
Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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ember or baze [CLOSED]
spyro pro Green Sparx Gems: 349
#1 Posted: 21:00:14 30/09/2007 | Topic Creator
who is your favorite ember or blaze?i like both do you.?
smilieCynder is the bomb!smilie
smilieSpyro rocks!smilie
smilieSparx is cool!smilie
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#2 Posted: 15:31:16 01/10/2007
Its not Blaze its Flames lol and my fav is Ember : P
EternalSpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#3 Posted: 18:08:03 02/10/2007
Apparently the name Blaze is the name of a Spyro fan fiction on
As the Night of Eternal Darkness apporaches, Spyro is haunted by .... Maps of the U.S. and Canada, and traffic capability for just $216.76 from
the doctor Yellow Sparx Gems: 1617
#4 Posted: 08:59:18 06/10/2007
i love blaze, he awesome... but i absoluty HATE ember... plus it doesnt help that my name sounds like ember... sigh i know a certain other person who hates ember aswell... -pokes LOS-
A moment can last for seconds,
But a memory can last forever...
ignitus Ripto Gems: 311
#5 Posted: 15:03:15 11/10/2007
Guys its Flame!I like Flame! Embers ok
artiste_violet Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11045
#6 Posted: 22:20:19 12/10/2007
I like Flame too but I hate Ember!
redthedragon Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#7 Posted: 03:27:49 13/10/2007
Flame=smilie Ember=smilie
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12571
#8 Posted: 11:58:36 19/10/2007
Flame: smilie Ember: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie DIE EMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spyro go Green Sparx Gems: 353
#9 Posted: 22:46:29 19/10/2007
i like flame
smilie: omg Spyro the worlds gonna explode
smilie:sparx you gotta stay here ill take care of Malefor
Spyro girl Fodder
#10 Posted: 19:53:38 11/11/2007
I like Flame and Ember!!!!
d_dan_n Green Sparx Gems: 381
#11 Posted: 20:09:36 17/11/2007
I like them both!
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#12 Posted: 21:53:18 17/11/2007
If ember wern't so girly she'd be okay
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
Shadow Flame Green Sparx Gems: 363
#13 Posted: 00:18:48 18/11/2007
Flame is awsome!!!!! smilie
The sky was covered by a large black dragon, Hei Lei, the last of his kind to soar the earth...his eyes are embedded with the wisdom of ages....
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#14 Posted: 08:00:31 18/11/2007
Ember all the way baby, he he.
Oops, did I insinuate something there?
Never mind, I like both, just Ember a little bit more cause her unrequited attraction has immesurable hilarity.
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
ThatsSoRaven Yellow Sparx Gems: 1166
#15 Posted: 15:25:43 19/11/2007
Quote: EternalSpyro
Apparently the name Blaze is the name of a Spyro fan fiction on

It's also the name of Raven's sister!

Lover of Spyro would 100% say Flame, she hates Ember more than anyone!
And I'd have to agree with her, Ember is flirty and upnoxious. While Flame is... hyper and entergetic... on second thought, they're equal to me.
"We'll be right back after these messages from Binford Tools." Tim "the Toolman Taylor" or Al "Insert insulting middle name here" Borland
Last edited at 15:28:43 19/11/2007 by ThatsSoRaven
Spyro_rules Emerald Sparx Gems: 3213
#16 Posted: 22:02:06 24/11/2007
I like them both.
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#17 Posted: 23:54:49 03/01/2008
the real truth about Spyro and Ember is their a cute couple Spyro's coky and Ember's obnoxious it matches

well Spyro's coky but he saves the day

spyro's annoying at times to

look Spyro got himself captured once by one of reds goons and had to be rescued by Hunter
Last edited at 01:12:27 04/01/2008 by dark52
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#18 Posted: 05:33:35 09/01/2008
Ember.Flame has big nose.
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#19 Posted: 19:22:31 11/01/2008
i think the users tht know me alredi know who ide prefer....i dont wanna start sayin violent language about Ember and gettin turned into a gnorc lolz
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#20 Posted: 00:34:40 12/01/2008
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
Flame: smilie Ember: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie DIE EMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I SOOOOOOOOO agree with you on that, SF....
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
emberelora Emerald Sparx Gems: 3059
#21 Posted: 13:22:45 12/01/2008
i think of ember as a dragon version of amy off sonic. which gives me liking her a big NO. flame is 10 times better!
"This is the most musically inclined situation I've ever found myself in and I've played guitar hero!"
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#22 Posted: 13:30:51 12/01/2008
Quote: Spyro_rules
I like them both.

