

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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The Crystal Warriors [Private] [CLOSED]
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#1 Posted: 20:09:18 04/05/2014 | Topic Creator
The date is January 2, 1895

A group of miners have been digging for months, hoping to find anything useful in this mine. This was their last day in the mine. They were digging, when their leader, Samuel Evans, found something interesting. "Boys!" He yelled, excitement in his voice. His comrades came to his side and stared in awe at want they had just found they had discovered a diamond! When Sam reached his hand forward to touch it, the mine was filled with light and the others were thrown back. When the light cleared, the old Sam was no more. A different Same stood in his place. A diamond armor covered Sam stood there, a diamond sword at his side. His comrades fled the mine in terror, leaving a confused Sam to discover his new destiny.

Soon after this discovery, more and more people are reported to disappear in the same way, to the point where twelve innocents have disappeared. The Crystal Warriors had been brought back from the grave.


The date is January 1, 2045.

There have been a new group of Crystal Warriors every fifty years, each time after the battle between The Crystal Warriors and Titanus and his dark dragon, Orios. Each time they've won. But this time, The Crystal Warriors were almost killed by Titanus, and it was only the Diamond's sacrifice that won the fight for them. Though, he was not fully captured, and he will be brought back much sooner than expected for the new Warrios. And, there has been a new crystal discovered. Bloodstone. Though will he, or she, join the Crystal Warriors, or Titanus? Will this new set of heroes be able to stop their foes?


Garnet - Has control over fire; Has superhuman strength
Amethyst - Has control over air; Has control over energy (mana, energy orbs, etc.) [Taken by Lyveriana]
Aquamarine - Has control over water/ice; Has healing powers (regeneration, healing, etc.) [Taken by Seiki]
Diamond - Has control over water/ice; Has telekinesis [Taken by Me]
Emerald - Has control over earth; Has superhuman speed
Pearl - Has control air; Has limited control over time
Ruby - Has control over fire; Has limited invincibility (doesn't last forever, only a short period of time) [Reserved by Inuyashafan]
Peridot - Has control over earth; Has control over magic [Taken by assassinelf]
Sapphire - Has Control over water/ice; Can control sea-life [Taken by NINJAsk]
Opal - Has control over earth; Has the power of necromancy [Taken by Cynder09]
Topaz - Has control over fire; Has supernatural powers (angelic powers, demonic powers, etc.) [Taken by Shadmé]
Zircon - Has control over air; Can control technology [Taken by EyeBrawler2014]
Bloodstone - Has control over darkness; Can control people [Taken by Lunarz]


The dragons were a thing every Warrior had. The first dragons were hatched from the Crystal that turned each warrior into the warrior of that element. The dragons became bonded to their warrior, leaving a Crystal mark on the Warrior's hand, and a mark on the dragon's head. A newborn dragon would get to it's full, grown size in a few days after it's hatched.

Types of Dragons:
Quadrupeds: These type of dragons are the most common, the ones with four legs, wings on their back, and they can either have a log neck, or a short one.

Wyverns: These are the dragons that have hind legs, no front legs, and where their front legs should be are wings. They always have short necks.


-I am the GM
-One character MAX
-You may post blood and gore, though spoiler it
-You may have romance, though please keep it PG-13
-No God Modding
-No controlling or killing other people's characters (unless if they let you)
-Limit OOC posts
-Put Crystalila at the top of your sheet if you've read this far


Character Sheet:


Age [15-26]:
Weapons [What weapon they make with their gemstone]:


Age [Newborn, 50, 100, 150]:
Powers [What type of fire, size change, etc.] [Not necessary]:


My Character:


Name: Nathaniel Evans
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Nathan is a pretty shy guy. If he ever does attend any social gathering, be it a party, a dance, a group of ten people doing something together, he'd be off on the side, or hanging out with his few friends. But, he probably wouldn't have gone to any of those in the first place, because he prefers to stay by himself, reading books, drawing, or just not doing anything in general. If you can get him to open up, or even better, become his friend, then the kind, funny, and caring Nathan will come out. He cares about his friends, and is willing to do anything for them, even if means his life is on the line.
Gemstone: Diamond
Appearance: He's about 6'1' and his skin color is a a very tanned white. His face is almost like an oval, with high cheek bones, and a little bit longer than average nose. He has brown hair, a shaggy mess of it which has the front going down about to his eyes in the from, hallway down his ears, and it goes down to about 3/4 of the way down his neck. He has dark brown, with a ring of even darker brown around the irises, and specks of gold and green in the irises.

