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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
KalEl Green Sparx Gems: 215
#1451 Posted: 09:42:09 07/09/2015
Hi, I´m new here.
Portalmaster from Germany.

And I think the best way to inturuce myself, is to show my collection of these little monsters...

So here it is:

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SuperChargers I own:

smiliesmilie smiliesmilie smilie smilie smiliesmilie smiliesmilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 8 times - Last edited at 10:16:17 07/09/2015 by KalEl
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#1452 Posted: 13:03:41 13/09/2015
We can finally reveal that the creators of SkyLanders Collectors are the Guinness World Records 2016 Record Holder of the Largest SkyLanders Collection!!! Look in stores for the Guinness World Records 2016 Gamer’s Edition, and our World Record Setting Section is on Page 146!!! (For safety, we’ve blacked out the name and location of the winner/s.)
(The site shows 2015 edition, not the 2016 edition.)

[User Posted Image]
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#1453 Posted: 22:49:20 09/10/2015
[User Posted Image]
Not the best shot - I need to replace two light bulbs in the room (out of the weird ones this light fixture takes - planning to go buy some later tonight), then I want to use a better camera (and not my camera phone) - but here's 554, mostly packaged, Skylanders figures, traps, toys, etc. for ya. Then, need to figure out how to get my Giants display into the room (the doorway is kinda blocked there... whoops)

Finally went through the trouble of rebuilding my spreadsheet that was lost as well. That was a lot of work. Gr.


Better shots of everything, for anyone who cares. :D
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:37:34 10/10/2015 by UncleBob
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692
#1454 Posted: 00:43:23 23/10/2015
well i wasent sure if i should post this here or in a new topic but i decided to be safe and post it here.

ive been working on a custom display for my figures for some time now. its my first wood working project so it took me a long time. my displays are for 1 game each and right now ive only build the SA and giants displays, the SF,TT and superchargers will come at a later date... like much later, maybe in the next year? idk i need more money first. but speaking of money this in total cost me like $150-$200. the wood cost the most, a 4x8x1/4 ply of maple and 4x8x1/8 of maple as well, i wanted to use nice wood for this. the plan for my displays are to have a led light under each figure to light them up from below giving a nice glow effect, each figures card will be displayed behind the figure. no room for variants just 1 of each normal figure and magical item. variants just go on my "shelf of skylanders that i dont know where to put yet" i got 20 pictures in total all from my camera phone so some of them are blurry and instead of posting each pic ill just post the link so this isint a 20 foot post. ill also give some details of the picture and the current step im on.
first cut of all the wood and gives the general layout of the displays, the first is for giants ( 6 shelves) the 2nd for SA (5 shelves). the selves will be a sandwich of the 1/8 and 1/4 maple to make them hollow so i got room for the led lights.
holes drilled for the led lights and all of them glued into place, only 1 display is shown here.
wiring of led light
test of the light concept, here you can start to see the effect i was going after.
blurry pic of the shelves being assembled
all shelves assembled and drying over night. the gaps you see are to provide access to the light in case i need to fix something, and yes i have had to fix 1 bulb already.
gluing together the frame of the giants display. this was a crap shoot. i had nothing to clamp it with because i cut the corners at a 45 degree angle to make it look nicer, i just had to tape the edges together as hard as i can, square up the frame and hope it bonded strong enough, thankfully it did.
for each display i cut grooves into the side frame pieces for the shelves to slid into. this way i didnt have to nail/glue the shelves into place and i can remove them later if work needed to be done like a burnt out bulb or something.
the giants display with shelves in place
both displays with shelves in place.
both displays with the molding put on, the backing ive had the entire time, this is just the first pic i took with them resting on them. also i put the same frame molding on the inside between each shelf, i cut slots in the back of them to hide the wires for all the lights.
close up pic of the molding, used half inch quarter round for the frame and a 1 and 1/16 for the shelves. im 95% sure the selves molding is really floor molding but it works.
staining the displays, after sanding of course.
both displays 100% complete and up in my room
lights on
SA figures in display with lights off
SA display with figures lights on, here you can really see that glow effect i was talking about.
giants display. at a glance you can tell i dont have all the giants figures yet. also if you looked hard an noticed there is an extra slot, this is for the volcanic vault once i get one. yea it has a green base but im ok with 1 green light in a sea of orange.
and giants with lights on.
because my giants display is mostly empty i decided to put some of the SF and TT figures in and move them out as i slowly get more giant figures.

