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The Legend Of Wanderist: The Light Princess [CLOSED]
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#1 Posted: 01:47:17 27/02/2011 | Topic Creator
The fourth story of the little series. The original topic is currently being used for a short story, so from now on it will be used for any side stories.

Where the series last left off, Dark Wanderist is using a dark crystal to keep the real Wanderist from fighting back. Also, Rookie and Pablo have been having dreams about Wanderist and Dawn, Rookie going into Wanderist's world and Pablo into Dawn's.

Chapter 1: Locked away
Wanderist's POV

Sometimes people take things for granted
And they don't realize it until that thing is gone
Sunlight, for example
It rises and sets everyday, and you're so busy you hardly notice
Then it's gone and you just then realize how important it is to you
Like now...
Because of me, everyone in the entire world has been deprived of sunlight, and most of the world deprived of freedom
Including me
No sunlight, and absolutely no freedom
I'm in this strange world of darkness, locked in a dark cage
All alone.... or so I thought
For about a month now, every night, I've heard a familiar voice
The first night it didn't know who it was
Then the next night, it was constantly calling my name
Who is this?
Do I know him?
Is he my friend or enemy?
And how does he get into my mind like that?

Rookie's POV

We were sitting around eating breakfast. Day...I lost count of being in this underground camp where we sat around doing nothing. And day 30 of a failed attempt to wake up Wanderist in that dream I keep having. She's in a cage asleep, unable to wake up. I couldn't even tell if she could hear me. And I didn't get to stay long without a fight from her alter ego.
How did we get ourselves in this mess anyway?

"Hello? Anyone home? ROOKIE!!" Blizzard, one of my comrades, snapped me out of it. "Oh! S-sorry! What were we talking about?" Before anyone could respond, Wanderist's sister, Sally, stood up. "I'm done." She said. "What?! Sally, you've barely touched your food." Fireball, her cousin said in a concerned tone.
"I'm really not hungry this morning. Besides, I have work to do. Light asked me to help him with something."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Fireball. I'm sure." And with that, she walked off. I saw a worried and depressed look on Fireball's face. I couldn't blame him, or Sally. They had to sit here and do basically nothing as their relative suffered. Now that I thought about it, I really needed to ask Light about something. But I guessed if he needed Sally's help, he would be too busy. So I'd have to wait.
"Hey, Fireball?" Silverstar said, snapping him out of whatever daydream he had been having.
"Is she...okay?"
"You mean Sally?"
"Um... yeah, don't worry. She's just a bit stressed right now. I'm sure you can understand why." Fireball responded, receiving a nod from Silver. "Look, just try not to get on her nerves as much as you usually do. Unless of course you're tired of living or something." Yeah, like that would happen. Silver and Sally annoyed each other to no end. Two years ago, when we were first chased in here, Silver had saved Sally from death. You'd think she'd be a little nicer... Yeah, not happening. Silver chuckled, knowing how impossible that was. "I'll try." He laughed.

"HEY GUYS!!!" We all cringed, instantly recognizing that voice. It was none other then little 12 year old Zape. The #1 most hyper dragness you'll ever meet. And as you could guess, none of us where in the mood for her cheerful attitude today. "Hey guys!! What's up?!!" Thank god Sally had left, or Zape would already be flung half way across the camp. "Um... Hey, Zape." I managed to say. Big mistake. "OH! HI THERE ROOKIE!! HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNING?!" "Um... Zape! I think I hear your brother calling you." Hope, a purple dragness, said in an attempt to get rid of her. "Zapo?" Zape looked behind her at a tent-like building and ran toward it. "Zapo?! Did you call me?" By now, her brother had gotten used to us dumping her on him. He said he couldn't really blame us and that he'd take care of her. "Um... yes, Zape. We're going to look for more food. Come on." He said, "Yaay!!"
Ugh. Such a pain. If only you where here with us, Wanderist. I really need to get you out of there. But how...?

PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#2 Posted: 01:57:36 28/02/2011
Hehe, it's awesome! smilie

Silver: I am my awesome self, like always.

Rookie: smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#3 Posted: 03:01:25 28/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: Quote: Silver
I am my stupid, immature self, like always.

Wanderist: MUST you be so mean? smilie

Sally: Yes. smilie

Thanks! smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#4 Posted: 03:27:08 04/03/2011
Silver: *to Sally* I know you are but what am I?
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#5 Posted: 22:22:42 05/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: *smacks him* You're an annoying brat, that's what you are.

