Angora was getting very uneasy with the interaction. She wanted to be pleased to know an old acquaintance returned, but the way Darkheart was behaving was making her very nervous. Maybe it was just her, but still, she couldn't stop feeling that way.
"So returning to Raclaw? I'm sure he'll be very pleased. Now... first... don't you know where the kitchen is?" Angora asked, knowing that Darkheart spent time in the ship and that she should remember where such an important place was. But was it that she never bothered looking for it and she fed on what Maverick and Latnok cooked.
"Kitchen is this way. If you can follow me..." she instructed, waiting for Darkheart to give her an opening. Her stomach rumbling was in nowhere discrete. This was one hungry dragon, and if she has been hiding all this time, Angora knew she had to get something for her quickly...
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > Baptism by Lightning (legend of Orion. private)
Prismatic Sparx
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#301 Posted: 06:46:20 02/10/2019
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#302 Posted: 08:04:30 02/10/2019
Darkheart ran her tongue over her many razor sharp teeth, salivating involuntarily. "Thank you..." The dragoness easily shifted around to let Angora through. She was embarrassed by her stomach demanding food, but she had needed to ask anyway. "I'd never needed to concern myself about food while on board before." She kept a whispering volume this whole while.
Meanwhile Mischief stared at the steadily darkening sky and felt an inexplicable and uncontrollable urge. Taking a deep breath, she pulled her head back and howled. "Awooooooooooooooo!!!!"
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#303 Posted: 15:37:53 02/10/2019
"Well, if you don't find it, it's not going to come to you." Angora said rather bluntly, wondering why Darkheart didn't ask for help when she started to become hungry, or why didn't she tried to find the kitchen or cellar when hunger took over. Perhaps she was too used to being brought food? Whatever the reason, it wasn't an excuse, and it did annoy Angora. Since when did she became a dragon feeder? She had enough responsibility with Veris already, now she had to get food for this dragon as well. Darkheart was an old acquaintance with whom Angora never had any trouble with, but right now, she was a very hungry predator, a dragon no less. As Angora lead Darkheart to the kitchen, she didn't lower her guard. She didn't think Darkheart would hurt her on purpose, but Angora still wasn't taking any risks...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#304 Posted: 22:36:37 02/10/2019
In the kitchen, Leoquin was searching for some seasoning, to cook a fish he had caught earlier that day. He didn't know much about these Ishulgites, but it was evident that he would need to talk to them in order to continue the search for Audax.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#305 Posted: 01:24:31 03/10/2019
Angora opened the kitchen to let Darkheart in, initially not worried about anybody being there. The kitchen was usually empty, and only had people that either wanted a snack or were about to cook for the crew, like Maverick. She was both startled and disappointed to see that there was somebody in there. She wouldn't have minded... if the person in question hadn't been Leoquin of all people. He looked distracted, so Angora retreated, hoping he didn't see her.
"Ugh. Sorry. You'll have to wait until he leaves." she said to Darkheart in a very low voice, not wanting anyone to know she was there yet. She didn't know if Darkheart was banished or left in her own free will, but she didn't think the ship's crewmembers were ready for her returning presence yet. She knew how hungry she was, but the dragoness would have to wait just a little while longer to get something in her stomach...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#306 Posted: 04:28:58 03/10/2019
Darkheart glowered at Leoquin. Of course there'd be someone in her way. The already irritated dragoness toyed with the idea of simply killing Leoquin, but decided against it. The death of a crew member would alert Sere to an intruder. Darkheart couldn't afford detection. Darkheart melded with the shadows, all but invisible. So long as she remained hidden, there was a chance of seeing Raclaw again.
Mischief stared up at the sky before deciding to return to the room shown to her. Digi was incredibly relieved the pup was back safely. "Please please please don't just wander off again! I was worried!" Mischief shrugged and resumed her studies.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#307 Posted: 22:41:15 03/10/2019
Angora begged her to calm down, and knowing how hungry she was, she decided to enter the kitchen with Leoquin there. There was no telling for how long he was going to stay there, so she prepared herself for the insults and offenses.
"Wait here. Hide." she whispered to Darkheart, shortly afterwards entering the kitchen with Leoquin there. She was a frequent visitor of the kitchen given her job, so she hoped he wouldn't ask questions as to why she was there. She already had an answer just in case he felt the need to butt in. "Good evening." she greeted cordially, grabbing a tray and opening the fridge to grab some meat. She wanted to be polite to the merman, even if he didn't treat her with the same courtesy. Sere was already seeing her under a different light, so she didn't want to mess things up by being rude to anybody, not even this shady individual.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#308 Posted: 22:33:10 04/10/2019
Leoquin was seemingly occupied in his own thoughts as he prepared the fish. "Mutineer. Did you catch your own food, or are you here to take advantage of the captain's leniency and stuff your face with our food?" he answered unenthusiastically, without moving his gaze - too lost in his thoughts to bother with any gesture but plain words. Despite the respect he gained for Maverick, Angora was, as far as he knew her, the same stuck-up troll she had always been.
I'm just... a guy... |
Yellow Sparx
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#309 Posted: 02:12:15 05/10/2019
From the shadows Darkheart restrained a snarl. She was tempted to attack. Forcing back her anger - and hunger - was starting to take effort. Still, she allowed Leoquin a small victory. She couldn't afford detection yet.
