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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
Luminous35 Gold Sparx Gems: 2457
#1401 Posted: 01:29:58 26/12/2014
Hiya! These are just pictures of the Characters i got for Christmas

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
I actually got Deja Vu as a early Christmas present from my sister on Christmas Eve
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Just so you know all of the Characters i got are fully upgraded and level 20 except Terrabite and Head Rush.
smilie smilie STARCAST FOR PRESIDENT OF MY SEXUALITY smilie smilie
smilie smilie Professor Jet-Vac? I don’t feel so good. smilie smilie
DAWNOFWAR Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#1402 Posted: 22:14:03 30/12/2014
GoHeels999 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1022
#1403 Posted: 04:03:33 31/12/2014
I made a Flickr account so that I could share photos from my iPad.

Here is the Trap Team so far.
DobermanOwner Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#1404 Posted: 13:52:53 31/12/2014

Your collection is very neat and organized, I like it!! Did you make the shelves yourself?
Collection total: 317/364 figures, 28/31 vehicles, 51/66 traps, 34/35 magic items & bonus levels (not counting Skymiibos)
DAWNOFWAR Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#1405 Posted: 14:34:44 31/12/2014
Yes...custom made...just added the light and dark self's...for expansion
SkyScratch Blue Sparx Gems: 550
#1406 Posted: 14:51:25 31/12/2014
Yes...custom made...just added the light and dark self's...for expansion

I love your display, it looks amazing, too bad I'm not handy enough to build my own, lol.
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#1407 Posted: 01:08:14 03/01/2015
What just over 400, mostly packaged, Skylanders figures look like...

[User Posted Image]
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#1408 Posted: 01:10:26 03/01/2015
OMG!... someone robbed walmart, LOL!
Ha! HA, sage ich.
DAWNOFWAR Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#1409 Posted: 05:42:34 03/01/2015
Nice collection!
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#1410 Posted: 06:44:49 04/01/2015
I was cleaning up my Facebook album when I ran across this photo - from the launch day, October 16th, 2011. I thought some folks here might enjoy it. Sorry for the quality - it's BAD.

[User Posted Image]

I think I've added a few to my collection since then...
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#1411 Posted: 21:04:04 04/01/2015
SkyLanders Trap Team Clear Tuff Luck
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
Dealhshand Red Sparx Gems: 79
#1412 Posted: 18:53:25 10/01/2015[User Posted Image]

My collection so far..
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:54:46 10/01/2015 by Dealhshand
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511
#1413 Posted: 22:08:44 10/01/2015
Quote: UncleBob
What just over 400, mostly packaged, Skylanders figures look like...

[User Posted Image]

Just a question, how do you use packaged traps?
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#1414 Posted: 23:09:05 10/01/2015
I haven't figured that one out yet. I pretty much play with Broccoli Guy in the included Life Trap (because he's the best) - I'm either going to figure out a way to play with the traps in the package or wait until I can pick up some used traps on the cheap.
Dadskylanders Yellow Sparx Gems: 1410
#1415 Posted: 14:14:44 11/01/2015
Long time reader and recently started posting. Thought I would share my collection with everyone. Just to show that I am crazy too. Some of you may have seen my custom built towers from I really enjoy collecting and playing these games and hope to finish my collection soon. With 500+ I think I may have a sickness.
Father of future gamers
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 01:52:04 20/07/2015 by Dadskylanders
tvih Green Sparx Gems: 425
#1416 Posted: 11:51:46 13/01/2015
I'm up to 76 Skylanders now if my list is correct (did some updating on it, hadn't for a long time), plus some magic items, 8 traps and such. I guess I should get an up to date picture of all of them together at some point. Though I've been thinking of selling off some of them - ones I don't like much, or some duplicates and the like.