Wanderist: Heeere we go again. Can't you two be nice for once?

Sally: Um... let me think.... Nope. Not possible.

Wanderist: Of course. smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#6 Posted: 15:51:36 06/03/2011
Silver: *to Wanderist* I'd would, but little miss cookie queen won't tag along
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#7 Posted: 01:41:57 07/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: *angrily* Why should I be nice? You're the one always getting on my nerves!

Wanderist: Okay, okay. Let's not go over board. smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#8 Posted: 22:14:10 12/03/2011
Silver: It's not my intention to do so smilie You're on your own with that
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#9 Posted: 02:50:14 13/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: Don't play games with me... you're ALWAYS trying to annoy me.

Fireball: CHANGING THE SUBJECT... how are you all today? smilie

Me: PD09... your avi scares me.... smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#10 Posted: 01:18:19 17/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Need to double post, sorry.

Chapter 2: Return of a certain "friend."

(Wanderist's POV)

"Wanderist, wake up!"
There it is...again. That male voice that I've heard for a while now... but I know I've heard it before this mess. You'd think I'd be able to find out who it was,yet I can't. I heard a light sigh, then he said, "Please,'ve GOT to wake up! I know you're in pain in there.... but you've got to fight it and get out of here... Wanderist, we need you here...."
Heh, whoever this guy was, he's hilarious.Seriously, who the heck needs ME right now? Haven't I caused enough trouble? And jeez, if I COULD fight right now, I would,trust me, I'd love to get out of here. but this dark energy coming from my alter ego's da*m crystal took my energy... I don't even have the strength to open my eyes right now, much less get into a fight with my alter ego. This guy must be stupid... which is why he must be my friend....

I heard a laud, terrifying roar. Yep, time to go, kid. I heard a grumble from the male and a second later it got silent. I assumed he got away like he did all those other times and went back to sleep.

(Sally's POV)

"Sally!" I turned around in surprise at the voice to see my cousin running after me. "What's wrong,Fireball?" I asked in a low, annoyed tone. I was in NO mood to be pestered, even if it was by a family member (more accurately, the only family I have left right now, since my sister is corrupted.) "I just wanted an honest answer out of you." Oh no. Not THIS question again. "Are you SURE you're alright? And don't lie to me, Sall, you know I hate it. And let's face it, everyone's noticed your depression, I mean, come on, even SILVER can see it!" He said, sounding more worried and ticked then he had been since we got stuck in this rat hole. We remained silent while he waited for my response. I had to think this time, cause I think another "I'm fine" would really get me a smack in the head this time. He was really serous. I honestly felt bad about worrying him and the others, but I just couldn't find much to be happy about right now. Finally, I sighed and gave him a response. "Heh. Even Silver, huh? Either he's getting smarter or I'm letting him see through me too much." I laughed, but Fireball just gave me a serous look. "Look, you're right, okay? And I'm sorry to worry you so much, it's just...well... I really don't feel like talking about it. I know you already know it's about Wanderist, but it's... more complected." I explained, then turned my back to him and back toward the path I was taking. "EVERYONE'S depressed right now, Fireball. I mean, you've seen Rookie and Pablo walking around sulking all day, right? So please, don't get all worried about me. Besides, we can all see that you're just as depressed as me and the others, so don't bother stressing yourself out more by worrying about me." And with that, I walked off before he could respond.

I walked away from the camp. Sure, there was nowhere else to go, but looking at a bunch of dirt paths and evil bugs was better then staying cooped up in the same camp all the time. As I walked, I thought about what's happened. Doing all in my power to help Wanderist, learning about friendship, and about how depressed I must have made Wanderist when I defeated Abby (evil dragon) by convexity tackling her down this rat whole, which by the way, was made by Wanderist (well, her alter ego) using the mysterious element. She and everyone else thought I was dead, and as much as I HATE to admit this, if it weren't for Silver, I would be. Does that mean I'm going to thank him for it? Heck no. I don't SAY thank you, even if I am thankful... accept for Wanderist and Fireball. Then as I got to another gloomy part of my life, a certain ex of mine, I heard something creeping toward me in the shadows. I looked behind me and noticed that I must have gone too far from the camp. Dangerous creatures don't normally come near the camp. However, what was scary was that when I looked at the shadow coming toward me, it was shaped like...a dragon? Maybe it was Zapo, but then wouldn't that annoying brat, Zape be with him? "H-Hello...?" I called to the figure, afraid that the dark army may had finally found our hideout. "S-Sally..." I heard a familiar voice whisper. Oh ****, it was a guy voice, and he knew me... I looked at the shape as he slowly crept out of the shadows. Heck, it WAS him... "F-Freezer?"