i still have some touch up work to be done, some glue was left over that i though i got off so ill need to sand those spots and restain them but im out of stain right now. welp thats my display, i hope you guys like them. i know i do.
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1455 Posted: 01:16:12 23/10/2015
Wow. Great work Alphawolf. I see that this really takes time and money, and looks gorgeous. Waiting to see with the Swap Force, Trap Team and SuperChargers figures, aside from the rest of the Giants.
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#1456 Posted: 04:07:52 23/10/2015
Well done Alphawolf...i am a mastercraftsman(master woodworker). Your shelfing displays looks real good for a first time doing this kinda of thing. A pointer for you...when clamping 45's you can use a automotive clamp strap....there only an inch wide....and work good.
[User Posted Image]
Not to mech'in there way cheaper then a set of 45 degree wood clamps. Just fold up some scrap from a cardboard box and stuff it between the strap and the wood.
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
angelg Gold Sparx Gems: 2802
#1457 Posted: 12:38:15 29/10/2015
That's beautiful alphawolf. I may do it as well with my small collection and adding custom wallpapers on the background.
Life sucks...and then you die.
stoat2337 Gold Sparx Gems: 2270
#1458 Posted: 12:40:31 01/11/2015
Wow, Alphawolf, that looks incredible!
DAWNOFWAR Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#1459 Posted: 23:23:17 17/12/2015 the idea with the leds....had the same idea just didnt know how to wire it all up...i thought about led Christmas tree lights .....cutting up the strand to make it work....and leds are cheap that the idea on here cant remember where i saw it ...but one user on here used black lights to light up bottoms looked real good also!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:28:41 17/12/2015 by DAWNOFWAR
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692
#1460 Posted: 03:19:52 18/12/2015
wow that is a impressive collection, that display is huge!!! for the led light is found a place online that sold 100 bulbs for like 5 bucks, it took a month to get here from china even thou it was air mail. wiring them up is the easy part, some basic soldering skills are needed and im no pro at it yet i was able to wire everything up. the main this is finding the a good power supply. the power supply determines everything from the number of bulbs you string together before making a new circuit and how many bulbs you can have in total. you can use resisters to change to amps and volts too but that opens another set of issues, mainly finding the correct resister. to much power it burns out the bulbs, to little and they wont light up. the bulbs also matter, different bulbs draw different amounts of power. my bulbs were 3 volt bulbs and i think 15 miliamps? but i used a 12 volt 300 miliamp power supply and this turns out to be perfect for about 50 bulbs. when me and my dad first tested it with only 4 bulbs we found it was delivering to much power to each bulb. after i finished and tested it with all the bulbs wired together it came in at the perfect amount for each bulb. there is alot to electricity and there are formulas out there to help you figure it all out, if you have and know how to use a volt meter that helps too. i dont myself but my dad does and he helped me out with it.
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1461 Posted: 18:01:07 16/01/2016
My collection of all the customs I did in 2015 (Doesn't include my four-tone swappers, I finished them here in early 2016)
I like to refer to this as "Wave 1" of my customs

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  • Inverted Swarm
  • Harvest Camo
  • Enigmatic Stealth Elf
  • Borax Ignitor
  • Radiant Trigger Happy
  • Sorcerer's Stump Smash
  • Sorcerer's Tree Rex
  • Neon Thumpback
  • Neon Boom Jet
  • Neon Terrafin
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#1462 Posted: 15:49:30 08/02/2016
Probably anyone that has been here since the beginning of Skylanders heard me whine a day or another about not having a proper display or working on things relating to the display, or looking for a place to put my shelves in. Well, FIVE years later, I finally have a display!

