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The legend of Orion (accepting) [CLOSED]
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#901 Posted: 13:06:56 27/03/2018
"Here's a better question. Who are you and why would you be better off alive instead of being turned into clothing?" Latnok demanded, as he defiantly grabbed another arrow. "How do I know you won't come to threaten anyone's village or try to rule over people or anything like that? Someone thought you were worth putting down - you better have a really good answer." He stopped for a moment, then added "And what am I supposed to tell them? That you decided to be a good boy after a little brawl? I need assurance."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#902 Posted: 14:38:32 27/03/2018
Angora was growing even more annoyed by Latnok. He seemed more interested in collecting trophy body parts than actually help people like he claimed.
"Enough of that! He won't tell us anything with you threatening like that! Protecting villages and people... hah! What a bunch of nonsense! You just want another decoration for your own pathetic body so you can feed your desire for grandeur!" Angora belittled, having very low opinions on humans, especially people like Latnok. It was shameful and disrespectful showing himself in an armor made of body parts belonging to the same species of most of the ones present in the group.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#903 Posted: 15:16:19 27/03/2018
Latnok was not about to be lectured by a troll, of all creatures, on morality. "I kill because I have to," Latnok said. "This world is kill or be killed. The armor I wear is the most effective for the job - providing a good degree of protection from physical blows as well as from various other effects suck as fire, while being flexible enough to allow me a good degree of movement and not inhibiting my ability to use magic.

"I don't know about trolls, but most humans - most people - take pride in doing their job. My job is to kl on behalf of my fellow man, and it's a job I'm reminded of the importance of every time the monsters kill one of us. I grew up without any military there to protect us from things like you - which is part of the reason I moved, and what inspired me to go on my current path - I live and breathe combat, and have the scars and experience to prove it. I have seen nothing but savagery from your kind - the mangled, half-eaten bodies that have been toyed with. And while some monsters I have met have been amicable, this creature has shown no such qualities - just another megalomaniacal wanna-be god. I have dealt with many like him, and have... brought them down to earth. All because others paid me to protect them. Now, explain to me, why this one should be spared."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#904 Posted: 15:39:41 27/03/2018
Angora listened to his words without interrupting him, smirking, almost as if she was having fun with the explanation.
"Protection... wanna be gods... funny that coming from a human. You are not the only one who has travelled far and wide. In many of the places I've travelled, there are some creatures who have gone extinct. There are some realms where you don't see dragons, griffins, minotaurs, not even unicorns, and they're one of the most harmless, gentle creatures I've encountered. I haven't even seen a phoenix in all my life. So destructive or not, your kind murders them simply because they can or have something they want, and cause they want the land all to themselves. As for my kind, we are hated due to supposedly being greedy, bloodthirsty thieves. We are like that precisely cause that's the only way we can defend ourselves! I'm willing to bet many of the village attacks is due to that creature trying to reclaim it's territory." Angora commented serene but stern, showing just how much she despised humans. She still believed dragons were more greedy and destructive, but humans came at an awfully close second, mostly cause they were large in number.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#905 Posted: 16:23:01 27/03/2018
Star mumbled "I MUST experiment with this... 'Magic'. It may prove useful."
Darkheart was still ticked off about Dex's treachery and stricken dumb with sheer confusion. She growled irritably "Kill them BOTH. Or I'll do it myself." Despite these big words, she wasn't exactly in any condition to fight or kill anyone.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#906 Posted: 17:38:41 27/03/2018
"So this creature... is its amicability something you would be willing to bet the lives of your fellow trolls on?" Latnok asked, as he put down his bow. "If so, I'll make you a deal. I won't kill him, and if he never harms a human again, well then, that's all well and good. If he does, however, I will find and kill five random trolls for each human, whether it be by dumping nightshade in their water or just a regular fight.

