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Worst skylanders [CLOSED]
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#51 Posted: 21:21:46 22/06/2013
skylandersbros Blue Sparx Gems: 898
#52 Posted: 16:49:03 23/06/2013
smilie is the worst. He is to slow. The lava blobs don't have enough range and only do 11 damage. The barf ball only do 20 damage and are hard to aim. The eruption is OK, but still only does 16 damage each second. Also smilie is strong and the ball does 63 damage!
Born for adventure smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie what up!
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#53 Posted: 16:52:32 23/06/2013
Quote: skylandersbros
smilie is the worst. He is to slow. The lava blobs don't have enough range and only do 11 damage. The barf ball only do 20 damage and are hard to aim. The eruption is OK, but still only does 16 damage each second. Also smilie is strong and the ball does 63 damage!

buy all the speed heroics and hit heroics... he is good...
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#54 Posted: 17:31:18 23/06/2013
i tell you, eruptor is a MONSTER!
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#55 Posted: 23:59:11 08/07/2013
Quote: NINJAsk11
i start to dislike stealth elf even now and bit, i playd waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many with her...........she is too good, i need a challange in fighting, not a flash and done!

but yes, i have to say lightnign rod, but that is my opinion becouse i am so poor with him, i know that i need to learn with him, but i am just poor with him.............voodood is a weak one too, but can be SUPER good if you upgrade his magick................

smilie is overpowered and not fun but, a fun skylander to master is Zap.
SkylanderBeatle Green Sparx Gems: 434
#56 Posted: 00:22:38 09/07/2013
Quote: GigaCamo
Quote: NINJAsk11
i start to dislike stealth elf even now and bit, i playd waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many with her...........she is too good, i need a challange in fighting, not a flash and done!

but yes, i have to say lightnign rod, but that is my opinion becouse i am so poor with him, i know that i need to learn with him, but i am just poor with him.............voodood is a weak one too, but can be SUPER good if you upgrade his magick................

smilie is overpowered and not fun but, a fun skylander to master is Zap.

Really? I thought you would have said Camo. D:
Some people say it's important to grow up and mature a little bit..................... I don't really get those people.
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#57 Posted: 02:48:12 09/07/2013
Him 2smilie
Portal Master 1 Blue Sparx Gems: 605
#58 Posted: 23:14:36 25/07/2013
Not a Drill Sergeant fan, just don't like his looks or moves.
Bring the Boom!!
Tel Prydain Blue Sparx Gems: 903
#59 Posted: 23:28:07 25/07/2013
When I started collecting there were some I was going to actively avoid - Drill Sargent, Lightning Rod, Boomer, Zook, Whamshell and Zook all look pretty terrible to me. I hate their looks.
I have developed a fondness for playing some of them, but I still hate the models.
My collection: 98/99
Looking for: smilie
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#60 Posted: 01:26:30 26/07/2013
LAMESLINGER is dumb !!!!!!
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Hexblazer Blue Sparx Gems: 895
#61 Posted: 13:32:05 26/07/2013
smilie and smilie for me
terranakari Green Sparx Gems: 468
#62 Posted: 06:10:16 27/07/2013
you said zook twice xD my weakest character i own is sprocket because i dont own SG yet... otherwise my least favorite is eruptor, and i think the weakest is hex. i like her character & background but i hate her moves & play style & i always die when i use her...
We finally have all the skylanders from SA and SG! Still working on SSF & STT.

Proud Skylander Mom! To our little skyfamily. <3
Lilly Windwave Red Sparx Gems: 59
#63 Posted: 05:50:57 21/10/2013
Lightning Rod.
Handsome (as a troll)
a teeny bit OP
too self centered!
calls everyone 'girlie'
HERE my friends, is the most disgraceful skylander yet!
Hey You! Tweet this! Just saw swap force today, and they swapped mah pants! #swapforce #yomama
StalkerSnake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1926
#64 Posted: 13:22:08 24/10/2013
Stealth elf
Чем больше вы знаете, тем больше вы знаете
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#65 Posted: 22:59:40 30/10/2013
Quote: weebbby
Voodood. Weak, ugly, and did I mention overrated!