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Imgur album so this page doesn't stretch beyond imagination

Camera wasn't collaborating so sorry for the shadows. It's really simple,two glass shelves(of questionable quality because the place we got them sucks,so next objective is to replace them eventually), and stuff I accumulated from the packaging over the years all over the walls with some backgrounds from the Trap Team achievements. A bit of a scotch tape mess, but the other people in the house just insisted I couldn't directly glue them on the wall even if the paint's getting ruined either way. Top shelf is my modest team, still going to arrange them in a better way that doesn't obscure the background and whatnot, bottom shelf are boxes,books, portals and traps(maybe other gimmick items in the future).

I know it looks cheap and small but after so long, I'm really happy with just having a space for my beloved franchise. Well, maybe, I'm still deciding on putting the portals back on another shelf to make space for a small Undead-themed place on the bottom area, but there IS somewhere and that's plenty.
(What I need is never what I want)
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#1463 Posted: 00:54:38 09/02/2016
Wow you finaly have a display?!? smilie ....gee and it only tolk you 5 years smilie *ducks* smilie
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1464 Posted: 22:34:17 11/02/2016
All my non-variant, non-repaint skylanders so far. I felt like putting them on the table again. I just need Wham-Shell to complete the SSA set! Why did I neglect to buy him used at an EB Games during a mall trip? Still got all giants and swappers, but I cut myself to one trap master of each element and got rid of the extra ones. I was supposed to find all of the trap masters but they are SO HARD to find now. Used SSA and SG are easy to find at my EB Games.

[User Posted Image]

I have my light and dark stuff atop a shelf, with my special red drill sergeant, which I also got used. I didn't know he made a really good trap holder!

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30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1465 Posted: 22:11:35 09/04/2016
Thinking of doing a full roll call of every one of my figures again because I don't know, as well as a list of everything...


First Path
Whirlwind, Sonic Boom, Warnado, Lightning Rod
Camo, Zook. Stealth Elf, Stump Smash
Cynder, Hex, Chop Chop, Ghost Roaster
Bash, Terrafin, Dino-Rang, Prism Break
Sunburn, Eruptor, Ignitor, Flameslinger
Zap, Gill Grunt, Slam Bam
Spyro, Voodood, Double Trouble, Wrecking Ball
Drobot, Drill Sergeant, Boomer, Trigger Happy

Second Path
Metadrago Camo, Birthday Bash Zook, Enigmatic Stealth Elf, Sorcerer's Stump Smash
Neon Terrafin
Obsidian Eruptor, Borax Ignitor
Mrs Gill Grunt
Metadrago Spyro, Crazy Double Trouble
Metadrago Drobot, Red Drill Sergeant*, Radiant Trigger Happy

All are custom except for the * which means chase variant.

Hidden Treasure
Winged Boots
Custom "dS Blue" Sparx Dragonfly


First Path
Swarm, Whirlwind 2, Jet Vac
Tree Rex, Shroomboom
Eye-Brawl, Cynder 2, Fright Rider
Hot Head, Hot Dog
Ninjini, Pop Fizz
Bouncer, Drobot 2

Second Path
Inverted Swarm*
Gnarly Tree Rex
Pumpkin Eye-Brawl**
Molten Hot Dog
Neon Thumpback*
Scarlet Ninjini, Punch Pop Fizz
Legendary Bouncer

Many are alt-decos, but * is custom and ** is chase.


First Path
Free Ranger, Boom Jet
Grilla Drilla, Stink Bomb
Rattle Shake, Night Shift
Rubble Rouser, Doom Stone
Blast Zone, Fire Kraken
Wash Buckler, Freeze Blade
Hoot Loop, Trap Shadow
Magna Charge, Spy Rise

Second Path
Legendary Free Ranger, Neon Boom Jet*
Four-Tone Stink Bomb*
Quickdraw Rattle Shake, Legendary Night Shift
Four-Tone Rubble Rouser*
Dark Blast Zone
Special Wash Buckler**
Enchanted Hoot Loop
Nitro Magna Charge, Four-Tone Spy Rise*

Many are alt-decos again. * is custom and ** is chase.