As for his clothes, he wears a black tee shirt with a purple bolt of lightning down the top right to the bottom left. He wears a black leather jacket over that, and a pair of blue jeans as his signature outfit. Any other times, his shirts are just different colors and different designs.
History: Nathan, before discovering his strange abilities, was a fun little child, always having fun with his two older siblings and his dad. As a young kid, they'd go swimming all the time, he was a part of the family.

Though, one day, him and his youngest older brother were playing the Guess What Number I'm Thinking game. For ten minutes, Nathan got every single one right, even big ones like 49164. His parents then began to quiz him for awhile, never day after day, at random times. They came to they conclusion that he was a psychic. They thought it wasn't too bad, until he started being able to levitate things, and even made his oldest brother punch himself in the face. After this, they began to ignore and shun him, calling him cursed, a monster. After seven years of this, a 12 year old Nathan ran away, and his been living by himself for years.
Weapons: He can create, of course, diamond armor. His weapon of choice is the broadsword. He also carries a shield, with a white Phoenix on it.
Other: His telekinesis comes naturally, but it's also his gemstone ability.


Name: Crystal
Gender: Female
Age: 150
Personality: She is a fierce, but protective, dragon, always caring for Nathan. If anyone tried to hurt him, or even just approach him, she takes up a defensive stance. Though, once you get to know her and Nathan, she'll open up to you and show her soft, caring side.
Appearance: She is a huge dragon, a dragon with four legs, wings, and a long neck, with a wingspan of about 50 feet. Her height is 60 feet, and she's 45 feet long. She has one horn on the top of her head, and it is about 4 feet long, curving backwards. She is a white color, her scales shining like a diamond. Her wings have a sharp point to them.
History: She was the first and so far only dragon for the Diamond Warrior, and was bonded to each one. She, like every dragon, grew up in just a few days after the original Diamond, Samuel, became the Diamond. She lasted throughout the ages, and was sealed in the diamond, to be found each time. Then Nathan found her.
Powers: She has a white fire, one of the hottest fires, and she can cover herself in her fire and streak through the sky.
Edited 16 times - Last edited at 01:06:37 19/05/2014 by Rickorio
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#2 Posted: 22:04:16 04/05/2014

Name: Ember
Gender: female
Age: 16
Gemstone: Topaz
Personality: Quite shy, and afraid of contact. However, to close friends she is warm and friendly, like the heat she wields.
Appearance: Her clothes are primarily black and red. She wears a long black cloak that covers most of her body to hide herself. Finally, she keeps a phoenix pendant with her at all times, to remind her to keep strong and guide her power.
Physically, Ember's hair is black with many long, thin strands of red which give her her name. She is short for her age, and doesn't appear to have much muscle. Her green eyes hide behind some hair that covers the right side of her face.
History: For most of her life Ember was the quiet one. She did what was expected of her; she did her work, she played politely with others, all while not making much contact. She privately believed that there was fire in her that guided her actions, but decided that if she told someone she'd think she was crazy. She kept her budding power to herself, however not trying to build it.
That all changed during middle school. All of her classmates shot up in height and stature while she remained petite, shy Ember. This resulted in her being harassed in class, and finally one day she was teamed up on behind the school by a circle of bullies. They attacked her and pushed her around, and eventually the internal fire she'd suppressed for years was unleashed in an uncontrolled, fiery burst. Stunned and ashamed, she ran off on her own, believing that whatever she touched would die. She began honing her fire power on her own. Now, despite her looks, she can hold her own in the wilderness, but is still weak when it comes to social interactions with people.
Weapons: Topaz has an 8 on the Mohs Scale. Therefore, Ember utilizes various weapons out of this material that are surprisingly versatile. Her favorite is a topaz sword with a bright orange topaz in the hilt. She also uses an orange topaz shield with a phoenix carved into it. She prefers not to wear armor because it slows her down, but is capable of making it.
Other: Like Nathan, her fire came naturally, and is also her gemstone power.

