

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Forum Suggestions [STICKY]
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1251 Posted: 02:50:42 18/11/2012
All of the avatar topics have been moved to the Fan Art section, so that's one down. :3
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#1252 Posted: 02:56:37 18/11/2012
Technically, we would need a Skylanders Fandom area. The current Fandom Forum is for SPYRO. smilie
LegoLander Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#1253 Posted: 15:37:28 18/11/2012
Quote: crystalhero37
sorry lego, sometimes it is hard to tell when people are sarcastic on here.

it's okaysmilie Yeah, that's the problem with typing, people can't tell if you're joking!
The person who finally changed his Christmas avatar. Give me a cookie.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1254 Posted: 06:04:08 20/11/2012
What about the Skylander contest topics?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:04:36 20/11/2012 by Aura24
Mad Jack1123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1766
#1255 Posted: 00:07:02 21/11/2012
Heir mods.
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#1256 Posted: 00:12:22 21/11/2012
Cami, it's "Hire Mods".
Dacon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3176
#1257 Posted: 08:28:01 22/11/2012
Hire? What, you expect him to pay for people to be moderators?
The proper word to use would be recruit.

"I swear that thing has a mind of it's own." - Samius
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#1258 Posted: 08:37:58 22/11/2012
Quote: Dacon
Hire? What, you expect him to pay for people to be moderators?
The proper word to use would be recruit.

I doubt he meant that. He knows Dark is not going to pay.
Dacon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3176
#1259 Posted: 09:14:23 22/11/2012
Ah alright, was just making it clear

"I swear that thing has a mind of it's own." - Samius
Thumpterra12 Ripto Gems: 120
#1260 Posted: 16:29:09 30/11/2012
lots of people would do it for free. if i had to pick mods, it would be aura24 and bionicle2809.
TacoMakerSkys Platinum Sparx Gems: 5652
#1261 Posted: 05:34:41 03/12/2012
Skylanders Giants Forum Headers for us to choose?
words. letters. filler.
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5792
#1262 Posted: 11:03:25 03/12/2012
It would be good if dark set a respectful, helpful mod that would tke care and banned or gornc the right people...
spyrobeta Green Sparx Gems: 237
#1263 Posted: 12:36:08 03/12/2012
Oh god, mods will ruin this forum. Too many power hungry types will ruin it.
Spyro Classic Fan forever. I highly despise Activision and Skylanders. Problem? Shove it.
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#1264 Posted: 13:14:50 03/12/2012
Quote: spyrobeta
Oh god, mods will ruin this forum. Too many power hungry types will ruin it.

Are you saying that it would be better in its current, non-moderated condition?
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1265 Posted: 14:36:01 03/12/2012
Quote: spyrobeta
Oh god, mods will ruin this forum. Too many power hungry types will ruin it.

Moderators will help dark watch this forum while he's away and deal with problems that he couldn't attend to immediately, like porn trolls or spammers. The forums here is already a little ruined due to dark52 not tackling on reports as he should.

And dark52 already confirmed that he intends on doing mod applications before christmas if possible.

Quote: dark52
I will admit that in the last month or so I've fallen a bit behind on tackling the reports. I wasn't planning on saying anything until I'd finished sorting out the behind-the-scenes stuff but I do intend to open moderator applications some time soon, I was aiming for before Christmas if possible.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 14:39:30 03/12/2012 by Aura24
SkyWanderer Blue Sparx Gems: 597
#1266 Posted: 21:39:29 03/12/2012
As far as suggestions go, i would suggest a third major board in the spyro/skylanders section for Fan projects.

there are a huge amount of them at the moment between Project Frixion, Spyro: Eclipse, and Skylanders:old and new.
I am an Enviornmental modeler for projectFrixion :
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:39:52 03/12/2012 by SkyWanderer
Kurui Ripto Gems: 191
#1267 Posted: 20:42:34 04/12/2012
Quote: SkyWanderer
As far as suggestions go, i would suggest a third major board in the spyro/skylanders section for Fan projects.

there are a huge amount of them at the moment between Project Frixion, Spyro: Eclipse, and Skylanderssmilield and new.