All wrong. Voddod is broken and very few like him. Me? I love Voodood
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#66 Posted: 00:58:17 31/10/2013
Voodood is very good, but i wouldnt say that he is broken. Very Very colse to being OP, but not that.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#67 Posted: 02:27:11 02/11/2013
I don't like Drill Sergent that much. He's HUGE and hard to maneuver with, plus his attacks seem relatively limited.

Also, Voodood for Skylanders 4!
lcopley98 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#68 Posted: 19:52:17 17/12/2013
Quote: Skylanders fan
Steath elf

Stealth Elf is the bomb. Period.

So is Boomer.
Casual Skylander Gamer
Nuzlocke Challenge
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:52:58 17/12/2013 by lcopley98
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#69 Posted: 15:03:27 29/12/2013
Lightning Rod was going to be my choice. Really whats to say he reminds me of a swop forcer who lost his lower half .

but then today i partnered up with Jet Vac . He both SUCKS AND BLOWS .

While i waddle over to get the treasure or gold , this wierdo vaccums it all up and then sniggers about it . Thats going to get under my skin real fast .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#70 Posted: 15:49:28 29/12/2013
There is none I hate but my least used might have to be.


Drill Sergeant
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#71 Posted: 15:57:51 29/12/2013
Least Used thats a better word . They all grow on you even the ones we label as yucky .

BTW I think Shroomboom is a Cuty Pie
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#72 Posted: 18:02:47 30/12/2013
In my opinion no skylander is bad or good.It depends on who is using him or her.For example some people say Wreaking Ball sucks as it is hard to use his roll attack.Well that is there own problem as they just can't use it.In my opinion he is great because maybe I just can use his roll better.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
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voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#73 Posted: 17:41:43 07/01/2014
Quote: azz01
In my opinion no skylander is bad or good.It depends on who is using him or her.For example some people say Wreaking Ball sucks as it is hard to use his roll attack.Well that is there own problem as they just can't use it.In my opinion he is great because maybe I just can use his roll better.

it maybe a matter of opinions sometimes, but some things are just facts. it's a fact that zap is pathetically weak when confronted to drobot, or even flamesling, for example.

i see a lot of "ugly" skylander hated: voodood, boomer, wham-shell... i feel sorry to the people listing them. not only they couldn't see the cool concept behind them, but they can't also see how much they are powerful because they find them "ugly"
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NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#74 Posted: 14:05:45 08/01/2014
Quote: voodude
Quote: azz01
In my opinion no skylander is bad or good.It depends on who is using him or her.For example some people say Wreaking Ball sucks as it is hard to use his roll attack.Well that is there own problem as they just can't use it.In my opinion he is great because maybe I just can use his roll better.

it maybe a matter of opinions sometimes, but some things are just facts. it's a fact that zap is pathetically weak when confronted to drobot, or even flamesling, for example.

I want to know, in what way is he weak? Why is it a fact?
I'm good with Zap, I can beat Stealth Elf with Zap if I want, if I try hard enough, I can beat a Giant with Zap.

There, another huge exapmple of why you better can't say "Worse"
If you think Zap is weak YOU are weak with Zap, Zap himself isn't weak

Drobot is a good skylander for those who loooovvvveee rapid fire lasers, Flameslinger is good for running and long range combat, Zap is good for fight's in water, and with his S2 wow pow he's good for close range too

I can brag about every skylander in a good and bad way, want me to brag about it? Want me to fill a whole page? Hmm???
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#75 Posted: 18:10:32 09/01/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11

I want to know, in what way is he weak? Why is it a fact?
I'm good with Zap, I can beat Stealth Elf with Zap if I want, if I try hard enough, I can beat a Giant with Zap.

ok, if you want to live in your imaginary dream world, your choice.
but here in the real world, zap can't beat stealth elf or drobot. unless your opponent isn't good at game of course.