On the other hand I've been eyeing some used SSA adventure pieces, as well as some "new" figures - Ignitor S2, Dune Bug, Flameslinger and Prism Break S1 (to complete my PB lineup, with perhaps Voodood and Boomer in the triple pack) and such. Who knows what'll happen smilie
Metspride129 Green Sparx Gems: 132
#1417 Posted: 00:41:49 14/01/2015
dang guys! some of these collections are INSANE. my wifey would kill me haha
Been gone a while, but now I'm back. Originator of "I Just Bought" Skylanders thread. going 2+ years strong
stoat2337 Gold Sparx Gems: 2270
#1418 Posted: 17:21:11 14/01/2015
Quote: Dadskylanders
Long time reader and recently started posting. Thought I would share my collection with everyone. Just to show that I am crazy too. Some of you may have seen my custom built towers from I really enjoy collecting and playing these games and hope to finish my collection soon. With 300+, I think I have a good start. smilie

Damn, Dadskylanders. Nice "start"! smilie Love those shelves, too!
NightShade Red Sparx Gems: 61
#1419 Posted: 00:08:27 15/01/2015
my collection over 150 skylanders
smilie I am Nightshade! The evil ruler of darkness! Dark shall rule the other elements! MUWHAHAHA! smilie
DobermanOwner Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#1420 Posted: 11:36:03 19/01/2015
[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

196 different figures, 40 different traps (missing 7 from wave 3 and RSS) 15 magic items and 10 bonus levels.
Collection total: 317/364 figures, 28/31 vehicles, 51/66 traps, 34/35 magic items & bonus levels (not counting Skymiibos)
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 11:43:33 19/01/2015 by DobermanOwner
Metspride129 Green Sparx Gems: 132
#1421 Posted: 04:22:12 21/01/2015
very nice! love the set up you got there
Been gone a while, but now I'm back. Originator of "I Just Bought" Skylanders thread. going 2+ years strong
DobermanOwner Yellow Sparx Gems: 1013
#1422 Posted: 19:33:41 22/01/2015
Thanks! I wish I had the space to build a bigger shelf for my living room, but I only had 4'! I have run out of room on most of the shelves.
Collection total: 317/364 figures, 28/31 vehicles, 51/66 traps, 34/35 magic items & bonus levels (not counting Skymiibos)
DM235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1678
#1423 Posted: 21:25:32 24/01/2015
Quote: UncleBob
What just over 400, mostly packaged, Skylanders figures look like...

[User Posted Image]

Looks like the Skylanders team saw your post, because they showed it off through their Twitter feed.

Awesome collection by the way. You should go for that Guinness World Record that they are promoting.
zookinator Platinum Sparx Gems: 5726
#1424 Posted: 18:11:02 25/01/2015
I will soon post a pic of my collection, but here is a list for until then.

SSA: All 32 non-variant characters (including Dark Spyro)

SG: All 16 Giants and Cores (With the the three reposes from the starter and battle packs, as well as S2 Zook, S2 Trigger Happy, and Punch Pop Fizz).

SSF: All 32 non-repose/variants (the hat trio and the three reposes from starter and battle packs are included, as well as Volcanic Eruptor)

STT: As of now, Snap Shot, Wallop, Food Fight, Wildfire, Krypt King, and Torch.

Magic Items: All items except the Volcanic Vault, Platinum Treasure Chest, and any STT items.

Traps: One of each elemental trap (except for magic, which I have two of), and the Kaos Trap. The Light and Dark are not included.
Skylanders Colosseum Clash
A Fanmade Skylanders Boardgame
SkyScratch Blue Sparx Gems: 550
#1425 Posted: 23:00:32 25/01/2015
Finally got around to updating pics of my collection. It's a lot of pics, sorry.
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Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#1426 Posted: 23:08:57 31/01/2015
Spyros Adventure:
All Cores
All Sidekicks

All Giants
All New Cores
All Lightcores
All Series 2
Additional Tree Rex, S2 Cynder, S2 Drill Sergeant and Hot Dog

Swap Force:
All Swappers
All New Cores
All Series 2
All Series 3
All Lightcores

Trap Team:
Head Rush
Fist Bump
Blades x2
Funny Bone
Minijini (Trap Team)
Trigger Snappy (Trap Team)
Terrabite (Trap Team)
Barkley (Trap Team)
Eye-Small (Trap Team)
Tidal Wave Gill Grunt
Sure Shot Shroomboom
Hog Wild Fryno
Knight Mare
Knight Light