This :>
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#1268 Posted: 21:15:40 04/12/2012
I guess, but that's why we have the fandom section, but I know what you mean.
SkyWanderer Blue Sparx Gems: 597
#1269 Posted: 22:19:32 07/12/2012
the problem is its way too cluttered.

stickying all three projects would be a decent fix but a project forum would be the best solution.
I am an Enviornmental modeler for projectFrixion :
bash fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5571
#1270 Posted: 09:01:45 08/12/2012
Maybe each user can have their own gallery?
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#1271 Posted: 09:02:59 08/12/2012
Maybe pictures showing in guestbooks?
jennacat4 Gold Sparx Gems: 2329
#1272 Posted: 17:37:48 09/12/2012
Mass PM! (As HIR said)
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#1273 Posted: 19:02:58 09/12/2012
Opening closed topics. Private topics? Automatically showing new posts on a topic.
Hello from Seattle
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 8244
#1274 Posted: 15:21:18 11/12/2012
Quote: Ryanator20x6
Opening closed topics. Private topics? Automatically showing new posts on a topic.

Yeah, I want this too.
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
DummyZ Gold Sparx Gems: 2844
#1275 Posted: 16:02:29 11/12/2012
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8973
#1276 Posted: 20:14:58 11/12/2012
Um closed topics are usally closed for a reason.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1277 Posted: 13:44:38 14/12/2012
Images in GB. This has probably been mentioned before (and probably denied too), but I still think that if Youtube videos can work in a GB, images should too. If necessary, you can put a limit as to how many images go in the GB (5?) so it doesn't get clogged up (not sure if it's possible to limit the dimensions though).

And why was strikethrough denied? I think that would be a nice idea.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:44:53 14/12/2012 by CAV
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#1278 Posted: 15:45:19 14/12/2012
Wait... strikethrough was denied? Why? I enjoy using strikethrough and I would like it added to the BB Code. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1279 Posted: 01:54:47 15/12/2012
There are too many 'Create Your Own Skylander' topics in the Giants section. Since they're more related to Fan Art, than the game of Skylanders: Giants in general, they should be in the Fan Art section.

The number rise of those topics are starting to become more like the avatar topics now.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#1280 Posted: 03:45:34 15/12/2012
Quote: Aura24
There are too many 'Create Your Own Skylander' topics in the Giants section. Since they're more related to Fan Art, than the game of Skylanders: Giants in general, they should be in the Fan Art section.

The number rise of those topics are starting to become more like the avatar topics now.

Maybe Dark could make a Skylanders Oc/Fan character topic at the top of the fandom section to keep everything in one thread.
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#1281 Posted: 12:00:17 15/12/2012
Quote: HIR
Wait... strikethrough was denied? Why? I enjoy using strikethrough and I would like it added to the BB Code. >.>

Hello from Seattle
wspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4422
#1282 Posted: 17:34:00 15/12/2012
Quote: CAV
And why was strikethrough denied? I think that would be a nice idea.

Quote: HIR
Wait... strikethrough was denied? Why? I enjoy using strikethrough and I would like it added to the BB Code. >.>

I also want to know why was Strikethrough denied as well. I use it quite often on other places and was disappointed to see that it was denied here.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:34:26 15/12/2012 by wspyro
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#1283 Posted: 10:45:40 16/12/2012
I think "strikethrough" is pointless to be honest.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#1284 Posted: 12:05:05 16/12/2012
I always have inside jokes to posts, like mutters but then I remember I can't shrink text or can't strike it.
But I guess it's only there for joke purposes as if you wanted to get rid of something you just delete it out.
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#1285 Posted: 12:48:54 16/12/2012
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
I think "strikethrough" is pointless to be honest.

Same here.
Hello from Seattle
Brightscales Ripto Gems: 445
#1286 Posted: 21:36:19 16/12/2012
<s>we shouldnt have it</s> we need it!
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#1287 Posted: 15:42:06 22/12/2012
Quote: crystalhero37
I always have inside jokes to posts, like mutters but then I remember I can't shrink text or can't strike it.