I put stars on the curse words instead of typing the whole thing or replacing them, please let me know if I missed any.
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#11 Posted: 01:15:08 22/03/2011
Which one, I changed it...Aaaannnd...I forgot what avi I had. Care to refresh meh memory? smilie

oh da*m, FREEZER!!
I was thinking the shadow figure was Abby, he-he.

Dawn: *answers Fireball* Oh I'm fine thank-you smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#12 Posted: 20:47:30 22/03/2011 | Topic Creator
The one with some dude doing some thing with his head...

Yeah, Freezer. smilie We're all screwed. Abby's dead, unlike Sally and apparently Freezer, she had nothing to stop her death fall, on top of that, she got hit by Sally's convexity tackle, which is pretty powerful, so yeah, she is dead. smilie

Fireball: That's wonderful. smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#13 Posted: 21:48:00 22/03/2011
Oh that one...he-he smilie

Dawn: Yep! smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#14 Posted: 22:11:30 23/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Lol smilie

Wanderist: Soooo.... now what?
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#15 Posted: 22:14:12 24/03/2011
Dawn: *shrugs*

Rookie: Hrm

IceWind: Freeze tag? *grins at Rookie*

Rookie: No!
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#16 Posted: 23:56:34 24/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Wanderist: No thank you...

Sally: smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#17 Posted: 02:59:15 29/03/2011
Dawn: smilie

IceWind: C'mon, it'll be fun! smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#18 Posted: 20:43:27 30/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Wanderist: Nope. smilie

Sally: Same here. I don't feel like it. You guys can go ahead though. My sis and I'll just watch.
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#19 Posted: 23:14:33 30/03/2011
Rookie: I really don't want to.
Silver: Yep
Dawn: Dito
FireStar: one wants to play

IceWind: Fine then. Just a suggestion smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#20 Posted: 22:32:59 31/03/2011 | Topic Creator
Wanderist: smilie

Fireball: Ah...Wanderist?

Wanderist: Yeah?

Fireball: *points to where Sally was* Wasen't there an annoying brat here a second ago?

Wanderist: Hm...yeah, there was. She probably went to get some water and didn't bother to tell us.

Me: Anyway, new chappie!!

Chapter 3: Reunion with a traitor

(Silverstar's POV- OMG!!)

"HEEEEYY!!! GUYS!! GET OUT HERE!!" I heard someone holler from "outside." I quickly recognized it as Sally's, though it took a moment, because for some reason, her voice was more alive then it had been know. I got up from where I was taking my nap and walked out of the tent like-building I was staying in to find Pablo,Rookie, Hope, Diamond, Fireball,Blizzard,Light, and Sapphire already out there, staring at something. "What's-" I was about to say "what's up" when I saw, standing next to Sally, a light blue dragon with dark blue spikes on his sides, back, and ice-like horns on his head. On his head was a yellow helmet, which had a huge crack on it. His tail was dark blue and while his wings matched his regular aqua blue. He hadn't seemed to notice me yet, because he was too busy greeting everyone else. It seemed he knew them. I immediately glanced over at Sally, who was staring at the group with a "I hate the world" look on her face, which was strange since her voice originally sounded more full of life then usual. "Sally." I said. She looked in my direction. "Who's he?" The stranger snapped his head back at me. "Who's me? Who's you?" He retorted coldly. "Well, that's a rude thing to say to someone you barely know. I just asked Sally who you are. Is that so wrong?" "Ugh, just shut up, you two. The last thing I need is fighting." Sally snapped, then turned to the stranger. "But he's right, Freezer. That was no way to act." Freezer?! FREEZER?! That name suddenly reminded me of a conversation I had with Fireball once. He said that name and that he hurt Sally. And then I remembered how he said he had hurt her. I suddenly felt anger rush through me and it quickly took over, causing me to say things I could usually hold back. "FREEZER?! So you're the one who left my friend for someone you had only known for an hour?!! You're the one who hurt her so badly?!" I yelled angrily before I could stop myself. I saw an angry look on Freezer, a shocked look on the group, and an even more shocked look on Sally. "W-Who the hell do you think you are, kid?!" Freezer yelled back, then quickly said, "why do you care,anyway? What, are you her new boyfriend?" Gee, where'd he get THAT idea? "Enough, you two!" Rookie ordered, then turned to Freezer. "Freezer, that's Silverstar. And no, he and Sally are not in a relationship" He said calmly. The immature ex of Sally sighed, what scared me, was that it seemed like a sigh of relief. Could he be planning to try to get back with Sally? I glanced slightly at Sally, then back at Freezer. After about a moment of thinking, I came to the conclusion that there was no way Sally would be dumb enough to let that guy hurt her again.
We soon discovered that Freezer never died after recklessly flying into this rathole and probably crashing from coming in to fast because he was somehow able to use his wings to slow himself down. I didn't know all the details though, because I zoned out and eventually fell asleep while he was talking.
(Rookie's POV)