All Water (Logholder is Outlaw Brawl & Chain)
All Kaos
All Wave 1 & 2 & 3
Light Hawk
Dark Spider
Rebel Lob Goblin Light Rocket

Eons Elite:
Trigger Happy
Chop Chop

All Darks
All Legendaries in SSA & SG
All Christmas Variants
All Enchanted
All Jades
Polar Whirlwind x2
Granite Crusher
Molten Hot Dig
Gnarly Tree Rex
Volcanic Eruptor
Scarlet Ninjini
Nitro Freeze Blade
Springtime Trigger Happy
Kickoff Countdown
GITD Fright Rider
Green Wash Buckler
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Friendzie Blue Sparx Gems: 611
#1427 Posted: 02:45:59 17/02/2015
Here is my son being introduced to my Skylanders. I should post a full collection post sometime, but my collection won't turn any heads with what's already been posted here. I have my figures set up to be the easiest for me to game with. I don't display them on a shelf. My cores are all in this plastic bin that slides out from under my couch when I play the game. The Swappers and Trap Masters are in a drawer under my TV that I open up. Giants are... well, I almost never use my Giants.

Also, from the picture, it might look like the cores are all just piled into this bin randomly, but on closer inspection they are not, and nothing is sitting on top of anything.

[User Posted Image]
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 02:48:57 17/02/2015 by Friendzie
stoat2337 Gold Sparx Gems: 2270
#1428 Posted: 01:21:06 20/02/2015
Great collection. Greater son!
sharkworld Blue Sparx Gems: 586
#1429 Posted: 13:26:01 07/03/2015
Hi everyone! Thought I should introduce myself properly here.
So with a history of collecting trading cards in the past I was well aware of my addictive personality and although I knew I would enjoy Skylanders I also knew it would cost me a large fortune. I did well, my will power held out until the 20th of Jan this year when the stupid voice in my head convinced me I could buy Trap team if I only bought the bare essentials needed to complete the game.
Yeeeah....we all know how that turns out.
It didn't help that I stumbled across the swap force and giants games in Tesco for a whopping £7.25 for the pair. Meaning I of course needed to hunt down some of those figures as well. At least I've managed to find some clearance bargains and made use of 3 for 2 offers. All but three are new and I put in the leg work to get kaos at retail price...forgot how much of a buzz it was getting hold of those rares.

My collection after a month and a half:
[User Posted Image] [User Posted Image] [User Posted Image]
(Click the pictures for the full image)
Elite terrafin and short cut to be added next week! Why did nobody stop me!!!

Portal Master since 20/1/2015 but catching up fast!!!
Total=163,12 vehicles,3 Trophys,25 Traps,9 extra levels
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:40:49 07/03/2015 by sharkworld
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#1430 Posted: 16:31:11 29/03/2015
[User Posted Image]part 1 of collection blurry though
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
SkylanderCynder Green Sparx Gems: 151
#1431 Posted: 16:58:29 29/03/2015
Quote: skylandersspyro
[User Posted Image]part 1 of collection blurry though

Wow.smilie .............
hey guys
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1432 Posted: 14:58:21 17/04/2015
My collection of all the non-TT skylanders I like to use. There are just a few others but I chose not to include them because I care about these ones the most. I have all giants, all swappers, several variants, and few repaints. I like to play with a type of character in their respective games, like Giants in SG. I only use the cores for SSA. Also I sometimes have a second version of the same character for both upgrade paths.