Digi beeped as he picked up Darkheart. "Strange. I'm detecting that other presence again. It feels familiar..." Mischief glanced up. "What species?" "Dragon, I think. They keep falling off my radar somehow. Like they disappear from my range at will... Trying to lock on for a proper scan is tricky at best." Mischief wondered how. "Digi, can a fur dragon do that? Like could Raclaw?" "Unlikely. And I know Veris couldn't do so without outside help... I don't think Shade can, but I wouldn't know for certain." Mischief shivered. "That pretty much narrows it down to an intruder then... That's worrying. Should we tell the captain?" Digi gave an electronic sigh. "Not until I have proof that I'm indeed detecting an uninvited guest. Last thing we should do is worry the captain needlessly." Mischief poked her nose out the door. "Maybe I should look around..." "If there is an intruder, trying to catch them could get you hurt or even killed!" Mischief nodded and pulled back.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#310 Posted: 04:29:28 05/10/2019
It wasn't long before the ship's destination was finally on the horizon. Maverick had a very limited map given what little was known about this place, but he used his years of sea experience to lead the ship to it's destination safely. No giant sea creature or flesh eating bugs thankfully. He was very relieved. He ordered the anchor to be ready. With this success, he was certain to gain more respect and influence, something that he hoped would help his friend's own image in the long run.
Quote: A Guy
Angora didn't react negatively, since she knew too well he was going to respond in such a way. She already did too much greeting him, so that's where she was going to stop. Just who did he thought he was? She was another crew member who deserved this food as much as him and any other member of the ship. Even though this food wasn't for her, at least she was thinking of someone else rather than herself. It was too bad Leoquin couldn't see it that way. She hoped to one of these days teach him a lesson and stop this annoying rudeness. For now, Angora took the food, completely ignoring Leoquin and letting him mind his own business, and hoping he would do the same after that comment. After getting what she came for, she left, before the merman thought of some other insults to throw at her. Once outside the kitchen, she silently beckoned Darkheart to follow her, wherever she was. She didn't want to give her the food so close to the kitchen where Leoquin was, so she was going to give it to her someplace else. She didn't know how much control Darkheart had over her instincts, but she wanted her to eat quickly before she could hurt her in an impulse...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#311 Posted: 05:41:31 05/10/2019
Darkheart emerged from her shadowy hiding place and followed. She moved in near total silence, centuries of life in hiding training her to move with incredible stealth. The ache in her middle was something she'd once been used to, before... Now she was reminded just how different life was in this day and age. People had grown better at many things before her ancient eyes, and yet... Much had stayed the same. Those who were different were still summarily rejected. She found it amusing that some people could praise one small portion of a group while dismissing the whole. They could sing to the heavens praise for a single being while denouncing the rest of his kin in the same breathe.
She blinked, remembering her empty stomach and the fact she was following Angora. She'd never been fond of dwelling on the past despite having made it a habit in some ways. Why had her mind wandered? Ah, it was a question for another time. "Angora... I do have a question... Is there anyone on board who might end up revealing me? I trust you won't... But I don't know who else is here." she whispers softly. Digi detected Darkheart again and starting whirring softly. Scanning her, he freaked out a little. "I know who's on board!!! But it couldn't be?! She's back!!!" Mischief looked up at him with a confused expression. "Who is?" Digi squealed. "Where's Angora?!?! I need to tell her!!!" Mischief looked out the door again. "I don't see her anywhere... She should be back by now shouldn't she?" Picking up Digi, she heads into the shadowy areas below deck. "I hope she's not... Hurt..." The little female teeters briefly, eyes flickering as she fought for control. If she's hurt... I'll kill whoever hurt her! ... Ugh... What's wrong with me? She shook herself and starting poking around, trying to find Angora. Digi activated a soft light to improve visibility. "Thanks, Digi..."
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#312 Posted: 07:26:17 05/10/2019
Angora was in an already bad mood for having to encounter Leoquin and be bombarded by his usual insults. One would've thought he would've been civilized enough to treat her with the same politeness she treated him, but it was as if he couldn't help it. She was even tempted to tell Sere how he still treated, but she didn't want to complain and be seen as someone who couldn't handle the pressure. If she ever wanted the merman to be punished, she rather have Sere as a witness than have to complain to him. She was quite upset with the meeting to the point where she didn't want to talk to anybody, but Darkheart spoke to her, so she didn't have a choice.
"If you stop talking, nobody will discover you." she said in a rather dry tone of voice, finding it hard to disguise her anger. She lead the dark dragoness to a storage nearby, the place where most of the loot from the pirates the ship intercepted in the first island was kept. Barely anybody came there. The place was even already starting to gather dust. She told Darkheart to remain there and placed her food in front of her, retreating in a similar way she did with Veris. Angora was left wondering why did she always have to be stuck in situations like this. Not only was she resorting to hiding a former crew member, but another dragon of all creatures. Why her? As she was left pondering, she could sense the ship moving differently. Was it coming to a stop?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#313 Posted: 15:29:20 05/10/2019
As the boat approached the dock, the distinctively loud footfall of Sere in his boots could be heard outside the storage room. Wherever he was headed, he was audibly moving with a purpose.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#314 Posted: 16:37:41 05/10/2019
With Angora's keen hearing, she could hear Sere's footsteps. It wasn't the sound she recognized. It was the shilouette reflected from upstairs.