Sky Diamond
Battle Hammer
Platinum Sheep
Groove Machine
Tower of Time
Sheep Wreck Islands


Tuff Luck
Krypt King
Snap Shot
Knight Light
Knight Mare

Sunscraper Spire
Midnight Museum

Cloudy Cobra
Weed Whacker
Haunted Hatchet
Banded Boulder, Rock Hawk
Spark Spear
Wet Walter, Tidal Tiki
Arcane Hourglass, Rune Rocket
Grabbing Gadget
Heavenly Hawk
Shadow Spider
Kaos Trap
14/46 (Unique traps for simultaneous villains, cause I want it)
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#1466 Posted: 03:19:38 05/06/2016

624 of the little money suckers... ;)
Luluque Red Sparx Gems: 87
#1467 Posted: 03:32:31 05/06/2016
Quote: UncleBob

624 of the little money suckers... smilie

Sweet mother of god...

How much money is it worth ? smilie
“I think I've discovered the secret of life -- you just hang around until you get used to it.”
― Charles M. Schulz
trixster68 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#1468 Posted: 03:59:04 05/06/2016
1million dollars.........
TheToyNerd Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#1469 Posted: 11:19:41 05/06/2016
Quote: UncleBob

624 of the little money suckers... smilie

Holy ****, that's a lot! And wow, Imgur people are rude as ****... Jesus, lay off the poor guy why don't ya.
4inCreation Gold Sparx Gems: 2989
#1470 Posted: 20:00:44 05/06/2016
Quote: UncleBob

624 of the little money suckers... smilie

I guess you could say when you buy another Skylander, you're on a roll! Looks like that's what you have to do to get in and out of that room.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:01:25 05/06/2016 by 4inCreation
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#1471 Posted: 20:06:22 05/06/2016
They're not generally displayed like that. Sadly, I lost the ability to display them in any real fashion somewhere around SWAP Force. But yes, I had to crawl under the right-hand side for this mess to go through the door way a couple of times while getting it all together. ;)
Luluque Red Sparx Gems: 87
#1472 Posted: 13:52:28 09/06/2016
My collection is so huge at the moment.
I dont even know if I'll be able to play all my figures...
I'm gonna need to stop buying. It's kind of a problem atm. smilie

A 26 years old boy with an addiction for a kid videogame.
I'm cursed smilie
“I think I've discovered the secret of life -- you just hang around until you get used to it.”
― Charles M. Schulz
abstractsardine Gold Sparx Gems: 2244
#1473 Posted: 16:03:44 09/06/2016
Ugh, had to do this with the thing I call a phone.

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The last one was for everything I forgot.
SpcePirateMnky Emerald Sparx Gems: 3021
#1474 Posted: 04:40:40 06/07/2016
Well I figured I show my collection as we wait for Imaginatiors. I have, EVERYTHING!

Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
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Skylanders: Giants
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Skylanders: Swap Force
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Skylanders: Trap Team

The Skylanders
For smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie, I have the green/orange base Sidekick figures rather than the red base Mini figures. They hold memories, and I didn't want to replace them.
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The Traps
Yeah, I got the Yawn Traps!
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I also have the six Variant Villains in the traps you see above...
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Skylanders: Superchargers
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Eon's Elite
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Yes, for some of my Skylander toys, I got autographs on them!
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  • Series 1 Spyro: Tom Kenny - Met him at SDCC 2012
  • Series 2 Spyro: I-Wei Huang - Met him at SDCC 2014
  • Mega Ram Spyro: Josh Keaton - Met him at SDCC 2014
  • Series 1 Flashwing: Tara Strong - Met her at SDCC 2014
  • Wash Buckler: John DiMaggio - Met him at SDCC 2014, he misspelled his name as "Swash Buckler"
  • Big Bubble Pop Fizz: Bobcat Goldthwait - Met him at a comedy club this year. His autograph is smudged. I was deciding whether to have him sigh this toy, or Series 1 Pop Fizz. Clearly, I made the wrong choice.
  • Swap Force Portal of Power: Richard Horvitz - Met him at SDCC 2014

