Are you sick of Five Nights at Freddy's yet? So am I, but I'm making this anyway.
It's after hours at the beloved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The darkened parlor is quiet and empty, and the whole paranormal fiasco is a thing in the past. The children's spirits have been avenged and put to rest, the murderer has received his just punishment, and through the power of the almighty dollar, Fazbear Entertainment is back on its feet. Everyone's favorite animatronics are back, and have proven themselves well-behaved enough to be left alone at night without a guard to watch them.
...Or are they?
Freddy and co. have decided that tonight would be the perfect night for hardcore debauchery, but in order to keep their reputation untainted, they must disable the security cameras (which may or may not involve fecal matter) so they can avoid detection. Thankfully, this is the kid-friendly Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, so the cameras are the only things standing in their way.
...Or are they?
The other animatronics may feel left out, and not too pleased that they weren't invited to this night of debauchery. Some may even try to stop Freddy and co. from succeeding in their quest! With the cameras, rival mascots, and even the freaking party decorations after them (don't ask me how that works), Freddy and his friends are going to have to pull together all the skills they have and gather as many allies as they can to avoid utter failure. It's going to be a long night, and I'm definitely not going to make the same joke three times in a row.
...Or AM I!?!?
Git gud and join today!
Da Rules:
The usual RP rules, no godmodding, no controlling other people's characters, etc.
You may use as many characters as you like.
You can use a pre-existing character or make one up yourself.
No humans in this one, please!
Don't take this RP too seriously.
Swearing is allowed, just don't get excessive with it.
Keep romance PG-13.
Censor or at least warn for graphic content.
Character Sheet:
Diamond Sparx
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#1 Posted: 04:09:54 24/06/2015 | Topic Creator
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:36:31 29/06/2015 by Skyhunter
Emerald Sparx
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#2 Posted: 05:54:22 24/06/2015
Name: Ki
Gender: Male Species: Grey fox Appearance: He is a grey fox wearing a black shirt, jeans, fingerless gloves, and sneakers Personality: He is friendly and wants to help Freddy have his fun Weapon: A pipe Skills: He has a heightened sense of hearing Other: N/A Inhale! Name: Virtu Gender: Female Species: Grey fox Appearance: A female grey fox wearing a blue dress and more sensible shoes Personality: Friendly, loves Foxy and will do anything to know if he loves her Weapon: Pizza cutter Skills: She can do some light hacking, the best she has ever done is taking over a single camera Other: She has a crush on Foxy inhale
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Gold Sparx
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#3 Posted: 06:05:05 24/06/2015
Name: Foxy
Gender: Male Species: Red Fox Appearance: As in the game. Personality: Shy to people he doesn't know well, but his friends know him as a proud, eccentric swashbuckling pirate enthusiast. Weapon: Pirate hook, prop sword. Skills: Fast speed, strong, able to disrupt/fix devices with percussive maintenance. Other: inhale Name: Fang Gender: Male Species: White wolf Appearance: (Image credit: BeeStrider from Reddit) ![]() Personality: Friendly and open to his friends, but a bit shy around those he doesn't know. A bit uptight, but has a strong sense of morals. Loves singing. Weapon: Generally doesn't have one on hand, but can improvise pretty well. Skills: His singing has the potential to selectively enchant others, but only when part of a harmony. Other: Lives in the Frozen Forest. Has a bit of a crush on Mangle. (inhale)
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 19:51:25 15/07/2015 by Wolfgang
Gold Sparx
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#4 Posted: 11:27:15 24/06/2015
(Did not see this coming into role play)
Name: Izo Gender:Male Species: Cameleon Appearance: Complete Black with yellow eyes Personality: A somewhat smart chameon that is always ready to support the plan of debauchery even thought everyone thinks he can't help Weapon: Claws and Tounge, Prop Head Shield Skills: Can buff and support the team and debuff the enemy, also camoflauge Other: inhale……SODA!!!! (I feel like I will bring a another one in and he can be Qurji)
Diamond Sparx
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#5 Posted: 04:33:30 25/06/2015 | Topic Creator
[All accepted]
Name: Cleocatra Gender: Female Species: Egyptian Mau (cat) Appearance: Personality: An introverted, no-nonsense being with a slight case of cynicism. Weapon: Egyptian staff, projector Skills: High speed, can offer status buffs and summon projections to aid her Other: inhale Name: Cactus Gunman Gender: Male Species: Saguaro Cactus Appearance: Modeled after Cactus Gunman from Gregory Horror Show Personality: A hopeless romantic, he acts tough and macho to cover the fact that he's a huge coward. Weapon: Prop(?) pistols Skills: Crafty, his spines offer some defense, but he has a horrible aim. Other: inhale
