
Skylanders: Battlecast


12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Possible Expansions?
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#1 Posted: 18:27:31 27/06/2016 | Topic Creator
Battlecast is a card game, and card games generally do not stay in the same place for very long, so this thread is here to ask; What kind of expansions do you want to see in the future?

Me, I want a Light and Dark expansion, and maybe a villain expansion for when Imaginators comes out.
// Check out my Skylanders game idea!
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#2 Posted: 19:33:44 27/06/2016
Separate of how well the game is doing advertising wise, if it expands...

Yes, I would like a light and dark expansion, maybe one extra character per element, including one new character per element from the new game

and more character cards and cards from each element. I say new character card because the 6th card for each character, at least 16 or them, already have cards already, just not easily discovered.
Bionichute Yellow Sparx Gems: 1889
#3 Posted: 20:41:20 27/06/2016 | Topic Creator
I feel like the game will do well enough to get another expansion.
// Check out my Skylanders game idea!
lamoracke Yellow Sparx Gems: 1635
#4 Posted: 23:05:47 27/06/2016
Not if you look at reports at how many downloads its getting or how little the packs are flying off the shelf. I think the game is great, but it was never advertised well and that silly Cards for Life original thing never helped it and when it came out, they mentioned Skylanders 6. Hardly anyone tries it though I try my best to blow a trumpet.
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#5 Posted: 18:22:58 03/07/2016
I personally think the game is awesome, and I love playing with other folks. I love wiping the floor with my opponents with a 250HP meteor, or Crusher's stacking treatment or with Jet Vac's "Finishing Move"....

If the main game could keep a component LIKE THIS as an after-game treat every time I'd have no problems playing it YEAR AROUND and put in extra money. It is addicting, and I came into it very pessimistically.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#6 Posted: 18:25:52 03/07/2016
Quote: TakeYourLemons
I personally think the game is awesome, and I love playing with other folks. I love wiping the floor with my opponents with a 250HP meteor, or Crusher's stacking treatment or with Jet Vac's "Finishing Move"....

If the main game could keep a component LIKE THIS as an after-game treat every time I'd have no problems playing it YEAR AROUND and put in extra money. It is addicting, and I came into it very pessimistically.

glad to see you're enjoying battlecast! maybe we should battle sometime..smilie
DarkElement Green Sparx Gems: 250
#7 Posted: 00:12:31 07/07/2016
I would like to see some more spell mechanics. There isn't a great deal of variety in strategies available. I would also like to see a better distinction in the kinds of cards available to each element. All the elements have some form of heal, control, direct damage, etc. There are slight differences in power but swapping out one element for another isn't that big of a change in how a deck plays. They could easily port some Hearthstone mechanics, like traps could be a type of relic with a one shot effect. They could also have spells that change the power of a card in your deck.
Millerman Blue Sparx Gems: 641
#8 Posted: 00:49:12 07/07/2016
Are there any plans to extend the story mode? Already beat it with 3 stars on all. Versus mode only rewards 10 coins and want to collect all cards. I have 200 of 300. Getting boring.
Thank you Activision for making me spend my hard earned money on frivolous items! I'm sure my kids will understand when their inheritance is Skylander's!
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