It took me two hours to take all these pictures! And each and every Skylander has both upgrade paths purchased thanks to that wonderful Portal Master upgrade in Superchargers allowing you to switch upgrade paths for all Skylanders. Also, for all of the Skylanders compatible with previous games, (Series 2,3,4; Lightcore; Eon's Elite) I have taken them all into the previous games they're compatible with and done all Heroic Challenges and Quests possible for each of them. I play each Skylander to the fullest! So yeah, there's my collection.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 07:24:21 06/07/2016 by SpcePirateMnky
Alphawolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1692
#1475 Posted: 22:40:08 06/07/2016
impressive. its kind of cool to see just how many more figures they have added each year, i think less is more, i dont want 50+ figures to get for 1 game, ill never play them all.
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#1476 Posted: 08:23:25 08/07/2016
@SpcePirateMnky, thats one mind blowing collection smilie

do you have all the guide books for each game?
Ha! HA, sage ich.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:24:20 08/07/2016 by CountMoneyBone
SpcePirateMnky Emerald Sparx Gems: 3021
#1477 Posted: 23:43:54 08/07/2016
No, I don't have any of the strategy guides. The only book I have is the Book of Kaos, which I got for free as a part of the GameStop Imaginatiore pre-order bonus.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:34:36 09/07/2016 by SpcePirateMnky
Chompy-King257 Gold Sparx Gems: 2956
#1478 Posted: 18:07:20 09/07/2016
To lazy to put pictures, but I basically have everything from every game except the Yawn Traps. I'm soon to get Thrillipede soon and finish my SuperChargers collection. Yay!
i made the "bus" look like my "dad"
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#1479 Posted: 01:14:28 11/07/2016
I have not posted pictures of my collection since 2011 hahaha

My collection has grown dramatically, that's an understatement!
....think I would even give the Guinness World Record guy a run for his money!!!!

All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 13:08:49 29/07/2016 by JAP28
night bomb guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1538
#1480 Posted: 02:39:14 12/07/2016
Too lazy to put pictures, but I got tons of Skylanders. I even have a Factory Error Mega Ram Spyro! It has an orange blot of paint on its face.
This account has been closed in favor of a new account name.
Buuzer Hunter Gems: 6546
#1481 Posted: 22:33:29 20/07/2016
[User Posted Image]
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
JohnnySmasher42 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3063
#1482 Posted: 03:37:59 21/07/2016
Here's my collection as of 7/20/2016
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And here's the crown jewel, who arrived just 2 days ago
[User Posted Image]

EDIT: I'm new to this forum, so I have no idea how to post images. Oh well I tried smilie
Skylanders is dead and Activision killed it
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:40:00 21/07/2016 by JohnnySmasher42
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#1483 Posted: 02:43:23 04/09/2016
I recently finished my Trap Team collection, and I just bought Thrillipede! Aside from some traps, I have a complete collection! All figures, in-game variants, magic items, and a few chase variants and a prototype.
Any last wishes?
Kat-Kun Green Sparx Gems: 415
#1484 Posted: 07:54:59 04/09/2016
I have around 90-100 Skylanders.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the waaaaaay!
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#1485 Posted: 11:50:57 15/09/2016
Quote: LameLime
All my non-variant, non-repaint skylanders so far.