"Hide and take the tray." she whispered to Darkheart, knowing it was too late for her to make a getaway. The dragoness could hide in the shadows, but not her... or the tray. And Angora didn't know any invisibility magic or anything of the sort, none she has practiced. She could hide behind a box or something and be successful... if it had been any other human who approached. But this was Sere, no normal human. Why today? Why this hour? This minute? This storage was barely visited, yet he had to choose this precise moment to enter. What else was going to go wrong today? What did Sere wanted? Angora used to be a good liar, but her time with the ever honest Maverick made her falter. What should she do now? Clearly Sere was going to notice her, and she didn't want to get caught in a lie, so not knowing what else to do, she turned around, pretending to be distracted by the loot from that storage to notice him. As she did, her mind pondered, thinking on what she could say to him to excuse her presence there. If he was going to notice Darkheart around, she rather have him figure it out than needing to be her the one to tell him about their unexpected guest...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#315 Posted: 17:01:14 05/10/2019
It wasn't long before Sere soon made himself known. He came wielding a halberd - he was prepared for a fight. He saw Angora, and gave a disapproving look.
"What are you doing here?" Sere demanded forcefully, though he did not raise his weapon. "No one is permitted to access the valuables without my explicit permission." What Sere didn't immediately reveal was the source of his knowledge - he had a more subtle ward, one which didn't impair the trespasser, in order to catch thieves in the act.
I'm just... a guy... |
Yellow Sparx
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#316 Posted: 18:19:27 05/10/2019
Darkheart starting shaking with barely restrained rage as Sere approached. The meal sated her hunger, but not her anger. She'd not allowed Sere to discover her. But now Angora could get in trouble for her sake. From a shadow her red eyes gleamed, rage making it difficult to think. Finally a thought occurred to her. If Sere noticed her... She could request she be permitted to at least speak to Raclaw. She was tired of fighting and running. She was tired of all of it.
It was about now Mischief finally caught up to Angora. "Hey Angora? Oh! C... Captain! Digi are you sure?" Digi showed a nodding Porygon. "I'm certain this was where I last detected..." He trailed off. "Hello Angora! I wanted to tell you something!" Darkheart blinked. Digi? What was he doing here? And was that Star? No, the taste in clothing was all wrong. Besides, this looked more like Star when they first met. Mischief asked Digi, "So you detected her here AND Angora?" Digi seemed irritated. "I'm telling you! I detected Darkheart in the vicinity of this room, whatever it is!" "Who's Darkheart anyway?!" Darkheart silently cursed. Of course the thing found her.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#317 Posted: 18:26:26 05/10/2019
Angora wasn't dumb. She has known Sere long enough to know when he was suspicious. She also knew that he wasn't going to accept something as stupid like she was sightseeing or that she got lost. In her pondering, she found a way to be sincere with Sere without giving information about Darkheart directly. She was so worried about Sere's reaction that she didn't notice Mischief and Digi nearby.
"Sir, I can assure you there is no danger here. And I can promise you there is an explanation for being here... but this matter is something dear Raclaw will be concerned about the most. If you just give me the time to fetch him and all will be clear." Angora said in a calm way, trying to disguise her own disappointment, but her droopy ears indicated more than that. Sadness. Sere was finally seemingly warming up to her, and he just had to catch her in a forbidden place. He barely went here. Why now? Angora could've sworn he has been tailing her the whole time in order to catch her doing something wrong and return to the same treatment. When will she ever catch a break? She patiently awaited Sere's reply, though she doubted anything good would come from this scenario...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:28:44 05/10/2019 by Felines
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#318 Posted: 21:21:45 05/10/2019
Sere looked at Angora with strong suspicion. "Hold on just a minute," he said. "I have a few questions to ask you. You wouldn't have happened to see anything unusual lately, have you? Strange noises... odd shadows?" Sere intended to hide what he knew from Angora, only revealing a little at a time in order to encourage her to potentially confess details she may know about but he didn't.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#319 Posted: 22:06:20 05/10/2019
Angora was becoming deeply upset, feeling like a criminal being interroaged by an officer in a closed space. What she would give to have some giant marine creature attacking the ship and interrupting them... or just something simpler. Didn't have to be so extreme. Once again, she was starting to believe Sere followed her from a beginning in order to trap her in a supposed wrongdoing.
"I always hear strange noises and see dark shadows sir. It's as if the ship is haunted." Angora expressed, but fearing Sere would misinterpret the comment as rude sarcasm, she continued immediately. "But in this case, it's not really up to me... I think. What's going on here sir is rather... unique, and something I'm sure Raclaw of all crew members should know... if you allow me to tell him." Angora expressed calmly, though still very uneasy deep inside. She didn't want to reveal Darkheart herself, but she looked around in hopes the dragoness would come clean and show herself already. Sere was stressing her out severely cornering her like that, as if she has done something truly horrible. But as she looked around, she finally spotted Digi and Mischief not so far from Sere. She glared at them with the biggest what are you doing here face she could muster. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse. What was up with today? Did everyone in the ship agreed to follow her?