Name: Minii (pronounced mee-nee)
Gender: female
Age: newborn
Personality: Sweet, caring dragon that had an extremely excitable side. Being a newborn dragon, she wants to learn anything and everything, and loves to be with Ember, who she thinks is sort of like a mother. Unknowingly, Minii guides Ember and teaches her friendship with the others. She also looks up to the other dragons, like Crystal.
Appearance: She is a...heh heh, "mini" wyvern dragon. She is a pinkish-reddish color with light blue eyes that have a tint of orange in the iris. Her wing frame is pink, like the rest of her body, the inside of the wing being the same blue as her eyes. Her legs are short and stubby, and she stands about up to Ember's waist- not too far considering Ember's size! She is a surprisingly good flier and prefers hovering around people's heads to walking. Minii's scales are soft, but in a flash she can stiffen them. Her tail is the only long thing about her, a little bit longer than herself and ending in an orange arrow shape.
Or this. I drew this too. X3
History: She was hatched by Ember, and immediately decided that the girl was the one she wanted to be with! Not much history yet because Minii is still young.
Powers: Minii can hold her own if she needs to. At her age, she can only spit out white-hot embers (lol see what I did there) that can cause damage over a wife area. Her horns are underdeveloped, so she'll also lunge and bite with her surprisingly sharp fangs. In desperate situations, she can shoot topaz from nowhere and use it as a projectile.
Other: N/A
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:10:50 11/05/2014 by ShadowMewX
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#3 Posted: 22:08:44 04/05/2014 | Topic Creator

Okay, all notes will go here to save space on the first post))

NOTES: All characters will discover their crystal, and dragon in the process, during the RP.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:25:46 04/05/2014 by Rickorio
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#4 Posted: 22:09:55 04/05/2014
Name: Austin
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Gemstone: Zircon
Personality: He is shy and believes he is a monster, when he trusts you, he is willing to die for you
Appearance: He is a 5 and 1/2 ft tall caucasian who wears a blue T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, he has blue eyes and brown hair
History: He was a normal boy until he was 5, that's when he found out he could control technology, at age 17 he blew up his house, killing his family, people called him a monster, and he believed them, so he lives in hiding, afraid of hurting anyone else
Weapon: Since he is the Zircon warrior, he can summon a Zircon claw weapon
Other: He has a dark side, named Kigali, he tells him to hurt people, Austin usually beats out his dark side
Name: Shaul
Gender: Female
Age: 50
Personality: She comforts her bonded warrior when she senses they're sad and will emulate her warrior's feelings
Appearance: She is a smaller quadruped, with only a 25 ft wingspan, 40 ft tall, and 34 ft long, she is light blue
History: She is the first Zicron dragon in 250 years, she found Austin through their gem bond, she does what she can to cheer him up
Power: She can blow away enemies with air
Other: She thinks her power is useless

Edit: Shadmè ninja'd me
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:29:10 04/05/2014 by EyeBrawler2014
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#5 Posted: 22:12:12 04/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Dang it...just now added the Gemstone part to the sheet. Also, Topaz is already taken....))
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#6 Posted: 22:16:52 04/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Also, add the Gemstone section to your sheet!))
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6093
#7 Posted: 23:56:47 04/05/2014

Name: Seiki Tanaka
Gender: M
Age: 17
Gemstone: Aquamarine
Personality: A kind-hearted spirit who enjoys the simpler things in life. He is often friendly, but not too overly outgoing. He is rather one who will stop and smell the flowers, enjoying the trip than the destination itself. He loves to play music and is skilled at a number of instruments; yet favors keytar and guitar.
Appearance: [User Posted Image]
History: Lived out on the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of the city with his girlfriend Hoshi. One day while playing about the fields near their home, Seiki and Hoshi found a small cavern under a hill. The cave was quite short with a single glimmering stone buried at the heart. The stone bonded with Seiki, granting him the powers of the Aquamarine gem.
Weapons [What weapon they make with their gemstone]: Katana

Name: Yuki "Snow" Nagano
Gender: Male
Age: 150
Appearance: A quadreped who's blue scales seem to turn white depending on the angel you look at them. His body temperature is considerably cold and ice crystals seem to be scattered about his body. His long, smooth tail ends with a bright blue crystal like point. Human form
History: Long ago, Snow was one of the first individuals to be chosen by the Aquamarine gem. Though during the great battle against [insert bad guy's name] he unleashed his powers in an ultimate attack, which cost him his life. However, a consequence of the attack, bound his soul to the Aquamarine gem for the rest of time. Since the gems had pacts with dragons, the gem forced him into a dragon body. Over the years, Snow eventually gained the ability to retake his human form.
Powes: Can shape-shift into a human male roughly 18 years of age. As a dragon, he has ice breath. In his human form, he can control ice, weild some light magic, and use powerful healing spells.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:32:11 05/05/2014 by Seiki
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9866
#8 Posted: 01:16:38 05/05/2014


Name: Lamia Thanyx

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Gemstone: Opal

Personality: Lamia is independant and anti-social. She generally seems to not like people very much, and tends to avoid them. In most situations, she doesn't talk to them at all, or even look at them, ignoring their existence entirely. Lamia just doesn't care to talk to anyone. She normally acts as if other people mean nothing to her, and she seems to not care at all if something were to happen to them.

