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when someone intentionally misgenders a trans person [CLOSED]
shroom boom Emerald Sparx Gems: 3133
#51 Posted: 04:46:11 13/08/2015
I don't care if your trans but the internet seems to want straight cis people to die and have lbgt people to be all over the world. like they talk about us straight people like we are demons or something and I hate it.
103 skylanders in total SSA:31/32 SG:26/30 SSF:39/56
Iceclaw Hunter Gems: 10036
#52 Posted: 05:01:09 13/08/2015
Quote: shroom boom
I don't care if your trans but the internet seems to want straight cis people to die and have lbgt people to be all over the world. like they talk about us straight people like we are demons or something and I hate it.

it's only a part on tumblr that actually says that tbh
Twinkies and 2hus
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#53 Posted: 05:10:07 13/08/2015
Ok, I'm not going to lie, and I have a feeling that I'm going to get many people going at my throats for saying this, but I don't like how it's okay for straight, cis and/or white people to get bashed, yet if someone so much as threatens someone who isn't straight, cis and/or white than they're suddenly demons from hell who need to die? It's just not fair since straight cis white people have feelings too and I don't see why it's okay for them to get discriminated? I'm not saying it's okay for LGBTQ people and people who aren't white to get bashed, since that's terribly wrong, but I just don't see why people don't think it's racist to discriminate a white person and 'hetrophobe' doesn't seem to exist even though straight people get discriminated these days?

It seems like every time there's a show (or comic or whatever) who has gay/lesbian pairings and a few characters who aren't white, the fandom gets flooded with tumblr sjw who hate hetro pairings and white people, and they just ruin the whole experience and make the show look bad. Ava's Demon, Homestuck and Steven Universe are perfect examples of this.

Quote: Sesshomaru75
Quote: RaymanTwilight
Okay fine, but since I'm too lazy to type it out, I'll put a post my friend made about his opinion on transgenders, since his opinion and mine are pretty much completely identical.

[User Posted Image]

Now, I wait for everyone to despise me after this.

1. They aren't trying to change who they were born as, they feel like a different gender because they were born to feel that way. It's a psychological thing.
2. Not every trans person goes through surgery, and not everyone that gets a sex-change operation is necessarily transgendered.
3. What is so wrong with cutting their hair short, getting chest binders, and telling people to refer to them as male?
4. If they feel male, then they deserve to be treated as such. Same thing for trans woman.
5. There are teenage boys that do this. If you actually look with your eyes, there are plenty.

I'm not gonna get mad at you or anything, since you seem to not know much about trans people, but perhaps you should do a little research on the matter because there is nothing "morally wrong" about it.

I'm pretty sure there's actually more males who feel that they're female in the world than females who feel they're male.

I was told that it's because there's more female hormones being used in stuff like shampoo recently and it's changing the sex of fish to female when it gets dumped into oceans and waterways and stuff. Not sure to believe this or not.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 05:24:17 13/08/2015 by DarkCynder_543
Iceclaw Hunter Gems: 10036
#54 Posted: 05:36:46 13/08/2015
Quote: DarkCynder_543

I'm pretty sure there's actually more males who feel that they're female in the world than females who feel they're male.

I was told that it's because there's more female hormones being used in stuff like shampoo recently and it's changing the sex of fish to female when it gets dumped into oceans and waterways and stuff. Not sure to believe this or not.

Do you have a source for the first part you've said? I've never heard of it and it sounds interesting.

Hormones in shampoo or whatever wouldn't change a person's mindset on what gender they identify as. There's a smaaaaaalll chance it may change appearance if you use A LOT over a looong period of time, but it won't change their mindset on what their gender is.
Twinkies and 2hus
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:40:46 13/08/2015 by Iceclaw
Muffin Man Platinum Sparx Gems: 5388
#55 Posted: 05:38:48 13/08/2015
To be honest I've never really been able to understand the concept of binary gender. Sex is simple and easy to understand. Gender? What truly distinguishes one gender from another? If my brain is 75% more similar to the average female brain than to the average male brain, does that automatically make me a woman? What about 100%? Or 50%? If it's 0% similar to the average female brain does that mean I'm automatically not a woman? It doesn't seem binary at all to me, yet people define it as though it is. What makes a woman a woman in terms of hard science? Is it ultimately just a social construct? And if so, why should I care about it?