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#320 Posted: 22:17:38 05/10/2019
Sere shook his head. "We're not done here yet," he insisted. "So, you haven't seen any weird shadows? Well, for some time now, we've been dogged by a shadow creature of some sort, hiding away. I had initially thought it might have been a spy for the Ishulgites - but it seems they know me very well, They certainly wouldn't be stupid enough to send a shadow creature to spy on me, knowing my skillset. Said creature has been difficult to pinpoint - clearly skilled in hiding in the shadows. But there has been no mistake - I sense its presence here, and it just so happens to coincide with you coming here..."
One of Sere's gauntlets began to glow with a faint light. "A thief here to steal from us, perhaps? An inside job? It can hide... but what's done in the dark will be brought to the light." Sere steeled himself for a fight, as he focused his own shadow magic in an attempt to pinpoint the creature.
I'm just... a guy... |
Yellow Sparx
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#321 Posted: 23:07:43 05/10/2019
Darkheart stepped from the shadows, her dark illusion active. "Really Sere. I would've thought you'd be more attentive to your crew. Your treatment of Angora hasn't changed any, either."
Mischief squeaked. Digi chimed in, "Mischief, that is Darkheart! It's no wonder she kept dropping from range!" Mischief looked between the two, eyes showing fear of the giant black-scaled beast before her. Darkheart lowered her head to Sere's height, eyes burning with hate. "Leave Angora out of it. It is not her fault. I'm to blame for her being in here." She chose words carefully, not technically lying. While her words were calm, her tone was utterly venomous. "This is between you and me now. I have something I'm here to do... And I won't let you get in my way!" She pulled away, shuddering with each breath as she forced rage back. Through clenched teeth she forces out words. "I will see him again. Even if it's my last act..." She glowers unnervingly at Sere. Mischief shivers, fear nearly overwhelming her. Her eyes flickered.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#322 Posted: 23:35:13 05/10/2019
While Angora was secretly happy to have someone that wasn't Shade or Maverick defending her so openly, she could sense the tension a mile away.
"Gently, please. Don't make it worse." she begged Darkheart telepathically, fearful on how Sere would react. She could still be blamed for hiding a rather hostile dragon instead of reporting her immediately. She also dreaded to think on how Sere would react to her presence...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#323 Posted: 23:38:55 05/10/2019
Sere was not intimidated - activating his combat prescience in order to be prepared for any possible surprise attack. Instead, he reached his free hand into his hyperspace bag, quickly pulling out one of the familiar dragon prisoner collars the Guardians were known to use.
"You are a trespasser here - and I do not care who among my crew you have your vendetta with. A danger to my men is a danger to me - and will be treated as such, along with accomplices to such a danger." Little did Sere know that, despite Darkheart's dangerous tone, her intentions were nowhere near as insidious as he believed...
I'm just... a guy... |
Yellow Sparx
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#324 Posted: 00:17:26 06/10/2019
Darkheart snarled and pulled away. "The only one I've got a vendetta against is you. Now let me see him again... I must... If only to say... Goodbye..." Her rage had been replaced with desperation. She had to speak to Raclaw. She HAD to! She attempted to duck around the Guardian. "And I said to leave Angora out of it, doubly so if you refuse to listen to her!" The dragoness' eyes flashed as she readied herself to avoid the expected blow.
Mischief slowly brought out her staff, paws shaking with fear. She too misunderstood Darkheart's intentions. Gathering her Mana, the gemstone tipping her staff lit up more intensely. She mentally recited her strongest spells.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#325 Posted: 00:49:05 06/10/2019
"I am the captain of this ship," Sere asserted, not being fazed by Darkheart's threatening tone, and visibly priming the collar in his hand to show he meant business. "While aboard my ship, you will show me respect, and you will follow my rules, either by choice or by force. If you have a problem with me, then I will escort you off my ship, or I will have your accomplice here feed you to my wyvern."
Sere stood ready, not backing down. "Now, who is this 'him' person?" he asked, only slightly calmer now that he made his intentions known. Latnok hasn't offended you as far as I know. He's always found you reliable. What do you mean by 'good bye?"
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#326 Posted: 01:54:34 06/10/2019
Angora was tempted to pull what very little hair she had on her head in frustration, really wanting to say something, but she feared she was in enough hot water already, so decided to simply remain silent and speak only when ordered to. Sere already thought of her as an accomplice, but so far, he hadn't said anything about a punishment. Darkheart seemed to be the only one in trouble... for now. She found the idea of feeding Darkheart to Veris disgusting and horrible, given she was almost a victim to cannibalism one time, by her parents no less. Those two weren't exact species, but still close. Even so, silence was her deal now, although she wanted to answer for Darkheart. She said to Sere already Raclaw was the one who needed to know this, so why was he asking who was the one Darkheart needed to see?
At the main deck, Maverick was helping with the anchors, leaving Risar in charge of the vigilance, just in case some sailors wanted to leave the ship before the captain gave the order, though there was little chance of that. The faun man looked around, wondering why Angora hasn't showed up again to be with Shade. Was Veris really keeping her that busy? She didn't even see Shade's mother, someone he mistakenly believed Angora would've been pleased to finally meet in person.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#327 Posted: 02:10:50 06/10/2019
Darkheart blinked before resuming her usual scowl. "You have made at least TWO incorrect assumptions. Angora is not an ACCOMPLICE. She literally just found me because I approached her. Two, why do you think Latnok? I speak of Raclaw! I haven't seen him since you banished all outsiders! I WAS going to speak to him as soon as possible but he hasn't shown up in his room yet... I assume he's up on deck?" Her tone remained vaguely annoyed but she had calmed significantly. She made a rather sudden attempt to duck around again. "Get out of my way! ... PLEASE!" The last word had a hint of desperation, her voice cracking slightly. She had to meet with Raclaw!