Appearance: Lamia is about 5'6 in height. She is a bit on the chubby side, having a round face and a round body frame. Her skin is very pale, as she gets very little sun, if any. Lamia has short, jet black hair that just goes down to her chin. She has long bangs that nearly come down over her eyes. Her eyes are navy blue, with specks of violet in the iris. She often wears loose, baggy, comfortable clothes that are usually black, blue, or purple in color. What she generally wears out on the town is a simple t-shirt, black hoodie, jeans, or sweats. She often has her hood up to cover her face, and may wear black gloves.

History: No one really knows anything about Lamia or her past, since she never talks to anyone. She just moved into town about two years ago, and no one has been able to learn anything about her. She is rarely even seen outside of her house, and even then, she only seems to come out at night. However, she is known for one thing that a lot of people love, even if they're sort of afraid of her. Her art. Lamia is a natural born artist. Ever since she was a little girl, she had a certain gift for it. Paintings, drawings, pottery, sculptures, she seems to have many talents in the art field. She quickly became quite popular because of her art, and many people have purchased her work. Lamia seems to spend all her time at her house, working on new artwork, and setting it up for sale. Although her art is beautiful, it isn't worth very much with her being alive and constantly creating new art.

Weapons: Because she has control over earth, Lamia will create armor and weapons from rocks and such. Her primary choice in weapons are hammers and maces. Because of her necromancy, she can see and talk to spirits, and can also call them to her. She can also raise the dead as zombies, building an army to fight for her. She has mild life manipulation, able to heal, inflict wounds, and cure and inflict diseases.

Other: Because of her odd and mysterious behavior, there are rumors spread about her. People gossip about things they have heard or seen her doing, often making up stories and speculating as to why she is so strange. One odd thing they often notice is that, even though Lamia doesn't talk to them or seem to notice them, she is sometimes seen talking to nothing but air. Some speculate that she is insane and has lost her mind.


Name: Aeton

Gender: Male

Age: 100

Personality: Aeton is calm and quiet. He seems laidback and easygoing, not easily stressed or bothered by anything. Like his warrior, he doesn't seem to act like he cares all that much about anything. Despite his cold exterior, though, he actually has a kind heart. Aeton actually likes people, and especially loves his warrior, and even wants to help people. However, it saddens him when people don't seem to like him, or misjudge him too soon and assume he's evil. It's for that reason that he doesn't talk to anyone or try to make friends, for fear of people seeing him as the enemy.

Appearance: Aeton is a large, quadrupedal dragon with a long neck, and he has long, shaggy fur instead of scales. His eyes are a vibrant, ruby red. His fur is mostly jet black in color, with his underbelly being a golden yellow. He has a golden mane from the top of his head, all the way down his spine to the tip of his tail. He a golden stripe that starts just above his eyes and goes down his snout, all the way to his nostrils. His toes and the bottom of his paws are also gold. He has short, almost rabbit-like ears that flop down beside his chin, with golden fluff on the inside of them. His wings are bird-like, having feathers rather than scales. The feathers are mostly black, with golden tips. He has a single, long white horn jutting out of his forehead that points forward, curving upward slightly. He has a small, white, diamond-shaped tail piece at the tip of his tail.

History: Aeton has waited a long time for his warrior to find the opal. Although he has had bad experiences with providing good service to his warriors in the past, he hopes to be able to change that. With his new warrior, he hopes to be the proud, noble, powerful hero he had always dreamed of being. However, his warrior doesn't seem to care to be on the same page as him. Although Lamia seems reluctant to be the hero type, he still claims loyalty to her, and would do whatever it takes to stay by her side. He has waited too long to properly serve a warrior, and he has no intention of failing this time.

Powers: One of his breathweapons is a black gas that rather than inflicting some form of damage, turns his enemies against each other. Anyone who breathes in the gas will not be harmed directly, but instead will ignore the dragon completely and attack anyone else nearby, even turning on their own allies. The effects do not last for too long, just giving Aeton enough time to think of a good strategy for victory or escape with his life. He usually prefers not to engage in battle himself with physical attacks, unless absolutely necessary. Instead, if he has to cause harm, he will use his other breathweapon. Aeton's other attack is a simple burst of earth, a rock blast that although fires slowly, hits hard with enough force to possibly break bones.