[User Posted Image]

great toothpaste i use the same one too smilie
Ha! HA, sage ich.
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1486 Posted: 23:44:47 26/09/2016
Collection update to kick off this amazing season of Autumn

Spyro's Adventure
- 31/32 characters. Super-elusive Wham-Shell is super-elusive.
- All adventure and magic items, except Ghost Swords (Sparx is custom blue)
- Volcanic Vault collected
- 13/32 spares for other upgrade path (All but Red Drill Sergeant are custom. Some previous customs have been removed from the collection)
--- Power Blue Voodood
--- Crazy Double Trouble
--- Mrs Gill Grunt
--- Harvest Camo
--- Enigmatic Stealth Elf
--- Birthday Bash Zook
--- Sorcerer's Stump Smash
--- Red Drill Sergeant
--- Straight-A Boomer
--- Radiant Trigger Happy
--- Borax Ignitor
--- Obsidian Eruptor
--- Neon Terrafin

- All giants and new characters
- 15/24 reposes
--- Spyro
--- Zap
--- Gill Grunt
--- Whirlwind
--- Lightning Rod
--- Stealth Elf
--- Zook
--- Stump Smash
--- Drobot
--- Ignitor
--- Flameslinger
--- Bash
--- Cynder
--- Hex
--- Chop Chop
- 9/48 spares for other upgrade path
--- Scarlet Ninjini [Alt-Deco]
--- Punch Pop Fizz [Alt-Deco]
--- Neon Thumpback [Custom]
--- Inverted Swarm [Custom]
--- Gnarly Tree Rex [Alt-Deco]
--- Legendary Bouncer [Alt-Deco]
--- Molten Hot Dog [Alt-Deco]
--- Pumpkin Eye-Brawl [Chase]
--- Glow-in-the-Dark Cynder [Chase]

Swap Force
- All Swappers
- One Lightcore, Bumble Blast
- Two new characters, Countdown and Slobber Tooth
- One repose, Pop Fizz
- All adventure and magic items, but no arena ones
- 11/56 spares for other upgrade path
--- Enchanted Hoot Loop [Alt-Deco]
--- Color-Shift Wash Buckler [Chase[
--- Legendary Free Ranger [Alt-Deco]
--- Neon Boom Jet [Custom]
--- Four-Tone Stink Bomb [Custom]
--- Nitro Magna Charge [Alt-Deco]
--- Four-Tone Spy Rise [Custom]
--- Dark Blast Zone [Alt-Deco]
--- Four-Tone Rubble Rouser [Custom]
--- Quickdraw Rattle Shake [Alt-Deco]
--- Legendary Night Shift [Alt-Deco]

Trap Team
- One Trap Master of each element
--- Enigma
--- Snap Shot
--- Thunderbolt
--- Tuff Luck
--- Jawbreaker
--- Kaboom
--- Wallop
--- Krypt King
--- Knight Light
--- Knight Mare
- Two of four adventure items
- 17/48 traps
--- 1/6 tech
--- 3/6 water
--- 1/6 life
--- 1/4 undead
--- 2/4 earth
--- 2/4 air
--- 2/4 fire
--- 2/3 magic
--- 1/4 light
--- 1/4 dark
--- Regular Kaos Trap

- Only Power Blue Splat, still mint in the box.

17 magics
13 waters
14 airs
19 lifes
17 techs
15 fires
13 earths
16 undeads
1 light
1 dark
20 items
146 total
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
lordexodus Gold Sparx Gems: 2508
#1487 Posted: 16:13:00 17/10/2016
^ This makes me wonder about the Creation Crystals that are of the same element but in different forms & what's in them...

I hope someone here can verify with a video of the features within each individual crystal...
Need accurate & evident release info on Skylanders Imaginators...
cgold85 Green Sparx Gems: 101
#1488 Posted: 21:23:05 22/10/2016
Hey guys. My first post in the forums! Here's a few pics of my collection. Now i've added my Imaginators to the collection i'm definitely running low on shelf space. Gonna have to start thinking of new ways to display!

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Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4774
#1489 Posted: 00:37:01 26/10/2016
Hi there!