Mischief readied a lightning spell should Darkheart lash out violently.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#328 Posted: 02:29:42 06/10/2019
As Darkheart calmed, so did Sere, who relaxed his arms. "...Raclaw? Wait, so... you're here to see Raclaw," Sere answered in audible confusion. "Well, you're certainly not looking to kill him... not that I could imagine, anyway. I'd be pretty hard-pressed to find someone who could have any reason to dislike him. He and Latnok are inseparable nowadays, and they are likely either in their room now, or out on the deck and preparing to retire soon. What could possibly have you so interested in seeking out Raclaw that you become a trespasser on a ship with those who have the means to harm you?" Sere, though no longer fearing some heinous act from Darkheart, was now thoroughly bewildered as he returned the collar to his pack. Little did he know of the relationship the two had shared - and Latnok had not found it necessary to tell him.
He gave Angora a quick look and nodded his head to the doorway. "Our guest has been here a while. Go get her some refreshment," he ordered, as if he hadn't expressed his deep suspicion of her just mere moments ago.
I'm just... a guy... |
Yellow Sparx
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#329 Posted: 02:51:16 06/10/2019
Darkheart was stunned beyond belief. "You... Didn't know???" She looked at Angora with a confused expression. Darkheart decided not to mention to Sere she'd already been given food. But what to say now? Perhaps just tell him. "Raclaw and I... We... We became..." She began to blush.
Mischief started giggling. "Are you in LOVE with him? The one with infinite Mana?" Her tone had shifted when Mana came up, her eyes changing until she shook herself. "... Ooh I know! Maybe you two could get married and have a nice ceremony and-" Digi interrupted "I... Don't think dragons have weddings like humans do. I know for a fact Pokemon prefer the Ceremony of Bonding, which is short and sweet. Nothing fancy... Don't look at me like I did something wrong!" Mischief pouted at him. Darkheart asked Angora "Who's the pup? A relative of Star perhaps? She's... Intriguing..." I sense something... Off about her... The little Zorua felt odd to Darkheart. Especially when she mentioned... Mana, was it? Whatever it was, simply bringing it up got the vixen salivating. Darkheart lowered her head and warned the pup "Paws off Raclaw. Whatever Mana is, I won't let you take his." Returning her attention to Sere she looked at him with a slight head tilt. "Didn't Latnok tell you we were a couple?"
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#330 Posted: 03:05:01 06/10/2019
In contrast to his usual demeanor, Sere's face was a conspicuous display of pure confusion. "Well, uh... no," he admitted, as he awkwardly tossed aside the halberd he had been holding. He had absolutely no idea how to proceed here - in all his years, love at all, let alone dragon love, was a subject he was almost never involved in. Coming here expecting a thief or assassin, and instead, he found... an innocent, lovesick dragon.
In the end, Sere saw how one could sort of make sense of it - Darkheart being a dragon lonely for a long time, and Raclaw being that age. He looked hesitantly to the side before stepping out of Darkheart's way. "While you're here, Angora, go fetch Raclaw for us," Sere added to Angora's previous order, as he struggled to find anything else to say.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#331 Posted: 03:57:48 06/10/2019
Angora opened her eyes wide, almost as if getting out of their sockets. That has gone... well. But too well? Was Sere really that changed? One minute he seemed ready to collar her or at worst, get her to Veris, but he was being extremely comprehensible. After all, Darkheart was simply someone hopelessly in love, who could've easily hunt her down given her hunger, yet she didn't.
"Raclaw... yes. I will... and... refreshments..." she said with a trembling lip, actually more relieved to be out of there than the scene itself. Darkheart already had food, but in her hurry to get out of the kitchen to be out of Leoquin's presence, she forgot to get her something to drink. She was going to leave Darkheart explain about the food while she was out. She was so relieved, but initially so scared on how wrong things could've been, so she sweated heavily once she was out of the storage room. But as she looked for Raclaw, she remembered that also meant she would have to find Latnok. One was not without the other for too long, and she wasn't sure she was ready to face him again. She already had enough with Leoquin, whose current place she would have to visit again soon...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#332 Posted: 05:02:17 06/10/2019
Darkheart was a bit confused, but after Angora left she realized she'd have to explain she'd already eaten. She decided to leave Angora out for the troll's own sake. "Sere, I must confess that I have already been to the kitchen. I don't need food, although I am quite thirsty. I..." She lowered her head and managed to squeeze out an apology. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding... Years of mistrust conditioned me to assume the worst of people."
Mischief meanwhile, was following Angora like a little lost poodle. Her reason was twofold: she wanted to help, and she was also craving another snack. "Miss Angora can I help? I wanna help! Plus I'm here anyway so..." Her tail wagged happily.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#333 Posted: 05:29:32 06/10/2019
Angora wasn't very keen on the idea of having someone following her after the bad thought earlier, but since Mischief was already offering the help, it would help get her task done faster.
