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Does Anyone Have Day 1 Screenshots of This Site? [CLOSED]
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#1 Posted: 20:56:27 11/07/2014 | Topic Creator
dark52, you're welcome to answer.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9062
#2 Posted: 23:16:37 11/07/2014
- -
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14393
#3 Posted: 14:48:36 12/07/2014
This tiny screenshot probably won't help much:
[User Posted Image]
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#4 Posted: 15:57:15 12/07/2014
Quote: dark52
This tiny screenshot probably won't help much:
[User Posted Image]

oh wow u hav a tiny computer screen
Carmelita Fox Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12677
#5 Posted: 17:18:25 12/07/2014
dark52 confirmed TINY ELF MAN?
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#6 Posted: 17:56:14 12/07/2014
[User Posted Image]

LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#7 Posted: 21:59:28 12/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: dark52
This tiny screenshot probably won't help much:
[User Posted Image]

Thank you, anyway.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13067
#8 Posted: 22:15:40 13/07/2014
Quote: dark52
This tiny screenshot probably won't help much:
[User Posted Image]

Oh yeah, I forgot it used to be instead of .net smilie
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560
#9 Posted: 01:33:12 14/07/2014
Quote: somePerson

Oh man, that second link. The old website design was... Really bad in comparison. At the time, I didn't think anything of it. I hardly remembered that there was another design, this new one had been around for so long as it is.
darkwolf Diamond Sparx Gems: 7554
#10 Posted: 22:35:02 14/07/2014
This one is from early 2005. Found on the wiki: http://darkspyro-accurate-edit...kspyro_2005.png

[User Posted Image]
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#11 Posted: 22:47:48 14/07/2014
Quote: dark52
This tiny screenshot probably won't help much:
[User Posted Image]

I'm sorry but that looks like a fancy word document
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#12 Posted: 00:06:35 15/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: darkwolf
This one is from early 2005. Found on the wiki: http://darkspyro-accurate-edit...kspyro_2005.png

[User Posted Image]

That Spyro DS one...

I still can't believe dark52 thought Spyro: Shadow Legacy was a spinoff game rather than a main series installment.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 9062
#13 Posted: 01:46:29 15/07/2014
Quote: LocoGuy107
Quote: darkwolf
This one is from early 2005. Found on the wiki: http://darkspyro-accurate-edit...kspyro_2005.png

[User Posted Image]

That Spyro DS one...

I still can't believe dark52 thought Spyro: Shadow Legacy was a spinoff game rather than a main series installment.

It isn't?
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#14 Posted: 03:24:52 15/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: somePerson
Quote: LocoGuy107
Quote: darkwolf
This one is from early 2005. Found on the wiki: http://darkspyro-accurate-edit...kspyro_2005.png

[User Posted Image]

That Spyro DS one...

I still can't believe dark52 thought Spyro: Shadow Legacy was a spinoff game rather than a main series installment.

It isn't?

All of the characters return as Hero's Tail characters. What's even more is that the story is set up so that Red, the villain of Spyro: A Hero's Tail, escapes from imprisonment, since he was shrunken by the end of the game. What's even more is that the dragon elders suspect that Red was the culprit for bringing the Shadow Realm upon them, even though it was really another purple dragon called the Sorcerer. Yeah, Spyro: Shadow Legacy was actually the spiritual prequel to The Legend of Spyro, because the stories of both franchises feature the "rare purple dragons" concept. The concept says that purple dragons are the most powerful race.

Spyro: Shadow Legacy also ended on a cliffhanger, but it was never resolved.
ReshiramForever Platinum Sparx Gems: 5306
#15 Posted: 21:58:06 15/07/2014
Quote: LocoGuy107
Quote: somePerson
Quote: LocoGuy107

That Spyro DS one...

I still can't believe dark52 thought Spyro: Shadow Legacy was a spinoff game rather than a main series installment.

It isn't?

All of the characters return as Hero's Tail characters.

its the other way round, actually

shadow legacy is a ds exclusive made to take advantage (and fail horribly at that) of its touch screen features. sure, it shares characters from aht, but in no direct continuity from each other. just look at legend of zelda, for example, most games feature a different zelda and link.
self professed austGAYlian
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#16 Posted: 00:31:26 19/07/2014
Quote: darkwolf
This one is from early 2005. Found on the wiki: http://darkspyro-accurate-edit...kspyro_2005.png

[User Posted Image]

If I remember correctly, the early forums were hosted on Invisionfree. ^.^;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#17 Posted: 00:55:31 19/07/2014 | Topic Creator
Quote: HIR
If I remember correctly, the early forums were hosted on Invisionfree. ^.^;

Well, now it's pretty much standalone...
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#18 Posted: 03:35:30 19/07/2014
Quote: LocoGuy107
Quote: HIR
If I remember correctly, the early forums were hosted on Invisionfree. ^.^;

Well, now it's pretty much standalone...

I only say that because I have experience with other, tight-knit forums run through Invisionfree. XP
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
epicLLOYD Yellow Sparx Gems: 1893
#19 Posted: 12:45:58 01/08/2014
Use thewayback machine
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#20 Posted: 18:44:53 06/08/2014
Quote: HIR
Quote: LocoGuy107
Quote: HIR
If I remember correctly, the early forums were hosted on Invisionfree. ^.^;

Well, now it's pretty much standalone...

I only say that because I have experience with other, tight-knit forums run through Invisionfree. XP

Yeah, me too >.<
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#21 Posted: 11:26:57 21/08/2014
Quote: dark52
This tiny screenshot probably won't help much:
[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
nice computer dark
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