It's a difficult subject to discuss in terms of hard science because it's so entangled with people's emotions, religious beliefs, and morals on both sides of the issue.
Boop me if you see this.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:45:06 13/08/2015 by Muffin Man
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769
#56 Posted: 05:44:44 13/08/2015
Quote: Muffin Man
To be honest I've never really been able to understand the concept of binary gender. Sex is simple and easy to understand. Gender? What truly distinguishes one gender from another? If my brain is 75% more similar to the average female brain than to the average male brain, does that automatically make me a woman? What about 100%? Or 50%? If it's 0% similar to the average female brain does that mean I'm automatically not a woman? It doesn't seem binary at all to me, yet people define it as though it is. What makes a woman a woman in terms of hard science? Is it ultimately just a social construct? And if so, why should care about it?

It's a difficult subject to discuss in terms of hard science because it's so entangled with people's emotions, religious beliefs, and morals on both sides of the issue.

[User Posted Image]

Muffin Man, you're my unproblematic fave.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#57 Posted: 06:10:07 13/08/2015
Quote: Spyrobaro
Quote: DarkCynder_543

1. As I literally said a few posts above, that REALLY only happens on Tumblr (and to an extent Twitter i guess). Seriously, do you honestly ever see these things off the internet, and also not being said by some edgy Tumblr user?

2. Again, have you ever seen someone OUTSIDE the internet say something like that? In society, it's pretty obvious that straight and cis people DO get more (i hate saying this word, trust me) privileges (gay people can still be fired for being gay, trans and gay people can't get jobs due to their gender/sexuality, trans people will be socially outcasted by a lot of people if they come out ect., and these are problems that others wouldn't face). It's seen as the norm in society. Should someone be sent hate or be told to kill themselves for being straight, white, and/or cis? No, of course not, and doing that is not okay by any means.

3. You even state yourself that Tumblr SJWs do these things. Why would you listen to anything they say and take it to heart? They're edgy teenagers in a rebellious phase, either that or adults who just can't grow up.

4. There's really no evidence of that. Yes, there are more FAMOUS trans females than males, but that doesn't mean there's more trans females overall. If you could find a source on that, I'd like to see it.

5. Pheromones =/= hormones. Using a shampoo won't suddenly cause you to have gender dysphoria. Transgenderism dates back to even before Ancient Egypt.

It's not just tumblr. It's all over the internet, and probably here as well. I just used tumblr as an example since it's the most common place. I do understand that straight cis white people have more priviliges, but I still don't see why they need to get hated on. It's just like the extreme feminists hating on men. It's all the same thing. No one should be hated on since it's not their fault they're born that way.
I never said that I was taking it to heart personally.

4. I looked it up and actually got it wrong/mixed up. There's more gay people than lesbians, not more trans woman than trans men. Sorry about that.
5. I actually meant pregnant woman using products with more female hormones in, hence affecting the development of the babies's brain or something. if it's wrong then that's fine. it was just something my mum told me that i was curious about

Quote: Muffin Man
To be honest I've never really been able to understand the concept of binary gender. Sex is simple and easy to understand. Gender? What truly distinguishes one gender from another? If my brain is 75% more similar to the average female brain than to the average male brain, does that automatically make me a woman? What about 100%? Or 50%? If it's 0% similar to the average female brain does that mean I'm automatically not a woman? It doesn't seem binary at all to me, yet people define it as though it is. What makes a woman a woman in terms of hard science? Is it ultimately just a social construct? And if so, why should I care about it?

