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If you repent of all of your sins, and get baptized in Jesus name. [CLOSED]
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#1 Posted: 21:34:35 24/09/2013 | Topic Creator
You will be washed as clean as white by Jesus's blood, and you will be saved by the holy ghost. You will no longer have all the pain that you have had before, you will only suffer for others and have less suffering yourself. Jesus is selling his place for free to you, only if you decide to repent and get baptized in his name. Now imagine, you are spotless of sin, pain, and suffering in the eternal place of heaven, and you are eternally full of joy, happiness and have no sin. Boy what a wonderful place that will be, you will have a infinitely better time in Heaven on your worst time than the very best time on Earth.

All you have to do is trust in that very someone that doesn't judge the person, but loves them dearly. Then fear him, (respect him) which will get him to bring you up to where he is. And that very someone is God our almighty Father, Son of man, and his spirit that covers the entire earth. He is even watching what you and I are doing at the same time as we speak right now.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#2 Posted: 21:35:56 24/09/2013
Not again D:
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:36:12 24/09/2013 by DummyZ
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#3 Posted: 21:36:56 24/09/2013
But I'm aquaphobic.
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6643
#4 Posted: 21:38:03 24/09/2013
Gay 4 GARcher
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#5 Posted: 21:38:17 24/09/2013
Thank You Forgotten World.
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#6 Posted: 21:48:04 24/09/2013
Wow, you're not even trying to be subtle with the titles anymore! Good job! You're absolutely right.

I know why you're so desperate to tell people the plain truth, it's because we are in the last days and just like a misguided preacher once said in a quote that I agreed with "We best share the Gospel while it's still legal." He may have been misguided but that's a quote of absolute wisdom.
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#7 Posted: 21:55:51 24/09/2013
This needs to be said: Enough already! I am Christian too, don't get me wrong, I believe in Jesus and stuff, but this just ain't the place to talk about it. No need to post about theese things on a site dedicated to games about a purple dragon, no-siree.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3297
#8 Posted: 21:57:30 24/09/2013
no thankies bby <333
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#9 Posted: 22:04:02 24/09/2013
Not even kidding, the only reason I wasn't baptized as a child is because I'm aquaphobic. Kinda funny really......
thumper Ripto Gems: 3519
#10 Posted: 22:08:22 24/09/2013
In all honesty, I was being very sarcastic. You really need to stop with all these religious topics. My beliefs are not what you believe. So I'm asking you politely to please stop. You are entitled to express your thoughts, but maybe just tone them down a little. Thank You and have a wonderful day. ^.^
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#11 Posted: 22:08:45 24/09/2013
There's a possibility that you are making other people back farther away from Cjristianity than getting them close.

Quote: torok
Wow, you're not even trying to be subtle with the titles anymore! Good job! You're absolutely right.

I know why you're so desperate to tell people the plain truth, it's because we are in the last days and just like a misguided preacher once said in a quote that I agreed with "We best share the Gospel while it's still legal." He may have been misguided but that's a quote of absolute wisdom.

I really am worried for the time it does become illegal. Just now people get angry for even mentioning the word "God" and some people think it's ok to flip out on people that do that. They think they are being "Good" when they are just being rude. It feels that there's hardly any respect toward religion that has to do with preaching. But I know I'm wrong because it's how I feel. There's likely many people that respect it and the bad ones are just the loudest.

If you don't like it, you can easily avoided! Don't comment, don't give acknowledgment.
But I know you guys can do whatever you guys want. And I'm tired! smilie
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#12 Posted: 22:13:45 24/09/2013
I got baptized at a public pool. Is that still ok? :c

You can get baptized in your own bath tub if that's what you want. It doesn't matter where you get baptized. You just have to get baptized willingly and then commit your life to Jesus. (Getting baptized as a baby doesn't count.)
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#13 Posted: 22:24:38 24/09/2013
Quote: Forgotten World
You will be washed as clean as white by Jesus's blood, and you will be saved by the holy ghost. You will no longer have all the pain that you have had before, you will only suffer for others and have less suffering yourself. Jesus is selling his place for free to you, only if you decide to repent and get baptized in his name. Now imagine, you are spotless of sin, pain, and suffering in the eternal place of heaven, and you are eternally full of joy, happiness and have no sin. Boy what a wonderful place that will be, you will have a infinitely better time in Heaven on your worst time than the very best time on Earth.