^Pretty much this.

And because strikethrough doesn't exist, I am forced to use things like "-er....", which looks extremely unorganized and isn't pleasant to look at in a post.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:42:41 22/12/2012 by CAV
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#1288 Posted: 22:37:29 23/12/2012
Exactly. There's very limited good ways to joke around using only text. Strikethrough helps me with jokes and funnier posts. ;~;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5698
#1289 Posted: 22:41:44 23/12/2012
It's hard to be sarcastic without ruining the joke not using strike through.
I don't like using 'smilie' much anymore.
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#1290 Posted: 03:24:55 30/12/2012
Skylanders Giants section is getting a really weird increase in "(X Giant) HQ" which serves no purpose.
I think this stuff would be much better off in the Spyro/Skylanders Fandom part of the forum..I think though it's that no one else realizes this.

Even though the site is Spyro/Skylanders, I think it'd be much easier for the Skylanders users to comprehend if the fandom discussion was added instead to the Skylanders area rather than lumping it in with general Spyro stuff.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
sniper52 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1315
#1291 Posted: 18:15:01 30/12/2012
We need a chatroom for this site. And it can be divided into the same sections we have on the forums. It should also allow guests to join too.

Also, dark should have a system where he can send a PM to all users. For example, The HQ thing could be ended. He would need that system to tell all users about that change. Not everyone looks at the site news.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:47:52 30/12/2012 by sniper52
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#1292 Posted: 11:13:28 31/12/2012
Quote: sniper52
We need a chatroom for this site. And it can be divided into the same sections we have on the forums. It should also allow guests to join too.

Also, dark should have a system where he can send a PM to all users. For example, The HQ thing could be ended. He would need that system to tell all users about that change. Not everyone looks at the site news.

I think this is a bad idea, although it may sound great to have people getting together, and having one big live chat, I just think that this would bring about more disadvantages, than advantages to this site. Allowing guests, I reckon could turn into a big "No-no", this could just attract more "returning" users like "Levi" for example, or could just cause more reasons for "idiots" to break the rules, and spam, and just be down right annoying. Although dark52 could code it so it only shows up for us members, but that takes away the feature where guests can join. Nonetheless, I still don't like this idea.

To be honest, having a chat room with the same forums is sort of just like duplicating this website, it's sort of like a big chat room anyway. Apart from it's getting bigger, and now dark52 has finally realised that he needs help, and I reckon this would just be something extra that is really not needed for him to worry about. We're lucky to see dark52 sign into this website for a couple of hours a day, let alone anything else he does, lol.

And the thing about the "Site News", well people, should actually spend their own time looking up on it if they really are interested to find out, I don't think it's necessary for dark52 to add extra coding just for this feature alone; it seems like a waste of time for him. I personally think that it's fine as it is. Sometimes I don't even want to know about the news each time, especially when I know it's just going to be about Skylanders, almost every time. I haven't got nothing against Skylanders, it's that I'm not interested in it, at all really.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:17:02 31/12/2012 by SuperSpyroFan
sniper52 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1315
#1293 Posted: 11:28:35 31/12/2012
No, I meant changes to the forum, not skylander news.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#1294 Posted: 11:36:55 31/12/2012
Quote: sniper52
No, I meant changes to the forum, not skylander news.

I was giving an example, sorry for the confusion. My darling one. smilie
Gohan Green Sparx Gems: 270
#1295 Posted: 09:06:29 01/01/2013
How about custom user titles?.. Not sure if it was mentioned yet.

I suggest if you added it, to have a restriction so only a certain amount of gems can activate it. But like, maybe below the users username or below the avatar, they could have a custom text or title? I dunno, I see it on other forums alot.. So..

/didn't read thread at all
SkylanderSchool Blue Sparx Gems: 658
#1296 Posted: 23:25:13 01/01/2013
A page for art that does not have to do with anything Spyro, just where users can show off creations.
Guess what?
Your face.
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