"Well, you can go to the kitchen to get some refreshments for the dragoness. Some juice, or maybe a drink of water would suffice." she said, not wanting to see Leoquin again for the remainder of the day. Mischief was new, so he had no reason to be rude to her, although Angora still decided to give her a small warning. "There's a merman cooking there. Give him a simple greeting, like, good afternoon sir or something like that. If he doesn't know who you are, you introduce yourself politely and tell him the truth. That you're bringing refreshments to somebody under Sere's order." Angora instructed, Leoquin having absolutely no reason to be rude to the vixen if he didn't know her. But even if he was, she knew Mischief could bring the complain to Sere. Better her than Angora herself. It would be awful if Leoquin started treating her badly out of nowhere. "Oh, and yourself with some fruits if you want. The sailors here don't eat them too often and they may go to waste." Angora then added, unaware that was another one of the fox's plans, not just the helping.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#334 Posted: 06:02:03 06/10/2019
Mischief nodded and rushed off with a yip. In the kitchen she grabbed some juice and waved at Leoquin. "Good afternoon!" She grabbed some fruit and put it in her bag before popping a strawberry in her mouth with a churr. "Why doesn't anyone else seem to eat these? They're delicious!" She glanced at the merman, a chill running down her spine. She felt Angora didn't like him, and she didn't know why. She briefly debated whether or not to try and find out as she assured she'd gotten sufficient drink for a dragon, or maybe two if that... Fur dragon... Was interested... She felt another chill go up her spine, this time it was excitement. She wanted that Mana. She almost dropped the juice she'd grabbed, but managed to hold on as she reminded herself to stay in control and not be so badly tempted. A part of her wished she could've fought Darkheart to grow stronger. She put the juice down and shook herself before turning to head back, tail wagging.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#335 Posted: 22:07:16 06/10/2019
Sere let out a verbal shrug. "Don't... worrry about it. I'm sure Angora can find something for you to drink. Once you're taken care of, I suppose... you can speak with Raclaw, and he can... well, speak to me about the whole matter. We'll see what to do from there." Sere was deliberately vague in his response, not knowing in particular how this new revelation would influence the journey. Chances are, at least some arrangement would have to be sorted out.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#336 Posted: 01:32:29 07/10/2019
Angora looked around for Raclaw, knowing he was usually either in Latnok's cabin or at the main deck. But wherever he was, he was certain to be with the young Guardian, another person she would rather not see. With Leoquin have been enough. She went to the main deck, assuming they were there due to the ship stopping. The main deck was slightly closer to where she was than the cabin, so that's where she went first. She was in luck. They were there, seemingly just arriving to see their new destination. Maverick waved at Angora, happy to see her at last, and while she waved back, she didn't have the time to talk to him, or Shade for that matter. Her focus now was Raclaw. She went to him, paying no attention to Latnok, and hoping he wouldn't butt in. Why should he? If Raclaw was really his friend, he wouldn't avoid a simple conversation with someone Raclaw was quite aquatinted with.
"Raclaw? I... need to talk to you, urgently. Or rather, take you somewhere. It's really important." Angora commented after approaching him, going straight to the point. She wanted to greet him, but she was in such a rush to get out of that step that she skipped the hello.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#337 Posted: 02:20:34 07/10/2019
Indeed-- Angora's suspicions had been correct, with the Fur dragon and his human counterpart having been staring out at the approaching-but-familiar island. "Angora..?," Raclaw said immediately noticing the familiar troll's presence and instinctively perking his ears. A nearby Chester did the same thing, showing just how close the two furred companions' behavior patterns were at times. "What-- what's wrong? Where are we going?," he then said not expecting Angora to so willingly approach him (or rather him with Latnok) with such urgency. It was then that a familiar flash materialized itself within his mind, his telepathy inadvertently picking up on something. It wasn't always easy to keep the accidental thought from straying into his conscious.
'Wait-- it can't be. Darkheart?!.' he thought getting a mental image of Angora's surface thoughts or rather the flash of one. He got up in preparation suddenly gaining feelings of... anticipation? Surely, he had to be imagining the surface thought? A part of him had doubted that Darkheart would ever return, but the tone of Angora's voice had almost made it sound like she was... hurt, captured, worse? Whatever it was-- he had to know. He had to find out if his suspicion was indeed correct and if the love of his life had finally come back to him. Or if he was just lovesick and wanting to imagine an outcome that he had wanted. But why would Angora think of Darkheart otherwise? Chester, meanwhile, intensively watched the conversation but didn't interfere. The little Beagle was more curious than anything as to its outcome and if he could possibly come along to further further fulfill his eager curiosity. |
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 02:26:20 07/10/2019 by redwes
Prismatic Sparx
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#338 Posted: 02:56:29 07/10/2019
Angora didn't sense her mind being intercepted, for she was more focused on getting Raclaw to his destination.
"Right this way." Angora said, beckoning him to follow him. She didn't care if Latnok was there. He couldn't possibly control every aspect of Raclaw's life, if he really was his friend that is. And it wasn't as if she was going to hurt the fur dragon. She didn't know if Chester would follow, or even Latnok, but what relieved her was that Sere was there, and Darkheart seemed to be mellowing down with him last time she looked. As she lead Raclaw however, she suddenly started thinking about Mischief. How did Leoquin treated her, if he was still there? She was going to be quite angry if he dared to treat badly someone he didn't even know yet. It would simply confirm what an absolute jerk he really was.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#339 Posted: 03:07:18 07/10/2019
Darkheart nods in response, exhaustion taking a heavy toll. "Excuse my tiredness... I haven't slept well since I left." she confess.