All you have to do is trust in that very someone that doesn't judge the person, but loves them dearly. Then fear him, (respect him) which will get him to bring you up to where he is. And that very someone is God our almighty Father, Son of man, and his spirit that covers the entire earth. He is even watching what you and I are doing at the same time as we speak right now.

What if I don't want to suffer at all? Why is it that I wouldn't suffer for myself, but instead suffer for others? Would that mean I'm disregarding my own needs and therefore self-destructing? That is not mentally healthy.

I was baptized when I was 1. However, I do not believe in God or Jesus today. Does this mean I'm still going to heaven? Am I going to hell? Will I be stuck in limbo?

Washing clean as white? Are you implying that people that aren't white are filthy or full of sin? Is God racist too?

What if I'm full of joy now? What if I'm happy not being bound by the rules of religion, meaning I can do things that would be considered sinful without any guilt?

What proof do you have of heaven's existence? The Bible was written by man (all versions of it). And don't tell me God spoke to them to write it. If I wrote a book and said that God told me what to write, wouldn't you call me crazy?

That "someone" has judged people based on their actions, sexual preference, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), sexual activity, choice of words, and apparently skin color too. They do not represent justice. In fact, even Satan would be a better being than him, as Satan wouldn't judge, and, if your book is real, gave us free will.

Why should I trust them when they've done nothing to earn my trust, and instead everything to lose it?

If God watches me every waking moment of my life, then he's cried a thousand tears and will cry a thousand more.

2/10 try harder.
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#14 Posted: 22:25:17 24/09/2013
i am already saved, satan is my bro
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#15 Posted: 22:28:04 24/09/2013
According to Forgotten World, God will forgive you for all your sins if you start at least two religion wars a week.
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
sniper52 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1306
#16 Posted: 22:28:40 24/09/2013
Im not a religious person so... I also agree that FW needs to stop. Its only getting bad comments. There is a reason many forums prohibit religious stuff.
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#17 Posted: 22:30:23 24/09/2013
Quote: paddyfitz
According to Forgotten World, God will forgive you for all your sins if you start at least two religion wars a week.

No, did you not read his first post?
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#18 Posted: 22:32:13 24/09/2013
Quote: paddyfitz
According to Forgotten World, God will forgive you for all your sins if you start at least two religion wars a week.

Quote: sniper52
Im not a religious person so... I also agree that FW needs to stop. Its only getting bad comments. There is a reason many forums prohibit religious stuff.

Let it happen. It's interesting.
Starfire Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5302
#19 Posted: 22:35:27 24/09/2013
*bursts into flames*
My Dragon Art & Stuff
PSN: Starfire--Dragon
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#20 Posted: 22:40:40 24/09/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: sniper52
Im not a religious person so... I also agree that FW needs to stop. Its only getting bad comments. There is a reason many forums prohibit religious stuff.

Yet everyone will remember what I have told them in the past, maybe they will change, maybe not. But for those who have changed, they will remember what they use to say and know how blessed they are to have meet God's message themselves.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#21 Posted: 22:43:06 24/09/2013
Please respond to my post.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#22 Posted: 22:43:30 24/09/2013
I've already put in my 2 cents on the issue. Thanks for the brief sermon, I guess.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#23 Posted: 22:47:46 24/09/2013
Quote: Forgotten World
Quote: sniper52
Im not a religious person so... I also agree that FW needs to stop. Its only getting bad comments. There is a reason many forums prohibit religious stuff.