Me too. But I still like Flame alot better then Ember.
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
koolspyro Red Sparx Gems: 41
#23 Posted: 02:12:27 18/01/2008
Quote: ThatsSoRaven
Lover of Spyro would 100% say Flame, she hates Ember more than anyone!

That's impossible, I hate her the most
You can, Spyro, you can... you are a purple dragon, a very special creature. - Ignitious, Legend of Spyro:A New Beginning
Last edited at 02:12:45 18/01/2008 by koolspyro
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#24 Posted: 05:57:36 18/01/2008
Well, let's just say those who hate ember the most are the ones who hate her most. That includes me...smilie^
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#25 Posted: 18:06:06 08/02/2008
embers brainless!
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#26 Posted: 19:37:23 10/02/2008
Ember is annoying! smilie
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
arathyne Blue Sparx Gems: 607
#27 Posted: 21:09:05 10/02/2008
The minute she said "Don't cross the bridge to the swamp I might never see you again" I was like 'Really, bye!'
Cynder FTW! smilie
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#28 Posted: 03:18:24 12/02/2008
i bet that the first time ember had seen spyro she said"Will you marry me?"
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
arathyne Blue Sparx Gems: 607
#29 Posted: 19:32:20 14/02/2008
Quote: SD-King
i bet that the first time ember had seen spyro she said"Will you marry me?"

She was.

Ember: But it would look nice on an engagement ring. Don't you think Spyro?
Cynder FTW! smilie
Pyro girl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1752
#30 Posted: 13:11:24 18/02/2008
You know what I think

Flame: Yay smilie

Ember: ... ... DIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote: arathyne
Quote: SD-King
i bet that the first time ember had seen spyro she said"Will you marry me?"

She was.

Ember: But it would look nice on an engagement ring. Don't you think Spyro?

And when she said that, I was like "Eh...naw, ah dinnae think so!". And then I roasted her afterwards *Is evil Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!*
Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke ~Vegeta
Live Long and Prosper ~ Mr. Spock
I'm stupid, I'm Stupid ~ Starscream
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#31 Posted: 17:53:46 21/02/2008
why do you hate Ember
Spyrothedragon Fodder
#32 Posted: 17:56:00 21/02/2008
i support Spyro X Ember
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#33 Posted: 16:45:42 22/02/2008
I don't hate Ember. I think she's cool, Spyrothedragon. Instead of Spyro/Ember, I support Flame/Ember. They're both undeveloped dragons in both Hero games (ATH, SL) and their colors make good hearts for Valentine's Day!

I like both dragons!
Spyro_rules Emerald Sparx Gems: 3213
#34 Posted: 21:39:09 01/03/2008
Quote: Crush
Quote: Spyro_rules
I like them both.

Me too. But I still like Flame alot better then Ember.

Me too.
Dragonfriend243 Green Sparx Gems: 111
#35 Posted: 00:10:11 02/03/2008
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
Flame: smilie Ember: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie DIE EMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to DarkSpyro!smilie PURPLE!
smilieIt is time to unleash the true dragon within you! smilie POW! katara45 and SpyroGamer2008 i love cynder
Last edited at 00:10:40 02/03/2008 by Dragonfriend243
DangerDragon Fodder
#36 Posted: 02:02:57 02/03/2008
Chill dude^
Anonymous Fodder
#37 Posted: 00:32:07 31/03/2008
Quote: artiste_violet
I like Flame too but I hate Ember!