Mischief arrived in the storage room, tail wagging outwardly as an internal struggle occurs. She places the drink down in front of Darkheart. "Here ya go!" The tall but extremely slim dragoness drinks from the container as the pup wonders what to say. Maybe she could tell Sere what she learned? Tell him now? But how to tell him? She wanted confirmation she was doing well in her studies and that she was helpful. Oh! She should alert them that Angora should be back in a moment. "Angora should be back any second. I wanted to help, so I grabbed juice and she's fetching Raclaw." There. The pup nervously shifted as Darkheart rather visibly turned her attention to her. Darkheart had found this little vixen quite intriguing. "Hello. Allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Darkheart. I'm a master of shadows and darkness." Mischief nodded. "I'm Mischief, a master of Black Magick and user of other magicks. Sometimes." Darkheart raised a non-existent eyebrow. "Black Magic? I've never heard of that." Mischief sighed. "That seems to be a running theme. Black Magick is the offensive magick. Users are called Black Mages. White Magick is healing. I'm no good at it, but users are called White Mages. Red Mages learn a mix of Black and White, as well as learning to wield a weapon. Swords are traditional. Blue Mages copy the powers of beasts - a term we use loosely - and can use spells that the others can't through the art of mimicry." Darkheart nodded, pretending her exhaustion fried brain was processing what Mischief was saying. She'd understand once she got some sleep. "A color coding system... Handy..." Mischief wiggled excitedly. "Miss Angora felt the same way! She taught me several miscellaneous spells! Including a shield, which is super handy! Hey, you showed off some neat spells! Maybe once I've learned everything I can from Angora you can teach me! I want to learn every spell that exists and copy it down into my notebook! It will be a veritable record of Magick itself!" Darkheart blinked. "That's a pretty big and tough dream... There's quite a bit more to you than meets the eye, I see..." She chose the words to subtly hint to the pup that she'd noticed the hints of a split personality. Then she glanced at Sere before offering, "If they haven't got an issue with it, I'll happily teach you... After I get some rest and all." Mischief nodded, wiggling eagerly.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#340 Posted: 12:35:21 07/10/2019
Latnok couldn't believe the audacity of Angora to just walk up and start telling Raclaw where to go. "Hold. Who the hell do you think you are?!" he demanded. "You think you can just start walking up to people and telling them what to do?" Latnok interposed himself in Angora's path, making it clear that they would go no further until she gave them a good answer.
Darkheart was a rather unexpected guest - and given recent revelations, it was likely she would be staying in some permanent capacity. Sere had to give it a thought. "We will have to sort out potential living arrangements for you," he said. "Doubtful that you will be able to fit in Latnok's room, with Raclaw and Chester also there. It's likely that you will have yo stay with Veris. Once we've made the necessary arrangements for your stay, we can start seeing what you can do to help."
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#341 Posted: 14:04:14 07/10/2019
Angora successfully contained her need to smirk, Latnok's reaction coming to no surprise to her at all. How predictable he was. He was still the same paranoid bully he has always been. Just as Angora feared, he wasn't a good friend to Raclaw. It was the fur dragon's decision if he followed her or not, his alone, and Latnok just had to butt in. But she didn't care. She was done feeling bad or angry because of him or his hostility. She has done nothing to him, or Raclaw, yet he just had to act this way.
"Raclaw has a visitor. Captain Sere asked me to get him." Angora explained calmly and sincerely, imagining Latnok wouldn't believe her, but if he followed them, he would know she was telling the truth and would have to eat his words. While she didn't let anger take over, Angora was still nevertheless annoyed. She had to tolerate Leoquin's rudeness earlier after she so politely greeted him, and now she had to stand Latnok's hostility when all she did was talk to Raclaw to fulfill a request. Those two were likely too hopeless to think a better treatment could ever come from them.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#342 Posted: 18:16:44 07/10/2019
Latnok wasn't immediately satisfied with Angora's answer, believing that she was being deliberately vague. "Just who is this visitor?" Latnok continued to press. "And why did you feel it appropriate to not even so much as give me a greeting before pulling someone away from me? It seems you need yet another lesson in respect. Very well... come find me when you're done, and I'll be glad to give it to you." Angora was still trying to skirt the line, as far as Latnok could tell - but she wasn't doing a good enough job of it.
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#343 Posted: 18:37:02 07/10/2019
Angora still didn't let Latnok's hostility get to her. She has already cried too much because of him, and she wasn't willing to give him the satisfaction of the offense. His threat didn't faze her either, although she hoped that if Sere was truly changing his mind about her, he wouldn't allow his protégée to go through one of his punishment, especially when all she was doing was following an order from him. Plus she wasn't being hostile to Latnok or Raclaw, and she had the fur dragon and even Chester as a witness.