Other: He is eager to be of service to his warrior and is willing to do anything to please her.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:15:50 05/05/2014 by Cynder09
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#9 Posted: 01:19:35 05/05/2014


Name: Shane Blair
Gender: Male
Age 20
Gemstone: Bloodstone
Personality: Shane can be quite cynical, often pushing people away from him. He enjoys being alone with his own thoughts though he can be quite open if he feels he can fully trust a person, but that is quite rare. He has scars deep down inside that cause an evil presence about him, people tend not to trust or believe him. Shane however does have a sense of humor, often cracking jokes in sometimes serious situations as well as sarcasm, there is a lot of damage within him and it makes him seem like an ass to everyone, seeming as if he doesn't give a damn unless it's all about himself.

Appearance: Shane is 5'11, he has a darker skin tone than a regular Caucasian, but it's more tan than dark. He wears a red leather jacket and a white undershirt, he has jeans which are a bit torn up since he has only one pair. His shoes are black and old with patches of duct tape on them. Shane has black spiky hair and a pocket watch in his jeans. A scar runs across his left eye.

History: Shane grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere, he would spend all his time with the animals, never wanting to be away from them, but when his farm was purchased by someone, he was forced to leave his animal friends behind and move to small town that he despised. He grew up with both his parents and a brother, Romin. His brother went missing and was assumed dead when he was twelve, Shane got a job to support his parents, he worked at a crappy diner to pay the bills. When he was eighteen, he moved out, and met a girl who he fell in love with. (This is as deep as I'll go, I've already developed his full history, but spoilers~)

Weapons: Shane can create blasts of dark energy, and can block out light. His weapons of choice are golden hand claws.
[User Posted Image]


Name: Tenebco
Gender: Female
Age: A newborn
Personality: Tenebco is young and rambunctious, she is almost always full of energy and can be quite impatient, she is the only friend of Shane. She does have a kind nature despite being a Dark Dragon, she cares deeply for her kind and would do most anything to save a life.
Appearance: Tenebco is oddly enough a white dragon with blue underwings and underbelly. He talons are blue aswell. She has red eyes and black features on her legs, her wings are tipped with blue and she has a long tail ending in a spade shape which is black. She is a quadruped.
History: Tenebco is a newborn and doesn't have much history, her egg washed upon the shore of a beach where Shane found her.
Powers Tenebco has dark energy and white energy blasts, a combination of the two, a representation of her and Shane's relationship, that being Yin and Yang, one cannot live without the other.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 03:27:59 05/05/2014 by Lunarz
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#10 Posted: 01:23:52 05/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Damnit.....I have to choose.....SUCH GOOD CHARACTERS! D: ))
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:24:10 05/05/2014 by Rickorio
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#11 Posted: 01:35:03 05/05/2014
I mean maybe Cynder and I could talk about it? If she's 100% set upon the idea of her character being bloodstone then I guess I'll give it up.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9866
#12 Posted: 01:41:48 05/05/2014
Hmm, two bloodstone characters. This is a problem. I think discussing it is a good idea. Honestly, I was having a little bit of trouble deciding between the gemstones, and was eyeing two others, namely the Opal and Peridot. I like the idea of magic and necromancy, but, I wasn't quite as interested in having the earth element. I like the bloodstone, but we can't both have it. Lunarz, did you possibly have another stone in mind, or were you set on bloodstone?
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#13 Posted: 01:43:29 05/05/2014
I knew bloodstone was gonna be popular! smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#14 Posted: 01:47:14 05/05/2014
Quote: Cynder09
Hmm, two bloodstone characters. This is a problem. I think discussing it is a good idea. Honestly, I was having a little bit of trouble deciding between the gemstones, and was eyeing two others, namely the Opal and Peridot. I like the idea of magic and necromancy, but, I wasn't quite as interested in having the earth element. I like the bloodstone, but we can't both have it. Lunarz, did you possibly have another stone in mind, or were you set on bloodstone?

Honestly none of the others really called to me, but I don't want to just take it from you because I didn't like any of the others, I could always adapt to a different stone, I suppose, Garnet looked alright if I had to pick a different one, my only problem is not being able to have my characters backstory the same, and he's fueled by a lot of darkness, which i guess fire could make sense for that.