Quote: NINJAsk11

If you think Zap is weak YOU are weak with Zap, Zap himself isn't weak

it's not a matter of someone being terrible with zap, it's just that zap's attacks have a pathetic damage/speed rate. while drobot, for example, a good damage/speed
Quote: NINJAsk11
Drobot is a good skylander for those who loooovvvveee rapid fire lasers, Flameslinger is good for running and long range combat, Zap is good for fight's in water, and with his S2 wow pow he's good for close range too

drobot is a good skylander because it deals a lot of damage. zap don't. try that, here's your fact: put drobot 10 second attacking someone in pvp and see how much damage it does. then put zap. i guess drobot will deal like three times the damage of zap.
also i'm not considering the wow pows, since this is the SSA forum.
Quote: NINJAsk11
I can brag about every skylander in a good and bad way, want me to brag about it? Want me to fill a whole page? Hmm???

please don't. i say this for yourself, if your list is laughable like the previous one
"Drobot can fire rapid lasers" becomes "Drobot is good at firing rapid lasers", "Flameslinger can run and attack at long range" becomes "Flameslinger is good at running and attacking at long range"... i guess that Chop Chop "is good at absorbing damage and attacking at close range" (truth: it's not) and Stump Smash is "good both at attacking at close and long range" (truth: he's just decent, not good). so if the list is like that keep it for yourself.
every skylander has his unique and awesome characteristics, it's surely fun to play with zap, but when we talk about sheer power, it's clear that there are big gaps between some skylanders
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NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#76 Posted: 18:55:58 09/01/2014
You are pathetick, learn to live with other people's opinions. You know what

All skylanders are weak AND strong depending on thier portal master

there, that's my point and if you think you can proof me wrong I'll wait for you wen Online battle mode is there....
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#77 Posted: 19:39:06 09/01/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11
You are pathetick, learn to live with other people's opinions. You know what

All skylanders are weak AND strong depending on thier portal master

there, that's my point and if you think you can proof me wrong I'll wait for you wen Online battle mode is there....

Some characters are just weak orstrong.

But being worst or best is opinion.
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#78 Posted: 23:49:38 09/01/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11

there, that's my point and if you think you can proof me wrong I'll wait for you wen Online battle mode is there....

can't win to win 50-0 with my Drobot against you Zap. then maybe you'll learn
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#79 Posted: 16:37:45 10/01/2014
Well to voodude not trying to be rude or mean or anything but Zap could easily beat any skylander if the user but his/her mind to it.I beat multiple Drobots,Flamslingers and Stealth Elfs with Zap and other what some may call 'weak' skylanders.Like NINJAsk11 said it is the user and when I said I beat many 'OP' skylanders with Zap the user was very experienced.Yes you may lose sometimes but any skylander can beat any skylander if they wanted.Example when France and Florence went to war around Leonardo Da Vinci's/the Renaissance time Florence was clearly the weaker army but they won this could be used for Zap v Drobot,Zap could win.This is my opinion and if I may this is fact.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#80 Posted: 17:43:47 10/01/2014
Quote: azz01
Well to voodude not trying to be rude or mean or anything but Zap could easily beat any skylander if the user but his/her mind to it.I beat multiple Drobots,Flamslingers and Stealth Elfs with Zap and other what some may call 'weak' skylanders.Like NINJAsk11 said it is the user and when I said I beat many 'OP' skylanders with Zap the user was very experienced.Yes you may lose sometimes but any skylander can beat any skylander if they wanted

that's a lie. sorry to say that, but it's a lie. how do i know it? well, i tried a lot of pvp matches with a friend of mine. we were equally skilled because we started playing together and have the same amount of game experience. and i never won with zap against any good/broken skylander. never. because zap deals too few damage, the enemy will simple outdamage you every strategy you try.
of course you can beat voodood or drobot with zap, i did it. but i did only because i was playing against another friend of mine who never played skylander and was completely inexperienced. that's the only way you can win with zap against a good skylander, because a skilled player will simple outdamage you.

