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Overrated characters and underrated characters [CLOSED]
EgoNaut Yellow Sparx Gems: 1730
#51 Posted: 18:25:24 11/10/2012
Sonic Boom / Medea Griffin a pretty good path, but especially in PvP. The thing about it is that the babies are kind of rubbish. What ACTUALLY makes that path good is the damage done by the eggs themselves when you throw them to summon the babies! By abusing this attack in PvP, Sonic Boom's damage output is actually really high, certainly higher in PvP than on the Siren Griffin Path.
In PvE, Siren Griffin is probably better, though.

The thing that makes Cynder / Nether Wielder so good is that the lightning attack has an absurdly large hit range at a certain distance, that it lets Cynder attack opponents through walls and up elevations. This factor makes the attack so useful that it completely makes up for how little damage it does:
It can sometimes be impossible to hide from Cynder, seriously! The attack reaches too wide at certain distances to dodge by moving sideways, getting behind a wall is useless because the attack goes through walls, running away is tricky because Cynder's Shadow Dash is good at closing distances, and getting in Cynder's face where the lightning has less spread is also tricky because Cynder can shadow dash away. The Shadow Dash also makes Cynder herself hard to hit, because abusing the attack after a bit of practice with controlling it can allow you to dance all around the opponent's position with them barely getting a chance to hit you.

I'd be interested to hear what people mean when they say Ignitor is overrated, unless they're talking about PvE as well as PvP of course, in which case I'd understand.
Ignitor is a little crap in PvE, but in PvP he is the single most overpowered character in the game, hands down. People who try to disagree with this are people who have only seen or used him on his Blademaster upgrade path (or a badly-utilised Soul of the Flame path). All you have to do is learn the proper way to use Soul of the Flame, and things become clear.
(Hopefully most people know what I mean when I say "the proper way to use Soul of the Flame". If people don't then give me a shout and I'll explain it again.)
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CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#52 Posted: 20:42:17 11/10/2012
Quote: LightSpyro13
Quote: SkylanderSchool
Spyro is SOOOOOO overrated!!!!!!!!! I absolutely hate him. Nottrying to offend anyone here, just stating my opinion

You said that twice, we get the point. And Spyro overrated in this game? Hardly anyone likes Spyro, especially the selfish older Spyro fans.

Wait what?

When has this been the case? And how are they selfish for not liking a character?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:42:35 11/10/2012 by CAV
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#53 Posted: 03:05:14 12/10/2012
Quote: CAV
Quote: LightSpyro13
Quote: SkylanderSchool
Spyro is SOOOOOO overrated!!!!!!!!! I absolutely hate him. Nottrying to offend anyone here, just stating my opinion

You said that twice, we get the point. And Spyro overrated in this game? Hardly anyone likes Spyro, especially the selfish older Spyro fans.

Wait what?

When has this been the case? And how are they selfish for not liking a character?

I didn't say they are selfish for not liking Spyro in this game, they were selfish for an entirely different reason.

Spyro's redesign in Skylanders is widely hated by many of the older Spyro fans, wishing that he keeps either his classic carnation or his legend carnation. Alot of the fans even hate the whole franchise solely because of Spyro's redesign without even bother trying the game, stating that Spyro is "dead" because Skylanders (even though its a Spinoff, and not a main series game).

Months before the game was released, many of them were super angry when they saw the trailers because of:

1. Spyro's ugly new look.
2. The abscence of some of the popular characters from the previous games, like Hunter the Cheetah.
3. The idea of using toys for a video game.

The older fans sent angry letters, hate mail, and even death threats to Activision and Toys ofr Bob in hopes of getting them to cancel the game. THAT'S Why they were selfish.
Fins, of fury!
SkylanderSchool Blue Sparx Gems: 658
#54 Posted: 03:02:11 13/10/2012
Quote: LightSpyro13
Quote: SkylanderSchool
Spyro is SOOOOOO overrated!!!!!!!!! I absolutely hate him. Nottrying to offend anyone here, just stating my opinion

You said that twice, we get the point. And Spyro overrated in this game? Hardly anyone likes Spyro, especially the selfish older Spyro fans.