Yet everyone will remember what I have told them in the past, maybe they will change, maybe not. But for those who have changed, they will remember what they use to say and know how blessed they are to have meet God's message themselves.

Go away. Nobody except torok likes you here

edit: and jesus
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:49:36 24/09/2013 by ThroneOfMalefor
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6093
#24 Posted: 22:59:54 24/09/2013
Quote: DragonCamo

If you turned straight and stopped loving me, I would cry. Also, religious lies! Gayness isn't a sin to be cleansed!!

Quote: hardcoreignitor
This needs to be said: Enough already! I am Christian too, don't get me wrong, I believe in Jesus and stuff, but this just ain't the place to talk about it. No need to post about theese things on a site dedicated to games about a purple dragon, no-siree.


Quote: Pixilism
i think i'm ok with going to hell

I've already accepted the fact I probably will be headed there too. I'm cool with it.

Quote: Kitty
i am already saved, satan is my bro

Whoo satan!!!

Quote: paddyfitz
According to Forgotten World, God will forgive you for all your sins if you start at least two religion wars a week.

Sounds about right.

Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#25 Posted: 23:01:49 24/09/2013
Revelation 1:14 "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire"

[User Posted Image]

im sorry for resorting to AF
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6494
#26 Posted: 23:05:12 24/09/2013
2 Corinthians 11:14

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

[User Posted Image]
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#27 Posted: 23:15:47 24/09/2013
Psalm 104:4 "Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire"

[User Posted Image]
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6494
#28 Posted: 23:21:06 24/09/2013
Corinthians 6:9 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind

[User Posted Image]
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#29 Posted: 23:24:13 24/09/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: CAV
Quote: Forgotten World
You will be washed as clean as white by Jesus's blood, and you will be saved by the holy ghost. You will no longer have all the pain that you have had before, you will only suffer for others and have less suffering yourself. Jesus is selling his place for free to you, only if you decide to repent and get baptized in his name. Now imagine, you are spotless of sin, pain, and suffering in the eternal place of heaven, and you are eternally full of joy, happiness and have no sin. Boy what a wonderful place that will be, you will have a infinitely better time in Heaven on your worst time than the very best time on Earth.

All you have to do is trust in that very someone that doesn't judge the person, but loves them dearly. Then fear him, (respect him) which will get him to bring you up to where he is. And that very someone is God our almighty Father, Son of man, and his spirit that covers the entire earth. He is even watching what you and I are doing at the same time as we speak right now.

What if I don't want to suffer at all? Why is it that I wouldn't suffer for myself, but instead suffer for others? Would that mean I'm disregarding my own needs and therefore self-destructing? That is not mentally healthy.

I was baptized when I was 1. However, I do not believe in God or Jesus today. Does this mean I'm still going to heaven? Am I going to hell? Will I be stuck in limbo?

Washing clean as white? Are you implying that people that aren't white are filthy or full of sin? Is God racist too?

What if I'm full of joy now? What if I'm happy not being bound by the rules of religion, meaning I can do things that would be considered sinful without any guilt?

What proof do you have of heaven's existence? The Bible was written by man (all versions of it). And don't tell me God spoke to them to write it. If I wrote a book and said that God told me what to write, wouldn't you call me crazy?

That "someone" has judged people based on their actions, sexual preference, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), sexual activity, choice of words, and apparently skin color too. They do not represent justice. In fact, even Satan would be a better being than him, as Satan wouldn't judge, and, if your book is real, gave us free will.

Why should I trust them when they've done nothing to earn my trust, and instead everything to lose it?

If God watches me every waking moment of my life, then he's cried a thousand tears and will cry a thousand more.

2/10 try harder.

You'll feel the real difference once you are saved, not that I think that you are depressed or anything, but you will have tears of joy.

When you were 1 you didn't choose to get baptized, you were just learning how to speak.

You can still make it to heaven if you believe, repent, and get baptized in Jesus's name.

I mean that your heart will be completely washed, Adam condemned us by letting sin enter the world. Jesus saved us by getting hung on the cross, but it is our choice to either get condemned or saved.

