"What is happening?!"
It came quickly like a tidal wave. A pitch black mist rose over the Canterlot mountain, blocking out the sun, and crashed down onto the castle. It covered everything quickly and then headed down the mountain, ready to cover the rest of Equestria.
"Dear sister..."
"It should not be here! It should have been defeated!"
That day was one of the worst in Equestrian history. Dark mist, known as the 'nightmare mist' covered the entire land, and even Cloudsdale. Three of the princesses, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Twilight Sparkle went missing shortly after. Princess Cadence was safe, as the nightmare mist was unable to reach and invade into the Crystal Empire, due to the magic contained in the crystal heart. A large rock wall was built around the city for extra protection.
Ponyville was one of the last settlements to be invaded. However, the mist was unable to reach one area of the town, which was Princess Twilight's castle, because of the magic that was settled there.
Ponies fled to safe havens, the Crystal Empire and Twilight's castle among them. The ones who were unable to reach them in time were captured and turned into slaves or taken to prisons.
It has been 3 months since that day. The three Princesses are still missing, and the citizens of Equestria are unable to send out search parties for them. Ponies in the safe underground havens have been found, and ponies the Crystal Empire and Twilight's Castle have noticed the magic is fading. The nightmare mist is inching closer each day, gathering strength from negative energy.
Some of the older citizens of Ponyville remember the time when the nightmare mist took over Rarity, transforming her into Nightmare Rarity, and invaded Ponyville. They were able to fight it off, but only with Princess Luna and Princess Twilight Sparkle's help. And with them missing, no pony knows what to do.
However, a band of ponies are beginning to team up, determined to defeat the nightmare mist once and for all. Will they be able to find a way?
- I am the GM.
- No godmodding, mary/gary-sues, no one-sentence posts, etc.
- Romance and violence is allowed, but keep it PG-13.
- No offensive language, unless you censor it.
- Any pony species allowed (unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, etc).
- NO canon characters, only OC's.
- Alicorns MAY be allowed, ONLY if they are approved by me and if they are NOT over-powered.
- 4 characters maximum.
- All characters in the roleplay are situated in Twilight's Castle in Ponyville, unless you would like to be situated in the Crystal Empire, and have a way to get to Ponyville. Everyone may be in the Crystal Empire further along in the roleplay.
- Put 'nightmare mist' on your sheet if you have read the rules.
Species: (unicorn, pegasus, earth pony, alicorn, etc)
Appearance: (description or small picture, and remember to give credit to the artist if you did not draw the image)
Cutiemark: (small picture or description)
Other: (Optional)
S-G's characters
Name: Starsong
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Pegasus
Personality: Starsong is a loyal, kind, caring, and friendly pegasus pony. She likes to hang out with her friends and try to help them when they're in trouble.
History: Starsong was born in Cloudsdale but moved down to Ponyville with her parents when she was a little older. She's made many friends and has been hanging out with them, and doing what she loves ever since. When the nightmare mists arrived, she and her family fled to Twilight's Castle.
Appearance: Starsong is a light blue pegasus pony. She has dark blue eyes. She has a blonde/yellow mane with black stripes, tied up in a bun behind her head, with two large strands on either side of her face.
Cutiemark: A yellow star with a black music note in the middle.
Other: N/A
Name: Supercell
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Species: Pegasus
Personality: Supercell isn't the kindest pegasus pony around. She doesn't like large crowds and prefers to do things by herself or with her family, such as making storms. She's brave and stubborn. She hates being in the castle, but she's glad it has large rooms to fly around in and is a safe place for now.
History: Supercell lived in Ponyville, but moved up to Cloudsdale with her father and brothers when her mother passed. The nightmare mist arrived when Supercell was home alone and her father and brothers were travelling around the north of Equestria. She was able to make it to Twilight's Castle, and she hopes her family is safe in the Crystal Empire.
Appearance: Supercell is a light grey pegasus pony with dark grey/black hooves. She has dark purple eyes. She has a large and scruffy dark grey mane, with a few stripes of light blue.
Cutiemark: A dark grey storm cloud and a tornado.
Other: N/A
Name: Flash Photography
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Unicorn
Personality: Flash Photography is a rather quiet, but kind, unicorn. She opens up more once meeting someone and becoming friends with them. Along with taking photos, Flash Photography has been studying a few easy spells, one of them being able to levitate and move things larger than her camera.
History: Flash Photography lived in Canterlot, but moved to Ponyville recently. She was taking photos of Twilight's Castle, and when the mist approached, she ran inside.
Appearance: Flash Photography is a white unicorn pony. She has turquoise eyes. She has a long-ish purple and black striped mane.
Cutiemark: A black and grey camera.
Other: Flash Photography doesn't exactly like her name, mostly because she prefers doing close up shots of things without the flash of the camera.
[May add another character later.]