[User Posted Image]

Potato 3DS quality is potato. So here is a descriptive version of what I got:

Sky Diamond, Battle Hammer, Platinum Sheep, Groove Machine.
Ninjini, Scarlet Ninjini, Hoot Loop, Enchanted Hoot Loop, Trap Shadow, Spyro.
Thumpback, Wash Buckler, Special Wash Buckler, Freeze Blade, Gill Grunt, S2 Gill Grunt.
Swarm, Free Ranger, Legendary Free Ranger, Boom Jet, S2 Whirlwind.
Tree Rex, Gnarly Tree Rex, Grilla Drilla, Stink Bomb, Ninja Stealth Elf, Silver Stealth Elf (Custom, Chase-style)
Bouncer, Legendary Bouncer, Magna Charge, Spy Rise, Trigger Happy, S2 Trigger Happy.
Crusher, Rubble Rouser, Doom Stone, Lightcore Prism Break.
Hot Head, Blast Zone, Spacey Blast Zone (Custom), Fire Kraken, S2 Eruptor.
Eye Brawl, Rattle Shake, Quickdraw Rattle Shake, Night Shift, Legendary Night Shift, S2 Cynder.
Tower of Time, Sheep Wreck Islands.
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:58:44 17/04/2015 by LameLime
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#1433 Posted: 20:42:59 03/05/2015
I just went through all my figures, updated my spreadsheet, found a few that I missed.
I'm at exactly 499 toys (characters, traps, magic items, etc. - but only stuff that's for the game, doesn't include posters or whatever) in my personal collection.

I hope I manage to make #500 something cool. It'd be a little disappointing if it were just a trap or something. Although, if it were Riot Shield Shredder, I suppose I wouldn't complain. :D
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#1434 Posted: 14:04:04 09/05/2015
All 18 Trap Masters since 4/29/15 smilie
[User Posted Image]
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Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#1435 Posted: 15:58:19 26/05/2015
Finally got around to updating pics of my collection. It's a lot of pics, sorry.

Is that all of em ?
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
PwnageFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1716
#1436 Posted: 14:41:52 16/06/2015
I might take picture of my collection later, it's huge. Not as big as UncleBob's though smilie
Quote: Carmelita Fox
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#1437 Posted: 14:30:37 22/06/2015
[User Posted Image]

My full collection of characters!

Didn't included Adventure Packs, Magic Items and Battle Packs.
And no mandatory repose.

Giants' Cores are in front of the Giants themselves as you can see from Chill, so they might be a bit hard to spot.

I'm really proud of my army and now that it's finally complete (got Enigma two days ago) I am really happy to share it with you. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1438 Posted: 18:47:26 28/06/2015
A mid-year update on my whole collection. I apologise for the blurry quality. Blame my 3DS, my ONLY camera smilie

Green bases, I have 17 of them that are exactly half of all SSA characters plus a custom paint.

Orange bases. I have 18 orange bases. I still have all giants as well as six variants and repaints for second paths. Added two more giants just two days ago. I also started my orange base core collection last week.

Blue bases. I have 29 of them. I only care for the swappers and adventure pieces, but I'll probably start a blue base core collection next year if I see more of them used. I still have all 16 swappers and also have 7 second-paths, one of them being custom. I would like to continue the second-path collection if I can find more used swappers.

Red bases. I'm currently not focused on red base collection right now. I'm more into greens and oranges, but you can see I have 14 trap masters, both new element levels, and Food Fight. That's a total of 17 reds. Good thing I have the correct trap masters to open all elemental gates.

My traps. I only have 15 of them. All elements BUT earth. This is why I cut back playing Trap Team. I'm in the process of 100% and I feel rather incomplete that I don't have an earth trap. I need to find one soon!

And now pictures of the same figures but sorted differently:

Airs (12)
Lifes (10)
Undeads (11)
Earths (4)
Fires (9)
Waters (7)
Magics (9)
Techs (9)

Non-Legendary Variants (7)
Legendaries (3)
Customs (4)

All my figures in one picture

I have 81 figures as of now
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
iceflow76 Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#1439 Posted: 23:01:37 28/06/2015
Finally found something decent for display our Skylander collection. Looks like I'll have to build one after Superchargers comes out.
Characters Owned: 131 of 131 (100%) (Bring on Superchargers)
Figures Owned: 209 of 268 (77.9%)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:03:21 28/06/2015 by iceflow76
Nightmoon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#1440 Posted: 17:11:32 02/07/2015
Finally got around to taking pictures. Better quality than I expected from my phone, but not too great.