Anonymous Fodder
#38 Posted: 00:36:21 31/03/2008
Quote: Spyrothedragon
i support Spyro X Ember

Anonymous Fodder
#39 Posted: 00:41:39 31/03/2008
Quote: Spyrothedragon
why do you hate Ember

Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#40 Posted: 17:06:21 31/03/2008
how do you now she was mean to cynder
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#41 Posted: 08:28:32 21/10/2008
Quote: Anonymous
Quote: Spyrothedragon
why do you hate Ember


They never meet so how do you know?

Flame: smilie Ember: D:

When I first saw Ember I thought *shes soooooo cute!* But when I heard her talking to Spyro I was like SHUT UP ALREADY!!!

Quote: Spyrothedragon
i support Spyro X Ember

Somethings not quit right.....

Quote: Spyrothedragon
i support Spyro X Cynder

Much better!
Sorry, I just really wanted to do that lol. smilie SPYROXCYNDER ROOOOOOOOCKSSSSS!!!!!
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#42 Posted: 00:26:09 22/10/2008
Ember is annoying. I like Flame better, it's cool that he looks just like Spyro but red.
chosen4566 Blue Sparx Gems: 653
#43 Posted: 23:08:52 01/12/2008
idk maybe flame he and spyro are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
claw Blue Sparx Gems: 685
#44 Posted: 11:22:03 12/05/2009
thats what i think ember.
No signature for you!
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#45 Posted: 18:44:21 12/05/2009
Quote: Cynder_543
Quote: Anonymous
Quote: Spyrothedragon
why do you hate Ember


They never meet so how do you know?

Flame: :D Ember: D:

When I first saw Ember I thought *shes soooooo cute!* But when I heard her talking to Spyro I was like SHUT UP ALREADY!!!

Quote: Spyrothedragon
i support Spyro X Ember

Somethings not quit right.....

Quote: Spyrothedragon
i support Spyro X Cynder

Much better!
Sorry, I just really wanted to do that lol. XD SPYROXCYNDER ROOOOOOOOCKSSSSS!!!!!

Can't you let people have their own opinions? I suport SpyroxEmber.
cyndergirl 01 Green Sparx Gems: 314
#46 Posted: 23:45:30 17/05/2009
Quote: Pyro girl
You know what I think

Flame: Yay smilie

Ember: ... ... DIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote: arathyne
Quote: SD-King
i bet that the first time ember had seen spyro she said"Will you marry me?"

She was.

Ember: But it would look nice on an engagement ring. Don't you think Spyro?

And when she said that, I was like "Eh...naw, ah dinnae think so!". And then I roasted her afterwards *Is evil Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!*

you must be scottish, i am decendent from a long line of smiths and davies, too long for me to count so don't ask me how many

(i can only count up to five that's why)
watch it snack shak i once went 9 rounds with Jhon L Sulivan
you never fought Jhon L Slivan in your life!
that's how much you know
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#47 Posted: 11:06:18 22/06/2009
Quote: Tango
Can't you let people have their own opinions? I suport SpyroxEmber.

Yes I can let people have there own opinion. I was only having some fun. smilie And now, I'm not as much of a SpyroXCynder fan.... smilie
The Doom Song
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Please read my story!
spyroGalNicoleX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1582
#48 Posted: 18:01:06 20/08/2009
i love flame and emberI do not see why everyone hates ember shes wicked just coz shes not outgoing like cynder she rocks!
Tbh love all characters but money bags he does my heading i have memorised what he says when you go to his portable shop pads "Spyro if you've got money to spend i am here to releve you of the burden" grrr god damn him (:
''All I wanna be, is everything at once''
Flamentah Yellow Sparx Gems: 1364
#49 Posted: 23:24:25 21/08/2009
I UBER <3 Flame.
Ember is annoying.. But she's okay.
Artists create the Beauty Musicians create the Melody Dancers create Grace so what do you create?
Amulet_Star Blue Sparx Gems: 954
#50 Posted: 16:05:13 10/11/2009
they're both so cute! <3
where did all the good frogs go
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