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Platinum Sparx
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#6 Posted: 23:32:45 27/06/2015
Name: Crystal
Gender: Female Species: Dragon Appearance: A white dragon with ragged, torn wings. Personality: Crystal is fiercely independent, often refusing offers of help from others. However, she has a crush on Ki, and she is especially kind to him. Weapon: Long claws and fangs, plus her tail. Skills: Can redirect her electricity to shoot it out, and use her electricity to boost other's powers. Other: She may or may not inhale electricity Name: Prism Gender: Male Species: Dragon Appearance: A ragged, patchy metal dragon with all sorts of colors. He has a tail made out of a light fixture. Personality: Prism is somewhat insane, even as far as killer animatronics go. He believes that everyone is out to get him and he tries to kill anyone he meets, even fellow animatronics. Weapon: Barbed claws and fangs. Skills: Can control the light on his tail to stun. Extremely good fighter Other: Do I really have to put inhale again?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Emerald Sparx
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#7 Posted: 23:37:25 27/06/2015
Name: Talos
Age: N/A Gender: male Species: Animatronic Velociraptor History: Built in october 2012 he was activated quickly after. Assisted the security guards with their overnight security watches. Then he was locked up after security guards abused/took advantage of him and he attacked and killed several overnight guards. Appearance: Talos is a tall black and red non-antropomorphic velociraptor with teeth as well as claws sharp enough to cut through steel. He has fierce golden eyes and a collar around his neck with a chain leash. Personality: He is highly intelligent and misunderstood. (More to be revealed through the role play) Weapons: His steel claws, his tail and his steel teeth. Skills: He is said to be able to use the security like the security guards and even sabotoge. He can move very, very fast and is extremely agile and dexterous for an animatronic. He is also a master of stealth. Other: Is currently chained up and locked up in a deep back room in Freddy's behind many, many other rejected and scrapped animatronics. Foxy, The Pirate. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:55:56 28/06/2015 by Wyrstel
Emerald Sparx
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#8 Posted: 03:38:16 28/06/2015
((Wyrstel, I see you copy/pasted, the rules say you need to put something in your character sheet, and the sheet itself is different))
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Diamond Sparx
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#9 Posted: 23:37:26 29/06/2015 | Topic Creator
Nah, Wystrel's accepted. I just put that there to see if people would actually do it.
![]() StormDragon also accepted. We'll start tomorrow.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:38:18 29/06/2015 by Skyhunter
Yellow Sparx
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#10 Posted: 00:00:19 30/06/2015
Name: Buzz
Gender: Male Species: Animatronic Bee Appearance: Has Yellow and Black stripes, regular human eyes instead of bee eyes, 2 antennas, big stinger Personality: Ignorant to the others, wants everyone to do HIS way of things Weapon: His stinger is as sharp as a huge butcher knife and he uses it to attack Skills: Using his atennas he can sense whenever someone is coming near Other: Was an atraction in the original Fredbear's Family Diner, but like Foxy, he was put out of order, because he had a huge stinger that could hurt kids. He was then never heard from again until now |
Gold Sparx
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#11 Posted: 18:18:34 30/06/2015
(Before things begin)
Name: Qurji Gender: Male Species: Bule Lobsters Appearance: increased in size his legs are longer and support more weight and buffed to look and actually take some major hits he is also blue with black streaks covering mostly the top and sides his eyes look like blue ice Personality: Relying on his tricks he is quite he is a force that is unpredictable and being a defensive hit socker keeps others away from fighting bring his great peaceful and fun side Weapons: Claws and his defensive frame Skills: Can soak up damage and deal it back with great physical attacks also has a few tricks to help out Other:elahnI
Gold Sparx
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#12 Posted: 23:30:30 03/07/2015
(I've had to retype this so many times it's not funny at all)
Name: Lavendark Gender: Male Species: Hawk Appearance: A tall, thin purple hawk with a long, outstuck mane of feathers coming from his head. He has medium-sized wings and wears a crown and a red bowtie. Lav has a long, toucan-like beak with two rows of teeth inside. Personality: Acts brave and proud when fighting/on stage, but is insecure and anxious anywhere else. Weapon: Claws and teeth. Skills: Can glide for a bit due to his lightweight frame, and can channel some of Axil's leftover power in dire times. Other: inhaaaale|Also pansexual. What? WHAT?! I can incude that if I want, dangit! He sounds like Brendon Urie...
