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The Legend of Kuna; Reign of Darkness [CLOSED]
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#1 Posted: 19:43:20 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator

[User Posted Image]

Chapter 1: The Dark Queens

Cascades of rock tumbled from the Temple's desintigrating walls. Dragons fled in all directions as Gaul's armies poured in through charred holes in the roof and through the crumbling doorways of the Temple. Gaul growled and lifted his lip in a malignant smile, exposing his long, yellowing fangs. He loved to see the "all powerful dragons" scatter like a flock of startled ducks. He laughed and charged onward to the room full of dragon eggs. He shouted to his troops "Destroy them all!!!!....Except two! Our master has something special in mind for them." Gaul scooped up a deep red egg and a dark black egg, and placed them into a rough burlap bag. He ran through the chaos and flames, and jumped onto a skeletal, black bat, which bore him off into the dark, moonless night.

A few days later, after the rest of the troops arrived with Gaul at the apes' lair, the eggs began to hatch.

A still hush lay over the Mountain Fortress. It was as if the entire world held its breath as the milky shells of the dragon eggs split and crunched. The red egg opened first, and the head of a tiny black dragon, wet and bedraggled, poked its head into the still air. "Cynder," said Gaul. The second egg rocked violently, rolling over and over, and finally, it too broke open to reveal a dragon, but this time, it was a deep indigo baby dragon (also a female) that tumbled out. "Kuna," stated Gaul.

"Cynder and Kuna. Our future warriors. Our ultimate weapons. Our dark queens......."
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#2 Posted: 19:48:24 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator

I have more to post, if ur willing to wait a little bit.
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#3 Posted: 19:50:30 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Okay, give me a little bit!
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#4 Posted: 20:38:35 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Chapter 2: Blood and Power

Kuna lifted her head and disgruntledly gazed at this new world which she found herself in. A huge furry creature (Gaul, although she didn't know it yet) loomed over her head, jabbering in some strange language. Next to her sat another dragon, with eyes just as wide and uncertain as her own. Gaul leaned over and plucked her and the other dragon up by the scruffs of their necks, and carried them into a dark tunnel. An acrid smell met her nostrils, and Kuna saw a glowing green room. As they entered it, she saw that the source of light was a huge bubbling pit of glowing slime, with two black iron cages suspended just above it.

Suddenly, a surge of apes poured in through the doorway and seized Kuna's and Cynders legs. Kuna cried out as the brought a white-hot chain towards her, dripping with molten metal. She struggled and lashed out with her tail, only to be struck with a heavy club. She reeled and collapsed, and was helpless to defend herself as they wrapped the burning metal around her neck, tail, and limbs. Kuna screamed as Cynder did the same. The enchanted metal ate at her very soul, and coalesced into gem-studded "collars".

The two dragons were thrust into the cages above the slime pits, and the doors locked. Gaul spoke to one of his minions,"Enchanted dragon blood--the most poisonous and powerful stuff in the world. One little touch would kill you or me. But it's..... excellent .....for dragons," and smiled evilly Then, he pulled a lever.

The two cages jerked and shudderes slowly down.... down towards the glowing lake. The two dragons screamed as the vapors burned at their eyes and choked them. The bottoms of their cages flooded as the cages were submerged. The green ooze writhed and frothed, Kuna howled, and then all was quiet except for the quiet hiss and pop of the slime.
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
Lunnah Red Sparx Gems: 28
#5 Posted: 20:44:30 05/04/2010
Wow smilie... much suspense....

Plz more smilie
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#6 Posted: 20:47:03 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Thx! smilie

Okay, but give me some time.
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#7 Posted: 21:06:16 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Chapter 3: Black Awakening

The cages creaked and groaned. Hot steam bubbled from the lake. Then, the cages exploded back out of the goo, spraying steamng liquid. Two huge forms rose from the slime, with luminescent rivulets cascading down to the cavern floor. Two sets of enormous wings unfurled into spans of eighty feet or more, filling the cave. Kuna's smooth indigo body was now interspersed with jagged lightning bolt patterns, and Cynder's cool black with curling, smooth ones.

Black vapor poured off of them, and their eyes flashed momentarily huge and white. Gaul smiled as the two beasts landed in front of him, Cynder with a red gem in her collar and Kuna with green.

"Master, here we come to serve you."

The Ape king chuckled and looked on. "My first order to you," said he, "is to destroy the valley of Avalar and show the weak life there that the Dark Armies have come."
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#8 Posted: 21:20:58 05/04/2010 | Topic Creator

I'll try to get another chapter up today.
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
Lunnah Red Sparx Gems: 28
#9 Posted: 22:03:21 05/04/2010
Awesome smilie
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#10 Posted: 01:16:00 06/04/2010
i like the story! moar! plz! smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#11 Posted: 01:06:08 07/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Thx guys!! Here iz the next chapter.