Well SORRY for hitting post twice. Ever heard of an ACCIDENT?
Guess what?
Your face.
BrutalBash101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1769
#55 Posted: 13:11:26 13/10/2012
No, camo, stealth elf, and cynder are overrated. Underrated: Wrecking ball.
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#56 Posted: 21:30:36 10/11/2012
Ignitor and Cynder are overrated, they are not as good as everyone says at all and Drill sergant is underrated cuz everyone thinks he sucks but hes good on Megadozer.
You will not survive.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#57 Posted: 00:29:30 11/11/2012
^ I agree that Ignitor is overrated, but not Cynder. And Drill Sergeant is underrated also.
I think that Gill Grunt and Flameslinger are overrated also.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:37:00 11/11/2012 by weebbby
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#58 Posted: 02:48:36 11/11/2012
^ Gill Grunt? Hardly anybody likes smilie, he's far from overrated. I agree with Flameslinger and Cynder though.

Besides me, does anyone else here like smilie? Anybody? Anybody?

As for Ignitor, I will be the judge of that (got him today, but haven't tried him yet).
Fins, of fury!
Jmthebigman Green Sparx Gems: 490
#59 Posted: 13:20:04 11/11/2012
underrated for sure is Boomer
overrated idk lol.
Own: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie [needs updating]
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2530
#60 Posted: 21:58:05 11/11/2012
Gill Grunt is the best starter

Zap is underrated.
Amazing design and fast attacker.
Whirlwind is also best lobber along with Pop fizz
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#61 Posted: 01:06:30 12/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Yeah I do hear a lot of crap about Zap.
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#62 Posted: 13:32:21 12/11/2012
overated smilie smilie (smilie no more a now hated man)
underrated smilie smilie

ok i like smilie the dill smilie
PinkWater Yellow Sparx Gems: 1059
#63 Posted: 18:38:02 12/11/2012
Quote: LightSpyro13
Quote: CAV
Quote: LightSpyro13

You said that twice, we get the point. And Spyro overrated in this game? Hardly anyone likes Spyro, especially the selfish older Spyro fans.

Wait what?

When has this been the case? And how are they selfish for not liking a character?

I didn't say they are selfish for not liking Spyro in this game, they were selfish for an entirely different reason.

Spyro's redesign in Skylanders is widely hated by many of the older Spyro fans, wishing that he keeps either his classic carnation or his legend carnation. Alot of the fans even hate the whole franchise solely because of Spyro's redesign without even bother trying the game, stating that Spyro is "dead" because Skylanders (even though its a Spinoff, and not a main series game).

Months before the game was released, many of them were super angry when they saw the trailers because of:

1. Spyro's ugly new look.
2. The abscence of some of the popular characters from the previous games, like Hunter the Cheetah.
3. The idea of using toys for a video game.

The older fans sent angry letters, hate mail, and even death threats to Activision and Toys ofr Bob in hopes of getting them to cancel the game. THAT'S Why they were selfish.

The TLOS fans were bad, too, if not worse. They also sent angry letters, etc to Activison and hated everything about the game until Cynder was put it and even then they wanted the TLOS series to continue and SpyroxCynder to be canon.

Also no one's said smilie's underrated, therefore, he must be the ultimate underrated 'lander.

As for overrated, I say all the dragons except smilie. I'm sure there's more, but most people've already said them.

I DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG! ...Actually don't. I'm quite biased.
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#64 Posted: 19:58:01 12/11/2012
smilie is SO overrated. smilie looks underrated, but I don't have him.
Hello from Seattle

voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#65 Posted: 20:48:50 12/11/2012
Quote: EgoNaut
Sonic Boom / Medea Griffin a pretty good path, but especially in PvP. The thing about it is that the babies are kind of rubbish.

ehm? which aspect? the damage? fine, and they are four. the speed? good. their interruption's rate? IS ABSURD! i can't even go underground with terrafin because they interrupt me! their hp? yeah, it's low. you know, you can just press B again.
Medea Griffin is a very very strong path, Syren Griffin is a joke, only good to kill chompies and spiderlings, oh my. People who doesn't realise Medea awesomeness just haven't tried it, are blind or trolls
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:49:19 12/11/2012 by voodude
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#66 Posted: 22:18:08 14/11/2012
Dino rang is really overrated, he sucks. Also prism break and voodood and hot head are underrated
You will not survive.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#67 Posted: 23:12:21 14/11/2012
Quote: LightSpyro13
^ Gill Grunt? Hardly anybody likes smilie, he's far from overrated. I agree with Flameslinger and Cynder though.

Besides me, does anyone else here like smilie? Anybody? Anybody?

As for Ignitor, I will be the judge of that (got him today, but haven't tried him yet).

He is still rated higher than he should be.
Quote: Zeeker
Dino rang is really overrated, he sucks. Also prism break and voodood and hot head are underrated

Dino-Rang is not overrated, Voodood and Hot Head are overrated.
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#68 Posted: 23:38:20 14/11/2012
No ur wrong dino rang is really overratedand voodood and hot head are underrated get ur facts straight
You will not survive.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#69 Posted: 01:37:51 15/11/2012
^ I never hear anything about Dino-Rang, and he is underrated, and the main Skylanders I hear about are Voodood and Hot Head, and Voodood sucks.
camoses Blue Sparx Gems: 768
#70 Posted: 01:39:46 15/11/2012
Quote: weebbby
^ I never hear anything about Dino-Rang, and he is underrated, and the main Skylanders I hear about are Voodood and Hot Head, and Voodood sucks.

Shut up voodood.doesn't sick u really do need to get ur facts straight
The great cornholio!
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#71 Posted: 01:41:29 15/11/2012
Ya really u probably sick ass as voodood to think he sucks. He is one of the best characters in the game.
You will not survive.
camoses Blue Sparx Gems: 768
#72 Posted: 01:43:40 15/11/2012
Ya voodood is really strong especially on marauder. He does 42 damage every hit and 94 with his Combo.
The great cornholio!
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#73 Posted: 01:47:20 15/11/2012
He has a Combo that gives him awesome range and his zipline axe helps his speed. Either way he is underrated as hell.
You will not survive.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#74 Posted: 01:52:29 15/11/2012
^ He is pretty much the only non-remodeled Skylander that is talked about, that makes him overrated.
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#75 Posted: 01:55:31 15/11/2012
No ur wrong. Do you hear all the talk about warnado and Dino rang and wham shell? If u don't then u obviously haven't seen much.
You will not survive.
camoses Blue Sparx Gems: 768
#76 Posted: 01:58:06 15/11/2012
Ya ur wrong and just cuz u hear a lot about voodood doesn't mean hes overrated. That's bull****.
The great cornholio!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#77 Posted: 13:18:18 15/11/2012
^ ^ I never hear any talk about them any more. Dino-Rang is rated lower then he should be, and Voodood should be rated way lower then he is rated, just because both of you are arguing, that means he is overrated also.
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#78 Posted: 19:28:50 15/11/2012
Nope, it doesnt mean that. Just cuz were are arguing voodood is underrated doesnt mean hes overrated, in fact he gets a lot of hate
You will not survive.
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#79 Posted: 21:27:09 15/11/2012
It kind of depends on opinion whether something is over or underrated, since it depends if you (dis)like the character and think they should get the hate/like they get. It also depends on what you've seen (for example, if you've seen a lot of hate for a character but someone else saw a lot of love for one).