"If you are fine with this, then it's settled. I don't take my duties lightly, however. Because at the end of the day, you won't be the one who has to live with the knowledge that innocent people died when you had a chance to prevent it."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#907 Posted: 18:11:22 27/03/2018
Not noticing Darkheart's uneasy behavior, and almost forgetting she had Shade below her, Angora continued talking to Latnok.
"There now, you see? You're looking for whatever lame excuse you can get so you can just randomly, as you put it, kill, and holding my kind responsible. Perhaps you don't know, but... him... he had it pretty badly with me earlier during his attacks." Angora said, signaling Shade and reminding Latnok that she was his most frequent target minutes ago.
"I'm not saying that we shouldn't kill him, we're just putting him to the test. Or didn't you see the light entity from earlier? It removed that black botch from him. Now we shall simply see if Shade is truly changed, or if it was just another magic trick." Angora explained, wanting to see for herself if the scene from earlier was genuine, and if it was and they kill Shade right now, they may never know who is really behind everything and pulling the strings. She knew the risk they were taking, but the entity from her lamp didn't seem like the kind of magic someone like Shade would use, not to mention there was no way Angora would strike such a cruel deal with this scum of a human.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#908 Posted: 19:41:33 27/03/2018
"You were wise to not take such a deal," Latnok said. "Hopefully, that helps you see the situation from my perspective, though I know empathy can be a bit hard for your kind. If I were ever to spare a monster I was about to kill, there's always the concern that they grow up with resentment and kill more of us - which is not something I wish to deal with, much like how you would not want to risk the lives of your troll friends on the hope that this creature you're sparing won't turn around and kill people." Latnok grabbed an arrow. "This is, however, the first time I'm working with monsters, so I will give you the honor of respecting your decision, for as long as I feel it is safe."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#909 Posted: 20:50:26 27/03/2018
Angora was losing patience with Latnok, but she didn't want to start another fight and let Shade free. She didn't understand why the group let this human into their circle, but now that they had, she knew she had to tolerate him.
"Don't speak trash about my kind! If we act like monsters is because humans like you are part of the problem! We need to be violent with you cause that's how you treat us!" Angora accused, knowing humans quite well. Ironically, she didn't know much about her own kind, not even that much of her larger counterparts could be bloodthirsty for the sake of it rather than survival. She has seen violent trolls before, but funny enough, those few that she has met were hostile for survival, and avoided humans and other creatures if possible.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#910 Posted: 21:07:48 27/03/2018
"Violence as necessary? See for yourself, then," Latnok said. He proceeded to telepath Angora several images of devastated villages, with mangled, half bodies, of trolls toying with their victims. "This is what I have had to see. If you think that such monsters acted only in self-defense, then you are truly naive... I'm not even old by human standards, but I have seen more than enough of what monsters are capable of. That is a small sample. And that is why I, and several just like me, exist." Latnok wasn't completely altruistic, though - he always made sure to get paid for his jobs, though he had never left anyone to die for lack of money, and the opportunity to wander the world as a mercenary was the reason he left the Ardent Guardians on good terms.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#911 Posted: 21:14:02 27/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"Enough!" Orion flared out his wings and intense energy came off him. "Enough of this senseless argument! We are trying to see if Shade has truly changed and arguing about it won't help us."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#912 Posted: 21:20:25 27/03/2018
Although Angora has seen this kind of violence before, never from her kind. She pretended not to care though, and seemed upset that Latnok dared to use his magic on her. She was about to rep,y when Orion interrupted.
"Trust me, I want more than anyone else to know if he's changed. So , how about it?" Angora asked, addressing to Shade and ignoring Latnok for now. There was no way she was going to leave their previous conversation at that.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#913 Posted: 21:53:06 27/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"I really don't know what you're talking about!" Shade said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#914 Posted: 22:01:23 27/03/2018
Angora pulled her small ears in frustration.
"That's what you keep saying! Don't you have anything else to say?" she asked, resisting the urge to yell. She didn't know whether the amnesiac Shade or the annoying hunter Latnok infuriated her more.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#915 Posted: 22:21:34 27/03/2018
"Very well, then," Latnok said, directed at Shade. "Let's start with something simple. Who are you, and what is your goal in life?" Surely easy questions to answer...
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#916 Posted: 01:37:35 28/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"I am Shade. My goal in life is to protect people from the fate of my family."
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#917 Posted: 01:47:43 28/03/2018
"Okay, then," Latnok responded. "Who are you referring to when you say 'people', and what exactly would this fate be?"
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#918 Posted: 03:41:04 28/03/2018
Star looked up at Shade. "Did... YOU lose all your kin as well? Were they slaughtered with you helpless to watch?" The Zorua fought back tears as half-remembered bits and pieces of his past flooded his mind. "Is... Is THAT something you suffered as well?" It wasn't like the dark little fox to cry, ever.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#919 Posted: 08:48:31 28/03/2018 | Topic Creator
Shade looked down. "I-I don't want to talk about it."
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#920 Posted: 10:50:31 28/03/2018
"Whether or not you want to speak is none of my concern," Latnok said. "For your own good, and for the good of others, however, you will speak," he continued, as he raised his bow.
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#921 Posted: 20:45:21 28/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"It's too painful to talk about." Shade said.

Icestorm stepped in between them. "The dragolet said he doesn't want to talk about it. A dragons past is his own." Icestorm said.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#922 Posted: 20:50:43 28/03/2018
"Well, then," Latnok said, "he's not going anywhere I won't be able to keep an eye on him. If he wants to endanger others with his inaction, then besides threatening him, there's not much I can do to stop him. But that is exactly the sort of thing that is against the oath I took when I gained my power, and I will not let him off the hook until I have more information from him."

I will never, through my action or inaction, allow my fellow man to be harmed, except in the defense of others... Latnok recalled.