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Blue Sparx
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#13 Posted: 22:08:04 04/07/2015
OOC: may i join? :3 i really like fnaf
Name: Mangle Gender: Female Species: Fox Appearance: ![]() Personality: She is loud and a bit odd. She is sweet but has a tendency to be dangerous at odd times and occasions. Weapon: claws, teeth Skills: she can take off the outer layer that looks nice and sweet and can snake through the ceiling area. Name: Dyani Gender: Female Species: Deer Appearance: ![]() Personality:She is kind and fun, she loves spending time with people and children but she is distant from the other animatronics. Weapon: n/a Skills: she is fast and good at hiding when she doesnt want to be seen. Name: Yolandi Gender: Female Species: Hyena Appearance: ![]() Personality: she is serious and calm. she reacts to almost nothing and hardly talks to anyone, she likes to be left alone. Weapon: Microphone Skills: she can sing beautifully and can use a microphone as a weapon
Dreamy days are gone~ I do the art for cheap <3 |
Gold Sparx
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#14 Posted: 18:36:49 05/07/2015
Crap, I'm gonna be gone for about a week. Don't stop the RP, but save me a spot to jump in, please!
and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out and the lights go out a |
Yellow Sparx
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#15 Posted: 18:40:51 05/07/2015
It hasn't even started yet...
Diamond Sparx
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#16 Posted: 04:53:28 14/07/2015 | Topic Creator
[D'oh! Sorry guys, completely forgot about this one! Everyone's accepted. Also...]
Name: MLG Foxtail Gender: Male Species: Fennec fox Appearance: An animatronic version of my OC,Foxtail. He was left unfinished, so parts of his endoskeleton are exposed and completely bare (he doesn't even seem to notice). He wears headphones as a part of his original role as a DJ, as well as sunglasses and a fedora in a desperate attempt to look cool. Personality: High-spirited and energetic, a real party animal, as well as a stoner. Weapon: Vinyl records, stereo system Skills: His songs can induce a number of status effects. His songs cancel out Freddy's. Other: inhale [And since nobody else is taking him...] Name: Freddy ****boy Gender: Male Species: Bear Appearance: It's Freddy Fazbear! Personality: After hours, his true colors shine. He values his masculinity above all else, and is very sarcastic and blunt with everybody. Weapon: Microphone Skills: His songs can induce a number of status effects. His songs cancel out Foxtail's. Other: inhale my dong enragement child [Alright, now that that's taken care of, let the debauchery commence!] The time was midnight. The parlor was closed, and the janitors had just finished cleaning up the remnants of the day's birthday party. As they stow away their supplies and leave the restaurant, the lights go out one by one, and the familiar silence, once an eerie addition to the parlor's already frightening history, fell, and for a moment, everything was at peace... At least, until the beloved children's mascot slowly powered on and did a quick scan of the area to ensure that no employees were lingering. The animatronic bear's servos shifted, and he began to move. Raising his favorite microphone he had used to entertain countless children before, and likely would continue to do so, he brought it to his mouth, from which five words spilled out: "Are you ready for Freddy?"
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Emerald Sparx
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#17 Posted: 05:12:43 14/07/2015
Virtu got up and went to The Captain's Quarters of the ship and knocked "Foxy? Are you awake?" She asked
Ki woke up and ran out to the Frozen Forest to find Crystal "Crystal! Where are you?" He yelled
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Gold Sparx
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#18 Posted: 05:22:49 14/07/2015
Foxy's eyes stirred to life and his eyepatch flipped up, as he looked around the Captain's Quarters. "Huh? Oh, I'll be there in a few, me matey!" Foxy said, as he sat up in the hammock, pushing downward with his hands as he got out of bed. However, as he went to walk, he realized his hook was caught in the rope of the hammock. "Um, er, I might be needin' a bit of help here... the door's open."