Chapter 4 : A Heart of Gold

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

Kuna lay her body flat and beat her wings in a slow steady rhythm. Far below her lay a river-crossed expanse of grass and wildflowers surrounded by enormous mountains. She curled the edges of her wings to her body and dipped gracefully into a wide downward spiral towards the valley. Joined by Cynder, she curved towards a wooded corner of the valley from which smoke rose from cooking fires and small, roughly built huts were scattered. The village was on a high cliff, overlooking a churning, angry river.

Beside her, Cynder folded her wings and dropped like a bullet. Kuna did the same. She plummeted straight down and snapped open her wings at the last second to break her descent. The resulting gust of wind blasted two huts off of their foundations and shook the very roots of the trees. Kuna and Cynder were bombarded by a rain of spears. Kuna roared, and Cynder spun her tail in a circle, leveling several huts and flinging cheetah villagers everywhere. Kuna reared and batted away the spears. She dropped to the ground in fury, and shot a thunderbolt wreathed in crackling black lightning which turned a village shack into an orange fire blossom. The chief charged Cynder, who calmly grasped him in her teeth and flung his form into the trees.

A tiny cub stumbled across into a clearing free of burning houses where Kuna stood. Cynder whirled around ...... and spotted him. The cub tripped and tumbled onto Kuna's paws. Cynder said in cool, venomous tones,"Why...don't you finish him.....?" Kuna froze. The cub's huge, blue eyes stared at her in terror. His dusky reddish fur was streaked with blood and ash. Kuna's snarl of hate died in her chest, and her eyes softened. The spell cast upon her by Gaul was broken by her pure heart. She was free.

"No," she said.

"" asked Cynder in a voice that made it more of a statement.

"I said no. I won't kill him. WHY, Cynder? WHY SHOULD I??" These last words were roared. Cynder growled in hatred.

"Fine," Cynder said, and sliced Kuna under her chin with her tail blade. "If you won't kill him, I will."

"Never," said Kuna. "You'll have to kill me first."

"If you stand in the way, I will...with pleasure. I was instructed to leave none alive..." said Cynder

Kuna scooped the cub up and shielded him under one of her wings as Cynder landed another blow. Kuna was on the defensive. She used her other wing in a futile effort to cover her body, but was driven closer and closer to the precipice overlooking the raging river far below. Kuna knew that she couldn't fly for risk of dropping the cub to his death, but she was badly wounded.

"Release him!" screeched Cynder.

"I will not!" gasped Kuna, as blood streamed from a wound on her chin.

She kept retreating until her back legs scrabbled on the very edge of the cliff.

Her wing that she was using as a shield was in tatters and dripped with blood. Cynder cleverly faked a rush in for a tail slice, but instead snaked her head to the side, and bit Kuna's leg. Kuna whimpered, and stepped backward into thin air. She slid off of the edge, but caught herself and dangled, with cub still folded inside one of her wings, by her only useful front leg.

Cynder stalked slowly to the edge of the precipice. "I wish there was another way. You would have been a formidable ally."

Then, she grasped Kuna's paw in her claws, and pushed it off the ledge.

Kuna gave one last sad look at Cynder as she fell away from view and towards the roaring river .... down .... down ..... down.

That was a long chapter!

I'll have the next part up ASAP!
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#12 Posted: 01:09:35 07/04/2010
NUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! poor cheetah cub.
other than that, good chapter. smilie smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#13 Posted: 01:11:07 07/04/2010 | Topic Creator

Well. A bit of a spoiler.....
He's not dead yet!
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#14 Posted: 06:24:00 16/04/2010
nice. *subcribees*
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#15 Posted: 07:41:02 16/04/2010
Nice. :)

I'm just wondering if you could take a look at my stories. I'm sure I need more readers. The stories are in the Legendary Ruuko series.

But I don't think the writing is as good as yours though. I just can't get it right. >.<

Anyone else is free to read them too.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#16 Posted: 13:58:56 16/04/2010
i know, but i still feel sorry for him...
--- this supposed to be my signature?
GoldenDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1191
#17 Posted: 01:01:07 25/04/2010 | Topic Creator
Thanx, guys!

I've had writer's block, but should post the next chapter 2morrow.
~Best friends 'till the end of time: GamingMaster_76smilie and Nicksmilie~
Everyone has a dark side. Whether or not you choose it is the question.
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