Quote: azz01
Example when France and Florence went to war around Leonardo Da Vinci's/the Renaissance time Florence was clearly the weaker army but they won this could be used for Zap v Drobot,Zap could win.This is my opinion and if I may this is fact.

using war as examples... well your example isn't drobot vs zap. is zap versus, i don't know, drill sergeant or chop chop. he does lesser damage then them but he can still win. drobot vs zap would be the Florence's army against USA modern army, with tanks and bombs. tell me Florence can win that...
if you want a real historical examples, Zap is the Aztec and Drobot is the Conquistadores.
it would be really be cool if every skylander had a chance to win every battle, but sadly this isn't true
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:44:42 10/01/2014 by voodude
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#81 Posted: 20:02:18 10/01/2014
Zap could beat anyone if the other player was idle.
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#82 Posted: 09:40:44 11/01/2014
Actually the hardest thing I had to get used to was not their figures or game powers . It was the names . Some names are odd and sometimes make no sense or should have been given to a different skylander.

I do understand the half hearted effort at witty puns but still .

Chop Chop is a half skeleton half machine . A sword /shield fighter . Chop Chop is a horrid name for him .

Voodood should have been called Chop Chop . He has a dirty great big Axe , it makes more sense .Yes he uses minor magic and its hinted he is a shaman but for the most part he is a melee warrior Chop Chop is a pretty decent acceptable Orcy name .

Double Trouble should have been called Voodood . He looks like a voodoo practitioner

Stealth Elf is not a name . We know she is an elf . < Well actually she looks like a skylander drow > I must assume a drow is just a rogue elf but they are racially the same .

Camo ??? . I thought he would have stealth powers if his name was Camo . I get it he has leaves on his body but why not Fruit Punch ? That describes him and his powers better .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:13:35 11/01/2014 by Dark fhoenix
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#83 Posted: 13:33:03 11/01/2014
Quote: voodude
Quote: azz01
Well to voodude not trying to be rude or mean or anything but Zap could easily beat any skylander if the user but his/her mind to it.I beat multiple Drobots,Flamslingers and Stealth Elfs with Zap and other what some may call 'weak' skylanders.Like NINJAsk11 said it is the user and when I said I beat many 'OP' skylanders with Zap the user was very experienced.Yes you may lose sometimes but any skylander can beat any skylander if they wanted

that's a lie. sorry to say that, but it's a lie. how do i know it? well, i tried a lot of pvp matches with a friend of mine. we were equally skilled because we started playing together and have the same amount of game experience. and i never won with zap against any good/broken skylander. never. because zap deals too few damage, the enemy will simple outdamage you every strategy you try.
of course you can beat voodood or drobot with zap, i did it. but i did only because i was playing against another friend of mine who never played skylander and was completely inexperienced. that's the only way you can win with zap against a good skylander, because a skilled player will simple outdamage you.

Quote: azz01
Example when France and Florence went to war around Leonardo Da Vinci's/the Renaissance time Florence was clearly the weaker army but they won this could be used for Zap v Drobot,Zap could win.This is my opinion and if I may this is fact.

using war as examples... well your example isn't drobot vs zap. is zap versus, i don't know, drill sergeant or chop chop. he does lesser damage then them but he can still win. drobot vs zap would be the Florence's army against USA modern army, with tanks and bombs. tell me Florence can win that...
if you want a real historical examples, Zap is the Aztec and Drobot is the Conquistadores.
it would be really be cool if every skylander had a chance to win every battle, but sadly this isn't true

You're heart, you just don't give a damm... A heart so foolish that the user of it is Pathetic... Weakling.

I give all Skylanders a chance. If I suck with them... Too bad... but you....?
StalkerSnake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1926
#84 Posted: 16:51:44 11/01/2014
zap is good skylander for trolling
it was good in spyro's adventure but it's not so good in swapforce
Чем больше вы знаете, тем больше вы знаете
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#85 Posted: 17:46:19 11/01/2014
Quote: StalkerSnake
zap is good skylander for trolling
it was good in spyro's adventure but it's not so good in swapforce

Yeah! Zap is fun to mess around with smilie
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#86 Posted: 01:00:10 12/01/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11

You're heart, you just don't give a damm... A heart so foolish that the user of it is Pathetic... Weakling.

