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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
lowdwn169 Blue Sparx Gems: 586
#1051 Posted: 01:22:31 28/06/2013
my first post on the site. love reading about everyones advertures in collecting the characters. i only need 3 more to complete my spyros adventure collection(boomer, wham-shell and dino-rang) and 1 more sidekick(gill runt) then the new giants sidekicks. didnt bother with GITD or silver figures as we have tons of hoarders around my area which made finding them impossible. on to the pics smilie
extra zones
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couple of my variants
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nocturnalnathan Gold Sparx Gems: 2137
#1052 Posted: 18:52:18 28/06/2013
I've been collecting since the first Skylanders game, but I've never really posted my collection on here before. Now that I'm (almost) done with Giants, I thought now would be the perfect time!

All I still need is LC Hex and the Giants Sidekicks, which I should hopefully be getting soon!

I use a cube storage shelf for all of my figures, it works great. It has nine slots, one for each element, and an extra slot for the legendaries!
On the top shelf, there's my battle arena with LC figures, portals, magic and adventure pack items, sidekicks, and all of my in-game variants!

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EDIT: Also, I didn't realize how big these pictures were! I don't know how to change the size, but if anyone knows how to shrink them, I'd appreciate the help!
"Chicks dig giant robots"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:53:16 28/06/2013 by nocturnalnathan
TheGooch Blue Sparx Gems: 709
#1053 Posted: 01:38:53 29/06/2013
I wanted to share my collection with you all. I picked up the Giants starter pack about a month ago and have managed to accumulate the collection that I have since then. I had to trade in a lot of stuff to get it but it has been fun and worth it. Don't really have any exciting variants and I am still missing Ghost Roaster.

Thanks for looking. I am pretty jealous of many of the collections on here.
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ppipa Red Sparx Gems: 82
#1054 Posted: 18:49:23 30/06/2013
My collection so far

Still missing a few smilie
wickedrunt Yellow Sparx Gems: 1161
#1055 Posted: 01:55:02 04/07/2013
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my collection so far
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:59:47 04/07/2013 by wickedrunt
Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1056 Posted: 19:27:19 07/07/2013
I cannot get pics right now but my sig tells what I'm missing
Lash Blue Sparx Gems: 820
#1057 Posted: 00:08:26 08/07/2013
Here is our full collection.

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And here are the shelves separately.

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Lashie on Lost Islands.
Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#1058 Posted: 16:11:45 14/07/2013
Can't post my pics of my collection I don't know how to upload them from my camera roll
Mesuxelf Ripto Gems: 3666
#1059 Posted: 13:29:21 17/07/2013
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#1060 Posted: 23:01:52 21/07/2013
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A lot of new Skylanders today.

Edit: My mom bought Zook and Double Trouble, now I have all of the 24 S1-reposed characters. All I have left are Boomer, Sunburn, and Wham-Shell.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:26:10 25/07/2013 by MugoUrth
GamerZack7 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1709
#1061 Posted: 11:52:38 27/07/2013
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My Skylanders toy collection as of 27th July 2013. I've only been collecting them for two months, so I still have many gaps to fill. Still, with some persistence I should find a way. smilie
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie | *smilie* | smiliesmilie*smilie*smiliesmilie | smilie | smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
*Currently absent*
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:56:15 27/07/2013 by GamerZack7
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#1062 Posted: 02:15:58 28/07/2013
Quote: nocturnalnathan
I've been collecting since the first Skylanders game, but I've never really posted my collection on here before. Now that I'm (almost) done with Giants, I thought now would be the perfect time!

All I still need is LC Hex and the Giants Sidekicks, which I should hopefully be getting soon!

I use a cube storage shelf for all of my figures, it works great. It has nine slots, one for each element, and an extra slot for the legendaries!
On the top shelf, there's my battle arena with LC figures, portals, magic and adventure pack items, sidekicks, and all of my in-game variants!

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EDIT: Also, I didn't realize how big these pictures were! I don't know how to change the size, but if anyone knows how to shrink them, I'd appreciate the help!