I'll post some pictures later. Here's what I have:

Series 1:
Gill Grunt
Wrecking Ball
Trigger Happy

Series 2 and Giants:
Tree Rex
Lightcore Prism Break
Lightcore Eruptor
Chop Chop
Sonic Boom

Series 3:
Ninja Stealth Elf
Lightcore Grim Creeper
Phantom Cynder

Trap Masters:
Snap Shot

Shark Shooter Terrafin
Super Shot Stealth Elf

Hot Streak
Stealth Stinger

Dragon's Peak Adventure Pack
Darklight Crypt Adventure Pack
Sparx Dragonfly
Winged Boots

That makes 33 toys in total, and 27 Skylanders smilie

Next/immediate future purchases:
Deep Dive Gill Grunt + Sea Trophy + Reef Ripper
Shark Tank
Elite: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Senseis: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#1490 Posted: 01:17:18 31/10/2016
Smallish collection update. I don't really know where it was at last time, tho.

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Some stuff in my guestbook is not pictured, they're elsewhere.

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Some of my favorites on my second custom display, finally sealed and fixed to the wall.
(What I need is never what I want)
wrecknroll Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#1491 Posted: 16:14:32 08/01/2017
Here's my collection. Only really interested in Trap Team and earlier, but I love the franchise nonetheless. Only been collecting for around two moths and everything except SSF and STT starters, and Zoo Lou was preowned.
My collection!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#1492 Posted: 02:28:38 26/01/2017
I'm moving into a new house, where i get my own room. So i'm finally able to display my boxed figures. Getting shelves for the open guys tomorrow. (don't mind the other ttl figures)