[User Posted Image]
Skylanders: Giants - How I usually display them. Not optimal for photos. All characters placed on the position matching their element. Wireless original portal only used as decoration, I use the Swap-portal when playing the 3 first games.

Gallery - Easier to view, but links to each individual pic below.
Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Life, Magic, Tech, Undead, Water, Light and Dark (battle arena replaced with my 3 portals, guest appearance by Dark Spyro).
And lastly, Items. Traps not included, want to get the Shrub Shrieker and put together my custom wooden trap box first.
Phoenix Crystal is the best unreleased Crystal.
Skylanders Academy Season 2 was an improvement.
I don't know what to think of Skylanders' future.
orekul Yellow Sparx Gems: 1099
#1441 Posted: 21:36:25 02/07/2015
Ok, here goes. I had the motivation to photograph our collection of toys. So here goes, they are in game order
Firstly the spyro's adventures figures:
[User Posted Image]
Now the giant figures:
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Swap force:
[User Posted Image]
Trap team
cores and trap masters:
[User Posted Image]
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Our minis and a few sidekicks (also the ufo hat card):
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This is our variant figures, and a couple of eons elite. Mixed up and not in any order:
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Finally the magic items and expansions:
[User Posted Image]
We've added a couple of items since I took these pics, the superchargers e3 hot streak and I've also grabbed a few of the missing swap force figures (jet vac, chop chop and lightcore pop fizz) and the golden dragonfire canon.

Hope you enjoy the pics!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:52:08 02/07/2015 by orekul
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1442 Posted: 13:44:57 05/07/2015
Better quality images of my greens and oranges. I have a new iPhone!

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#1443 Posted: 20:38:36 10/07/2015
check out my gb
LameLime Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1444 Posted: 00:03:21 11/07/2015
What gb? smilie
30/32 Skylanders -- 4/4 Levels -- 8/9 Items (Includes VV)
Missing: smilie smilie + Ghost Swords
lordexodus Gold Sparx Gems: 2508
#1445 Posted: 14:09:52 14/07/2015
Are there any collectors & completists residing in California's O.C. area here?

Got Echo, Gnarly Barkley, Blackout, & Spotlight?
Need accurate & evident release info on Skylanders Imaginators...
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:11:44 14/07/2015 by lordexodus
wideawakewesley Emerald Sparx Gems: 3281
#1446 Posted: 20:54:19 17/07/2015
Thought it was about time we shared my son's collection. This is just the characters.

[User Posted Image]
Contributor to Family Gamer TV -
Follow me on twitter -
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#1447 Posted: 21:10:10 28/07/2015
I'm not interested in skylanders anymore so I am not collecting anything past Giants
The only reason I have Legendary Grim Creeper is because my dad found it at Toys R Us and thought it was cool.
[User Posted Image]

I have every main skylander from Spyro's Adventure and Giants except for the Giant's Sidekicks. Special one sinclude Red Drill Sargent, Blue Bash, Pumpkin Eye Brawl, and Glow in the Dark Sonic Boom.
Gay 4 GARcher
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:10:18 28/07/2015 by DragonCamo
PopFizzMagic Yellow Sparx Gems: 1235
#1448 Posted: 22:38:55 11/08/2015
Stop putting my collection to shame! I got only 63 characters, and 12 magic items, and 18 traps!
Spit Fire Green Sparx Gems: 215
#1449 Posted: 04:14:11 15/08/2015
[img[User Posted Image]

Nothing crazy here, but what I use to get the job done. My brother owns all the other adventure packs, plus light elements.
Fireworks Emerald Sparx Gems: 3094
#1450 Posted: 09:58:12 05/09/2015
Here's my collection so far. I might get Enigma and Gearshift later but I'm not sure yet.
[User Posted Image]
As of now, I'm saving up for Superchargers smilie
Don't mind me, I'm just not a very talkative person.
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