Everyone with a Gravity Falls avatar is completely unoriginal and has no personality.
I disagree.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511 |
#301 Posted: 18:32:24 26/07/2015
Quote: Mesuxelf
I disagree. |
Mesuxelf Ripto Gems: 3666 |
#302 Posted: 19:09:41 26/07/2015
Quote: Badwolfmichael
Of course you would. Because you have a Gravity Falls avatar. |
Platinum Sparx
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#303 Posted: 23:33:24 26/07/2015
I believe that a key component to a successful relationship is both partners being on the same intellectual level.
It sounds shallow, but I honestly believe that highly intelligent people cannot date those of average intelligence, and those of average intelligence cannot date those of poor intelligence. You just simply won't communicate on the same level and cannot hold serious conversations in the same manner. |
Diamond Sparx
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#304 Posted: 23:52:40 26/07/2015 | Topic Creator
Acting quirky isn't a personality.
Diamond Sparx
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#305 Posted: 23:54:13 26/07/2015
Quote: Metallo
How exactly do you think people with average or low test scores talk
#CynderIsAFireDragon |
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577 |
#306 Posted: 00:02:57 27/07/2015
Quote: TheFlyingSeal
Because people with low test scores are automatically deemed unintelligent.
looks like ive got some things to do... |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:28:38 27/07/2015 by parisruelz12
Platinum Sparx
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#307 Posted: 01:13:49 27/07/2015
Quote: TheFlyingSeal
Test scores =/= intelligence. Talking =/= communication. Talking to someone and having a real conversation, real communication, are two totally different things. And by no means do test scores determine intelligence. I'm not saying it's impossible, but in my opinion and from my personal experience, it's just not a good relationship. |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:21:05 27/07/2015 by Metallo
Diamond Sparx
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#308 Posted: 02:29:26 27/07/2015
Quote: Metallo
Okay so how do you define someone who has high intelligence. And what do you mean by real communication? If you say snuggling and understanding each other then that's stupid because you don't need to be smart to understand feelings.
#CynderIsAFireDragon |
Platinum Sparx
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#309 Posted: 06:18:09 27/07/2015
Quote: TheFlyingSeal
That's not what I was going to say at all. Real communication, in my own perception, means being able to comprehend the other's emotions on a depth equal to your own, and vice versa. This doesn't necessarily correlate with intelligence, true, but I find that intelligence and emotional articulation and aptitude often go hand-in-hand; in other words, the most intelligent people also typically feel things the deepest, and can define these feelings the clearest. But that's just what I've seen through my own personal experience. I'm sure there are plenty of people who are different. Why are you trying so hard to disprove me? I said this was my personal opinion; that a relationship where the partners are on two completely different levels intellectually, in my point of view, is not a good relationship. Once again, I'm not saying it's impossible; if they can make it work, kudos to them. After all, the point of the thread is to post unpopular opinions, which implies that most people will disagree with said opinions. That being said, please do not try to tell me that my opinion is wrong or flawed. Now, if you've personally been in a relationship with someone whose intelligence is different from yours and it worked out perfectly, then tell me all about it. Until then, leave me to my opinions and I'll leave you to yours. |
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 06:25:29 27/07/2015 by Metallo
Diamond Sparx
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#310 Posted: 03:09:02 19/08/2015 | Topic Creator
I find Deadpool not as funny as media takes him to be. Sure he makes a good joke here or there but there are many other superheroes that can make better jokes.
Yellow Sparx
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#311 Posted: 05:33:59 19/08/2015
Quote: Mesuxelf
Thank you.
Spread those positive vibes |
Diamond Sparx
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#312 Posted: 15:28:03 24/08/2015
I have some opinions on the Fantastic Four movies. I don't know if these would be considered unpopular at all, because in the end I still though all of them were bad, but What specifically I liked and disliked about them and which ones I prefer over others could be what would make them unpopular.
