darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Spyro: A Hero's Tail > Spyro: A Hero's Tail
Ember Green Sparx Gems: 459 |
#1 Posted: 11:15:38 19/07/2005 | Topic Creator
The game was all right, I beat it in three days but, I don't know, it certainly wasn't the best. I mean that Blink he wasn't a good character to add in. In Spyro Fusion(The Cortex Conspiracy/Orange) however you want to call it, he just popped out of now where! I'm like "Who the heck is this?" And Flame is just Spyro with Orangey Pink scales ans Yellow top. I know characters change and all but geez! Money Bags is completely messed up! It's just my opinion, and if you thought the game was perfect, that's your opinion too.
April Ember |
Yellow Sparx
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#2 Posted: 15:10:47 23/07/2005
I'm going to be buying both Spyro's on GameCube off of eBay soon. I heard one of them was good, but I'm not sure which one it is.
Check out my Spyro videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/Sizux |
Josh Fodder |
#3 Posted: 19:07:30 23/10/2005
Spyro aht is awesome!!! it is 1 of da best games i av.
Favroite spyro game: Heros tail Favroite charcters:1. Hunter 2. Sgt.Byrd 3. Spyro |
John Green Sparx Gems: 112 |
#4 Posted: 15:29:04 27/11/2005
I need help in Sunken Ruins
ah2190 Green Sparx Gems: 304 |
#5 Posted: 11:05:47 03/03/2006
Fave game: TLOS:TEN. Most 'want to kill' caracter: Gaul. A spam board? Wait, thats where people just post crazy? |
Gold Sparx
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#6 Posted: 15:00:24 05/04/2006
This is a one off, ah2190!
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that. |
Unbirthday Spyro Ripto Gems: 67 |
#7 Posted: 09:58:48 10/04/2006
Moneybags Is Messed Up?!! You Can Flame His Butt And When You Do That, He Screams.
Unbirthday Spyro Ripto Gems: 67 |
#8 Posted: 20:13:05 11/04/2006
Man, Why Does Ross Hate ah2190?
gabje Green Sparx Gems: 114 |
#9 Posted: 19:03:08 20/04/2006
Can anybody help me get trough the next level??????
I am now in crocodile swamp, I don't know how I go to the next?? |
Spyro the Admin
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#10 Posted: 17:30:48 21/04/2006
If you've gotten 8 light gems or more, go through the nursery in Dragon Village and go into the Ball Gadget which leads to the next level Dragonfly Falls. Just try not to go around in a circle inside it.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you. |
ih8u2 Fodder |
#11 Posted: 23:56:09 24/04/2006
I am neutral when it comes to this game. I LOVE spyro games, but not AHT. The characters were definitely screwed--moneybags is, uh, russian or somethin? thats cr@_@zy! hunter is no longer lovably dumb but he's now annoyingly arrogant? And spyros arrogant too! And sargent byrd is flying 4 spyro? crapchute monkeys! But diverting gameplay and pretty (but undetailed) graphix keep this game from sucking badly. overall, it was, myep, okay...
Toastie Green Sparx Gems: 132 |
#12 Posted: 03:30:55 25/04/2006
This game ruined everything !!!! Its graphics were terrible as soon as I started to play it i knew it was a failure (no offence!)
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ih8u2, but i luv spyro! Fodder |
#13 Posted: 14:59:50 25/04/2006
??Really? The graphix were the only thiing that saved it for me. The sound FX and vocals were weak. the voice actor who did spyro sounds like he's been smoking cigarrettes for 500 yrs, he sounds better as Captain Hero, and i H8 drawn 2gether, he sux in this game. Where's tom kenny and stewart copeland? new music sux
Toastie Green Sparx Gems: 132 |
#14 Posted: 07:14:07 26/04/2006
The Graphics weren't Techinacly bad they were just annoyingly bad hw spyro looks like a RETARD and so UP HIM SELF!! (no offence)
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ih8u2 Fodder |
#15 Posted: 11:12:36 26/04/2006
The graphix are agonizingly bright and undetailed, but they are good to me. spyro is up himself, but that's not graphix, the characters are all weird. they look like they may be more over the top in the next one, according to previews, but they're probably more detailed
Toastie Green Sparx Gems: 132 |
#16 Posted: 23:55:18 26/04/2006
It seems liike spyro instead of growing up or staying the same he is just getting younger and younger! compare Spyro STD,GTG and YOTD to F, AHT and ANB!!!! Spyro is turning back into a little baby dragon!!!!