After the drama with Freezer, a former comrade, I saw Light leaving the tent. "Hey, Light! Wait up!" I called, getting up and following him. I couldn't wait any longer. I had an idea on how to save Wanderist! But I wanted to see what Light thought first. He turned around and looked down on me. "I'm sorry, Rookie, but I don't have any advice for you about Wanderist. You're going to have to figure it out on your own. I'm busy trying to-" "Wait, Light! That's what I came to see you about! I think I know a way to save her..well, help her, anyway. It may be dangerous for me though. I wanted to see what you think first." Light blinked, surprised by the tone of exitement that must have been in my voice. "...Come on, let's go to my dorm." He said.

PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#21 Posted: 02:07:06 02/04/2011
I was biting on my finger when Silver exploded like that. *coughidiotcough*

IceWind: Hm, yeah.

Silver: Shut it.

Dawn: smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#22 Posted: 16:05:53 02/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Rofl smilie

Wanderist: Aww...what's wrong, Silver? Embarrassed because you're the only one who flipped out in front of a group of dragons? smilie

Fireball: smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#23 Posted: 22:03:40 02/04/2011
Silver: No.

Dawn: Hm smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#24 Posted: 23:54:17 02/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Wanderist: smilie Suuree.... *looks around* Dang it, Sall, can't you tell someone before you run off...?

Fireball: I know, right? smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#25 Posted: 23:57:23 03/04/2011
Rookie: I'm sure she'll return

Dawn: True
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#26 Posted: 01:00:07 06/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Wanderist: Yeah, about five hours later, if she's actually gone for a reason.

Fireball: Eh... she can take care of herself. smilie

Wanderist: Yeah, true.


Chapter 4
The solution

(Rookie's POV)

As Light lead me to his tent/building/whatever, I thought about how dangerous this plan could be. It requires going up against Wanderist's alter ego, who is, of course, no pushover. But if doing this could help Wanderist re-gain her control, I'll do it 100 times if I have to. "So, what is this plan of yours?" Light asked as he walked into the "tent." "Well... first of all, I think I know why Wanderist can't escape. I know Wanderist would never give up, so unless something was stopping her, she would have found a way to re-gain control of Dark Wanderist, right?" Light nodded. "So? What is stopping her?" "Well, I noticed after a while that Dark Wanderist has a dark crystal around her neck that wasn't there when I saw her for real two years ago. Also, a dark forcefield is around the real Wanderist. I think the dark crystal causes that forcefield and took Wanderist's energy, keeping her from fighting back against her alter ego. You're the science guy here, so tell me, is that possible?" Light thought about it for a moment, then responded. "Yes, it is. So, what is your-" Light stopped in his tracks as he figured it out himself. "Wait,Rookie! You can't be serious!" "Never been more serious, Light. I'm going to confront Dark Wanderist and destroy that crystal! Destroying it in her mind should at least power it off in reality, which will hopefully cause Wanderist to get her powers back so she can defeat DW and get re-gain control of her body." I explained. "But Rookie,that's FAR too dangerous! She has the mysterious element on her side, you won't stand a chance!" "I'll be fine! I don't have to defeat her, I just have to get close enough to break the crystal. Please, Light, it could be our only chance. Besides, whether you say I can or not, I'm gonna do it anyway." I smirked. After a while, Light gave up and said, "Do what you want, Rookie, but if you get killed, it's your own fault."