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 19:51:47 15/07/2015 by Wolfgang
Emerald Sparx
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#19 Posted: 05:30:33 14/07/2015
Virtu walked in "You know, we could always get you a regular hand" She said as she got the hook out of the hammock
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Gold Sparx
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#20 Posted: 05:36:07 14/07/2015
"Arr, but where be the fun in that?" Foxy said, as he continued to try and free his hook, unsuccessfully. "The kids love it, as well as my crew of scalawags!" he said, as he smiled at her. "Hmm, where be the others, be they awake yet?"
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Emerald Sparx
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#21 Posted: 05:57:24 14/07/2015
"I heard Freddy, and Ki ran off the ship, he's probably going to find Crystal" Virtu said before freeing his hook and hugging him
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Gold Sparx
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#22 Posted: 06:23:03 14/07/2015
"Oh, um..." Foxy said, blushing slightly, while he pats her a bit awkwardly on the back with his good hand. "Uh... shall we be off to find them, my fair lass?"
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Gold Sparx
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#23 Posted: 12:10:11 14/07/2015
Qurji was enjoy himself in the peace of silence backstage but then he heard noises he snapped his claws in frustration and mumbled to himself "And so this stuff begins again wonder what madness will happen this time."
Yellow Sparx
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#24 Posted: 12:55:50 14/07/2015
P.S.: I forgot to say Buzz is supernatural like Golden Freddy
Buzz appeared out of nowhere. "What's up?" He said. |
Platinum Sparx
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#25 Posted: 13:41:18 14/07/2015
"Hey, Ki, you don't have to go running for me just because I was assigned to a different section," Crystal laughed. "It's been a busy day. One of the kids even got past the security measures and tried to sit on me. The little ones are crazy like that."
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Emerald Sparx
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#26 Posted: 17:13:51 14/07/2015
Ki hugged Crystal "I know, but I love you so much that I miss you" He said
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Gold Sparx
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#27 Posted: 17:27:39 14/07/2015
Breaking from the hug, Foxy strode towards the door, suddenly turning to smile at Virtu. "Well, I'm off to be findin' the rest of me crew!"
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Emerald Sparx
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#28 Posted: 17:53:49 14/07/2015
Virtu walked up to him "Foxy, I have to tell you something" She said
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Diamond Sparx
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#29 Posted: 03:15:50 15/07/2015 | Topic Creator
[Fang is accepted]
Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the pizzeria to the Frozen Forest was the Desert Ruins, where children could go to listen to the resident mascot retell- and occasionally reenact -short stories, particularly fables with a deeper moral. Cleocatra was an enthralling storyteller, using a series of projectors in her room to provide visual effects in an ancient hieroglyphic style, and though she could do without the rowdier clients, she did enjoy her line of work for the most part. The Egyptian-styled cat groaned as Freddy's announcement sounded across the parlor. Tonight was the night for debauchery. She didn't normally approve of this kind of behavior, preferring a more sophisticated outlet, but she was never one to turn down an invitation. As she shifted herself into an upright position, she took note of another animatronic resting across the room, her younger sister, Anna, curled up in her bed. Anna meant the world to Cleo, and she decided that it would be best not to include her on this night; she didn't want her innocent young mind to be corrupted by such deplorable actions as the ones about to take place. So, as quietly as an animatronic cat could, she sneaked towards the entrance of her wing to avoid alerting Anna... "Cleo?" ...only for the little kitten to wake up anyway. "Where are you going?" Anna asked, yawning, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sat up in bed. Cleo sighed and turned to face her sister. "I've received an invitation to a night out on the town. Unfortunately, I mustn't allow you to attend." "But why not? You never let me do anything anymore!" Anna protested. Cleo walked over to her sister, crouched to her level, locked eyes with her. "I am concerned for you, Anna. It's a dangerous world, and you are all I have left. What if something were to happen to you? What if you picked up a bad influence, injured yourself, or worse, died? I would be a failure, not just as a sister, but as a person dedicated to protecting the children of the world." She looked down and sighed once more. "I can't lose you again, Anna... I just can't..." "I know, but if you keep sheltering me like this, I'll never know what the real world is like, and I'll be worse off than if I actually went out!" Anna raised a good point. Cleo was inadvertently doing more damage to her sister than she was helping, and with that fact thrown out there, she had to rethink her policies on keeping Anna safe. But not wanting to take too much of a risk, she settled on a compromise. "Let me reason with you," the older cat said. "I will go out and clear any potential dangers first, a scouting mission, if you will, then when the coast is clear, you may accompany me. Does that sound reasonable?" Just happy to finally get some fresh air, Anna hastily accepted. "Good," Cleo said, nodding. "I will see you in a few hours. Stay safe, my sister." And with that, she collected her favorite golden staff and exited the Ruins.