"I didn't greet you sir, cause I know you don't like talking to me. I wanted to save you the trouble. This is a matter that concerns Raclaw most of all. This visitor, I think it's better if Raclaw sees her himself rather than saying who it is. That's something that it's not up to me. It's a surprise." Angora explained, with such calmness she almost sounded like a diplomat. She already hinted the gender of the visitor, but that's as far as she was willing to go. She wanted to demonstrate to Latnok she was done being offended with his impulsive hostility, and if he was waiting for her to talk back in a harsh matter, he could just continue waiting. "You don't have to go if you don't want to right now. Just take your time." she said with the same calmness to Raclaw, thinking happy thoughts in order to avoid losing control about this unjust treatment from Latnok's part.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
A Guy
Emerald Sparx
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#344 Posted: 20:09:06 07/10/2019
Angora excuse did nothing to mollify Latnok. "Just who do you take me for? Do you think I don't know what you've been doing? Trying to be as rude and subversive as you can get away with. I was a sucker once. I believed you could actually change. The only thing that will get you to stay in line, however, is knowing that you will be punished when you don't. That is a disgrace to everyone who actually cares about doing the right thing."
Not satisfied, Latnok got by Angora and knelt so he could make sure she felt the gravity of his next words. "I can have you off this ship with just a word. My patience has damn near run out, and I promise you that your days on this ship are numbered. Go ahead - take Raclaw with you. But we're going to have some fun when you're done."
I'm just... a guy... |
Prismatic Sparx
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#345 Posted: 20:37:00 07/10/2019
Now all Angora could do was feel pity for Latnok. So calm, so patient, even addressing him as sir this time, not raising her voice, yet he still believed she was being rude. His paranoia and idea of respect knew no boundaries. Once again, she didn't let him faze her.
"Alright sir. It'll be just for a while. Come on Raclaw. Right this way." she said with the same, calm voice, imagining that Latnok was stinging inside for his words failing to get a real negative reaction out of her. She didn't want to complain about Leoquin, but she believed she would have to do it with Latnok. If Sere was really changing and willing to give her the chance, he would be comprehensible about the matter and try to understand how she felt about being treated this way so constantly by Latnok. If Sere did decided to let Latnok go through with the punishment, well, she wasn't going to let that get to her either. She has already faced too much. A little more couldn't hurt... not anymore...
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#346 Posted: 21:36:21 07/10/2019
Raclaw nodded and proceeded to follow, motioning for Chester to stay with Latnok. He was tired was the on/off fights between Angora and his beloved Latnok-- although he could see it from the perspective of both parties. Both were clearly 'over' trying to appease the other and another fight was the last thing he had wanted; he had expected Angora to simply try to explain.. to simply state that she was following orders and whatnot. Some respect can go a long way when it comes to building friendships or rather, trying to amend possible friendships. And here he was -- stuck in the middle again.
Prismatic Sparx
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#347 Posted: 21:59:03 07/10/2019
Angora lead Raclaw to the storage, making no attempts to talk to him along the way. Once again, he let Latnok treat her so unfairly, and he did nothing to stop it. What's worse, Latnok wasn't a good friend, yet Raclaw did nothing about that either. Their relationship was out of fear and control, not friendship. 'Go ahead, take Raclaw with you' Latnok said. That was suppose to be Raclaw's decision, not his. He said those words as if Raclaw was an object she was borrowing for a while. Wasn't the fur dragon noticing what was going on? Yet he chose that human's friendship over hers, or anyone else for that matter. Raclaw was stuck with him, and Angora wasn't going to do anything to help him. He dug this hole, and whether he got out or not was up to him. She just continued walking, disappointed in the fur dragon, although hoping that falling in love would be enough to leave that toxic interaction.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#348 Posted: 21:36:07 08/10/2019
Raclaw followed along with little words-- knowing or at least suspecting just how much Angora disapproved of his friendship and 'ownership' under Latnok. As he approached the storage alongside the silent troll, his senses began to pick up on a very familiar presence. "Darkheart? Can.. can it really be you?," Raclaw began to think out loud. Emotions began to flood his conscious...
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 21:38:30 08/10/2019 by redwes
Prismatic Sparx
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#349 Posted: 21:47:42 08/10/2019
Angora stepped aside, letting the two lovebirds have their meeting. But she didn't have the time to enjoy this scenario. She was being expected, and it wasn't going to be pretty, she was certain.
"Captain sir? Can you... find someone else to take care of Veris for a while? I... need to meet up with Latnok." Angora explained with very droopy ears, not going into detail. Latnok wanted to meet with her, and for whatever else would Latnok request her? Angora expected Sere to find the reason obvious, so she was going to let him tie the rest of the knot. She doubted Sere would stop Latnok and go against his own protégée, so she was getting ready for the punishment, with as much dignity and bravery as she could. When it came to Latnok, it was as if she was destined to suffer, so she tried to get used to it, but as she prepared to leave, the little troll was, deep inside, hoping Sere had indeed changed around her and would do something to stop Latnok from going through with his constant cruelty.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Yellow Sparx
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#350 Posted: 22:06:46 08/10/2019
Darkheart lifted her head slightly at Raclaw's arrival, and her tired eyes lit up in a more metaphorical way. She practically pounced on the fur dragon, wrapping her forelegs and wings around him affectionately. "R... Raclaw... I'm sorry..." She couldn't force any more out through a suddenly tightened throat.
Meanwhile, Mischief shuddered and held her head. It was nearly impossible to resist the temptation to rip off Raclaw's collar and drink of the ocean of Mana held within. She shook as she effectively hugged herself, trying to control herself.
Dark is not Evil, and Light is not Good. Star the Zoroark at your disservice. |
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