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The Sound Of Silence (a video game characters RP)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#451 Posted: 01:52:14 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco finds out he has magic powers
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#452 Posted: 01:53:04 08/08/2016
OOC: Now he has magic powers?
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#453 Posted: 01:55:45 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
OOC: Yes and he had no idea he had it

Falco: I had no idea I could do magic
Mangle: We're the all heroes equivalence to Suicide Squad
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#454 Posted: 01:57:49 08/08/2016
Corrin frowned. "Uhh..."
Why am I a loser
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#455 Posted: 01:59:05 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco: *tests his magic*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#456 Posted: 04:03:53 08/08/2016
"I can't use thunder"Shadow Pichu said
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#457 Posted: 06:37:55 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco: I wonder if this demnon Queen took our powers except for mine
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#458 Posted: 12:08:32 08/08/2016
OOC: Ugh... just... ugh. Falco doesn't need to be all-powerful compared to everyone else.

"Oh, don't tell me that," Whirlwind said.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#459 Posted: 12:11:26 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Demon Queen: Minions go attack the heroes.
-sends a army of Gargoyles-
Gargoyles: *kidnaps everyone but Falco and cages them*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:13:41 08/08/2016 by Pokemon2
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#460 Posted: 12:24:37 08/08/2016
OOC: I'm done. I can't play this anymore. This is getting ridiculous.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#461 Posted: 12:33:58 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
OOC: It's meant to be somewhat over the top.

Demon Queen: I trapped all of you guys. *evil laugh*
Mangle: Falco will come to defeat you you asshat
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:38:43 08/08/2016 by Pokemon2
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#462 Posted: 14:08:51 08/08/2016
"Would someone explain to me why I can't just use my..." Whirlwind started. "Wait, is my horn still charging?"
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#463 Posted: 14:19:26 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Mangle: Yes

Gargoyles: *attacks Falco*
Falco: *shoots a aura beam at the Gargoyles*
Gargoyles: *shoots lasers at Falco*
Falco: *shoots multiple fireballs at the Gargoyles which defeated the Gargoyles*

Demon Queen: Falco will have to defeat me to save you little bastards.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#464 Posted: 16:19:17 08/08/2016
Shadow Pichu attack gargoyles.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#465 Posted: 16:27:26 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
OOC: Shadow Pichu is supposed to be trapped in the cage.

Falco: *goes to the demon queen and starts using a light spell on her*
Demon Queen: How do you know my weakness?
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#466 Posted: 22:24:02 08/08/2016
OOC: So, basically Falco gets these ungodly powers for no reason, and he gets to destroy the evil badguy just like that?
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#467 Posted: 22:32:34 08/08/2016 | Topic Creator
OOC: Not exactly

Demon Queen: I actually have no weakness! I was just saying that to pretend to be weak!
Angel Queen: Falco, I gave you these powers to defeat the Demon Queen because the prophecy says that a bird defeated the Demon Queen with powers granted by me.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#468 Posted: 03:42:42 09/08/2016
"your shadow got trap,Pichu"Spotlight said.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#469 Posted: 10:26:48 09/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Mangle: And the only person not trapped is Falco. I hope he saves us soon.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#470 Posted: 14:58:30 09/08/2016
Corrin charged into the cage wall until it broke, running out to fight stuff.
Why am I a loser
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#471 Posted: 16:40:24 09/08/2016
"Hey! Get us out of here!" Whirlwind said to Corrin.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#472 Posted: 18:07:12 09/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco: *attacks the Demon Queen with his blend of magic*
Demon Queen: My only weakness is Holy Water.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#473 Posted: 23:38:01 09/08/2016
Corrin released everyone else before roaring and savagely attacking the demon queen.
Why am I a loser
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#474 Posted: 23:40:31 09/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Demon Queen: There is only one person who is able to defeat me.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#475 Posted: 23:51:05 09/08/2016
Robin glared at her. "Yeah right," she growled.