A lot of people have been panning the crap out of Fant4stic lately(and yes, i'm going to keep calling it fant-four-stic because it thought it would be cool if they did that "change a letter with a number" thing even though it only makes the movie look lame), even going as far as saying it's worse than the previous two films. Honestly, I disagree. While I think this movie is awful, i don't think it's nearly as bad as the 2005 Fantastic Four. While Fant4stic did have an awful script, terrible writing, and is pretty much nothing but a set-up for a sequel, I still think the movie had some saving graces. For one, I think the cast for the Fantastic Four themselves was better handled in Fant4stic than it was in the 2005 film. In Fant4stic, while most of the acting is wooden, you can tell it's just the actors trying to work their way around a terrible script. We've seen actors like Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan in good movies before. Whereas in the original film, the cast either wasn't that great to begin with or didn't find their breakout role until after they made Fantastic Four 2005(i.e. Chris Evans later became Captain America). I also felt that even though Fant4stic was nothing but set-up for a sequel and only did world-building and nothing else, It at least had a cohesive story. The characters, for as little as they are developed and for as little as we care about them, still had a common goal in trying to explore this parallel dimension. Nothing happens at all in this film, but at least there's still a basic story behind it, even for as poorly written as it is. Whereas i Fantastic Four 2005, nothing happens either, but there's still no story to boot. The 2005 film was basically nothing but the characters playing around with their superpowers, studying their superpowers, and using their superpowers to entertain the media. Unlike Fant4stic, where we got to see the Fantastic Four prepping to become superheroes even if what we see is very little, there was at least SOMETHING indicating that these characters were going to become superheroes. In the 2005 film, literally the only thing they do is fight Dr. Doom in the finale in the film, which while I do admit was better than Fant4stic(and, amazingly, this film somehow at least had a better Dr. Doom than Fant4stic), is pretty much the only thing action-wise that happens throughout this movie. Otherwise it's basically nothing but the Fantastic Four doing nothing but sit around and play with their superpowers instead of actually helping people. It's still the worst superhero movie I've ever seen, and honestly I think it's still worse than Fant4stic, even for as bad as that film was. With that said, I also think Rise of the Silver Surfer was a pretty bad movie, but it's amazing compared to the other Fantastic Four movies. This film at least listened to some of the complaints that people had with the original film. it at least tried to up the action and do better with is characters. In the end it still fell flat, and I still think it had a terrible script, bad characters, and bad pacing, but I can still appreciate that they at least made an effort to make this film better than the 2005 film. So to sum up, I think all the Fantastic Four movies are terrible, but I think the 2005 film is still worse than Fant4stic, and I think Rise of the Silver Surfer is mediocre, but still better than the other Fantastic Four films.
Cool cool. |
Knight Wolf
Emerald Sparx
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#313 Posted: 15:16:12 25/08/2015
I think Harley Quinn in the Suicide Squad movie is overly sexualized but according to everyone else just because the Arkham Games did it and recent comics did it too its okay.
Your messing with my Zen thing people. @Hawksider |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:21:05 25/08/2015 by Knight Wolf
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#314 Posted: 17:08:11 25/08/2015
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:23:26 25/08/2015 by TTD
Gold Sparx
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#315 Posted: 17:19:07 25/08/2015
Quote: TTD
I think you're looking in the wrong places. The CoD series is incredibly boring and stale at this point of time. I can definitely see the general public getting sick of it within 3 years time. Battlefield can be fun at times depending on what you do in the match. You can either just run and gun or send a tank soaring into the sky and onto the top of a building using C4. Team Fortress 2 is just hilarious fun, quite literally anything can happen in the game. ------------ Eitherway, I think Gorillaz is an overrated band. I listened to Clint Eastwood and I hated it.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:27:23 25/08/2015 by MoonHorizons
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#316 Posted: 17:26:53 25/08/2015
Corrected myself there. Trust me, I've tried loads of fps, I just don't enjoy them like I used to. Even FarCry 4, which everyone was saying was amazing, I didn't enjoy. I had fun for about an hour before it felt boring and repetitive. I stand corrected, I used to play team fortress 2 and I thoroughly enjoyed it but I feel that the market has been overstatutated with them, to me at least, they all seem repetitive and boring.
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511 |
#317 Posted: 22:08:02 25/08/2015
I didn't like the Deadpool trailer too much
I've never liked Hunger Games, or Harry Potter I don't like Daniel Craig as James Bond :c |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:08:48 25/08/2015 by Badwolfmichael
Emerald Sparx
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#318 Posted: 22:29:49 25/08/2015
I like the Percy Jackson movies.
I don't think they're good representations of the books, or really good movies at all, but I can appreciate them for what they are.
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash |
StriderSwag Gold Sparx Gems: 2769 |
#319 Posted: 19:25:45 27/08/2015
I think Batman vs Superman looks like absolute garbage, and Suicide Squad looks far better.
