
Skylanders: Lost Islands


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When is the game complete? [CLOSED]
arkhamhorrorfan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1581
#1 Posted: 17:46:19 20/02/2014 | Topic Creator
With the lack of new content, it is now possible to finish this game. I'm curious what people consider to be 'done'. The obvious answer is 'when it isn't fun anymore', but I'm thinking more of a game answer.

For me, in order to be complete, I want to have every skylander at level 15, have every companion, and at least one of every building.
Being complete includes having something for every skylander to do. To that end, I've started buying more SwapHouses. I'll want one of each type wandering free to handle Sugar Bats, but the rest might as well be in houses.
For the rest, I'm thinking I'll designate 3 specific skylanders for each sanctuary, leave 1 sidekick wandering around to deal with chompie pods, and leave 1 giant and 1 regular wandering around to deal with chests, and get dragon/dark/bird/girl/boy houses for the rest. Too bad you can't get 3 of Thumpback's houses! No need to use balloons by that point.

Then I will consider the game complete and I'll be done. Maybe it will stop being fun before I reach this point, buy having a goal makes it fun for me to continue for now.
sklndrmommy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1508
#2 Posted: 20:40:21 20/02/2014
My goal is just every skylander to level 15. I realize gems are practically free now once one has the molekin mine house but I still don't feel the need to buy Tessa, Flybn, or Ermitt as they don't help me in any way. I already have at least one of all the houses and I'm at level 40 with all available skylanders. I'm still wishing for a content update but really only logging in to send kudos as I don't want to let down any friends. I don't even have my skylanders do anything so I doubt they'll ever all hit level 15.
Trying to keep an updated code trading list in my guestbook for Lost Islands.
Mommy to player JacksonTreeRex.
HappyGamer Yellow Sparx Gems: 1470
#3 Posted: 21:09:48 20/02/2014
In the same boat here. Just letting my last few Skylanders hit level 15, which could take a while since I'm just keeping them in their houses. I've got all the Skylanders, all the companions. May buy a castle just for giggles once everything else is done.
midas73 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1379
#4 Posted: 21:41:12 20/02/2014
I want to get my sklyanders to 15 before completely putting the game down too. I will probably also buy the balance of the companions if it doesn't take too long. I loathe putting skylanders in houses (or sanctuaries). It's just too rote at the point. So I'm not interested in getting more houses to put skylanders in (though I already have almost every type of house, with the exception of a dark house).

I may redecorate once I get everything in order as a way to "end" the game. My islands have always been about efficiency from a gameplay perspective. It might be nice to really play in my little sandbox for a while.
Activate username: "midas73". I am on a gifting hiatus so be warned...
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#5 Posted: 08:48:30 21/02/2014
I think if i have max kingdom level , more gold than i can spend , all areas opened and been tapping on the game for a year . Its time to try something new .

I would add more to this but i need to go and harvest my crops .

[User Posted Image]
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 09:26:54 21/02/2014 by Dark fhoenix
obidawsn Gold Sparx Gems: 2901
#6 Posted: 14:48:31 21/02/2014
Definitely to complete the game, you need to reach max level (40) and have all the Skylanders at max level (15). You can complete your collections of companions and houses (at least giant/alter ego houses).

I've already reached level 40 and still have several Skylanders to reach level 15. I don't have many more to go. Almost every day I get, at least, one Skylander to level 15. I was short quite a few (mostly variants) before the beginning of the year. After the personal offers let me get all the giant/alter ego houses, I started saving my gems, but since there doesn't seem to be an update anytime soon (if ever) and I've collected quite a few gems, now, I've been buying Legendaries when they come up at 50% off (if just to put them in the Hall of Legends) since it would cost me only 3,000,000 gold to get the amount of needed gems at the Molekin Market (compared to 5,000,000 to spin) and have occasionally spun to get the rest. I still have a few to buy. I can easily get them all (either through gems or spins), but have been working on leveling up those I already have, now. I normally just keep putting them in one of the HQs (or Halls if it's a Legendary) and level them up that way for a while, then start sending them on adventures to level them faster and pick up another Skylander or two. I've only been sending Skylanders that aren't max level on adventures and sanctuaries (although I will usually use EotD Skylanders below 15 on adventures and put level 15 Skylanders in the sanctuary). I'm starting to run out of them enough that I'm sending level 15 Skylanders in sanctuaries just for the fun of it. I'll keep doing it until I reach them all at level 15. I already purchased all the companions (even buying Avril and Batterson at the end at 50% off just to complete the set).
Pop Thorn Green Sparx Gems: 408
#7 Posted: 15:54:51 21/02/2014
It depends what your view of complete is. I suggest getting all companions, reaching max level, getting all al-egos, leveling up all alt-egos to level 15, leveling up all skylanders to level 15, and unlocking all areas.
I am probably forgotten by now, but bye.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:37:06 21/02/2014 by Pop Thorn
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