ih8u2 Fodder |
#17 Posted: 13:07:50 27/04/2006
really? spyro seems older in AHT cuz he looks fatter, plus he has a bigger jaw and his voice sounds old. his body is shorter though
Toastie Green Sparx Gems: 132 |
#18 Posted: 00:21:01 28/04/2006
Yea but his face is more babish and his features are smother,and but i suppose the voise is a bit betta and older than before!
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ih8u2 Fodder |
#19 Posted: 14:19:30 28/04/2006
about spyro's voice, this guy definitely ACTS his part better than tom kenny (who seemed to be reading off of a script after a long day of recording something else) but his (the new guys) voice sounds creepily weird and too scratchy. Its evident that the new spyro may include hollywood voices, but whatever the case, i don't like this actor's spyro voice and i hope they change it. and he's a good actor too. they need different music too.
Toastie Green Sparx Gems: 132 |
#20 Posted: 09:14:22 29/04/2006
lol yea he was a bit gruff lol! so he was kinda dull!
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Green Sparx
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#21 Posted: 08:50:12 08/05/2006
i've finish this game
Mortalinsect Green Sparx Gems: 402 |
#22 Posted: 22:15:45 09/05/2006
i have not finished the game yet and I want the alternate ending, who has it, and if you can send it to me thanks...
Most Wanted: The Legend Of Spyro - A New Beginning |
Green Sparx
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#23 Posted: 14:15:51 10/05/2006
that's happening at the end ?
Last edited at 14:24:35 10/05/2006 by spyroledragon
ih8u2 Fodder |
#24 Posted: 13:38:26 11/05/2006
wut happens when u get 100%? i tried to open up an old game and play to 100%, but my nearly perfect game was corrupted somehow.
Green Sparx
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#25 Posted: 16:22:23 11/05/2006
i have 100% and long time ago ...
ih8u2 Fodder |
#26 Posted: 16:52:34 11/05/2006
yeah.. but does that open a bonus world or wut? wut happens?
Green Sparx
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#27 Posted: 20:39:12 11/05/2006
you must the game and going in the menu ,and go in start and you find several boards ,you go down bellow and you must going inluck ... i think ,it's cool you can play with Ember or Flame ,or yet watch conceptuel art etc...
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the red fox
Green Sparx
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#28 Posted: 03:02:13 14/05/2006
If you wait 30 mins without touching the remote or controls... Spyro curls up and sleeps!
***"I Care!"-nobody say**** |
Green Sparx
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#29 Posted: 06:51:54 14/05/2006
yep ,i know
KPdragonlover Fodder |
#30 Posted: 17:52:00 18/05/2006
I need help on one of Sgt. Byrds missions, the hard version in the cloudy domain! I've tried it a hundred times but I can't beat hard version! Please help!
Kpdragonlover Fodder |
#31 Posted: 18:00:09 18/05/2006
If you don't get 100% at the end can you still play as Ember or Flame?
Green Sparx
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#32 Posted: 18:30:29 18/05/2006
you !,you can play with Ember or Flame ,you must got every eggs ,of Ember or Flame ,then register your game ,quit and support "start" you go down bellow "unlock"
Green Sparx
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#33 Posted: 18:40:16 18/05/2006
yes ,you can play with ember or Flame but you must got every eggs ,register your game and quit ,support "start" and go down bellow in "unlock"...
i tell th end ? |
Green Sparx
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#34 Posted: 10:25:27 21/05/2006
you must go in "extra"
cars Green Sparx Gems: 150 |
#35 Posted: 21:55:21 02/06/2006
i think it's the best game ever..nearly as good as spyro fusion !! there's a new game coming out in oct..can't wait !!!!
http://monstersgame.it/?ac=vid&vid= 16026314
red and ripto |
Bianca Green Sparx Gems: 370 |
#36 Posted: 02:51:45 12/07/2006
In my opinion Spyro AHT is great!