Gold Sparx
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#320 Posted: 20:30:43 27/08/2015
Quote: TTD
Merry Christmas ya filthy animal |
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606 |
#321 Posted: 21:05:30 27/08/2015
I really don't want anymore 3rd Party characters as Smash DLC. Rayman's the only one I'd like, the rest should be Nintendo characters.
Platinum Sparx
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#322 Posted: 02:37:30 28/08/2015
I don't like the Korrasami ship, and it's not even because they're a same-sex couple. It just annoys me how people support it so much only because they are a same-sex couple. I mean I understand it broke barriers and all, but I also feel like it was more fanservice and the creator's way of giving their stance on same-sex marriage since people were strongly fighting for it at the time.
Honestly I liked Korra by herself, and I didn't really see her fitting with anyone, or at least not with the characters that were shown. I liked how she was able to be content as an independent Avatar, and the romance just seemed a bit thrown into our faces at times, especially her relationship with Asami like honestly I didn't see that one coming at all even though people seemed to ship it so much. Like they would keep saying how there were "signs" even early on in the series but I didn't see it at all. And it kind of annoyed me when people would totally fangasm over the smallest things like "OMG she's giving her a cup of tea and their hands linger for a whole second!!!111!11!" and stuff like that. I barely even saw Korra lasting with Mako and they actually had romantic things happen, so her being with Asami totally threw me off and I still don't agree with it. |
Arc of Archives
Yellow Sparx
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#323 Posted: 10:35:17 28/08/2015
Wall-E and especially Monsters, Inc. aren't as good as people say. They have a couple of really funny (and in the case of Wall-E, touching) moments but too many flaws that make them kinda boring for the most part.
Frozen was just okay. Also, Elsa is a terrible character. The original How To Train Your Dragon was much better than the sequel. Classic Spongebob is good, but overrated. The N64 is one of the worst Nintendo consoles, mainly because most of its good games have been remade on/ported to better systems or have much better sequels. I liked Mario Kart 7 better than 8. I liked Mario Kart 8 better than Smash 4. Star Fox Zero looks mediocre. Majora's Mask is good, but the time system is stupid. In some ways, it's an interesting idea, but creates a lot of repetition. A Link Between Worlds is good, but extremely overrated. It's way too simple and short for its own good. Year of The Dragon is good, but the worst game in the Insomniac trilogy by far. Season of Ice is the worst Spyro game. TFB's artstyle for Skylanders is far superior to VV's. Most of the Superchargers have bad designs. I hate the Skylanders comics.
My new account. |
Emerald Sparx
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#324 Posted: 15:40:50 30/08/2015
I prefer Andrew Garfield over Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man. I like them both, I just prefer Garfield.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is my favorite Spider-Man film. I like the 2005 Fantastic Four film and it's sequel. They're fun movies and that's all I really care about. There are still plenty of artists putting quality music today. Even if it's not a genre or artist I support, I'm not going to deny the quality. While there are people who use autotune and other vocal effects, they aren't the majority. There are still many good singers out there. Again, even if I don't care for the genre of music or the aristst, I'm not going to deny their talent. I like going to school. My school is probably different than others, but I enjoy socializing with other people.
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:45:40 30/08/2015 by awesomerockets
shroom boom
Emerald Sparx
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#325 Posted: 23:30:26 30/08/2015
I like the minions, the 2005 fantastic 4 movie and I prefer dragon ball gt over z
103 skylanders in total SSA:31/32 SG:26/30 SSF:39/56 |
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#326 Posted: 23:42:08 30/08/2015
Platinum Sparx
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#327 Posted: 23:53:04 30/08/2015
Quote: TTD
That's an extremely common opinion, actually. I'd even go as far as to say it's a fact, at least in terms of S3&K being better than Sonic 2. The only people who enjoy Sonic 2 more tend to be those who played it as their first Sonic game or whatever or were hooked on all of the beta mysteries surrounding the game, and even then, most of them will agree with you that S3&K is better from an objective standpoint (because it is, there isn't even a debate there). And of course, most people stereotype all 3D Sonic games as being **** anyway. The best Sonic games objectively are between S3&K, Sonic CD, Sonic Advance, Unleashed, and Generations, maybe Sonic Rush too.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:20:46 31/08/2015 by sonicbrawler182
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#328 Posted: 01:16:43 31/08/2015
Deadpool is actually annoying.
