under it."
Johnny had gone further in,you'd think he'd learn by now,and soon came across a bridge.In the Asylum.Which is a building.With an inside.Who the h*ll builds bridges inside a building?

"Johnny,I know.Just get the doctors,and leave."

Johnny didn't respond,just began crossing the bridge.
The bats didn't like him crossing there turf.They bombarded him with attacks,forcing him to run.
Making desperate shots at them,they got even madder.The started dropping things towards him.Now there were regular creatures after him,crossing the bridge.
"Jesus Christ!"
He was confused when he saw a doctor on the other side with a remote in his hands.When Johnny reached him he recognized what it was for real.
"No,don't!"He yelled.
But the doctor pushed the switch on the detonator and the bridge blew up.
"Ha,take that ya' stupid creatures!"The man yelled excitedly.
"Oh dear Lord....Why do you hate me?"
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#31 Posted: 00:42:10 18/06/2010
You know what im going to say
I'm batman!! Shh...
IsisStormDragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 7127
#32 Posted: 20:31:13 24/06/2010
Write more!

That it? smilie
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#33 Posted: 20:39:41 24/06/2010
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#34 Posted: 20:50:50 24/06/2010
He's gone for 2 weeks, so he wont be posting.
I'm batman!! Shh...
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#35 Posted: 20:51:12 24/06/2010
yep. *waits*
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#36 Posted: 00:01:12 07/07/2010
I do believe it's Tuesday, my good friend. This story is do for another chapter.
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#37 Posted: 02:52:40 07/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Sorry,the drive home was longer than expected.>_<Update soon I hope.
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#38 Posted: 19:11:18 07/07/2010
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#39 Posted: 20:32:33 09/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Johnny grabbed the man by the shoulders."ARE YOU CRAZY?!"
"Whatcha mean?I blew up those animals!"
"Yeah,and our way out!"
The man shrugged."Well,there's another way out in a different building.By the way,I'm Carl.Carl Munce."He held his hand out for Johnny.
Johnny reluctantly shook his hand."Johnny."
"Nice to meet you my boy!"He pulled out a pistol and handed it to him."Shotguns are good,but you might need something with range for those flying creatures."
"Yeah.Hey,did you see that snake in medical?"
Carl shook his head."No,but I heard about it over radio.Didja kill it?"
"Yeah,it was frikin' huge.It's head got stuck in the transports doors."
Carl was about to say something when his radio went off.Someone was saying:

"Carl!We need help!The asylum patients were infected!They're faster and stronger than the normal infecteds!"

Johnny raised an eyebrow."Infected?"
Carl nodded."We took blood samples from one of them.Someone made this infection,and it's spread fast.I suspect a bomb was used.Now come on,we have to help!"

Note:No,this has nothing to do with Infection,my RP/story.xD
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#40 Posted: 20:42:25 09/07/2010
Good chapter smilie

Oh, becuase that's exactly what I was thinking smilie
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#41 Posted: 01:11:48 10/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Note:This is an idea I had long before Infection really.xD

"Eddy!Eddy,come in!"The fact that Eddy wasn't answering worried Johnny.He and Carl were on their way to whereever the heck they were going(Carl wouldn't say),and apparently it was far so he contacted Eddy."Answer Eddy!"

"What is it Johnny?!"

"Why didn't you answer?"

"Because,we ran into trouble and I was busy!"

"You left your location?To where?"

"We went the other way that you went.We're currently in the Records building."

"Hey,since you're there,look for any criminals that may have been a scientist."


"These things aren't zombies.They're normal people,just infected,most likely transferred from a bomb of some sort."

"How come we ain't infected?"

"Luck I guess.Hey,call me back if you find anything."He put his radio away as he saw Carl crouching behind some cover."We here?"
"Shhhhhh!"Carl shushed."Get down!"
Johnny crouched next to him."Why?"
Carl pointed and Johnny looked to where he pointed.More creatures,but different.They were bigger than any other,aside from the snake.Bulging muscles,but strangely no legs.Just strong arms and slug like lower half.They dragged themselves along with their arms.
"Ugh.That's nasty."Johnny said,disgusted."Ew!It leaves behind a slime trail!"
Carl pointed to the floor above them.They were in a cirular,open room that was three floors high."We need to get up there.Our destination is through a door there.The stairs are across the room,but that thing is rather nasty looking.Should we risk it?"
Johnny shrugged and kept staring at the creature.It seemed to rely heavily on smelling and sound,but why?Then he saw that where it's eyes should be,there were empty sockets."It's blind!If we stay quiet,we can get past!"
"What about it's smelling?"
"Well,"Johnny replied,"there's some of it's slime right here...."
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#42 Posted: 01:19:55 10/07/2010
It was? smilie

Odd... Please continue! smilie
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#43 Posted: 01:24:45 10/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#44 Posted: 01:43:30 11/07/2010 | Topic Creator
With Carl and Johnny thoroughly covered in the slime,they were able to tiptoe past the creature.They almost made it to the steps when Carl sneezed loudly.The creature turned it's head towards them and roared,flying at them.Johnny pushed Carl up the stairs,grabbed his pistol,and started to shoot.