(Silverstar's POV)

I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but for some reason, I just had to. Maybe it was because I was concerned, I don't know. Then again, when you hear yelling, you can't exactly help it. I was just walking along minding my own business when I heard the yell of a familiar voice, followed by a slightly less familiar voice. I hid next to the tent in which the two voices were arguing and slid closer to the entrance. I peeked inside, saw Sally and Freezer, and ducked back beside the entrance. They were arguing over something that had nothing to do with me, yet I felt an urge to listen. "I told you, I'm sorry! I came all the way to Dragon City after you to find you, and even nearly killed myself trying to save you(though that Silver did it for me), why don't you believe me?!" "I DO believe you, but I told you, I don't care anymore! And no matter how much you apologize, it dosen't change what you did..." "But Sally-" "I told you, Freezer, I'm NOT getting back with you! You betrayed me, you can't change that! Besides, don't you think now is a bad time to try to wrap me into a relationship?! My sister is in a castle CORRUPTED, along with my friend, and you ask me to GET BACK WITH YOU?! What the hell IS this to you, high school?!" Freezer remained silent for a moment, then muttered something I couldn't here. "WHAT?!!" Sally shouted back. "Don't drag my friend into this, you stupid idiot!" Right after that, I heard a laud sound that sounded like someone slapping someone. I guessed that's what it was, because after that, it was silent. "And no, we're just friends! Nobody else seems to think we're like that except you!" Her and who are just friends? Oh wait... "I thought Fireball explained that to you already, anyway." Sally's voice finished, a little more calm now. Yep, Freezer was referring to me. Dang, how annoying! I'm already sick of this guy! Suddenly, I heard footsteps from inside come toward the entrance (or in their case, exit) and so I fled to the back of the tent. I don't know whether it was Sally or Freezer who left, and I didn't really care, either. I was just glad Sally rejected that loser. This means he won't be able to hurt her anymore. And no, there isn't any other reason.

PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#27 Posted: 01:59:32 07/04/2011
Dang Rookie, all this to get your girl. *smirks*

IceWind: smilie Plus, idiotic Freezer thinks that Sally's with Silver! smilie

Silver: smilie

Rookie: I'll do anything for her.

Dawn: Aww, mushy mushy! smilie

FireStar: smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#28 Posted: 04:41:03 08/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: *to IceWind* I know, right?! What kind of idiot would think that just because he tried to stick up for me?! Seriously, and I thought SILVER was an idiot!

Zape: *to Rookie* AWWWW!!!!!!!

Fireball: I guess I should be glad Wanderist's out...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:09:18 09/04/2011 by wanderist
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#29 Posted: 23:53:13 08/04/2011
IceWind: *cough It's pronounced IceWind* Any who...

Rookie: smilie

Dawn: smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#30 Posted: 18:09:02 09/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Me: Whoops! Sorry, I was on autopilot yesterday when I was typing. smilie

Sally: Oops... sorry IceWind. smilie

Another new chapter...with something completely unexpected. smilie

Chapter 5

Rookie's promise/ Sally's breakdown

(Pablo's POV)

"Lucky you." I grumbled as Rookie and I sat together in our room. "Hey, don't worry, I know you'll find a way to free Dawn too. You just have to pay attention to the details." Rookie responded. "Right..." The details? <i> What </i> details? It's a waist land with a purple light trapping Dawn in the center with a viscous alter ego of Dawn in it that's there to kill me. What other details do I need to know? Then Rookie gave me my answer. "Try paying more attention to ShadowWing. Maybe she has a dark crystal or something too that's keeping Dawn from stopping her. All I know for sure is that the answer to saving Dawn is ShadowWing." He explained, then stood up. "Now, I need to get ready for "bed."" "Right. Good luck. You'll need it." I said, smiling a little, receiving a nod and smile from my comrade. "Thanks, Pablo." And with that, he walked out.

(Sally's POV)

I stormed out of the tent-thingy angrily, Freezer calling after me, but thankfully, not following me. The "talk" we had didn't go so well, and that's his own fault. Seriously, who asks for a relationship at a time like this? He makes Silver look smart, and that's not even a joke. I looked back at the tent suspiciously. On my way out, I heard footsteps from near the doorway. Had someone been listening on our conversation? I shook my head. I must have been imagining it.
Thirty minutes later, Rookie told us the only REAL good news in two years. He finally knew a way to save Wanderist, but it would be hard on him. And the worst part was, we couldn't do anything to help. Which sucked for me because I always wanted to be the one to save my sister, or at least help. But I knew for a while now that her boyfriend would be the one to save her.
After our "meeting" with Rookie, I was going to go after Rookie to say a few things, but Silver blocked me. "Uh,hey..." He said shyly. Okay, what the heck's with him? He's never shy around me, much less this polite. "Hey...are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine. I just want to know something." "Oh gosh, Silver, please don't tell me Fireball told you something else about my past you weren't supposed to know!" "N-No! Not that...It's about <i> him.</i>" He said, tilting his head slightly in the direction that Freezer was talking to Pablo. "Oh great... No, I'm not "getting back" with him, if that's what you were wondering." I said simply,trying to ignore Freezer's constant staring. "That's good... he seems like a jerk." Silver replied. I laughed a little. "Yeah, he is. Figured that out the hard way." I said. As I saw Rookie about to leave the room, I saw that this conversation needed to end now. "Uh, I have to go talk to Rookie. See ya later, okay?" I said, quickly running off to follow him.
(Rookie's POV)