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:40:51 15/07/2015 by Skyhunter
Blue Sparx
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#30 Posted: 05:54:59 15/07/2015
Mangle walked up to Fang and smiled "hi Fang, how are you?" she said happily.
Yolandi stretched and wagged her tail in response to freddy's an anouncment, she made her way to everyone else keeping her distance at the same time. She looked at pirates cove, she never got placed there so she never got to see it. She was curious and walked close and peaked her head into the area. Dyani came walking out of repairs, she was looking down and upset and stayed to herself quietly. They kids were more than rough with her that day. She was feeling down from getting peices broken.
Dreamy days are gone~ I do the art for cheap <3 |
Gold Sparx
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#31 Posted: 16:24:49 15/07/2015
Foxy stopped, to turn back to Virtu. "Er, what be the matter, Virtu?" he asked, a bit of confusion on his face.
"Oh, hey Mangle!" Fang said, as his ears perked up, and his robotic tail wagged.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Yellow Sparx
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#32 Posted: 18:34:55 15/07/2015
Buzz stared at t he floor. "Yea today was a hard day for me to. All the little kids kept drooling on my face." Buzz said.
Emerald Sparx
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#33 Posted: 19:35:03 15/07/2015
Virtu blushed "Foxy... I've been wanting to say this for awhile now... I-I love you Foxy..." She said as she hugged Foxy
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Gold Sparx
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#34 Posted: 19:41:30 15/07/2015
Foxy's face lit up with joy, as she hugged him again, and wrapped his arms around her. "This... this be all so sudden, but... it answers a question that, well... I've been wantin' ta know the answer to fer, well... quite a while." he said, as he blushed. "Y-ye're sure ye like this salty ol' sea fox?" he asked, making sure that he wasn't getting his hopes up just to have them dashed.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Blue Sparx
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#35 Posted: 19:44:16 15/07/2015
Dyani nodded at Buzz. She still felt down but knowing someone else had it rough too made her feel less bad for herself. "So what's going on?" She asked, she had heard talking but was unsure since she was in the repair room.
Yolandi made her way around pirates cove. She got a little smile on her face. It was so different from the desert area she was always placed in. Her tail wagged a little as she neared the pirate ship. Mangle wagged her tail back "so how was your day?" She asked curiously. She never got to see him during the day, he was all the way in the frozen forest area and she was left to be taken apart and put back together by the children.
Dreamy days are gone~ I do the art for cheap <3 |
Gold Sparx
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#36 Posted: 19:57:22 15/07/2015
((I moved Fang's sheet up with my Foxy sheet.))
"Oh, um, pretty good, actually!" Fang replied, smiling back at her. "Nothing really that different from usual. The guys and I have been working on a new song, and the kids were a bit rowdier than normal... hopefully they weren't too ruff on you." he continued, his tail wagging at the pun he'd made.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:57:47 15/07/2015 by Wolfgang
Emerald Sparx
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#37 Posted: 20:47:00 15/07/2015
"Of course I'm sure" Virtu said before kissing Foxy
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Gold Sparx
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#38 Posted: 21:33:48 15/07/2015
"Ah, this be a wondrous occasion, then!" Foxy said, hugging her tightly, his hook accidentally catching on the outside of her right shoulder, its rounded point not actually doing any damage.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:35:09 15/07/2015 by Wolfgang
Blue Sparx
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#39 Posted: 21:34:11 15/07/2015
"It's hard to be too ruff with me" she laughed popping off her arm and putting it back on again. "I was just curious I never get placed in the frozen forest" she smiled. She leaned on him with a smile.