Carl ran up the steps,hearing Johnny shooting,when the shot stopped.He drew his own pistol,waiting to see who'd come up.Johnny slowly came up,a large smile on his face."I could be an extermina-AH!"He was suddenly grabbed and pulled back down."Johnny!"Carl screeched.He ran down,only to find Johnny beating the creature with a pipe he ripped from the wall.

Johnny was breathing heavily,scared to death."Lets go!"They ran up to the next floor,Johnny leading.He saw the door and rushed over."Come on,the doo-"Carl screamed suddenly.He turned around to see the creature swallowing Carl whole.He rushed through the door and slammed it shut,locking it.Carl was gone,but he couldn't have done anything.
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#45 Posted: 02:02:59 11/07/2010
For some odd reason this story reminds me of the book "The Tomorrow Code" smilie

The Tomorrow Code: Turning around to see some sort of creature(Or white blob thing also known as "Snowman" or "Jellies") "swallowing" random people whole, and can't do a thing about or they'll die too.

Jail Break: Turns around to see this guy being swallowed whole, and can't do a thing about it.

No, there nothing alike, there complety diffrent. Don't know why I thought of "The Tomorrow Code" for a second there smilie

Me like. Please continue smilie
I'm batman!! Shh...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:09:57 11/07/2010 by Cynder 19000
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#46 Posted: 02:09:20 11/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Huh.Strange,never heard of that book.
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#47 Posted: 02:15:04 11/07/2010
It's a fairly new book. It's by some New Zealand dude... Brian Falkner, I belive. One of the best sci-fi books I ever read.
I'm batman!! Shh...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:22:00 11/07/2010 by Cynder 19000
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#48 Posted: 01:32:00 12/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Johnny was now in a long hallway.He cautiously crossed it,watching for any monsters.He walked past a T.V.,ignoring it it,until he heard his name:

"It is beleived that the well know criminal,Johnny,is behind the recent events.A live feed of security cameras from inside the security building he was taken to shows him miraculously surviving several encounters with the creatures.An inmate,Rico Rodriguez,has voiced his fears via security camera."

"I don't know if anyone will see this,but Johnny somehow kows what these creatures are!I beleive he's behind it all!"

Johnny threw the T.V. in anger and pulled his radio out.Rico was setting him up!He had to warn Eddy."Eddy!"

Rico's voice was what he heard."Sorry,Eddy's not available.I'm guessing you saw the news?"

"Rico,I'm gonna kill you!"

"Oh really?I'd like to see you try!"

"Don't you worry!Where's Eddy?And Sarah?!"

"Dealing with my pets...Bye bye!"
Cynder 19000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1822
#49 Posted: 01:39:52 12/07/2010
...o_o Oh my god. I must read more! You can't just leave there!
I'm batman!! Shh...
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#50 Posted: 01:49:26 12/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Johnny was in shock.Now he remembered Rico.A news broadcast from years ago:

"The terrorist know as Rico Rodriguez was arrested today.His sister was arrested for good measure."

Johnny knew Rico had wanted revenge...And he and Eddy let him go.These things were his creations!He continued down the hall,wanting to find Carl's friends,help them,and continue his mission.He soon found the friends....All ripped to shreads.Blood and guts everywhere,fresh to.
Looking around he saw more of the Slugs.They could smell him,and they promptly attacked.He drew his shotgun and took a shot.The things absorbed it,which is why the one before didn't die!
New strategy:Run like h***!

Eddy woke up with a pounding headache,Sarah lying next to him.Rico was gone.He remembered reading who Rico was,then he saw black.He stood up and groaned.The two were trapped in some sort of homemade trap of book cases.Those things were out side of the trap,slowly climbing.They had no weapons,no sort of defense.Time to break out!

Johnny managed to make it to the next elevator,whic went down to the kitchen.He didn't like the elevator,far too open for attack.But he didn't complain when the doors shut on the Slugs.
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