Twinkies and 2hus |
Diamond Sparx
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#329 Posted: 01:32:47 31/08/2015 | Topic Creator
Pop is not a bad genre. Justin Beiber and Taylor Swift are not the only pop stars, you just have to find good pop bands or singers instead of complaining about mainstream pop stars.
LunarDistortion Ripto Gems: 3606 |
#330 Posted: 02:35:47 31/08/2015
The original FNAF is the best in the series, and the sequels are all meh at best. I think this might stem from how interesting and new the idea was at the time. I also think the aesthetic it had was the best in the series despite the other games having a ton more money put into them. The mystery of the game, the animatronics and how they made you think instead of throwing everything at you at once *coughFNAF2cough*, add my previous points in with a little bit of nostalgia for good measure and I can't really say the sequels hold up.
Quote: Arc of Archives
I agree. I want to like it and I want it to be good, but I just can't get into for how decent at best it looks. |
Platinum Sparx
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#331 Posted: 04:07:30 31/08/2015
Quote: MoonHorizons
Maybe it's too late and people who hate CoD aren't gonna change their minds on this, but Advanced Warfare was a huge change for how the series usually plays in that it was more fast paced, more airborne, and almost Unreal Tournament like in its gameplay. Probably the best CoD in the entire franchise if only because of how different it was. Black Ops III has a lot to match up with and I really wonder if they can. Treyarch has typically been seen as CoD's best dev team for trying the hardest to be different and new before Sledgehammer came in with AW. It's usually Infinity Ward who maintains the stereotype that CoD never changes because they don't really put as much effort (Modern Warfare 3, Ghosts). |
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#332 Posted: 06:26:08 31/08/2015
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Yes, I agree with you. However, whenever I talk about my favourite sonic being S3&K I always seems to get flack for it so I assumed it was an unpopular opinion. Sonic 2 will always have a special place for me as it was the first game I ever played. |
KeybasHedKey Ripto Gems: 1862 |
#333 Posted: 08:06:32 31/08/2015
Quote: Arc of Archives
This just this. Also... I hate Fandoms with so much Passion. I perfer Skylander Spyro over Classic Spyro. Cartoon Critics are Terrible I don't like 90's cartoons too much they are good but they are not that big. 2D Animation is Overrated |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:12:24 31/08/2015 by KeybasHedKey
Emerald Sparx
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#334 Posted: 09:57:12 31/08/2015
I loved the Say Uncle episode in SU.
My life is complete. |
Diamond Sparx
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#335 Posted: 20:42:45 31/08/2015
I prefer Phase 2 of the MCU over Phase 1. The films in phase 1 were good, but they weren't exceptionally awesome like Iron Man and Avengers were, which were the standout films in Phase 1. Phase 2, however, gave us Iron Man 3, which I thought was a significant improvement over Iron Man 2, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has gone to become regarded as one of the best superhero movies, let alone one of the best in the MCU, Guardians of the Galaxy was a shocking success with how awesome it was, Avengers: Age of Ultron was a lot of fun, and Marvel actually managed to make a great movie out of Ant-Man.
With that said I guess it would also be unpopular to say that I really enjoyed Iron Man 3. I also didn't really enjoy the Thor movies that much.
Cool cool. |
Emerald Sparx
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#336 Posted: 03:43:01 01/09/2015
I really like Iron Man 3. It's my favorite of the Iron Man movies.
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash |
shroom boom
Emerald Sparx
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#337 Posted: 04:29:28 01/09/2015
i love uncle grandpa and the crossover ep in steven universe, i love all the marvel moviesz and i love fairy tail i dont care what people say about it. i hate tumblr and yet i love it. i hate trannys cause i sdont understand them.
103 skylanders in total SSA:31/32 SG:26/30 SSF:39/56 |
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362 |
#338 Posted: 04:47:51 01/09/2015
Quote: shroom boom
i can hear the angry typing already |
Platinum Sparx
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#339 Posted: 07:33:14 01/09/2015
I really liked the first Amazing Spider-Man movie and I prefer Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man over Tobey. To me Andrew seems better at getting Peter's personality right, but that's probably just me. I agree that the second movie was pretty terrible, but I kind of wished Marvel waited for Sony to do the third movie first since I was looking forward to seeing Mary Jane getting introduced.