Dreamy days are gone~ I do the art for cheap <3 |
Gold Sparx
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#40 Posted: 21:39:25 15/07/2015
Fang awkwardly laughed at that gesture, while not quite comfortable with seeing her take her own arm off, he knew that she was good-natured about it, and it was a daily part of her life. He moved his arm around her back, somewhat holding her as he spoke. "It does get a bit lonely there, in the Forest... I mean, I haven't seen Alpha in a long while... but you get used to it." he said, somewhat somberly, before perking up. "That, and more kids have been wanting to go there ever since that one movie came out. I haven't seen it myself, but it involves an ice queen and a snowman."
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:46:15 15/07/2015 by Wolfgang
Yellow Sparx
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#41 Posted: 21:45:09 15/07/2015
Buzz sat down at a table. He looked at his stinger. The day shift tried to cut it off today, I'll have to be careful, He thought.
Blue Sparx
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#42 Posted: 22:02:44 15/07/2015
Mangle laughed before speaking "I'd like to be placed in the frozen forest, but I have just my corner area." She smiled slightly. Wagging her tail she smiled at his arm around him without saying a word.
Dreamy days are gone~ I do the art for cheap <3 |
Yellow Sparx
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#43 Posted: 22:05:07 15/07/2015
"Yea," Buzz replied. "I think my Hive is pretty cool." He said pointing to the Bee Hive on a mini stage.
Emerald Sparx
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#44 Posted: 22:07:23 15/07/2015
The hook did lower the arm of her dress down "This is wonderful" She said before pulling the dress strap back up
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720 |
Diamond Sparx
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#45 Posted: 22:36:00 15/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Freddy knocked on Pirate Cove's door. "What's the hold up? Are you shagging Virtu again, you dirty fox?"
As Cleo wandered out into the dining area, she was surprised at the sheer number of fellow animatronics awake and about. She didn't recognize a good number of them, despite the restaurant's revival just a year or so ago. I suppose that's the price you pay for seldom leaving your home. This is going to be a long night Cleo mused, looking at Dyani and Buzz. I may as well try to socialize. "Erm, hello," she awkwardly said to the deer and the bee. "I don't believe I've met you. Princess Cleocatra at your service."
"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin, Calvin and Hobbes |
Gold Sparx
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#46 Posted: 22:38:56 15/07/2015
"Huh, oh, uh... sorry 'bout that!" Foxy replied, taking the hook off of his right arm, before trying to unclip it with his left. "But... this be great news, Virtu... Yer much braver than I." he said, before hearing Freddy. His face went bright red, as he wasn't quite ready to think of taking his relationship with Virtu that far yet, even though Freddy had made similar comments in the past. "Er, we'll be out in a minute, I just got a bit stuck." he said, before he blushed even redder, and cringed with the realization on how he said could be interpreted, by anyone with knowledge of vulpine anatomy.
"Well... we're allowed to free roam during the night... you know. Spend time where we want... with who we want..." Fang said, as he blushed and looked downward.
♫Cheap smoke, risin' like a spirit in the- soft glow of a New York street. No glamour or garb can hide the animal heart inside of me.♫ |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:42:07 15/07/2015 by Wolfgang
Yellow Sparx
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#47 Posted: 22:43:30 15/07/2015
"Hi," Buzz said. "Nice to meet ya, My names Buzz."
Blue Sparx
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#48 Posted: 23:06:39 15/07/2015
"Then would you like to spend time with me?" Mangle asked smiling at Fang. She blushed a little standing closer to him and wagging her tail.
Dyani smiled at Cleo "hello princess it's nice to meet you" she said kindly. She pulled out a chair for her to sit down kindly. And sitting back down in her own chair. "I'm Dyani" Yolandi quickly moved out of Freddy's way as he knocked on the door. She felt awkward that she was roaming around in this area.
Dreamy days are gone~ I do the art for cheap <3 |
Platinum Sparx
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#49 Posted: 23:21:16 15/07/2015
"That's sweet," Crystal purred. "Hey, want to check out what's happening?"
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Gold Sparx
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#50 Posted: 23:31:03 15/07/2015
Qurji stormed out past the animatronics into the west hallway yelling in frustration "Your Buckets of bolts your everywhere KILL ME PLEASE!" That was uncommon him but it happens for reasons he sat down at the end of the hall in silence and went deep into thought to calm down
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