But you did get your character sheet in first. So if you want bloodstone go ahead and use it, I'll figure something out.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#15 Posted: 01:54:48 05/05/2014
This is nice, people aren't fighting over who gets to be what, why can't more things be settled like this
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9866
#16 Posted: 01:56:53 05/05/2014
Yeah, I get the problem with relating the character, particularly a backstory, with a different stone. The thing is, other than the earth element, I think my characters would would just as well with Opal. I know I posted first, but like I said, I was having trouble deciding. I think I might have gone with Opal for the necromancy, if I felt that the earth element also fit in with my characters, which I'm not sure if it does. Because the necromancy appealed to me and it can be just as dark as shadow itself, as it is essentially death after all. I could be satisfied with Opal, and not really have to change much about my characters.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#17 Posted: 01:57:50 05/05/2014 | Topic Creator
Well, this is interesting....and I knew it would be popular as well! Anyway....I think Lunarz kind of deserves it a more because apparently, he spent a ****ing HOUR on this, and his character's story revolves around darkness. So, sorry Cynder, but I'll be giving Bloodstone to Lunarz.
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#18 Posted: 02:02:10 05/05/2014
Man, I feel really bad about all of this >.<

Hopefully it doesn't change your character much.
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9866
#19 Posted: 02:02:11 05/05/2014
That's alright. I was indecisive, and had no deep, set plans for bloodstone. Opal did appeal to me for the necromancy, so I'll be taking that one, if that's alright.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#20 Posted: 02:03:07 05/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Ooh, almost forgot, accepted Seiki. Also, could you maybe put a little more detail please on your dragon? smilie Also, the villain's name is Titanus.))
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:33:56 05/05/2014 by Rickorio
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#21 Posted: 02:31:08 05/05/2014
Quote: EyeBrawler2014
This is nice, people aren't fighting over who gets to be what, why can't more things be settled like this

I know, right? It's beautiful. ;~;
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#22 Posted: 07:11:53 05/05/2014
[[Since I got invited, and SINCE SAPPHIRE ISN'T TAKEN ((OMYGOD YES)) Ya'know what that means!? MORE WATER!]]
[[Also, I send 5 focking days making the sheet I'm going to post now. Beat that!
ONe last thing: I'm not focking gonna shapeshift in this rp]]

Name: Alvira Moana Valor
Gender: Female
Age :25
Gemstone: Sapphire
Personality: Alvira is very neutral and “changes just like the weather, fast.” She can be very sad at times and at other times she is realy hyper. She most often things before she does something, and will always be carefull of what is going o. She’s knowledgeable but childish at most often times. Often scared of others and acts young for her physical age. However, Alvira is tired very fast, and will be one of the first who will act less caring, less interested etc.

Appearance: Alvira’s a female human who wears a black hood all pulled over her face, her dark-blue hair covers the rest of her face nearly entirely. She wears a clear-light blue scarf. She also wears a purple T-shirt with long blue sleeve’s, also wearing red stripes around both arms. She also wears a black cape that’s extended from her hood. The green belt holds her trousers and Purple shirt intact.
This was an earlier design, but it fits te most with my explanation
History: [Yaaay! How am I gonna do dis without the shapeshifters part smilie Meh, I'll flip it into one another.]]
So, first up: Drubira got raped by Sigvar(A former evil-person-etc) and sooner Alvira got born while on top of Drubbar. As for how they got all stuck in one body? Drubira, Albar and Drubbar got cursed and they were extracted from thier bodies. Those bodies got destroyed by Vamir, another Shadowbrother who also trapped the three souls at the current 5 year old Alvira, Drubira adding 10 years to Alvira's age. Drubbar added another 5 to that age and Albar another 5 . So Alvira exculy is 5 but physically she is 25... They now continousially switch and everytime they do the shape of thier body changes. Poor Alvira is basickly a host for the three cursed souls. Alvira can extract the souls out of her body by using the amulet, but only for a limitid time and they need each others life force.