Some joy will bring great sorrow later on, trust me I know this, and you don't want to know just yet.

I have homework for you, look up tree on your computer on google images and tell me what you see.

It is free will in God's eyes for us to do whatever we want, It's even your choice to not to listen and do what God says.

Sometimes you just have to look harder in the bible and know what God really is.

Then it is your choice to accept god or to reject him.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5415
#30 Posted: 23:31:33 24/09/2013
Quote: Forgotten World
Quote: CAV
Quote: Forgotten World
You will be washed as clean as white by Jesus's blood, and you will be saved by the holy ghost. You will no longer have all the pain that you have had before, you will only suffer for others and have less suffering yourself. Jesus is selling his place for free to you, only if you decide to repent and get baptized in his name. Now imagine, you are spotless of sin, pain, and suffering in the eternal place of heaven, and you are eternally full of joy, happiness and have no sin. Boy what a wonderful place that will be, you will have a infinitely better time in Heaven on your worst time than the very best time on Earth.

All you have to do is trust in that very someone that doesn't judge the person, but loves them dearly. Then fear him, (respect him) which will get him to bring you up to where he is. And that very someone is God our almighty Father, Son of man, and his spirit that covers the entire earth. He is even watching what you and I are doing at the same time as we speak right now.

What if I don't want to suffer at all? Why is it that I wouldn't suffer for myself, but instead suffer for others? Would that mean I'm disregarding my own needs and therefore self-destructing? That is not mentally healthy.

I was baptized when I was 1. However, I do not believe in God or Jesus today. Does this mean I'm still going to heaven? Am I going to hell? Will I be stuck in limbo?

Washing clean as white? Are you implying that people that aren't white are filthy or full of sin? Is God racist too?

What if I'm full of joy now? What if I'm happy not being bound by the rules of religion, meaning I can do things that would be considered sinful without any guilt?

What proof do you have of heaven's existence? The Bible was written by man (all versions of it). And don't tell me God spoke to them to write it. If I wrote a book and said that God told me what to write, wouldn't you call me crazy?

That "someone" has judged people based on their actions, sexual preference, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), sexual activity, choice of words, and apparently skin color too. They do not represent justice. In fact, even Satan would be a better being than him, as Satan wouldn't judge, and, if your book is real, gave us free will.

Why should I trust them when they've done nothing to earn my trust, and instead everything to lose it?

If God watches me every waking moment of my life, then he's cried a thousand tears and will cry a thousand more.

2/10 try harder.

You'll feel the real difference once you are saved, not that I think that you are depressed or anything, but you will have tears of joy.

When you were 1 you didn't choose to get baptized, you were just learning how to speak.

You can still make it to heaven if you believe, repent, and get baptized in Jesus's name.

I mean that your heart will be completely washed, Adam condemned us by letting sin enter the world. Jesus saved us by getting hung on the cross, but it is our choice to either get condemned or saved.

Some joy will bring great sorrow later on, trust me I know this, and you don't want to know just yet.

I have homework for you, look up tree on your computer on google images and tell me what you see.

It is free will in God's eyes for us to do whatever we want, It's even your choice to not to listen and do what God says.

Sometimes you just have to look harder in the bible and know what God really is.

Then it is your choice to accept god or to reject him.

you forgot to formalize god's name
you're going straight to hell you heretic
Big Green Platinum Sparx Gems: 6345
#31 Posted: 23:32:20 24/09/2013
[User Posted Image]-----
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#32 Posted: 23:37:57 24/09/2013
I follow no religion, and don't know too much about any. So this is confusing. :I

I'll leave now... This is obviously getting nowhere good.
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#33 Posted: 00:31:02 25/09/2013
wait so if some guy raped and murdered like 20 babies then he repented and was baptized he would still get into heaven?
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12190
#34 Posted: 00:34:20 25/09/2013
praise our lord and savior (fonzie)
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6093
#35 Posted: 00:39:53 25/09/2013
Quote: Carmelita Fox
praise our lord and savior (Arceus)

Fixed that for you.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12190
#36 Posted: 00:44:44 25/09/2013
Quote: Seiki
Quote: Carmelita Fox
praise our lord and savior (fonzie)

Fixed that for you.