EDIT: For some reason the last part kept getting cut out. Finally fixed.
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 20:52:36 28/03/2018 by A Guy
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#923 Posted: 20:58:51 28/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"Look whoever you are I don't want to harm anyone. I only want to protect others. Especially from thieves."
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#924 Posted: 21:03:23 28/03/2018
"If so, then you should have no problem helping me help you," Latnok said. "I'm not an idealist, however - I'm a pragmatist, as I've learned to be through training and experience. I do what's necessary, not what stops people's feelings from getting hurt. Now, part of being a pragmatist means that I cannot let someone who just tried to kill me off the hook unless I have some sort of assurance that it's for the greater good. I hope you see where I'm coming from, because I have compromised enough as-is, and will not go any further."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#925 Posted: 21:07:24 28/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"Must I prove I'm not going to hurt you?" Shade said. He tryed to get up but his belly and side hurt from the sword wounds.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#926 Posted: 21:22:14 28/03/2018
"Yes... you must," Latnok said. "That's exactly what I'm asking for."

EDIT: Punctuation.
I'm just... a guy...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:22:45 28/03/2018 by A Guy
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#927 Posted: 21:25:03 28/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"Well I'm not doing much with these wounds."
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#928 Posted: 21:28:15 28/03/2018
"Of course, it's not the moment I'm concerned about," Latnok said. "One thing we're quite good at, however, is considering the future. What happens when you heal? How do I know you won't come after us then? And I'm still curious about this other threat you've been speaking of."
I'm just... a guy...
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#929 Posted: 22:19:03 28/03/2018
Angora remained silent throughout the interrogation, but by this time, she has lost patience and let the tongue loose. She was still on top of Shade and wasn't leaving.
"That's right. You must prove you won't mean us harm. So... it's time for my own question; do you remember me?" Angora said before Shade could reply to Latnok's question, her only concern being herself. It appeared that she was the one who had the most interactions with Shade when he was corrupted, so she had to made sure how far his memory went. If it was true that he had no recollection of what happened and that whatever evil he had inside him was gone, it would mean that she was finally free to leave that annoying group without the worry of somebody pursuing her, both in dreams and in real life.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
redwes Diamond Sparx Gems: 8818
#930 Posted: 23:42:53 28/03/2018
Raclaw continued to watch, still keeping an eye on Dex and stopping the bleeding for as long as he could. He waited for the next response before doing anything...
<[ I’m Darin the gryphon! *screech* Want to know more or ask a question?]
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#931 Posted: 00:09:59 29/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"I really don't know who any of you are." Shade said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#932 Posted: 00:16:19 29/03/2018
Angora realized this line of questioning wasn't going anywhere. She then had a different approach.
"Ok then... better yet, what is your last memory?" she asked, fully expecting him to cooperate. She cared only for her own safety, and whatever the group did afterwards, she wouldn't care. She just wanted to know if she was free of Shade's taunting.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#933 Posted: 02:53:30 29/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"A dark kind of rock and when I reached out to touch it it felt like I was in a deep sleep."
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#934 Posted: 03:01:20 29/03/2018
Angora looked deeply into his eyes, wanting to make sure there wasn't even a flinch when he said those words. It took her a while to be convinced, but after she did see how his eyes changed to a mellow tone of red and there was no break or stammer in his voice, the puny troll finally decided he was telling the truth, and got off.
"Well, that does it. If he isn't the true culprit of this misery, then this line of questioning is pointless. And so, there is no need for me to be here. Well so long the lot of you. I would like to say that it's been fun... but it wasn't" Angora said bluntly, looking forward to leaving the group and resume her lonely, nomadic life, now free of the worry that Shade will be after her. This was a confusing place, but she was certain she could find a way out...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#935 Posted: 03:09:14 29/03/2018
Star managed a "Goodbye" as he watched Shade, more sad than angry. How many others have had their lives ruined because of this sort of thing?
Darkheart seemed familiar with the description of the stone. Shadowstone? I once built a fortress from it! It's powerful, being infused with immense amounts of dark magical energy. It's almost indestructible, actually. My powers render me immune to the less pleasant effects of most dark magic.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#936 Posted: 08:45:47 29/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"Angora wait. Come here." Orion said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#937 Posted: 13:46:07 29/03/2018
"Ugh, what!?" Angora said with frustration, turning around to look at Orion.
"What is it now? You need the lantern? Well take it! I don't need it anymore!" she then said, offering it to him. She wanted to keep the lantern, but now that Shade wasn't threatening her, she didn't need it. She managed to do fine without it, and now that she knew there was an annoying entity living without it, she wanted to get rid of it.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#938 Posted: 20:18:56 29/03/2018
"Dark rock?" Latnok asked. "Interesting... where did you find this sort of thing? What drove you to it? Who were you with?" Such a tool could, if controlled, be a potent weapon, for him or his enemies. "I might have some contacts that would know more about that sort of thing," he offered. "Direct me to it and I will accept it as a sufficient display of good will."
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#939 Posted: 01:03:35 30/03/2018
Darkheart glared at Latnok. "I think I know what it is. I once used a substance known as Shadowstone to build a fortress. It's almost indestructible, but it has... Unpleasant side effects on those not already empowered by strong dark magic. I doubt YOU have the kind of resistance necessary to wield it without being afflicted. I've seen Elves become Drow just from being too close for too long, so it's a very powerful material. I myself am immune to its effects, for obvious reasons."
Star quietly approached Shade, his eyes displaying something he hadn't felt or shown in a long time: Empathy. Grief for another.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#940 Posted: 01:19:17 30/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"That armor on you." Orion said.
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#941 Posted: 01:31:02 30/03/2018
For a moment, Angora was furious with what Latnok said. Typical of a human to want something to give them power. She was about to reply to him when she heard what Orion said.
"Wait, so that means I'm stuck with this?" Angora said desperately, as she tried to remove the magical armor...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#942 Posted: 10:20:21 30/03/2018
"Hmm... that definitely doesn't sound like something usable by most humans," Latnok replied. "Shadowstone... I might've heard a vague mention here or there but it's not something I have much experience with. Although, as I mentioned, I know some, who are a lot more experienced and knowledgeable than myself, who might know more." He paused for a moment, then brought his bow up, almost to inspect it.