Drubira was a young explorer of 19 years old who owned a Dragon named Albar, they were known for famous explorations made to various places where darkness ruled. One day, Albar got taken away by a ShadowBrother named Sigvar, and as a price for Albar’s freedom, Drubira had to do everything Sigvar said to her, for a whole week. Why was never clear to Drubira. At the last day of the week, Sigvar took Drubira- tutored and completely weekend down- Alone. The movements after that changed everything. Drubira, unable to struggle or fight back, got raped, then threw outside with Albar landing above her.
7 months later, after a dangerous escape. Albar and Drubira took in by a lady who deeply cared for them, they could restore their wounds with grace and returned to normal, altho Drubira, after 2 more months, got an intense pain, and exculy brought a child on this world. At first Drubira wasn’t sure if she’d keep it, as it was halfly created by a ShadowBrother, but after a long time she decided to take care for it and called her Alvira.
Alvira, just like her mom Drubira, had a pet Dragon, this Dragon was named Drubbar. It sonn became clear Alvira had the same poteintial as Drubira and trained in the martial arts of the Oceanian’s.
Drubira and Albar soon left Alvira with the lady to go retrieve some stolen items, but on their travel they encountered that one ShadowBrother again… Sigvar. Sigvar, hunger for more, wanted to do the same to Drubira again, but this time Albar wasn’t locked up and defended her master. Sigvar got pissed, and latterly executed Albar in front of Drubira’s eyes. Drubira was fast enough to grab Albar’s soul and added it as a second part to her. From that moment on Drubira could shapeshift into Albar, with Albar and Drubira’s memory mixed together. They defeated Sigvar with ease. Drubira and Albar started to train on wen to use the body as a Dragon, or as an Oceanian mage.
Once home, Drubira told everything to Alvira, who, at that time was 5. But it turned out that the lady taking care of them was a ShadowBrother too, named Zyra. She cursed Alvira and Drubbar to get stuck. Drubbar's soul stuck in Alvira’s body, and atop of that, Drubira and Albar got send into Alvira as well. Now 4 souls are stuck in Alvira’s body, Alvira leeds, with the three others trailing behind her soul… As for the curse, Drubira and Albar seemed to have tracks of being Evil. But it does not matter Alvira.
In fact, Alvira locked all 3 up in her own self, preventing all three to come out, thus, will stay save.
[[One sentence changed everything smilie]]

Weapons: A staff, the crystal on top made out of sapphire. Alvira is able to make a sword or scythe out of the sapphire. However, in the staff mode, the sapphire can fire small beams of water.
Other: N/A

[[Ok, lol not gonna do Drubbar. I have a new one in stand already!]

Name: Silvia
Gender: Female
Age 135
Silvia is a calm dragon, trailing after her master with care. She's very protectieve and very caring. Silvia has a big temper and can control it for as long as it lasts. She has the patience to sit down and watch a rock moving.
Appearance: Credit to artist [[Sorry, my phone starts tripping on long posts so I have to keep them as short as possible. I might edit later on my computer]]

History: Silvia hatched far away from human life somewhere in the pacific ocean. As a baby, she learned about sealife, and about patience you need to live in the sea. Silvia soon came across more dragons who bullied her for having no parents. Sick of this lonly life, she started to travel and one day, came across a boat. She started to explore the boat, but without knowing, the boat was already setting off towards land. Once coming out of the boat, she noticed a different type of life. She had been wandering through what the creatures appeared to call "streats" and she hid herself in a water basin, under a rock in someone's garden...
Powers Blue fire-Size of a House with one floor
Other: N/A