Quote: AvatariDragon
tbh I do believe that Korra with Asami has the best chemistry than with any other character, so I don't mind it happening. I was just happy that she didn't go back to Mako, which was what I was actually expecting. What I do wish though is that there was more hints so that the pairing didn't seem like out of the blue, because to me they just looked like close friends. I also kind of felt that Korra and Asami should have shown signs of being bi first before they got together, since before that moment they seemed hetro to me, and it seems like the creators just went 'they're bi now!'. And I also don't like how a lot of people seem to like it because it's a same sex pairing and not because of the more important things. It's the same thing with RubyxSapphire in the Steven Universe series. I adore that pairing because they work brilliantly together and have good chemistry, yet the fans of that pairing are terrible and annoy me.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:34:19 01/09/2015 by DarkCynder_543
Platinum Sparx
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#340 Posted: 17:13:26 01/09/2015
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days is not a bad, or even mediocre game. I thought it was really great when I played it a few years ago.
While I can understand people didn't like the mission structure of the game, you have to understand that A) it made sense considering it's about Roxas' "employment" under Organization XIII, and B) it's a portable game, so playing missions in chunks and then saving in the hub just makes sense and makes the game easier to swallow and play in short bursts. While the story isn't nearly as action packed or tongue in cheek as other games in the series, I didn't mind that as I liked the more mellowed out, almost "slice of life" tone the game had until near the end. When it was dramatic, it felt kinda like a soap opera, but in a good way. We really got to know Roxas and the other Organization XIII members better, and or course, we got to discover the forgotten story of Xion. Again, I can understand if it's not someone's cup of tea, but to call it "bad" is unfair, as it was far from it. The levelling and inventory system was also different, but in a good way. It functions much like the inventory system from Resident Evil, or the Powers system from Kid Icarus: Uprising, and makes levelling up and sorting your stock like a puzzle, which I found satisfying. Also the "Mission Mode", which was the multiplayer component, is extremely fleshed out, and the only downside is that it isn't online. It has a bunch of playable characters and this game remains the only time we can play as these characters in a lot of cases. Luckily, you can tackle Solo missions to try out the characters.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:13:42 01/09/2015 by sonicbrawler182
shroom boom
Emerald Sparx
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#341 Posted: 03:01:21 02/09/2015
Quote: Sesshomaru75
1 its not a slur, 2. no I understand them. its just that you cant be another person trapped in a different body its impossible.
103 skylanders in total SSA:31/32 SG:26/30 SSF:39/56 |
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#342 Posted: 03:02:19 02/09/2015
Quote: shroom boom
yes it literally is oh my god
Twinkies and 2hus |
Platinum Sparx
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#343 Posted: 02:19:35 03/09/2015
I like Kairi from Kingdom Hearts and I'm a supporter of SoraXKairi. I adored Kairi's design in the first game and I thought she had a lot of spunk and even seemed a bit like a tomboy in that one. So I do really like her in that game. My main peeve about her is how she turned out in KH2, especially design wise. But I still like how she's willing to help her friends and she doesn't want to stay on the side lines. And she's pretty brave; she got out a keyblade and started fighting at the end of KH2 without any experience. In KH2 she decided 'nope I'm not waiting any longer' and went out herself to search for her friends. And because of the ending of DDD, she's now very redeemable and has a lot of potential.
It annoys me that a lot of people don't like her because 'she interferes with SoraRiku'. But a lot of characters who are girls seem to get that these days.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles |
Prismatic Sparx
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#344 Posted: 08:46:15 03/09/2015
^I agree with all that. I prefer SoKai, although I like SoRi sometimes.