It's a difficult subject to discuss in terms of hard science because it's so entangled with people's emotions, religious beliefs, and morals on both sides of the issue.

apparently having a vagina (and maybe boobs?) = female and having a dick = male.

to be honest i blame biology for making us like this. if biology would have allowed same sex pairings to have a baby 'naturally' rather that just limiting it to male and female pairings, people would have fully accepted gay and lesbian pairings probably.

and if stereotypes would to just go away and never come back that would also make life for everyone so much easier. like, why is it that with genders, there's apparently one extreme and another extreme, when really most people are in between? i'm not going to like, i'm fine with being a girl and i do feel like i'm cis, but stereotypes and the fact that girls have to deal with more when it comes to children like pregnancy is really affecting me.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 7 times - Last edited at 06:34:17 13/08/2015 by DarkCynder_543
Knight Wolf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4336
#58 Posted: 06:41:00 13/08/2015
Welcome to the fight topic. People fight here.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider
Samius Hunter Gems: 9262
#59 Posted: 06:42:30 13/08/2015
Much like any other subject of debate, I don't think this one should be clouded in a haze of moral relativism. It's not a "right-wrong" kinda setup to begin with.

- Human beings are born with a gender determined by our chromosome sets.

- This doesn't imply that human beings are somehow "meant" to be female/male. If we are able to change our gender, we can. Simple as that.

- Hormonal imbalance can cause changes in the development of our brains and our perceived gender identity, providing some of us with the incentive to change their gender.

- Human beings learn their norms and values from their social environment. Their attitudes towards transgender people depend on those views.

And that's pretty much it.

Quote: Metallo
Exactly. I'm starting to think that some users here intentionally try to go on these "crusades" to stroke their own egos.

Let's cut the crap right there. Everybody supports their own egos, you do too, and it's a normal consequence of human social interaction. You simply choose to address different subjects in a different way.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:44:16 13/08/2015 by Samius
shroom boom Emerald Sparx Gems: 3133
#60 Posted: 09:04:22 13/08/2015
i get that if i KNOW if your trans and i miss gender you you wil get mad but most of the time i dont think people know if there trans or not. its like if you got mad at someone for calling you a girl but mentally a guy, its like how would know.
103 skylanders in total SSA:31/32 SG:26/30 SSF:39/56
shroom boom Emerald Sparx Gems: 3133
#61 Posted: 10:27:55 13/08/2015
Quote: DarkCynder_543
Quote: Spyrobaro
Quote: DarkCynder_543

1. As I literally said a few posts above, that REALLY only happens on Tumblr (and to an extent Twitter i guess). Seriously, do you honestly ever see these things off the internet, and also not being said by some edgy Tumblr user?

2. Again, have you ever seen someone OUTSIDE the internet say something like that? In society, it's pretty obvious that straight and cis people DO get more (i hate saying this word, trust me) privileges (gay people can still be fired for being gay, trans and gay people can't get jobs due to their gender/sexuality, trans people will be socially outcasted by a lot of people if they come out ect., and these are problems that others wouldn't face). It's seen as the norm in society. Should someone be sent hate or be told to kill themselves for being straight, white, and/or cis? No, of course not, and doing that is not okay by any means.

3. You even state yourself that Tumblr SJWs do these things. Why would you listen to anything they say and take it to heart? They're edgy teenagers in a rebellious phase, either that or adults who just can't grow up.

4. There's really no evidence of that. Yes, there are more FAMOUS trans females than males, but that doesn't mean there's more trans females overall. If you could find a source on that, I'd like to see it.

5. Pheromones =/= hormones. Using a shampoo won't suddenly cause you to have gender dysphoria. Transgenderism dates back to even before Ancient Egypt.

It's not just tumblr. It's all over the internet, and probably here as well. I just used tumblr as an example since it's the most common place. I do understand that straight cis white people have more priviliges, but I still don't see why they need to get hated on. It's just like the extreme feminists hating on men. It's all the same thing. No one should be hated on since it's not their fault they're born that way.
I never said that I was taking it to heart personally.