That's why I think Sunburn's overrated, since I've seen a lot of love for him but don't like him much, but others think he's underrated because they see a lot of hate and/or like him.
but i love it all smooth
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#80 Posted: 23:11:41 15/11/2012
^ This.
@ Zeeker, I have never seen/heard ANY hateful things about Voodood except from MYSELF.
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#81 Posted: 03:30:46 16/11/2012
Quote: Zeeker
No ur wrong dino rang is really overratedand voodood and hot head are underrated get ur facts straight

Facts? What the hell are you talking about?
Fins, of fury!
Zeeker Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#82 Posted: 03:40:54 16/11/2012
Have you ever heard of emphasizing your goddamn opinion?
You will not survive.
camoses Blue Sparx Gems: 768
#83 Posted: 21:17:08 17/11/2012
^This. I've also noticed ghost roaster is pretty underrated, same with stump smash and lightning rod.
The great cornholio!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#84 Posted: 21:22:17 17/11/2012
^ Yes, Ghost Roaster, Stump Smash, and Lightning Rod are underrated, however, my opinion is still that Voodood is overrated.
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#85 Posted: 22:41:47 17/11/2012
Quote: Zeeker
Have you ever heard of emphasizing your goddamn opinion?

Jeez, calm down everybody!
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#86 Posted: 04:54:15 18/11/2012
Quote: SkylanderSchool
Spyro is SOOOOOO overrated!!!!!!!!! I absolutely hate him. Nottrying to offend anyone here, just stating my opinion

-Thinks Spyro is overrated
-On a Spyro site.

Quote: CAV
All of them are overrated if you ask me. The whole game is overrated.

looks like ive got some things to do...
sonsilv2 Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#87 Posted: 11:00:33 18/11/2012
wham shell oh god dont even get me started on wham shell
garnado Green Sparx Gems: 208
#88 Posted: 01:15:01 20/11/2012
Quote: sonsilv2
wham shell oh god dont even get me started on wham shell

OMG yes! Wham shell is one of the most overrated in my opinion.
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#89 Posted: 01:18:51 20/11/2012
smilie is SO underrated.
Hello from Seattle

ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#90 Posted: 02:53:19 20/11/2012
Unless you go down water weaver
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2530
#91 Posted: 03:48:27 20/11/2012
Stealth Elf and Drill Seargant are overated
Whirlwind and Warnadomare pretty underrated
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#92 Posted: 03:56:22 20/11/2012
Zap is underrated and Drill Stupid is overrated
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2530
#93 Posted: 03:58:34 20/11/2012
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#94 Posted: 14:55:45 20/11/2012
Zap is very fun and is underrated.
If I didn't have him i Would have never beat Kaos in the first game

Drill Ser-STUPID is overrated
He's weak and boring to play as
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#95 Posted: 15:02:31 20/11/2012
I like both Zap and Drill Sergeant.

Zap is awesome down Tesla Dragon! I don't like Slime Serpent much, but this path is one of the most fun projectile users in the game because of how he can just zap and throw waves from afar, or leave a running trail then ignite it. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE using his wave attacks, it just works so well with the regular shots for more power and lights up the slime trail. I actually like to throw one into the direction I'm running as I can catch up to it and instantly set the lines behind me up.
Drill Sergeant, I don't know, I just do. There's something about his running forward while making shots that gets to me. I've been playing him more and more often recently, and I like him more and more each time. He's fun to charge into enemies with, even though it isn't the most strategic things... And I think Battledozer may become one of my favorite paths with his Wow Pow added to it(the cannon was my only woe down that path as it made him far less of a "use all attacks" guy).
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#96 Posted: 15:15:10 20/11/2012
Sonic Boom falls in the overrated category, she sucks so hard! She is the reason why Air is the saddest element!
Fins, of fury!
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#97 Posted: 19:26:08 20/11/2012 | Topic Creator
I don't think air is the saddest element, in fact I consider them one of the best!
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#98 Posted: 01:57:02 21/11/2012
Why air is the saddest element:

1. smilie Sonic Boom!

2. smilie Whirlwind

3. smilie Sonic BOOM!!

4. smilie (Jet Packateer path only).

5. smilie SONIC FREAKIN' BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. Don't forget 1, 3, & 5.
Fins, of fury!
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2530
#99 Posted: 03:24:39 21/11/2012
I totally agree with everything you said
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
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