**** you
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#37 Posted: 01:12:02 25/09/2013
Quote: Forgotten World
You'll feel the real difference once you are saved, not that I think that you are depressed or anything, but you will have tears of joy.

When you were 1 you didn't choose to get baptized, you were just learning how to speak.

You can still make it to heaven if you believe, repent, and get baptized in Jesus's name.

I mean that your heart will be completely washed, Adam condemned us by letting sin enter the world. Jesus saved us by getting hung on the cross, but it is our choice to either get condemned or saved.

Some joy will bring great sorrow later on, trust me I know this, and you don't want to know just yet.

I have homework for you, look up tree on your computer on google images and tell me what you see.

It is free will in God's eyes for us to do whatever we want, It's even your choice to not to listen and do what God says.

Sometimes you just have to look harder in the bible and know what God really is.

Then it is your choice to accept god or to reject him.

I didn't feel saved when I was a Christian. I didn't feel like I was guaranteed a spot in heaven. Instead, when I was a Christian, I felt angry and I questioned why such a good powerful being would let the world be as ****ed as it is today, or take away my mother when she was a good Christian woman and we needed her.

What difference does that make? As far as the church is concerned, I am baptized and a child of God, even though I reject the belief now. I'm even being told to have communion, even despite how I've abandoned the church years ago. So if I go through with it for my father while still not holding the beliefs, will I still have a guaranteed spot in heaven?

What if I do good deeds today? What if I help someone who is suicidal, or lost a relative? What if I'm a loving man that does his damnest to make his corner of the world a better place? What if I help old ladies across the street or donate to the poor? What if I refrain from killing, stealing, or anything else that would be considered a sin? What if I am the voice of reason like I was claimed to be back in my peak time on this site? The ideal role model. Lawfully good.
Because I refuse to believe in a higher being, all of that gets thrown away and I'm cursed to eternal damnation? If that is your God and religion, then I want no part of it.

Wasn't it Eve that bit the apple (using the free will that Satan gave her)? What did Adam do to condemn us? And how was Jesus getting killed save us, when we're in a worse off world to this day? It seems to me that he was a simple prophet speaking of a bull**** religion who got nailed for it (literally). He was mortal. He was but a man. He is no savior.

Life has its ups and downs. I'll take my chances.

[User Posted Image]


Then why would I get punished for not following him? We are not his children if he would punish all those who don't listen to him. We would be his slaves.

I know he would be a horrible yet lazy tyrant that does nothing for our benefit yet still demands we love him in fear of an unwarranted punishment........................implying he even exists.

joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#38 Posted: 01:31:20 25/09/2013
[User Posted Image]

the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime☠
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#39 Posted: 02:08:49 25/09/2013
One thing I'd like to note, for all of those millions of years of civilization where Jesus was not yet born, did all the innocent people burn in Hell?

Why would God wait so long to cleanse people when they had no other alternitive?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:09:45 25/09/2013 by Kitty
JCW555 Hunter Gems: 8580
#40 Posted: 02:37:25 25/09/2013
I'm agnostic, so this thread doesn't apply to me.
You gotta believe! Heh heh.
Rendar Platinum Sparx Gems: 6494
#41 Posted: 02:45:25 25/09/2013
Quote: Carmelita Fox
praise our lord and savior (fonzie)

Thessalonians 3:3 Aaay but the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.

[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:46:46 25/09/2013 by Rendar
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#42 Posted: 20:26:35 25/09/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: CAV
Quote: Forgotten World
You'll feel the real difference once you are saved, not that I think that you are depressed or anything, but you will have tears of joy.

When you were 1 you didn't choose to get baptized, you were just learning how to speak.