4. I looked it up and actually got it wrong/mixed up. There's more gay people than lesbians, not more trans woman than trans men. Sorry about that.
5. I actually meant pregnant woman using products with more female hormones in, hence affecting the development of the babies's brain or something. if it's wrong then that's fine. it was just something my mum told me that i was curious about

Quote: Muffin Man
To be honest I've never really been able to understand the concept of binary gender. Sex is simple and easy to understand. Gender? What truly distinguishes one gender from another? If my brain is 75% more similar to the average female brain than to the average male brain, does that automatically make me a woman? What about 100%? Or 50%? If it's 0% similar to the average female brain does that mean I'm automatically not a woman? It doesn't seem binary at all to me, yet people define it as though it is. What makes a woman a woman in terms of hard science? Is it ultimately just a social construct? And if so, why should I care about it?

It's a difficult subject to discuss in terms of hard science because it's so entangled with people's emotions, religious beliefs, and morals on both sides of the issue.

apparently having a vagina (and maybe boobs?) = female and having a dick = male.

to be honest i blame biology for making us like this. if biology would have allowed same sex pairings to have a baby 'naturally' rather that just limiting it to male and female pairings, people would have fully accepted gay and lesbian pairings probably.

and if stereotypes would to just go away and never come back that would also make life for everyone so much easier. like, why is it that with genders, there's apparently one extreme and another extreme, when really most people are in between? i'm not going to like, i'm fine with being a girl and i do feel like i'm cis, but stereotypes and the fact that girls have to deal with more when it comes to children like pregnancy is really affecting me.

i kno its like the whole world hates white people sometimes im afraid that when us white people die out an threre are only black and asians in the world and when they write the history books we will be like demons and all our accomplishments like the invention of the lightbulb the internet and the fridge ect will go to poc instead and we wil be forgotten about in history.
103 skylanders in total SSA:31/32 SG:26/30 SSF:39/56
spyrolvr96 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1214
#62 Posted: 12:47:11 13/08/2015
Quote: DarkCynder_543
and if stereotypes would to just go away and never come back that would also make life for everyone so much easier.

I think what you mean here is discrimination, not stereotypes. Stereotypes are not inherently negative.

Quote: DarkCynder_543
to be honest i blame biology for making us like this. if biology would have allowed same sex pairings to have a baby 'naturally' rather that just limiting it to male and female pairings, people would have fully accepted gay and lesbian pairings probably.

Then there wouldn't be any point to have males and females, and humanity would just be androgynous.

Also, I find it funny that you basically said "Screw you nature!", because you sound exactly like one of my friends.
The thing I never really wrapped my brain around until now was in order to be remembered, in order to leave something significant behind, you have to leave
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12190
#63 Posted: 17:47:36 13/08/2015
Quote: Metallo
darkSpyro is becoming worse than tumblr, I swear.

My man, you haven't been on tumblr at all if you think that THIS is worse than tumblr.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:47:46 13/08/2015 by Carmelita Fox
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#64 Posted: 18:01:14 13/08/2015
Quote: Metallo
darkSpyro is becoming worse than tumblr, I swear.

lol .
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7569
#65 Posted: 18:16:13 13/08/2015
Quote: Metallo
darkSpyro is becoming worse than tumblr, I swear.

okay if darkspyro were tumblr:

1) your PM box would be exploding with hate mail from other people, some of these even telling you to kill yourself.
2) This topic would have 10X as many pages.
3) There would be more discussion about race, feminism and any other social issues.
4) you'd have to censor out words like "apple" or "Paper" because of trigger words

dS is not becoming tumblr, nor will it ever. :D
looks like ive got some things to do...
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#66 Posted: 00:38:48 15/08/2015
Quote: Spyrobaro
Quote: shroom boom
i get that if i KNOW if your trans and i miss gender you you wil get mad but most of the time i dont think people know if there trans or not. its like if you got mad at someone for calling you a girl but mentally a guy, its like how would know.

Of course people will get mad (i don't mean if it's a mistake, i'm referring to if it's intentional here). It's extremely distressing for them. Imagine if so many people mistook you for a woman that you had to pretend to be one. That wouldn't feel nice, would it?