"Say... would you happen to know the sort of effects one might experience if they were in frequent contact with an organism affected by Shadowstone?" he added, as he ran his hand over his bow. "Does this thing increase the magical power of those affected by it, or just drive them to madness?"
I'm just... a guy...
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#943 Posted: 15:49:35 30/03/2018
Darkheart sighed. "Both, Human. Both. You'll gain immense dark magic, but you'll also become completely psychotic. Shade here seems to be an example. I kinda feel sorry for him now, actually."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#944 Posted: 17:32:28 30/03/2018
"Now," Latnok started, "my bow here is... a living weapon. Long story, but it's the result of our work in growing a tree with soil fertilized with phoenix ashes. What would happen if, say, my bow, but not I, were to touch Shadowstone?"
I'm just... a guy...
cyndego Platinum Sparx Gems: 6382
#945 Posted: 17:59:13 30/03/2018
Quote: redwes
Raclaw continued to watch, still keeping an eye on Dex and stopping the bleeding for as long as he could. He waited for the next response before doing anything...

Dex was not sure what to say he was a thief and a assasin if he had faild before that would have mean dead " why are you trying To help me?" Dex said with low voice. The wound started to heal slowly, it looked like it was burning. " Get Back or it Will hurt, my blood burns my wounds pretty fast. It Will be able to stand soon so you should make your move now so what it is going to be? You have been fair so i will do the same I was not mindcontrolled or forced to do anything i acted how i wanted to. Knowing that it should make yourthoughts more clear" Dex said To raclaw.
Cogito, ergo sum.
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#946 Posted: 20:27:37 30/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"No wait! Calm yourself. That emerald armor on you is the mark of the chosen one. The one who would save the world from darkness." Orion said.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:14:08 30/03/2018 by Spyroconvexity
darknessdawn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1476
#947 Posted: 21:58:41 30/03/2018
Darkheart sighed again. "Contact with it isn't necessary. You just have to be close enough. And if your bow's close enough, chances are good you'll be close enough to get infected too. From what I've heard, the transformation is a slow, painful process."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good.
Star the Zoroark at your disservice.
A Guy Emerald Sparx Gems: 3639
#948 Posted: 22:44:42 30/03/2018
"Well, then," Latnok said, "doesn't seem worth the risk." He paused a moment. "Not for me, anyway. I might know someone, more versed in magic than me, who might have enough of a grasp on dark magic to use it, or at least experiment with it - not sure how well it'd go, but I think it's worth a shot. Us Guardians - both current and former members - have made many personal sacrifices in the name of greater power." He stopped for a moment.

"However, the direction side effects cannot be ignored. It's something which would require much deliberation."
I'm just... a guy...
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8770
#949 Posted: 04:16:04 31/03/2018 | Topic Creator
"Don't trifle with things that are beyond your control and power. This wasn't any ordinary darkness." Shade said. He looked at Star and saw he was looking at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:17:19 31/03/2018 by Spyroconvexity
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10223
#950 Posted: 06:59:51 31/03/2018
Angora once again lost her patience, and while everyone else talked about this mysterious stone, all she wanted was to get out of here.
"Alright, enough of this! You...please..." Angora managed to say, that word being extremely hard for her to use.
"... just... take this thing off me. I want to leave! Return to my own life!" she begged, desperate to leave the group and returned to the solitude she enjoyed so much.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most.
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