I give all Skylanders a chance. If I suck with them... Too bad... but you....?

it's not like i never play with zap anymore. it's not like i threw him in the garbage. i still play with him, i just know he can't beat the best character.
stump smash on the smash'n bash is weak. very weak. it's still my third favourite skylander because i love that acorn croquet. i still play alot with stump smash and love him, even if i have hard times against many enemies. and i don't use him against guys like drobot or terrafin, because i know he would get destroyed without a chance. poor stump smash, i don't want him to look ridicoulous against a broken opponent
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NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#87 Posted: 09:31:18 13/01/2014
Finally I seem to get into you ;>>

But "worst"Is realy a misused word remember that
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#88 Posted: 18:14:07 13/01/2014
I recall that YouTube skylander collector called CoinOpTV label Zap and Eruptor as part of his top ten best because he thought were Powerful .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#89 Posted: 19:11:39 13/01/2014
Quote: NINJAsk11

But "worst"Is realy a misused word remember that

i will never say that there is a worst skylander. to me, the worst is drill sergeant. to me. because i'm very bad with him. but that's personal. there is no objective worst skylander. i only think that there are "tiers" between them, some are objectively good (double trouble, drobot, terrafin), some are objectively bad (zap, chop chop, stump smash). the bad ones can still have a chance, but not against the top ones. they are still cool.

Quote: Dark fhoenix
I recall that YouTube skylander collector called CoinOpTV label Zap and Eruptor as part of his top ten best because he thought were Powerful .

eruptor is a lot strong against melee characters, i can see why someone would put him on the top 10
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#90 Posted: 15:49:39 15/01/2014
Quote: voodude
Quote: NINJAsk11

But "worst"Is realy a misused word remember that

i will never say that there is a worst skylander. to me, the worst is drill sergeant. to me. because i'm very bad with him. but that's personal. there is no objective worst skylander. i only think that there are "tiers" between them, some are objectively good (double trouble, drobot, terrafin), some are objectively bad (zap, chop chop, stump smash). the bad ones can still have a chance, but not against the top ones. they are still cool.

I think you deserve an apology from me.I am sorry I lashed out at you about this silly thing,you are correct in some ways that yes Zap may not be the most powerful but I still believe he could beat Terrafin(IMO) but anyways sorry.But like NINJASK said the word 'worst' is overused.No skylander is technically the worst unless it is opinionated.In my opinion the worst skylander for me is Sunburn since he is very hard for me but he is still and amazing character none the less.But sorry.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#91 Posted: 23:03:16 15/01/2014
eruptor is a lot strong against melee characters, i can see why someone would put him on the top 10

Eruptor survived all the way to series 3 . He must be doing something right to sell that good .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:06:20 15/01/2014 by Dark fhoenix
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#92 Posted: 00:13:46 16/01/2014
Quote: azz01
Quote: voodude
Quote: NINJAsk11

But "worst"Is realy a misused word remember that

i will never say that there is a worst skylander. to me, the worst is drill sergeant. to me. because i'm very bad with him. but that's personal. there is no objective worst skylander. i only think that there are "tiers" between them, some are objectively good (double trouble, drobot, terrafin), some are objectively bad (zap, chop chop, stump smash). the bad ones can still have a chance, but not against the top ones. they are still cool.

I think you deserve an apology from me.I am sorry I lashed out at you about this silly thing,you are correct in some ways that yes Zap may not be the most powerful but I still believe he could beat Terrafin(IMO) but anyways sorry.But like NINJASK said the word 'worst' is overused.No skylander is technically the worst unless it is opinionated.In my opinion the worst skylander for me is Sunburn since he is very hard for me but he is still and amazing character none the less.But sorry.

don't worry, it was a big discussion but no one got hurt :D
the important thing is where we arrived: just play your favourite skylander. and give every skylander a chance: if your friends says "i'll play with zap" the right answer isn't "good, i'll smash you all the time with my drobot". try to make all your challenges between equally strong skylanders
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