A young boy named Alpha, who is the same age as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, met Fluttershy through a penpal school program a few months ago. About a month after writing to eachother, Alpha Invited Fluttershy to Washington D.C. To watch Alpha as he plays in The Pokemon VGC 2014 World championships. After the event, Alpha's parents decided to move to Equestria city so that Alpha can live and good to school with Fluttershy. Once Alpha and his family finished moving Alpha starting hanging out with the main 6, (Fluttershy, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimer) although once told what happend at the fall formal Alpha has gotten very moody and negative, wanting to be equals with the 6 and have some magical power like them. Though no one knows that the negativity Alpha is feeling will be a new threat to both Canterlot High and Equestria.
Human characters
Pinkie pie: Reverse0456
Rainbow dash: Eyebrawler2014
Apple Jack: wyrestel
Rarity: Chained skull
Fluttershy: Wolfgang
Sunset shimmer: Wolfgang
Principal Celestia: Wyrstrel
Vice-Principal Luna: Wyrstrel
Adagio Dazzle: Chained Skull
Sonata Dusk: Chained Skull
Aria Blaze: Chained skull
Pony characters
Pinkie pie: Reverse0456
Twilight: Chained Skull
Rainbow dash: Chained skull
Rarity: Chained skull
Apple Jack: Wyrestel
Fluttershy: Wolfgang
Princess Celestia: Wyrestel
Princess Luna: Wyrestel
Spike: Eyebrawler2014
OC sheet
I will make Alpha's character sheet later and I have selected amount of characters that I will take if not taken when the Roleplay start
Name: Alpha
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Human: dark blue skin with green hair. Normally wears a black sweat shirt over a dark green shirt with his cutie mark a D-pad on the shirt. Wears normal jeans and white and black laced shoes
Pony: A little bit bigger than a pony his age. The cutie mark is a D-pad while his mane and tail are very messy and colored green, while his body color is a dark blue
Hobby: Plays a lot of Video Games competitively and travels around the world to compete in official events, he is also very smart and likes tinkering with computers and anything else electronic
Human/pony: Human (but goes from human to pony world in the story)
Personality: He is very quiet and shy but can get angry easliy not as sociable as the main 6. Though he is very hot headed and annoyed temporaily