Xion is also one of my favourite characters and I prefer RokuShion to AkuRoku, especially because AkuRoku is pretty much pedophilia. I see Axel more as a best friend or older brother to Roxas than a love interest. |
Platinum Sparx
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#345 Posted: 15:02:58 03/09/2015
Chiming in on the previous discussion about KH girls, but I'll spoiler it because story details:
Kairi I think is kinda overrated. She's not terrible or anything but she doesn't really do a whole lot and unlike with Riku, I don't think we ever get to see what Sora's friendship was like with her before KH1. We never really see the build up to their friendship in KH1, so the very obvious eventual pairing of the two is gonna feel real forced for me, even if Kairi gets to do more in KHIII, which she will because she is one of the Seven Guardians of Light. And no, that isn't a "I ship SoraxRiku" thing, I just think how determined he can be to find Riku and what not feels much more justified than the same thing with Kairi, especially since he did kinda neglect Riku in KH1, which was partly what fueled Riku's siding with Maleficent (she did maniupulate him a bit and exaggerate things, but Sora did genuinely seem to care more about Kairi in that game). And then in Re:CoM, he straight up becomes a brat over her and acts like a complete asshole towards Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy, when they get worried over how obsessively he was chasing Naminé (although he's doing it over Naminé, Naminé tampered with his memories to replace all memories of Kairi with herself - so while Sora is having an outburst "over Naminé", he's really having it over Kairi - if his three 3 Disney friends showed this worry over his obsessiveness if his memories of Kairi weren't tampered and he was under the impression he was saving her, he still would have acted in the same, disrespectful manner. And those obsessive feelings for Naminé were really for Kairi). So in all honestly, I think Kairi is a bit of a Mary Sue who has forced importance in the series. I would like her more if her friendship with Sora was better built up to, and if BBS was released before KHII (because in KHII, her having a Keyblade feels like an ass pull - BBS explains it and does it well and it makes sense, but because KHII came out years prior to KHII, it essentially means the writers just wanted to Kairi to have a Keyblade to force more importance on her, and they didn't have an explanation in mind back then. It was basically fan service that they had to come up with an explanation for later). You could argue the same for Sora having a Keyblade, as that wasn't fully explained in KH1, but we were at least shown that he was never supposed to have one in that game and we got HALF of the explanation as to why he did get it. Kairi however, in KHII, was someone who was rightfully supposed to have a Keyblade, but that's not explained in KHII at all so it's a complete ass pull for fan service. Xion is great, and I feel like she encompasses what Kairi SHOULD have been from the beginning. She's essentially Kairi done right. Her friendship with Roxas and Axel is well built up to, and we get to see her struggle with the Keyblade at first due to certain factors involving Roxas (which was a nice, roundabout way of her being trained up with the Keyblade before being able to properly use it), even though she has a fake one. She's also not portrayed as a perfect princess either (meanwhile, Kairi's is literally one of the Seven Princesses of Heart, meaning she has a heart made of pure light and literally cannot do evil or bad things unless she were to be put under mind control or something), she is the genuine cause of a lot of conflict in the story (both from her merely existing and from her choices and actions that weren't always the best), but she is trying so hard to do the right thing and to protect her friends, and even carry out her duties in the Organisation, and to be her own person and not a puppet. In the end, she does what was ultimately the "right" thing, which required sacrificing herself, but even that wasn't perfect, as this had a terrible effect on Roxas going forward, and well, everyone forgot about her existence. Naminé is my personal favourite though, I adore her. She may not have as much objectively as Xion, but I just really connected with her and I find her story the most relatable. I also think she had a well built up friendship with Sora by the end of Re:CoM and I thought she had a really lovely chemistry with him, and as a result, I actually ship the two. I think Sora was a really good influence on her and she just really needed someone like him in her life. She did a lot of bad and was forced into it, but she did admit to Sora that she partly was OK with tampering with his memories for a while as it made her feel loved, even though she knew it was wrong. I thought it was very brave of her to admit to that, even though she didn't need to, she could have just said she was forced to do it (which was the only reason she did it in the first place) and Sora would have been willing to help her without feeling like she did any wrong. I also like how she stood up to Larxene in order to protect Sora despite knowing she couldn't actually fight back. She also saves Riku's life in his story. I also honestly find her to be one of the most tragic characters in the series, she was basically used as a slave from birth and was completely lonely, and when she finally does find some friends she really likes, they are forced to forget about her for the greater good and for the sake of their integrity. The scene where Naminé informs Sora about how he has a choice to abandon his old memories and keep living on with his memories of her and Castle Oblivion, or abandon his new ones of Naminé and have his old ones restored by her, is one of the most powerful and sad scenes in the series for