You can still make it to heaven if you believe, repent, and get baptized in Jesus's name.

I mean that your heart will be completely washed, Adam condemned us by letting sin enter the world. Jesus saved us by getting hung on the cross, but it is our choice to either get condemned or saved.

Some joy will bring great sorrow later on, trust me I know this, and you don't want to know just yet.

I have homework for you, look up tree on your computer on google images and tell me what you see.

It is free will in God's eyes for us to do whatever we want, It's even your choice to not to listen and do what God says.

Sometimes you just have to look harder in the bible and know what God really is.

Then it is your choice to accept god or to reject him.

I didn't feel saved when I was a Christian. I didn't feel like I was guaranteed a spot in heaven. Instead, when I was a Christian, I felt angry and I questioned why such a good powerful being would let the world be as ****ed as it is today, or take away my mother when she was a good Christian woman and we needed her.

What difference does that make? As far as the church is concerned, I am baptized and a child of God, even though I reject the belief now. I'm even being told to have communion, even despite how I've abandoned the church years ago. So if I go through with it for my father while still not holding the beliefs, will I still have a guaranteed spot in heaven?

What if I do good deeds today? What if I help someone who is suicidal, or lost a relative? What if I'm a loving man that does his damnest to make his corner of the world a better place? What if I help old ladies across the street or donate to the poor? What if I refrain from killing, stealing, or anything else that would be considered a sin? What if I am the voice of reason like I was claimed to be back in my peak time on this site? The ideal role model. Lawfully good.
Because I refuse to believe in a higher being, all of that gets thrown away and I'm cursed to eternal damnation? If that is your God and religion, then I want no part of it.

Wasn't it Eve that bit the apple (using the free will that Satan gave her)? What did Adam do to condemn us? And how was Jesus getting killed save us, when we're in a worse off world to this day? It seems to me that he was a simple prophet speaking of a bull**** religion who got nailed for it (literally). He was mortal. He was but a man. He is no savior.

Life has its ups and downs. I'll take my chances.

[User Posted Image]


Then why would I get punished for not following him? We are not his children if he would punish all those who don't listen to him. We would be his slaves.

I know he would be a horrible yet lazy tyrant that does nothing for our benefit yet still demands we love him in fear of an unwarranted punishment........................implying he even exists.


There are lots of Questions of yours that I have one answer to. God is an all loving God that cares greatly. I know that it's your choice to abandon him right now, but know that he is making way through me to help you help others. I would encourage you to know, believe and follow what God says, because he can make your painful life infinitely better. Matter of fact he is speaking to you right now through me. So it isn't what you say that god doesn't care if you change, no he wants you to be with him at a much happier place. You may have read the bible, but you didn't see who God really is.

You can still get saved by 1, repenting of your pain 2, baptizing in Jesus's name 3, the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Now see the tree as a solar panel, the solar panel just does one thing, gives power to electronics. The tree comes from a seed 1, it comes out of the seed and grows 2, it's design is the most efficient 3, Grows leaves 4, lives 5, has roots to get nutrients 6, and it's leaves give the tree life 7. Plus the tree breathes and gives us oxygen. Also think about who could give us this planet and an entire universe of billions of stars? Where did light come from, how can we breathe right now, who started the universe? You see, God doesn't want pain and misery, no he wants life.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6093
#43 Posted: 20:30:25 25/09/2013
Quote: Forgotten World
Now see the tree as a solar panel, the solar panel just does one thing, gives power to electronics. The tree comes from a seed 1, it comes out of the seed and grows 2, it's design is the most efficient 3, Grows leaves 4, lives 5, has roots to get nutrients 6, and it's leaves give the tree life 7. Plus the tree breathes and gives us oxygen. Also think about who could give us this planet and an entire universe of billions of stars? Where did light come from, how can we breathe right now, who started the universe? You see, God doesn't want pain and misery, no he wants life.

God created the Big Bang, then guided evolution.


[User Posted Image]
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
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