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SkaredSkarmory Red Sparx Gems: 33
#1493 Posted: 16:37:19 16/02/2017
Hello there. I figured the best way to introduce myself was to show the kind of Skylanders I like and have. I don't try to collect them all (I'm only doing that with Creation Crystals) but I pick some of my favourites and now I have a humble collection of toys. I also have the Magic/Tech Book of Elements, a few posters and a few cards from a strange Swap Force collectors' card range.
So I laid out my collection and took a few pictures of them however I am unable to post the pictures as of now (as they were taken on another device). Listed on how I shelve them (which is slightly jumbled but organised enough), this is my collection of 76 unique Skylanders figures. I first got into the franchise in 2012 when I got the first game for my birthday and have had every game since then. After Trap Team I kinda stopped collecting because there was too much to collect at one point - Adventure Packs, core Skylanders, traps, the ever-so-expensive Trap Masters, and then vehicles, SuperChargers and trophies - but I'm back into it as of Imaginators. By the way, I play via Wii U.
First we start off with cores, which are listed by element.
1. Warnado (SSA)
2. Jet-Vac (Giants)
3. Lightning Rod (Giants)
4. Sonic Boom (Giants)
5. Whirlwind (Giants)
1. Bash (SSA)
2. Dino-Rang (SSA)
3. Prism Break (Giants)
4. Slobber Tooth (SSF)
1. Gill Grunt (SSA)
2. Slam Bam (SSA)
3. Zap (x2; SSA)
4. Zap (Giants)
1. Boomer (SSA)
2. Trigger Happy (SSA)
3. Drill Sergeant (Giants)
4. Sprocket (Giants)
5. Sprocket (SSF)
1. Eruptor (SSA)
2. Flameslinger (Giants)
3. Hot Dog (Giants)
4. Torch (STT)
1. Shroomboom (Giants)
2. Stump Smash (Giants)
3. Zook (Giants)
4. Ninja Stealth Elf (SSF)
5. Food Fight (STT)
1. Spyro (SSA)
2. Voodood (SSA)
3. Pop Fizz (Giants)
1. Hex (x2; SSA)
2. Chop Chop (Giants)
3. Cynder (Giants)
4. Fright Rider (Giants)
Then we have the very few lightcores that I have. I'm not really a fan of this gimmick. Reposed Skylanders are cool but when they only have very little changes, it gets kinda pointless. Listed by element.
1. Prism Break (Giants)
2. Flashwing (Giants)
1. Star Strike (SSF)
Then of course we have the gimmicklanders. Giants, Swap Force, Trap Team (and minis as a bonus!), SuperChargers, Senseis and Imaginators. Some of my favourite Skylanders are Gimmicklanders, such as Lob-Star, King Pen and my overall favourite Magna Charge.
1. Swarm (x2)
2. Crusher
3. Thumpback
4. Bouncer
5. Hot Head
6. Tree Rex
7. Eye Brawl
Swap Force:
1. Wash Buckler
2. Freeze Blade
3. Magna Charge
4. Blast Zone
5. Fire Kraken
6. Rattle Shake
Trap Team:
1. Snap Shot
2. Lob-Star
3. Blastermind
1. Trigger Snappy (SSA)
1. Turbo Charge Donkey Kong
2. Super Shot Stealth Elf
1. Golden Queen
2. King Pen
3. Flare Wolf
In this section I have also listed what Imaginator is contained in the crystal. You'll probably find out more about these Imaginators as I continue to post here.
Creation Crystals (Imaginator):
1. Undead (Shellraiser)
2. Tech (Wimpistol)
3. Water (Pirate Irate)
4. Fire (Phasmaflame)
Now my four variants. I don't collect variants much as they're a bit expensive and hard to hunt for. Sorted by type.
1. Legendary Free Ranger (SSF)
2. Legendary Zoo Lou (SSF)
1. Dark Spyro (SSF)
2. Springtime Trigger Happy (SSF)
And now of course, magic items.
1. Empire of Ice (SSA)
I've put the villain that's trapped in each trap here as a bonus.
Traps (Currently Trapped Villain):
1. Water Tiki (Gulper)
2. Life Hammer (Broccoli Guy)
I've put the corresponding SuperCharger here as a bonus.
1. Barrel Blaster (Turbo Charge Donkey Kong)
Magic Items:
1. Sparx Dragonfly (SSA)
2. Sky-Iron Shield (SSA)
3. Anvil Rain (SSA)
4. Dragonfire Cannon (Giants)
5. Scorpion Striker Catapult (Giants)
So there, that's my collection. Hopefully you can see what type of Skylanders I like from this selection, and maybe get to know me throughout my time posting here.
Attract to attack.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:23:06 16/02/2017 by SkaredSkarmory
Crash10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4745
#1494 Posted: 00:32:51 24/07/2017
Okay, so now that I've got all of the Spyro's Adventure characters, I think it's a good time to show my shelf. Nothing too much, but what you guys think? Sorry again for the bad camera (open the image at a new tab to see it correctly).

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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:34:04 24/07/2017 by Crash10
JunkyGoblin Red Sparx Gems: 58
#1495 Posted: 22:17:09 16/08/2017
I'm new to Skylanders (kinda), so I figured I'd introduce myself. I'm Goblin.
Now that that's out of the way, I may as well show you mine and the wife's meager collection along with some history. I'm 24, and first became aware of Skylanders when I got my job at ToysRUs, around the time SA first came out. I was over night freight for two nights out of the week, and "R Zone" Video games for another three days. I unpacked a lot of Skylanders, one being a Silver Eruptor, the other a Glowing Zap. I ended up buying the Zap since I had a glow in the Dark collection of things. Once that fad faded for me, I was left with a figure I didn't care about, and my only Skylanders up until 2 weeks ago. It sat in a closet in a box for years, until my wife asked about it one day when we were digging through it. I told her about it, and her being a fan of Spryo games and me always loving a coop game with the wifey, she loved the idea and we went and bought the portal, Giants, and some second hand landers. We're trying to keep it Minimal, but it's slowly growing with her love of Dragons, and my love of robots and Goblins (Trolls in this case I guess.)
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Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#1496 Posted: 04:21:09 17/08/2017
Welcome to DS. With a GITD Zap, you can't call your collection meager. They are rare and go for a fortune on ebay.
Any last wishes?
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