Hey! That top pic was posted on facebook
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1063 Posted: 12:02:55 28/07/2013
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:03:58 28/07/2013 by fateorfear
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1064 Posted: 14:04:29 28/07/2013
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TheGooch Blue Sparx Gems: 709
#1065 Posted: 14:19:29 28/07/2013
smilieVery impressive!smilie
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fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1066 Posted: 14:37:23 28/07/2013
Cheers Gooch
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1067 Posted: 14:43:48 28/07/2013
Nice! Love the swordless Ignitor.

By the way, the Not for Resale Wham Shell is found in the Castle Case.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1068 Posted: 15:10:14 28/07/2013
I know, that's where I got mine, I only pictured that seperately for the uk forum viewers as its in the American packaging with the not for resale, thing is as any collector will tell you and I've been collecting toys for nearly 30 years, if a toy has not for resale on it, in the future it WILL be more valuable
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1069 Posted: 15:13:21 28/07/2013
Very true.
It looks like the errors have been falling in price recently. It stinks, because I have several.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#1070 Posted: 15:32:19 28/07/2013
thats one heck of a collection you have there rolandrogers smilie

your collection should definitive have its own post, so it not drown in this collector post for all... i think you should do that. post it in new post only for your awshum collection smilie
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1071 Posted: 15:34:15 28/07/2013
That it is mr fake Roland Rogers, but I do bow down to the gamesmaster, his collection is still by far the bigger
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#1072 Posted: 15:39:02 28/07/2013
yeh but you should make your own post for it, instead of pics here. your pics will drowns in all other posts. it make it easier to find and see your collection if you do your own post... just saying smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:39:36 28/07/2013 by kappapopm
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1073 Posted: 15:55:30 28/07/2013
Well, I'm gonna be the youngest person to own a complete Giants collection!
*cricket chirps*

Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1074 Posted: 16:37:58 28/07/2013
how old are you matteomax? my nephew is 7 and because of me already has a complete set of series 1, lc, giants and the second 8.
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#1075 Posted: 17:08:39 28/07/2013
Mateoim probably younger, just guessing but your like 15 right?
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out!
shelly9871 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1246
#1076 Posted: 22:15:42 28/07/2013
I think it's hard to say anybody is the youngest/most/whatever
Because who knows that for sure? Maybe people could say that they have----The "fill in blank" collection known on Dark Spyro." I'm not trying to be rude--I'm just pointing that out. GameMaster and Roland have amazing collections---but would anybody say that either is the biggest, most complete, or whatever--? Nobody knows for sure.
Or, am I missing something?
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. smilie
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1077 Posted: 06:21:11 29/07/2013
Totally agree with you Shelley!, my collection is what it is, it's my collection!, it's by no means complete, but I like it and I like that other people like it and are talking about it
terranakari Green Sparx Gems: 468
#1078 Posted: 06:48:06 29/07/2013
im pretty sure my 3 yr old has the best collection for his age. lol he carries around a little scooby-doo backpack for them. his are listed in my siggy, along with shroomboom & sprocket & dragon canon. even though we dont own SG yet... lol
We finally have all the skylanders from SA and SG! Still working on SSF & STT.

Proud Skylander Mom! To our little skyfamily. <3
fateorfear Blue Sparx Gems: 901
#1079 Posted: 08:43:00 29/07/2013
That's really sweet, my wife keeps hers in a scoot doo storage box
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#1080 Posted: 10:33:33 31/07/2013
Matteomax is 15 or 16, but by complete Giants Collection, he means all the chase variants and event exclusives as well.
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1081 Posted: 10:40:52 31/07/2013
Quote: paddyfitz
Matteomax is 15 or 16, but by complete Giants Collection, he means all the chase variants and event exclusives as well.

Actually, I'm 14.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
paddyfitz Gold Sparx Gems: 2242
#1082 Posted: 10:55:22 31/07/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: paddyfitz
Matteomax is 15 or 16, but by complete Giants Collection, he means all the chase variants and event exclusives as well.

Actually, I'm 14.

Whoa, your even younger than I expected!
Black lives matter, love is love, trans men are men and trans women are women!!!
Lash Blue Sparx Gems: 820
#1083 Posted: 10:59:24 31/07/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Quote: paddyfitz
Matteomax is 15 or 16, but by complete Giants Collection, he means all the chase variants and event exclusives as well.

Actually, I'm 14.