"Rookie!" I heard a familiar female voice call behind me. I looked behind me to find Sally running towards me. I turned to face her as she came to a stop in front of me. "Hey. Something wrong? I'm sorry, Sall, but I don't have much-" I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw something drop from her face. It was obviously a tear. Sally crying? What the heck? "Ah...Sally?" "Rookie..." She spoke slowly. "I need you to promise me something." "Huh?" "I know I don't need to beg you to bring her back...but... I'm doing it anyway, just to be sure..." I saw what was going on now. Wanderist knows Sally better then I do, so she knew a long time ago and told me. Sally's one of those people who believe in promises and can believe in someone more when they make a promise about something. "Just...promise to save my sis, got it, brat?" I stared at her for a moment, then nodded. "I promise." I said simply, smiling slightly. "I'll get her out of it, so no more crying, okay? What if Fireball saw you? He'd have a panic attack. Same with Freezer or Silver. Those two would probably kill each other trying to get over to you first." I laughed, imagining the two fighting over who got there first, just because the two already don't like each other. "Right...Thanks, Rookie." She said, smiling back.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:41:04 10/04/2011 by wanderist
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#31 Posted: 22:55:15 11/04/2011
Awww, poor Sall.

Dawn: smilie

Silver: Well, *lies back* Good-luck Rook.

Rookie: Alright...smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#32 Posted: 22:59:49 11/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: * to Silver* Gee, you're cheerful today... *sarcasm*
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#33 Posted: 22:21:21 12/04/2011
Silver: And what is that suppose to mean?

Dawn: smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#34 Posted: 01:21:02 14/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: What do you mean, "what is that supposed to mean?" It means just that.

Wanderist: Oh boy...
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#35 Posted: 17:38:04 17/04/2011
Silver: Alright, alright. smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#36 Posted: 18:21:39 17/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#37 Posted: 00:55:18 20/04/2011
Dawn: Any-who....what's going on lately?
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#38 Posted: 21:26:15 20/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Wanderist: Absolutely nothing. You?
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#39 Posted: 23:53:58 20/04/2011
Dawn: Ditto.

Rookie: nothing exciting ever happens....

Me: Well I for one got more music in my MP3 player smilie He-he. Currently addicted to music, more than evah. smilie

IceWind: Shut up smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#40 Posted: 01:53:18 22/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Lol cool smilie

Wanderist: *to Rookie* Ikr?
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#41 Posted: 23:48:10 22/04/2011
He-he smilie

Rookie: Yep
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#42 Posted: 04:28:49 23/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: Okay, can we like, do something?

Fireball: Like...?

Sally: I don't know! Beat up Silver?!

Wanderist: Gee, you never change, do you? smilie
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#43 Posted: 00:48:09 25/04/2011
Silver: That'll be impossible *teleports behind her* I'm so quick that I vanish before you can blink your eyes *teleports again* *is lying near a rock* Yep

Dawn: *coughshowoffcough*

IceWind: smilie
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#44 Posted: 00:56:31 25/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: *smirks evilly* I'd find a way, kid, I'd find a way...

Wanderist: Don't...
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#45 Posted: 01:00:03 28/04/2011
Dawn: Oh dear....

Silver: Well, I'm sure you can...if of course, you can.

IceWind: *goes up to Silver and smacks him* Don't start.

Silver: Fine then. Besides I'm just fooling with her.
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#46 Posted: 23:55:07 28/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Wanderist: Gee, do you two ever get along?

Sally: Yes...sometimes.
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#47 Posted: 19:16:22 30/04/2011
Silver: *to Wanderist* Sure. In my part I would.
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#48 Posted: 20:51:25 30/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: Shut up, moron. It's your own fault when I'm pissed at you...
PeaceDragon09 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3037
#49 Posted: 17:26:26 08/05/2011
Silver: Relax, will ya?

Dawn: *sighs*
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#50 Posted: 00:08:02 09/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Sally: Relax? How can I relax when I wasn't mad in the first place? I was just saying.
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