(You can't just have us watch a fight. A: your character is now way too OP. B: that's beside the point of a role play. I'm leaving if you don't work on these things.)
Why am I a loser
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#476 Posted: 23:52:25 09/08/2016 | Topic Creator

Demon Queen: All of you will be our slaves
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#477 Posted: 01:00:26 10/08/2016
OOC: Sorry, but I agree with FuryBeam136.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#478 Posted: 01:09:00 10/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Angel Queen: All of you go protect yourselves
Falco: Okay
Mangle: Ok
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#479 Posted: 02:56:46 10/08/2016
OOC: I got an idea. What if Shadow Whirlwind tries to fight the ones who stayed behind?
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#480 Posted: 02:58:18 10/08/2016 | Topic Creator
OOC: Good idea
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#481 Posted: 03:02:52 10/08/2016
"Ha! Freedome!" Whirlwind shouted. "Hmmm... I wonder how the others are doing."
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#482 Posted: 03:04:51 10/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Demon Queen: I will kill all of you!
Falco: *shoots lasers at the Demon Queen*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#483 Posted: 06:35:23 10/08/2016
"You can't kill all of us"Spotlight and Pichu said.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#484 Posted: 11:52:43 10/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Demon Queen: *shoots fire at everyone*
Falco: *shoots a darkness spell at Demon Queen*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#485 Posted: 14:24:31 10/08/2016
"OUCH! You little..." Whirlwind shouted before shooting clouds at the queen.

Back with the others, Shadow Whirlwind seemed to be nervous about something. "Guys! Something's coming! You have to see this, quick!"
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#486 Posted: 14:45:30 10/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Shadow Falco: What is it?
Demon Queen: You guy can't defeat me!
Angel Queen: *reappears* The only way you guys can defeat her is if all of you work together and pull a big attack on her.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#487 Posted: 23:48:13 10/08/2016
Corrin growled, flicking her tail. The dragon was in control, that much was clear, but it seemed to agree.

Robin nodded and readied her final Thoron.
Why am I a loser
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#488 Posted: 23:51:13 10/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco: *gets a spell of every element ready*
Mangle: *teeth gets sharper*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#489 Posted: 01:21:22 11/08/2016
Whirlwind charged up her Black Singularity. She was hoping to fire it off with everyone else.
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#490 Posted: 01:34:16 11/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Mangle: *gets more nightmarish*
Falco: *gets spell ready*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#491 Posted: 05:44:22 11/08/2016
"whoa.whirwind"Pichu while jump on whirwind's back."how did you use that element??"
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#492 Posted: 11:27:59 11/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco: *still holldinbg back his spell*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#493 Posted: 14:38:43 11/08/2016
"It's part of the path I chose," Whirlwind said.

When Shadow Falco and the others started looking for enemies, Shadow Whirlwind quickly struck them in the back with a trio of clouds and an electric field. "Ha! Bow to my beauty, *****es!"
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#494 Posted: 14:40:46 11/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Shadow Falco: You are ugly Shadow Whirlwing *strucks Shadow Whirlwind in the back with fire.*
Falco: 3. 2. 1. Now it's time to use our team attack.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
FuryBeam136 Gold Sparx Gems: 2203
#495 Posted: 16:12:01 11/08/2016
Corrins charged forwards as Robin unleashed a Thoron.

(This is their contribution to the team attack)
Why am I a loser
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#496 Posted: 18:18:37 11/08/2016
Spotlight almost turning Darkness."ughhh,I can't control my darkness"she inpain."don't let Darkness control your mind,Spotlight"Pichu worry.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#497 Posted: 18:22:13 11/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco: *unleashes his ultimate magic attack*
Mangle: *does a mega bite on the queen*
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#498 Posted: 07:41:11 12/08/2016
"oh no,Spotlight almost turn darkness"Pichu very worry."Falco,Whirwind and Spotlight now"
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814
#499 Posted: 09:52:02 12/08/2016 | Topic Creator
Falco: *casts a light spell on Spotlight and makes her back to normal.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#500 Posted: 11:56:53 12/08/2016
Whirlwind had just released her Black Singularity. Sometimes she regretted going for the path she did over Tempest Dragon, (forgot what her rainbow upgrade path was called) but it was times like these she thought, maybe, she made the right choice.

"Ha! You think a light fire is going to stop me? TRAITOR!" Shadow Whirlwind shot more clouds. A few in the air. She wanted to catch Shadow Falco in a field of electricity.
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