You seem very mature for 14, which is rare these days.
Lashie on Lost Islands.
shelly9871 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1246
#1084 Posted: 11:33:42 31/07/2013
I second that comment Lash--kudos
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. smilie
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1085 Posted: 12:09:57 31/07/2013
Thanks guys! smilie

Yep, all I need is the Purple variants and Employee Prism.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
shelly9871 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1246
#1086 Posted: 12:25:08 31/07/2013
Do you have the LC hex, jet vac single, and the last two triples? I'm jealous!
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. smilie
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1087 Posted: 13:15:47 31/07/2013
I don't collect the triples, but I might grab them later.

I have a LightCore Hex coming from Australia.

Still waiting for Jet-Vac, Gnarly Tree Rex, Pumpkin Eye Brawl, and some of the Mega Bloks to come out.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
shelly9871 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1246
#1088 Posted: 14:51:08 31/07/2013
Moving close to completion. smilie. Congrats!
I've debated getting jet and LC hex and triples from AU---but will likely wait. Although I read somewhere on DS where people were speculating that triples may never be released in US---I don't want to wait and then theyll be more expensive via ebay. I would so love to be done with SSA before Swap force but with the expense of the last ones we need--I think we will have to pick one off the list every do often.
I hope they dont keep adding giants between now and Swap Force--Especially chase variants--id like to save for new game/games.

Mega Bloks---we need the smaller hero packs that were Walmart exclusives and that one with the purple spyro. I've not ever seen those in the store---have you?

Are you buying two sets of swap? Did you collect card set? I'm excited for swap cards---
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. smilie
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#1089 Posted: 15:01:57 31/07/2013
I might not get all the Swap Force characters.

The Hero Packs with Metallic Cynder and S2 Terrafin can be found at Five Below.

I got the Walmart exclusive packs from Amazon, a third party seller sold me them for $10 each.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
shelly9871 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1246
#1090 Posted: 16:47:47 31/07/2013
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. smilie
TheGooch Blue Sparx Gems: 709
#1091 Posted: 17:22:55 09/08/2013
Quote: Matteomax
I might not get all the Swap Force characters.

The Hero Packs with Metallic Cynder and S2 Terrafin can be found at Five Below.

I got the Walmart exclusive packs from Amazon, a third party seller sold me them for $10 each.

Since when do they sell Skylanders at Five Below? I have never seen them there and I have to go all the time.
--- Knowledge + Control = Privacy
My new favorite web browser add-on.
jet-vac6000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1718
#1092 Posted: 21:52:37 11/08/2013
I think he is talking about the Mega Bloks...
the48thronin Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#1093 Posted: 13:22:33 15/08/2013
Here's is my son's collection, he's 3 but he loves some skylanders. It's a good bonding experience for the two of us. His collection is complete with all characters currently released.
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Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#1094 Posted: 14:59:11 16/08/2013
It's not the greatest but my daughter and I have only been into skylanders maybe 2 months

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Need Nitro Magna Charge
stoat2337 Gold Sparx Gems: 2270
#1095 Posted: 15:03:40 16/08/2013
very nice, Mage!
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#1096 Posted: 15:44:29 16/08/2013
Thanks she not really interested in getting multiples of the same characters but some of these triple packs and battle packs you can't help it and being so late to the ss:a game finding these characters is hard. Thankfully amazon has come in handy...I don't trust eBay since a few years ago I got burned selling a laptop for 600 bucks. We have been selling some of loose extras on amazon so that had helped fuel the skylander funds lol
Need Nitro Magna Charge
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#1097 Posted: 16:57:07 16/08/2013
Quote: Mage0069
It's not the greatest but my daughter and I have only been into skylanders maybe 2 months

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Wow, only 2 months? I've been into the game since January and you already have more figures than me.
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#1098 Posted: 18:13:18 16/08/2013
I admit I had the collector in me go nuts for that first month lol. But it's getting harder to find the ones we need or want without going online to get them
Need Nitro Magna Charge
stoat2337 Gold Sparx Gems: 2270
#1099 Posted: 18:40:43 16/08/2013
I can completely sympathize. I started my collection at Christmas and went nuts when my tax return came in.
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#1100 Posted: 19:16:54 16/08/2013
I'm gonna just take it easy for swap force though and just get what we like and maybe fill in the rest when good sales happen
Need Nitro Magna Charge
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