[[My god... that, was long.... Even Silvia's sheet...*Takes deap breaths*

OH shiz, missed a note

Also, there's on thing I will appologize for already. If I post on my phone, my posts are rediciously short and my spellling and gramer sux all the way. I'm sorry if that happends. I'll edit it later on my computer if it realy bothers people. I might alos merge posts incase it is needed. Blame my phone.]]
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:12:36 05/05/2014 by NINJAsk11
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#23 Posted: 11:43:53 05/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Accepted! Also, it's okay, my iPad can be a big ***** sometimes. smilie))
Inuyashafan39 Gold Sparx Gems: 2752
#24 Posted: 18:35:04 05/05/2014
(Oh my lord, don't start without me! I have a lot to do, so I can't start a form yet.)
"We don't smile because good things happen. Good things happen because we smile..."
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#25 Posted: 16:35:56 08/05/2014 | Topic Creator
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#26 Posted: 16:40:52 08/05/2014
((Just a question: How do we start? In our home doing daily stuff?))
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#27 Posted: 20:35:27 08/05/2014
Are there other people joining this or do we have a few empty spots? smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
EyeBrawler2014 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3429
#28 Posted: 01:18:31 09/05/2014
This is going to be awesome, I can't wait
Find me on Discord, I'm eyebrawler98#6720
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#29 Posted: 06:26:20 09/05/2014
My answer is still not given....
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#30 Posted: 00:00:19 10/05/2014
When can we start this?
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#31 Posted: 00:17:26 10/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Well, that's where it gets a tiny bit confusing. Each character, depending on when they found their crystal, will either discover their stone while exploring, or actually be exploring and discover one of the many secret entrances to the Crystal Cave, the base for the Crystal Warriors.))
Lunarz Emerald Sparx Gems: 3328
#32 Posted: 00:32:05 10/05/2014
//I think we should all stumble upon the cave at the same time and each one is drawn to our individual stone. Also do we know what the gems do, as in, do we have any idea they even do anything? Do our characters have reference of the previous warriors? I assume Titanus has an army which will come after us which will be our reason for joining forces.//
Lanky Kong saved me despite having no style nor grace.
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#33 Posted: 00:57:18 10/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((No, we don't know they do anything. We just feel a strange pull to each of our individual crystals. And, no, they don't. And pretty much.))
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#34 Posted: 02:14:57 10/05/2014
@Lyv Yuè, Mandarin Chinese for moon, has the fourth tone. ;3
@Rickorio Errrrr, I'm so excited for this! X3 I hope other people drop by soon...
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#35 Posted: 06:00:19 10/05/2014
[[I can't wait either.... I'm already putting up how I should discover my crystal]]
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#36 Posted: 11:22:19 10/05/2014
Quote: Lyveriana
@Shadmê I knoooww! I am totally not referring her to a greek godess.. Oh no! I just spoiled that smilieTHIS'LL BE SOO AWESOMEEE!

[[Dear Palutena, save me!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#37 Posted: 12:35:37 10/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Hmmm....I wonder where some of the others are. I know I invited more than the amount of people who are here.))
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#38 Posted: 18:24:06 10/05/2014
Do you know who the others are? e.e
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#39 Posted: 11:45:46 11/05/2014
((I'm starting to lose patience...I just realized how bad Alvira's history excually is. Lel.))
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#40 Posted: 00:09:00 13/05/2014
Name: Alwjandro Damone
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Gemstone: Peridot
Personality: OCD, believing that everything and eerybody should stay in the group they belong to, unless it has something to do with destiny. His mom, who raised him, was a hippie. She taught him that the two most powerful forces were destiny and goodness. Although he believes people should stay in their bubbles, he decided to study economy instead of art, the latter being what his mother said he should study. Because of this, he knows his rites, and he knows his haggling.
Appearance: deeply tanned and muscled, he has buzz-cutted black hair. He has one green eye, and one red eye, a trait he shares with his grandma on his mother's side. He has his ears pierced twice on both.
History: He lived (lives) with his mother, who often tells him his grandma was once a great warrior. He only began to believe this at age ten: he was kidnapped by two men, and his then-55 year old grandmother hunted down and murdered his kidnappers.
Weapon: A bow and arrows.
Other: how I imagine his ability is that he can strengthen and weaken the invisible wall between Reality and Magic that is present in almost everything.
ooc: I'll make the dragon later.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#41 Posted: 00:51:49 13/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Once you add the dragon, you're accepted.))
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#42 Posted: 21:28:08 14/05/2014
Name: Herthom
Gender: Male
Age: 50
Personality: a free spirit, he's practically the anti-Alejandro. He believes that all problems can be solved with creative thinking and wit. He is also very affectionare of his warrior, and had been to the last warrior he had as well.
Appearance: A strange kind of Wyvern, he has no legs whatsoever. He has 4 wing, which allow him to fly in more directions tgan an average dragon. He has green scales, with a red snout, and obsidian eyes.
History: As he is a fifty, he's had 1 warrior other than Alejandro: his grandmother, Alexia. She was the opposite of him, and they fought about battle plans. However, this all changed when they were scouting, and he was caught in a trap. If it was not for Sofia, he would have died, and they swore to always watch eachothers backs.
Powers: his tongue has two seperate sides: one red and one blue. Venom from the red can kill an elephant in 15 seconds, and venom from the blue can cure any disease.
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#43 Posted: 00:53:13 15/05/2014
Eee! We only need Garnet, Emerald, Pearl and Ruby and we can start! smilie
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#44 Posted: 12:35:43 15/05/2014 | Topic Creator
((Accepted! And yeah, I know three of the people probably just haven't gotten to making their sheets, and the other one is busy with life and other RPs.))
assassinelf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1180
#45 Posted: 20:07:13 15/05/2014
ok den
Rickinelf: I ship it
Check out Survivor! Season 10! In forum games! Yay!
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