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heidi Fodder |
#37 Posted: 14:38:36 19/07/2006
i am stuck in dragon fly falls, can someone help? i can't seem to find enough light gems to open the 70 door.
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Platinum Sparx
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#38 Posted: 03:55:52 20/07/2006
Heidi, you won't be able to open that door yet, you will have to carry on through the game and come back much later when you have enough light gems.
HEIDI Fodder |
#39 Posted: 16:19:58 20/07/2006
Spyro the Admin
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#40 Posted: 23:21:11 20/07/2006
Please don't type entirely in capital letters, it's disruptive.
As snow_white658 says, just carry on with the game and come back much later on where you do have 70 Light Gems. Your main collecting aim should be Dark Gems as you need to collect every single one of these from the current realm to move on through to another realm.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you. |
Green Sparx
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#41 Posted: 17:02:36 30/10/2006
i loved AHT. it was great to play and i loved the different levels. Hmmm...didn't like blink that much and moneybags has gone all spanish or whatever. the rest was good though
^ ^ |
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326 |
#42 Posted: 20:08:53 02/11/2006
Blink wasn't a great character, to be true. His gameplay was just a retooling of Agent 9's gamplay from YOTD, with only with a punch and stomp attack included, and some unpolished climbing sections.
Last edited at 16:11:22 04/11/2006 by Michael
Eggsactly Fodder |
#43 Posted: 20:27:20 29/11/2006
Trouble in Frostbite Village can you help. I can not jump on ice towers to go over to Gloomy Glacier. It is like there is a block or something on the second tower. Game will not let Sypro grab edge.
Is there some other way or can you tell me what to do? |
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279 |
#44 Posted: 22:40:19 30/11/2006
If I could help you there I would....
Green Sparx
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#45 Posted: 09:32:44 04/12/2006
AHT... I enjoyed it and found it addictive, but not as a Spyro game. They really shouldn't have changed it so much... But I guess they sort of had to after ETD messed up. I really don't like the way they changed the charcters, and yeah Flame is POINTLESS!!!!! Ember has a little more meaning I guess... I miss the way Moneybags used to be... he was more funny as a pompous old posh guy in an expnesive suit. It was a joke because he was still a complete cheapskate even though he looked so rich.
And I miss THE PORTALS!!!! ARGH! They were so cool and original. Now Spyro justs 'walks' through to the next level.... Well I guess there's no wait for loading, but still- portals were a special thing in Spyro to me, I don't know why... Also this game is really RPG-ish. You know, with the 'buying upgrades from a shop' and buying 'ammo' (which you DON'T NEED!!! The water ammo is rubbish!!). Very unoriginal. I am actually still extremely angry how they changed Spyro into something cliche. I deeply miss the way it used to be like in Spyro 1, 2 and 3.
<3 Spyro <3 |
Last edited at 09:34:13 04/12/2006 by PrincessPeachie
Blue Sparx
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#46 Posted: 20:01:27 04/12/2006
i am getting AHT and ANB for Christmas this year. i havent played all of the Spyro games, sadly i only own the first one. but i have lvoed the series from the beginning, and i have researched it enough to know almost everything about it
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy |
Diamond Sparx
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#47 Posted: 19:06:23 05/12/2006
GAH! So many people, posting little tidbits about a Spyro game i've beaten 12 times. 4 with Spyro, 4 with Flame, and 4 with Ember!
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this. |
Blue Sparx
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#48 Posted: 21:25:04 05/12/2006
umm, wow, i have researched and researches and researched this game!!!! and everyone talks about Ember and Flam, are they extra playable chaacters or something?
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy |
Prismatic Sparx
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#49 Posted: 00:53:32 06/12/2006
well actually, ember and flame are only unlockable skins in this game.
Blue Sparx
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#50 Posted: 01:08:39 06/12/2006
skins of what?
Hey guys sorry i havent been posting....been real busy |
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