me, despite it's simplicity. You can see how upset she is when Sora answers with "I want my old memories back". She expected that answer, but she was hoping he wouldn't say that. When he gives his answer, Naminé's shoulders jolt up and she reclines her neck in for a second, which I think is one of the best uses of body language in all of the cinematics in KH. You really feel for how sad she is to hear that in that moment, that it pierced her right in the "heart" (???), because she was clearly developing feelings for Sora. It's one of the only times in a gaming cutscene where I've legit said aloud "AWWWW, THE POOR THING" and I continued to have that feeling all throughout the ending of Re:CoM. And of course, after Re:CoM, things just go down hill for her. She has to be the bearer of bad news for Xion and Roxas because she can't finish putting together Sora's memories without them becoming part of Sora again, she is used and abused by DiZ/Ansem the Wise, who had every intention of killing her when she was finished fixing Sora's memories (even though Sora himself never would have condoned that, especially since he left himself with a clue as to who she was for when he wakes up), and she eventually has to go back to become one with Kairi because she's Kairi's Nobody. I know Re:coded is basically all about Sora trying to figure out what "Thank Naminé" in Jiminy's Journal means, but I haven't played BBS (I only did Ven's story a few years ago), Re:coded, and DDD yet, so I don't know if things get better for her or if they at least are hinted to by KHIII. In any case, she's one of my favourite characters and I really feel for her, I hope she gets a happy ending. Also Naminé is totally a teenage Rosalina in terms of design so that helps too. :3 TL;DR, I think Kairi is of forced importance and a bit of a Mary Sue, Xion is what Kairi should have been from the beginning, and Naminé is her own thing and I adore her even more than Xion partly because I find her most relatable and she's all around a precious cinnamon roll.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:05:04 03/09/2015 by sonicbrawler182
Trix Master 100
Diamond Sparx
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#346 Posted: 23:21:05 03/09/2015
Welp I forgot this topic existed. Well The spoilers are on because I am ripping a new one in Okamiden and talking about Sonic Shuffle.
Sonic Shuffle was a fun game compared to some of the other party games going about. Heck it was probably the better out most of the Sonic spin-offs. I honestly seen more people get mad over Mario Party (because that 1 star deal), than I do see people trying to make a good point on why Sonic Shuffle was "a bad game". Sure compared to Adventure it may had some odd graphics (It was made around the time adventure was made. Give it a break on that), the story was well generic, and the controls were a little weird on some games. But it was still more fun than quite a bit of the other Sonic games. Honestly if you fixed the story with a different moral, fixed the graphics, and put the game on different platforms. It probably would be more of a seller than some other games. Okamiden isn't the best game of the Okami series. To be honest here, I don't think Okami needed a sequel. Like a sequel could be interesting to the series, if done right. That said, I think Okamiden was half good and half bad. I like the fact it was on a better platform for the brush techniques (DS), but I feel like it could be better. Half of your partners start as annoying or literally are annoying. The graphics are a little strange, such as I can't see some of the enemies. Also I wonder, who's bright idea was it to give your partner the literal smallest amount of health? Who's bright idea was it for a game over, when you partner loses all of their health? Who's bright idea was it to give King Kury the multiply move?! Like he wasn't hard enough as it is. Oh and not mention he goes for your partner (the most annoying one I found so far) who has the lowest health ever known to video gaming history! Honestly. Why can't I have a upgrade option on my partner's health?! Or a upgrade option on my ****? Not to mention the time gap... It only took place 9 months after Okami... How the hell did Susano have a son that can already walk and talk, when it takes 9 months for a child to be born?! Unless Kushi was pregnant during Okami, I don't see how that is possible. Or better yet unless she had the child before Okami happened. Honestly I just don't get it! At least you can grow attached to some of the characters in the game over time, it's just odd that they start off as completely annoying half of the time. Or maybe that's just me not liking small kids sometimes. Honestly, is it trying to say that small kids are annoying from start?
If you cannot handle me at my pumpkin spiciest, you do not deserve me at my pumpkin sweetest icon from Empoh |
Platinum Sparx
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#347 Posted: 02:29:26 04/09/2015
^Sonic Shuffle isn't a good game because as a party game, it's paced incredibly poorly, has a lot of pointless things like the "event" things, and doesn't do a good job of conveying it's mechanics. A lot of the mini-games also have similar problems.
I was watching an LP once where one of the people in the room watching the others play literally fell asleep because it was just that boring to watch. Also the graphics are ripped on because it was released after Adventure, yet the graphics are worse. It uses the exact same models as Adventure for the characters, but the the cel shading effect just doesn't mesh with the models and the animations somehow manage to be worse than Adventure, even though some of them are supposed to be the same thing.
"My memories will be part of the sky." |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:30:20 04/09/2015 by sonicbrawler182
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