I think they'd know themselves better than you do. Yes, for some people they could be unsure or having an identity crisis, but that does NOT mean that everybody who is trans is just in a phase. EVERYTHING has the potential to be a phase. But that doesn't mean you should disrespect someone right at that moment in time simply because there's the possibility that they aren't what they think.

If they trusted you enough to come out to you and let you know, then you'd know. Or if they express it freely. It's okay to make mistakes and of course it can be hard to adjust, but not even bothering is a really ****ty thing to do.

- - -
Quote: DarkCynder_543
It's not just tumblr. It's all over the internet, and probably here as well. I just used tumblr as an example since it's the most common place. I do understand that straight cis white people have more priviliges, but I still don't see why they need to get hated on. It's just like the extreme feminists hating on men. It's all the same thing. No one should be hated on since it's not their fault they're born that way.
I never said that I was taking it to heart personally.

4. I looked it up and actually got it wrong/mixed up. There's more gay people than lesbians, not more trans woman than trans men. Sorry about that.
5. I actually meant pregnant woman using products with more female hormones in, hence affecting the development of the babies's brain or something. if it's wrong then that's fine. it was just something my mum told me that i was curious about

I do mention the entire internet elsewhere in the post, but honestly you're most likely to see it on Tumblr or Twitter.

I said that myself. It's not okay to judge someone or hate on someone because of how they were born. But you must understand that these people are seen as "normal" while people in the LGBT+ community are seen as freaks. It doesn't excuse or justify their actions by any means. All I'm trying to say is that the struggles both face aren't really comparable, which is what you seemed to be implying.

I see.

Well yeah that could happen, transgenderism comes from an imbalance of hormones that results in the brain developing differently. But I really don't think a shampoo would cause something like that.

Yeah I do understand that they have it worse. I was just saying that it's also not okay to dis straight cis people ether. :\

Quote: spyrolvr96
Quote: DarkCynder_543
and if stereotypes would to just go away and never come back that would also make life for everyone so much easier.

I think what you mean here is discrimination, not stereotypes. Stereotypes are not inherently negative.

Quote: DarkCynder_543
to be honest i blame biology for making us like this. if biology would have allowed same sex pairings to have a baby 'naturally' rather that just limiting it to male and female pairings, people would have fully accepted gay and lesbian pairings probably.

Then there wouldn't be any point to have males and females, and humanity would just be androgynous.

Also, I find it funny that you basically said "Screw you nature!", because you sound exactly like one of my friends.

yes i do understand that. but you got to admit that if same sex pairings could reproduce naturally, there probably wouldn't even be same sex discrimination, since i'm pretty sure this is one of the reasons why homophones think same sex pairings 'aren't normal'. and i'm pretty sure stereotypes is the right word. for example, males being sex machines and woman not wanting sex are stereotypes. :\
lmao i'm not going to lie i was kind of thinking about homestuck trolls when i made that post.

thanks m8

Quote: StriderSwag
Quote: Muffin Man
To be honest I've never really been able to understand the concept of binary gender. Sex is simple and easy to understand. Gender? What truly distinguishes one gender from another? If my brain is 75% more similar to the average female brain than to the average male brain, does that automatically make me a woman? What about 100%? Or 50%? If it's 0% similar to the average female brain does that mean I'm automatically not a woman? It doesn't seem binary at all to me, yet people define it as though it is. What makes a woman a woman in terms of hard science? Is it ultimately just a social construct? And if so, why should care about it?

It's a difficult subject to discuss in terms of hard science because it's so entangled with people's emotions, religious beliefs, and morals on both sides of the issue.

[User Posted Image]

Muffin Man, you're my unproblematic fave.

agreed. because society has made it that man and woman have certain behaviors, it has really messed things up. :\ really the only difference between the two genders should be gender exclusive body parts and that's it. i always wondered whether humans are the only species who have gender identity.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 11 times - Last edited at 01:07:53 15/08/2015 by DarkCynder_543
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